You're capping if you're saying it's anywhere near 7.
It was not bad, but not good either. Fight scenes were beyond my understanding. They were just pieces of abstract art. Many times the art looked wonky. And overall, the ending left a sour taste in my mouth. Only redeeming quality this manga had was Grimm and her EXTRA THICC thighs. Nothing else. Not even the muscle hothead girl was good enough for me. I don't have anything else to say. It was just boring for me to read through week to week.
Well, at least it was better than Phantom Seer.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Yadokari no Kuni, The Land of Hermit Crabs, Myakunashi, No Hope, No Pulse Japanese: レッドフード More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 23
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 28, 2021 to Nov 8, 2021
Shounen Jump (Weekly) Authors:
Kawaguchi, Yuuki (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #178232 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #997
Members: 20,060
Favorites: 120 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 20 / 23
Your Feelings Categories Nov 7, 2021
This series having "potential" is already a meme, but it really is the truth, it had potential, it is really hard to screw up a tale as old as time as the tale of The red Riding Hood, but the author somehow did it.
Retellings of classics isn't something new, it is usually done either by people who are new into storytelling or people who are so used to it they want to retell a story they loved for a long time, Kawaguchi seems like a mix of both while his love for the grimm fairy tales is obvious, so are his rookie mistakes, the ... Jun 27, 2021
I see a lot of potential with this one...
First off, apparently, the author worked as an assistant for Kohei Horikoshi's My hero academia and we can tell. Its art is expressive and gorgeous. The first chapter has similar plot points from My hero academia, but that's a given, because a lot of stories have the same plot, so it's not ripping it off. What I like from first glance is its setting, a twisted take on the classic tale of " The little red riding hood" where not only werewolves exist, but witches, vampires, dragons and other monsters also exist in this world. Speaking of, ... Nov 10, 2021
The Hunters Guild: Red Hood is a haphazardly written, agonizing lesson in why people shouldn’t call a manga “the next Demon Slayer” a week after it begins serialization. I understand fans were getting tired of waiting for another massive franchise to get invested in, but the public consensus was made too quickly and far too many people set themselves up for disappointment. The week-by-week read became agonizing within three chapters and it became apparent that former My Hero Academia assistant Yuuki Kawaguchi cannot structure a story or write compelling characters to save his life. You’d think it would be impossible to fuck up such a
Jul 2, 2021
"Listen bro, there is this "Little Red Riding Hood" looking manga where the protagonist is not a crybaby, but independent and mature ass protagonist that wants to become a monster hunter."
If what you just read wasn't enough to convince you then I'm not done. Story: 8 By the first chapter the MC is looking pretty good as character design and "development" so far. He starts like shaky ass dude 'til he becomes freaking Billy the kid with his gun and Kratos with his AXE! (maybe I overexaggerated a bit). Anyway, the story is looking surprisingly interesting and if it keeps getting the same treatment like this ... Nov 14, 2021
This is a very simple review. First ever too. I don't do this often or enough.
This is just a thank you to the author for his work. He strived for a lot and his art showed how much he wanted this to work out. The story could've been better and so could the characters. But oh well. With the time i had with it and it's cast of HIGHLY MUSCULAR FEMALES 😩 ;; i enjoyed my time. So goodbye Sensei. Till your next work. I shall be waiting patiently to see you achieve greatness. And general reasons to read this manga for the short ... Jun 27, 2021
As of the first chapter, it's nothing outstanding. Fairly generic plot with some good art thrown in. Wouldn't be too surprised if the series falls a bit flat and gets cut short, but it has room to grow and I'm curious to see where the author takes the series.
First things first the art is really good. While I can't say for certain how this author will handle fights going forward in terms of them being readable, what we have was really nice to look at and relatively easy to follow. The setting has this kind of victorian-esque influence with the biggest comparison obviously being ... Aug 23, 2021
The Hunters Guild: Red Hood by Yuki Kawaguchi serialised in Weekly Shonen Jump is a story brimming with potential as it tackles and excellently incorporates various folk lore in a beautiful Shonen fashion.
Right now the pacing of the manga is perfect, characters are being introduced and developed at a steady and enjoyable rate as well as each chapter being packed with lore and world building. Each chapter your left immersed in the beauty of the world created by Kawaguchi brought to life by his distinct yet familiar art style from his days as an assistant to Kohei Hirokoshi for My Hero Academia. I've been reading since ... Sep 24, 2021
First off, I will start with tl;dr
This review is based on first eleven chapters, but i can tell that this manga has great potential. Why? Art is very good, as well as depicted world. Characters aren't bland, but I think author won't leave them as they are now. Y'know, the whole character development shit. Even if this was short ride for now, I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to new chapters every week. Now, for the ones who like to read. Starting with the story, As for now it's very ordinary, but enjoyable. Worldbuilding in this manga can be great in the future, because author has created ... Jan 17, 2022
“Werewolves are the same as humans. They must eat, or they will starve and die. There’s nothing “good” or “evil” about it.”
