I Am a Hero
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I Am a Hero

Alternative Titles

Japanese: アイアムアヒーロー
English: I Am a Hero
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 22
Chapters: 264
Status: Finished
Published: Apr 20, 2009 to Feb 27, 2017
Genres: Award Winning Award Winning, Drama Drama, Horror Horror
Themes: Gore Gore, Psychological Psychological
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: Big Comic Spirits
Authors: Hanazawa, Kengo (Story & Art)


Score: 7.651 (scored by 3352433,524 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #20522
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #133
Members: 110,094
Favorites: 2,492

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A world under threat by a zombie menace, it is easy to get carried away with reading in horror and awe as our protagonists find themselves in a prison during the zombie apocalypse, with the world already in ruins the sheer action and suspense provides a fast paced view on how the zombie apocalypse could have occurred in a prison, with elements such as power struggles and slow response times similar to what is seen in I Am a Hero, as well as the constant struggle of whether or not to kill those zombies that may still have a hope of living! 
reportRecommended by potaisbest441
Both series follow characters in the midst of a zombie outbreak. 
reportRecommended by radiantfire
Both Mangas are very dark, mature, bloody, violent, horrific, and all things that make a good seinen. They both have the premise of fighting to survive, aliens and Zombies with the latter. They also are similar in that later in their stories they things become extremely grandiose in scale and that affects humanity on an existential level. Though they both possess a similar tone, they differ greatly in approach with characterization . As Gantz is more of the cliche cool/bad ass guy that kills everything with his friends, while I am a Hero follows a guy the opposite, being delusional, socially awkward and a bit  read more 
reportRecommended by reluctantbeeswax
Characters in both of these titles are subjected to a dramatic shift in their environment that pushes them towards an almost primitive existence. Survival is key in both of these titles. 
reportRecommended by radiantfire
Sort of difficult to explain the correlation between these but I feel that the atmosphere and some of the story telling aspects are mirrors of one another  
reportRecommended by reluctantbeeswax
Both are about zombies and the main characters trying to survive. The art is both good but I am a Hero is more realistic and the mc is ugly because he's a 35 year old nerd (sorry had to say that) In Mouryou no Yurikago the mc looks more cool because he's a high school student. The stories are both good however, I really recommend them to zombie lovers. 
reportRecommended by zcigaara
Both mangas are placed in a apocalyptic Japan where the main characters have to survive with other who are left fend for themselves. I am a hero differs mainly from taking true psychological turn on how to tell it's story while Dragon head is more or less cliche inferior form of the genre.  
reportRecommended by reluctantbeeswax
unbalanced MC, psycologicaly exhausted, story goes deeper and deeper until you get to conclusion. And lastly both are great story which you think what would've been other option. 
reportRecommended by Gorenko
Same author, similar MCs and worlds that keep getting crazier with every new chapter.  
reportRecommended by SteelingMax
Dudes with savior complexes who're actually horrible people. I am a Hero and Jagaaaaaan both follow the story of a morally reprehensible protagonist who find themselves in an apocalypse like setting and are tasked to somewhat "save the world". They're faced by a seemingly unstopable force that starts controling the minds of ordinary citizens and are forced to make alliances to pursue their goal, if you can call it that. Both manga touch on very mature themes and often make use of philosophical concepts as well as ethical dilemmas. They're also very graphic and use gore/body horror as big drivers for their respective plots. They  read more 
reportRecommended by lysanthrope
Survive in the zombie apocalypse or die! Both of the series are gory, bloody and disturbing for some readers. If you're a zombie fan, you must to check out these series! 
reportRecommended by Justamalayboy
If you ever feel like zombies gets a bad rap in I am a Hero, and want to see it from the zombies point of view, the peaceful, then Kyou Kara Zombie is a great read. This will remind you of how zombies are people too, just dead people, who wants to eat your brain.  
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
If you need something to calm your mind with after reading I am a hero, you can relax with the fan serviced ecchi version of zombies. Likewise, if you get bored by Sankarea, you can always spice up your life with a few chapters of TOTAL ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. 
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
If you ever thought the first volume of I am a Hero is the best and it should have continued without the zombies, then just skip over to Downfall/Reiraku as if nothing had happened.  
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
