I didn't really like this. This is not a manga for people like me, who value meaning, ambition, purpose, ya get it. However, even I can recognize that this manga is amazing. It is the scariest manga that I've ever read, it beats out the "disturbing" scary of Junjo Ito, the "gory" scary of your stereotypical apocalypse survival horror manga, and the "existential crisis" scary of psychological horror, it comes close to jumpscare shock. Why?
Because everything is so goddam pointless. I believe "I Am a Hero" is actually one of the most realistic tellings of an survival horror story. The realism is precisely what gets
Alternative TitlesJapanese: アイアムアヒーロー More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 22
Chapters: 264
Status: Finished
Published: Apr 20, 2009 to Feb 27, 2017
Big Comic Spirits Authors:
Hanazawa, Kengo (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #20572 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #133
Members: 110,086
Favorites: 2,492 Available AtResources | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Dec 28, 2013
There's a reason why the summary is so vague. And how it explicitly does not state it's a manga about zombies; what makes this manga exceptionally creepy is how it portrays a zombie outbreak. There's no big TV announcement that goes "MAN-EATING ZOMBIES ON THE LOOSE STAY HOME AND LOCK ALL YOUR DOORS" by some frantic news reporter. There are just little hints here and there, and in the beginning it wouldn't even cross your mind this is gonna be a manga about zombies. The true horror starts when this realisation suddenly hits you.
But oh well, since everybody is just dropping the zombie bomb in ... May 27, 2017
I'm gonna let this would-be masterpiece pop my first review cherry.
TL;DR: Imagine yourself chewing a fresh piece of gum. First couple of chews were all hard and boring. But as its flavour starts to release, it motivates you to want more. This continues to build up and up. Until when you've finally chewed and moisturised it enough to have that pleasant squishy feel with its flavour at its prime. Absolute Bliss. But wait. Right now, you are getting told to stop and spit it out. A mix of disappointment, dissatisfaction and perhaps anger, right? That's my experience with I Am a Hero. Dissatisfaction and disappointment ... Jan 13, 2011
I was avoiding this manga because the summary looked stupid and really boring but I was wrong !!
Its a great horror manga , and a great zombie manga.Some people tell me its like HOTD but its wrong the manga is kind of slow but with that its more realistic.Don t give up the manga just because the zombies ( well i think they are zombies ) aren t appearing in the first chapters. Story 8 I give the manga a 8 for the story its slow but pretty interesting and the author first explains the life of the main character before the monsters get in.There are only ... Dec 14, 2021
I've been reading manga for more than 15 years now and never write reviews, even for absolutely terrible or fantastic manga. I'm making an exception here due to how long this manga is, and how great it is throughout 90% of it, but also how the ending impacted the story and overall quality.
This is less of a review and more of a warning to any would-be reader. The ending is objectively bad--it's not bad in a 'oh it's up in the air how a person interprets it kind of bad'-- it's bad in a man who calls his wife by his ex's name ... Apr 29, 2012
I Am a Hero is not your average zombie manga - it's best compared to other horror zombie books/movies that have become so popular recently.
I am a Hero focuses on your everyday character, no one special, as is common with most zombie stories. A zombie outbreak occurs in Japan, and he tries his best to survive. What sets this apart from regular zombie manga is that: 1. This manga manages to terrify you even though it's still (it scared me more than some zombie movies) and 2. The emotions that the artist conveys are great. The artist draws the zombies in a very gory fashion - if you don't ... Dec 15, 2021
I Am a Hero
The subject around "zombies/undead" has always fascinated me, no matter how simple the idea behind it is and how bad the movies became in the end. I was always enthusiastic about them. Here I ventured to the second manga in this genre area and was impressed as well as disappointed. My expectations were ultimately exceeded, the manga has been better than I expected. This manga not only offers a very realistic drawing style, representation but also an atmosphere like you can find in "Walking Dead". Add to that probably the best zombie concept I have ever seen. Instead of simply putting ... Sep 29, 2013
I'm not zombie/horror connoisseur by any means nowadays because it tends to be all the same, where there is a break out of a virus and every one fights to survival. But I Am a Hero is different. It takes a 180 approach to the zombie genre and turns in up on it's head. Not to be specific, when the outbreak begins, the reaction of from Japan is much more realistic, not your atypical Marshall law panic as seen in many movies, but a more subtle and unusual response to the sudden pandemic.
The main character stars, Hideo suzuki, a socially awkward and average unfulfilled mangaka ... Apr 10, 2018
It was a really nice ride, one of those where you can't stop reading and wish it went on and on, but the ending was probably one of the worst endings I've ever read.
Great portrayal of how everyday people would react to such a disaster as a zombie outbreak took place and the realism in how it would be handled was a 10/10 for me. Great plot points and creative thinking that had you on edge while swallowing chapters, that unfortunately, were not explained or developed further. The characters were really nice and you grew to like them and sympathize with them. Overall a great manga with ... Apr 9, 2011
Note: I included one spoiler, because it actually relates to one of my points in the review. I gave a fair warning, so don't complain if you spoil things for yourself! You've been warned! ;)
Currently at the time of this review, I've read 34 chapters of I am a Hero (only 35 -I believe- are currently released), so this is more of a review of the first "segment", if you will, rather than the entire series. Story - 7 (good) In a nutshell: We have our quirky, 35-year old, perhaps mentally unstable?, main character, Hideo trying to survive a zombie outbreak. It's as simple as that! I ... Apr 26, 2012
I love a good post-apocalyptic manga... I've read the 8 volumes released so far and the mangaka is doing great capitalizing on all the potential of the story. It's a thrilling read so far.
