I feel that gender identity in anime is very misconstrued. Most of the time, trans women or men who wears masculine clothes either do not have their gender identity truly addressed, or are just called "traps" or other unsavory words. I thought this manga did a beautiful job of showing the struggle of finding your gender identity and sexuality.
One of my favorite parts of this manga is that, even at the end, we don't truly know Arima's gender identity and neither does he (I am using he/him pronouns because that is what is used in the manga), and that is totally fine! Although he is
Alternative TitlesJapanese: ボーイミーツマリア More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 7
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 28, 2017 to Aug 28, 2018
Canna Authors:
Eguchi, Kousei (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #3602 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #696
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Filtered Results: 18 / 23
Your Feelings Categories Dec 4, 2020
When I found this manga first time, I didn't know what expectations I had but, I have to say that it made me feel very strong emotions, to the point of almost reaching tears.
I did not feel that way with any comic since I finished reading Ao No flag, It is not only the art that is magnificent but also the characters are charismatic and you want to see them overcome their difficulties, you want to see them reach a point where they can finally overcome that obstacle that prevents them from feeling complete, from feeling human. **I will leave as a warning that this work ... Jun 28, 2023
The manga treats gender is really interesting it sees it not as a fix trait but as a blurry and confusing aspect of one’s self. It doesn’t jump immediately to labels, and prefers to explore different aspects of gender. Disregarding the origins of the gender questioning (Which I find unnecessarily complicated, questionable but understandable) the way the person in question views his (Pronouns used to refer to him in the book) gender is surprisingly relatable. The best part of the book besides the romance (which is really cute) is the fact that the person never finishes by labeling him self and that every body accepts
Dec 14, 2020
Woweeee. “Boy Meets Maria” is a tactile and active experience. The art has this kinetically powered crunch to it – it’s radiant and coveys so much motion. While the story deals in dark themes, it somehow manages to keep itself feeling light and pure. A problem I have found with other manga with drama as a central premise is that they tend to go “black hole”: all characters are birthed from tragedy. I was somewhat worried at the beginning of the story when the black haired MC’s superficiality was explained via his less than stellar parental relationship. It felt unnecessary at the time, primarily because
Dec 31, 2021
(Here be spoilers)
Boy Meets Maria Who Is Actually a Dude Who Is Actually a Girl Who Is Actually a Dude This is actually fine read, contrary to my expectations and initial impression. If there’s anything this manga excels at, it’s certainly going beyond the expectations if its genres. So, what were my expectations? At very first, I assumed this would be just another overrated generic BL story, just this time with some cross-dressing gimmick. This turned out to be incorrect, which is good. Then, the first few chapter made it clear that this is one of those manga that while being categorized as BL are actually ... Dec 28, 2020
Wow it's really a very dark BL story guys. The main characters Arima and Taiga had pretty decent character developments. Basically the story goes is that Taiga is literally a happy go lucky teenager, who just was influenced by superheroes from a very young age and he badly wants to do acting because of this. He also lives with his dad (a hero too). He then meets Arima who did a stunning performance since he's part of the drama club at the school, Taiga surprisingly confesses and ... Jun 3, 2022
(TLDR at the bottom)
This story is kinda ironic. In a world where drama and acting are supposed to feel intense and real, it is hard to even appreciate this story for that reason, because that drama present here isn't particularly good in my honest opinion. The synopsis is there for you to understand the beginning, so I won't go over that too much other than the title also does a good job at summarising the beginning. You'd think it is a light novel-esque bait title, but respect for this title being actually coherent to the story and short to read, but that's beside the point. What ... Jan 7, 2021
(I'm sorry for all the mistakes, english is not my native language)
First of all, I fell in love in this manga. It was absolutely incredible and emotional. It has started from a regular slice of life/romance story and then it started to be unexpectedly serious, and it represented something more at the end, there was a lot of gender questioning, which is pretty rare and distinguished among other manga. The characters, even though I didn't ever have such experiences they had, seem to be really relatable, I could feel their pain, their sadness, also happiness, all their feelings through the manga, and I loved ... Apr 30, 2021
(I apoligize if my grammar is bad, english is not my first language) This is the manga that while reading ive cried the most, it is truly amazing how this manga blossoms into something so out of control to a calm and deserved ending. The way that I began reading this knowing nothing and just laughing of the embarrassment I would get from taiga's interactions to sobbing at them just some few chapters later is what really made this book not just a story line but an expierence. Would reccomend if you want to cry a lot because of how beautifully tragic this story
May 30, 2023
This story is so beautiful it had me in tears. The author depicted childhood trauma, gender, and sexuality the best way I've seen in a manga so far. The story and characters don't fetishize gay relationships or trans/questioning. I read the book start to finish, it's captivating and sucks you right into the characters. It showed genuine character growth in only 6-6.5 chapters, and it wasn't forced. The art is beautiful and the story/characters are easy to understand but still complex. This story will have you cringing, sobbing, laughing, and squealing. I definitely recommend this book 10/10, it is my new favorite.