gyo is also an apocalyptic manga, but instead of a virus killing man kind off and turning them into creatures that basically take over the world almost like zombies, its a machine that infects the corpses of all kinds of sea creatures like fish and sharks and basically anything that can fit into the machine virus thing. its worth a read if you have a boring afternoon. 
reportRecommended by AJ
It's another by Kengo Hanazawa and it's very good. Not similar in story, but similar in how good he is with real character building and making a story both real and very enjoyable.  
reportRecommended by Jarzon
When it comes to twisted, epic, realistic, awesome and gruesome seinen mangas there are few that are close to these two. Both of them start crazy and take it to a whole different level. Totally recommended! 
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
In both you will see people having to live in a dystopian world.  
reportRecommended by augustokch
Both involve a deadly virus that infects people with those infected having an urge to bite anyone; but instead of zombies they become vampires. Both also have awkward protagonists that develop under high stress situations. Both manga also have a lot of piss. 
reportRecommended by Espurr404
Both manga are about a spreading Infection that causes lots of people to die. 
reportRecommended by jeanbokai
Both are zombie survival series with a four-eyes protagonist, but 'I am a Hero' being obviously the better one. You can give Zombie darake no Kono Sekai dewa Sex shinai to Ikinokorenai if you want some light hearted zombie gore with lots of ecchi. 
reportRecommended by PirateHasan
Zombies, just one word and it's automatically recognized what it means and in various idioms too, yes, both of these mangas have zombies, one is based on the script for a movie by George Romero master of the zombies and the other is original story, one is a one-shot and the other a serialised comic with more than 200 chapters, but they have zombies, that's enough reason to recommend them. 
reportRecommended by Fabrizio00
Realistic artstyle, gore and later explored sci-fi elements. 
reportRecommended by BigBenlolz
Insane main character dealing with a fistful of personal problems, their annoying friend and hordes of zombies. 
reportRecommended by Revilenigma
Both of these manga have a seemingly indestructible enemy and deal with psychological problems and have lots of people dying... 
reportRecommended by SAMOAK
They have both zombie like creatures.The difference is that Dawn Tsumetai Te has a faster plot and a bit more action then I am Hero but I am Hero s zombies are a lot scaryer. 
reportRecommended by Bl4ckEnvy
Both are horror mangas that focus on horrific images that stay in your mind forever. Uzumaki is more psychological while I am Hero is about zombies. 
reportRecommended by CrashRHCP
An average joe is forced to step up and adapt to his new role saving others while putting his own life on the line fighting for survival. 
reportRecommended by AfterGlow
In both titles a shut-in with aspiring dreams of becoming a hero ventures out into the post-apocalyptic world outside 
reportRecommended by AfterGlow
Very similar in feel in both manga in the sense of the zombie apocalypse. Both manga feel extremely bleak, fighting hard to survive as all of society has crumbled. They differ from School-Live being a moe/light-hearted at times and I am a Hero being a more realistic and bonafide horror/survival manga. 
reportRecommended by reluctantbeeswax
Although it has been a while since i have read I am a Hero, after reading Arigatou I could not help but be suddenly reminded of the manga. Arigatou is by no means similar in plot to I Am a Hero (aka no zombies and what not) however, the way the characters are portrayed throughout the manga is similar, especially Hideo from I Am a Hero and Takako from Arigatou. Even in the midst of chaos and a disturbing scene right before their eyes, their reactions seem almost seem to undermine the severity of the scene and make it seem almost disturbing to read (which  read more 
reportRecommended by MelanoidMeow
Saying that this manga is similar to Tokyo Ghoul is a spoiler enough. Just go read it to find out more. 
reportRecommended by TheAlch3mist
I Am a Hero is a tightly told tale about a zombie apocalypse where the MC never is safe due to this. The latter parts of Berserk have a very similar feeling. If you enjoy different kinds of dead people, and killing dead people, you are in for a treat. 
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
Both manga work the theme zombies. 
reportRecommended by RECRIANDO
Mahou shoujo of the end and I am a Hero both involve Zombies Apocalypse as the main theme. If you looking for more developed story, i recommend I am a Hero for you. But if you looking for an unique Zombie apocalypse,and some fanservice, i think Mahou shoujo of the end fits you. 
reportRecommended by yakoo
Another manga focused on ordinary people (a guy and a girl) trying to survive after a calamitous event which sparks a breakdown in society - in this case a powerful earthquake. Much shorter than I am a Hero. 
reportRecommended by wolffanghameha
When it comes to annihilation and bad stuff, both mangas are close. In I am a hero, the bad stuff is on the outside and the MC tries to keep it all together. In Freesia the bad stuff is just as much on the inside as on the outside and it sets a nihilistic tone through out the whole series. Both are must-reads in my book. 
reportRecommended by txrxgxu