- Grimm, Chapter 1 Red Hood is an interesting case of a manga that had a strong core idea but quickly lost sight of what it was trying to say. This led to an unfocused and chaotic series that ended up privileging style over story and suffering for it. If it had a more developed concept then it could have gone far but, unfortunately, it fell at the first hurdle. The plot of Red Hood is easily its weakest and its most under-utilised element. Its ... Dec 5, 2021
Man, what the fuck did I just read. This was all over the place in terms of quality. Lets start with the art: the first chapter looked great. I loved the design of the werewolves and of course was a fan of thick ass Grimm. And then the next chapter happened. Holy hell, the author could NOT handle the rigor of a weekly chapter schedule. I mean, I can't blame them, I don't know how any WSJ mangaka does it, but the immediate drop in art quality was the most noticeable I've ever seen. The final few chapters had almost no backgrounds, like they just ... Aug 29, 2021 This manga World/Background's art is similar to One Piece's and think maybe the creator have idea that every segment and what is on the paper is not random like is in One Piece. The Manga have the ,,MHA'' faces construction maybe because the author work as assistant for Kohei Horikoshi's ,,My hero academia's" creator Its definitely interesting and fun. I think the best about that manga are the main characters, because it get quite interesting whit them. If the quality of the art get better , manga will climb in the ranking. It get some ,,Hunter x Hunter'' vibe from ,,7 chapter'' but ... Nov 4, 2021
Hunter's Guild: Red Hood was a serialization by Yuki Kawaguchi, a former assistant of Horikoshi. You can see this from the character's faces and bombastic action panels imo. RH is about MC Velou and thicc muscle lady Grimm going around and killing monsters (with the first arc focusing on Werewolves).
RH failed to establish the 3 G's of Jump early enough G - uy: Who is our MC, what's their backstory, what's their personality like, can the audience root for/attach themselves to the mc G - oal: What's the point of the story? What actually drives our MC and does it have potential to keep the story ... Sep 6, 2021
I don't normally write reviews this early, but seeing so many positive comments about this series makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills. This series (so far) is not good, and many of the things people are saying in these reviews are objectively wrong, so while this already sounds like a condescending review written out by a angry loser (which is an accurate assessment of myself), I feel like I have to make this, because the other commenters aren't being truthful.
TLDR: This series feels like something you've read before, but with worse art (characters not even being proportioned properly throughout a chapter), a ... May 5, 2022
Character design A1. The mangaka definitely has a thing for strong, thicc women. Can't complain. Some of the monster designs are unique, have a real old-timey eldritch horror vibe.
Story was promising at first, but felt like it lost it's direction and went really off-kilter by the end. I suppose that is par for the course for a to-be-axed manga. Just a shame to get our feet wet and then have your excitement cut short. Would love to see this author take a crack at another series, perhaps after some serious pre-planning, world-building, and structured story pacing. Overall, if you want to enjoy some art and feel a ... Jun 5, 2024
Hunter's Guild: Red Hood is inspired fairy tales, but takes them in a far darker and gruesome direction from the very first chapter. The problem with Red Hood from there isn't that it was boring or bad, it's got more to do with the meat it left on the bone. This manga is dripping with unrealized potential, sporting a familiar art style that felt both fantastical and horrific. It doesn't wow with any storytelling, and that's probably where most of its problems lie.
The good is that, again, the art style is great, and often bordering on amazing. The world is rich in detail, and makes ... Jan 25, 2025
Potential. A very loaded word, if you think about it. Who determines what does and doesn’t have the -potential- to be something great? While few things achieve everything they set out to, I don’t think it’s an unfair perspective to say that the seed of greatness can be found within most pieces of art. Whether it’s a beautiful, life-changing painting, the Great American Novel™, a corporate-garbage TV program, or pulp comics printed in newspaper-quality magazines. Everything has the potential to be something to someone, right?
It SHOULD be this way, but life is not always so fair. So what about when that potential is cut ... Mar 13, 2025
Red Hood is a manga that is essentially one giant mixed bag. Conceptually, it's not the most insanely unique idea out there, but that's okay if the presentation is good. And the presentation, aesthetically, is pretty good! Some of the character designs are quite standout and it's not hard to see why people would attach on to them immediately with a visually distinct style. The monsters are repulsive with a slightly cartoony/goofy flare to them, which suits them being based on fairy tales, and the overall setting feels drawn in a way to invoke typical fairy tale settings and bring things further together.
However, beyond aesthetics, ... Sep 24, 2021
It can happen sometimes that a one gets way excited while reading a certain story to the point where the action of not noticing a lot of the flaws within the story occurs unknowingly, yet all it takes is some minutes to calm down and analyze what they've been reading.
Red Hood is a manga that caught my attention solely for it's using of an old tale as it's name which according to my experience may indicate that the story itself have some of these fantastical elements that do not exist in other stories, and sure it does. For this review we are going to split things ... Dec 31, 2021
Little Red Riding Hood, a fairy tale as old as time, one that every kid knows in and out. And that’s just one of many stories within the ever famous Grimms’ Fairy Tales, also containing famous narratives like Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, and Cinderella among many others. Remixing these tales into a new kind of story is certainly not a brand new idea; movies like Disney’s famous adaptations of some tales or Hoodwinked certainly show that. However, these adaptations are most often just that; adapting the source material in often more child friendly or optimistic ways, or else using them as parody for another kind