Nov 8, 2021
This manga was extremely disappointing.
The synopsis on the back cover reads, “[this tale explores] the nature of personal expression and the fluidity of the power of love.” And what a surface-level exploration it is. The first half of Boy Meets Maria is rather trite. The narrative in this section revolves mainly around Taiga, which is its biggest problem. He just isn’t compelling in the slightest because he doesn’t feel like a real person. He’s overconfident to an irritating degree and shows very little depth beyond that. The story attempts to explain his shallowness as a trauma response, but it just isn’t believable. The explanation is ... Apr 1, 2023
TRIGGER WARNING: s*xual assault and p*dophilia!
Please be careful if these are topics that trigger you in any way! Right off the bat, the art is gorgeous. Both on the cover and on the pages. I don't think I've seen a manga with more beautiful art. You could honestly ignore the story and just stare at the pictures. But I wouldn't recommend it, as the story is also very enjoyable to read. It surrounds a student actor with gender issues due to the way he was raised (think Nagisa from Assassination Classroom), who typically presents as female on stage but male in the classroom, and a the male ... Apr 11, 2022
I mainly picked it up because of the gender identity and exploration of it but wow... this really hit hard. This story deals with dark themes, and it doesn't shy away so be very warned, because... eesh. Now, I can't vouch for the trans representation and I would rather have someone who is trans or had a gender identity crisis to assist me in seeing if this is somewhat accurate or not. But what Arima goes through is absolutely heartbreaking, and seeing it unfold does feel believable, especially when being in a situation like that as a child and what happened to him. Still, I
Jun 27, 2022
Wanted to start off saying the art is outstanding and consistent, great visual storytelling and made me laugh in some brilliantly composed panels
The theme is something that is rare to be depicted in Japanese media that doesn't have teenage girls as their target audience, and a great portrayal of it at that But it really felt like much of the story was crammed in because of the low number of chapters to fit it in, if we had more than 1-2 volumes I'm pretty sure it would be a 10 from me Sometimes the writing is sloppy and much of the dialogue is unrealistic and trope-ish (at ... Jul 23, 2022
Essa resenha será escrita em inglês e português [PT-BR]
This review will be written in English and Portuguese [PT-BR]. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ **Essa resenha pode conter spoilers** Boy meets Maria e a dura jornada de descobrir quem realmente somos Boy Meets Maria é simples e direto ao ponto, o autor usa do “Minimalismo narrativo” para eliminar tudo aquilo que não é essencial para contar sua história e para transmitir os sentimentos que precisam ser sentidos. Isso tem seus pontos positivos e negativos, mas fato é que Boy Meets Maria consegue abordar temas relevantes, que muitas vezes são abordados de uma maneira banal, mas aqui, isso é feito de uma maneira delicada e ... Dec 19, 2022
!! Spoiler free !!
TW FOR MENTION OF R@PE AND SA!!!! I initially hadn’t heard much at all about this manga before I read it. I had heard it was a good LGBTQ+ manga, and I’m a sucker for queer manga, as a queer person. I picked it up at a comic store because I simply recognized it. I genuinely didn’t think I would love this manga as much as I really did. As I stated before, I’m a queer person (genderqueer and aroace, he/him & other pronouns), so I usually love to read queer manga, especially with trans characters, such is the case with Boy Meets Maria. Yuu ... Feb 26, 2025
“I want the things you have. I want to be like you. I just.. I keep remembering the fear I felt back then. I don't want to think that I was born the wrong gender or that I'm not worth anything.” - Boy meets Maria
SPOILER FREE REVIEW!! Expectations- 8/10 I was honestly scared of how they'd pull off this story, since, from what I've heard, had some complicated topics. Start- 9/10 Begins pretty quickly, and it was pretty funny. ... May 12, 2022
°English Version°
PEYO's Boy Meets Maria is a beautiful, beautiful manga, full of pain and full of hard moments that are framed by a great search for identity by the two protagonists. A story that is told in an excellent way in 6 chapters. A real gem. The story is perfect because it marks Taiga's quest to be someone else's "hero" from the start. And that someone else is Maria. Everything that unfolds through this way of seeing is constructed as a true story of heroes, saving someone else. Another strong point is how the theater or the performance itself is used to express Maria's feelings. The heartbreaking and sad ... |