Hideo, a manga illustrator struggling with his job and maintaining a relationship with his girlfriend, finds himself trying to stay alive in world where a virus is spreading like rapidfire and people are rabid and biting each other. A lot of the scenes were actually incredibly disturbing like the scene where all the manga illustrators go crazy. Not to mention, Hideo isn't all right in the head ... Mar 20, 2016
I have given up on I Am a Hero.
I have given it three tries with this latest attempt having me forced myself through 50 chapters – 10x more than I typically give to any manga. There are a number of reasons why, but it boils down to an inability to connect with the characters and an incoherent story. In regards to characters: The MC – Suzuki Hideo – is an aspiring mangaka, but his behavior and manner of speech make him seem more like an oversized manchild. He spends his time talking to a series of hallucinations he conjures in his mind which appears whenever he ... Aug 7, 2015
This review will be based upon the the first 191 chapters and might change according to how the story turns out.
Story: The story is the typical zombie apocalypse story but compared to other manga or movies it starts some days before the apocalypse. It follows the life of a mangaka during his daily routine. Its a boring normal life but seeing it through the eyes of Suzuki Hideo will make it interesting and fun. It will keep you focused even if its not what you started the manga for. After some chapters the apocalypse breaks out and you follow this character to his journey for ... Nov 25, 2012
although the pace is often criticised in I Am A Hero, especially in the first and second volume, i feel like was a valuable section to build the characters personality. the build up was very necessary. the main character is likeable yet very uncool.
The zombies i feel are the best zombies i have 'encountered'. being able to move at a range of paces and have slight personalities carried on from the moment of their death. This makes them that much scarier than ordinary zombies. the best thing about this manga is the art style- the drawing is immense, the faces are not drawn exactly like a ... Feb 14, 2017
I've started reading this series because photorealism mixed with surrealistic themes was intriguing and it all started at the pinnacle of zombie apocalypse love which was around 2009.
So the core story is pretty basic, an unlikely hero survives first days of zombie apocalypse outbreak in Tokyo and travels around deciding what to do next. On his path Hideo Suzuki uses his shotgun to kill some walking dead and while fighting his inner demons, pushes onwards as the survival instinct kicks in. Been reading it since day one. Since the beginning it seemed interesting but along the, sometimes, tediously slow pacing, odd action shifting from one city ... Oct 28, 2012
I am a hero is, at first glance, pretty mediocre. In the first few chapters, we get to know mediocre characters, who lead mediocre lives, have mediocre problems. Our "hero" is an (almost) average guy with some mental problems, and anyone can easily see that he is not a hero. He isn't even supposed to be a main character. Main characters are dependable, good-willed and most of all, they have determination. This may not be the case for every genre, but in the end, we all want our main characters to be role models, right?
Back to our hero. After he and his mediocre girlfriend get ... Sep 6, 2016
Alright. This is my favourite manga of all time so far closely beating out Molester Man. So it starts off with this Mangaka, Hideo who has his own delusions and hallucinations and problems with his GF. For the starting first 10 chapters i would say? It goes very slowly while fleshing out Hideo and his problems and TBH i enjoyed it a lot because it felt real to me but i can see why a lot of people dropped the manga before it got to the juicy part. Hideo then thinks all the zombie problems are part of his delusions so he keeps trying to
Jan 20, 2025
I just finished reading the "I Am a Hero" manga omnibuses, and it was quite the journey! It took me a while to collect all the volumes since the series is out of print, making it a bit of a challenge to find them. However, I can confidently say that "I Am a Hero" has become one of my favorite mangas.
The story follows Hideo Suzuki, a man grappling with schizophrenia as he navigates life in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. It's a fascinating and unique perspective that adds depth to the narrative. To those who criticize the ending, I respectfully disagree. I found ... Dec 15, 2020
*NO Spoilers Review"
tl;dr: This is the BEST zombie manga ever written so if you enjoy the zombie subgenre I would recommend this. However, the manga has 3-4 problems with it that prevent it from being amazing. So it may be the best zombie manga, but in general it is a good (not superb) manga. If you are a fan of The Walking Dead and Tokyo Ghoul I would recommend this manga. It starts off as a traditional Hollywood zombie movie, but about half-way becomes very animesque. The Good: The manga follows traditional zombie tropes, which for zombie movie lovers is great. Happily it also ... Apr 21, 2021
TL;DR: The first three quarters of the manga are overall very good with some exception with the last quarter setting up something that never pays off, leaving the manga feeling unfinished and hollow. Simultaneously I Am a Hero has character quirks that left me feeling off and a serious problem at developing relationships.
Story: 3 I'm not going to sugar coat it, the plot of this manga seems unfinished, there are several chapters dedicated to setting up a seemingly overarching purpose for the zombies but by the end it's simply thrown away and nothing is explained. I'm not going to spoil anything but just know you're in ... |