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Alternative Titles

Japanese: アクメツ


Type: Manga
Volumes: 18
Chapters: 162
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 2002 to Apr 6, 2006
Genres: Action Action, Drama Drama, Suspense Suspense
Themes: Detective Detective, Psychological Psychological
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Authors: Tabata, Yoshiaki (Story), Yugo, Yuuki (Art)


Score: 8.111 (scored by 2377623,776 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #5732
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #239
Members: 69,670
Favorites: 1,924



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Preliminary Spoiler
Dec 12, 2009
To me. Akumetsu is everything Death Note should have been (in terms of Death Note's story). I hope I haven't angered anyone by saying that. I consider Akumetsu's story-telling to be wonderful.

The entire philosophy of "What is good? What is evil?" is something that alot of series integrate into their plot.

And so Akumetsu might seem to follow that, it takes a contemporary approach. Featuring science-fiction as opposed to magic.

Story: The details keeps you intrigued. They can be essentially divided into three parts that are all developed as the story progresses.
1. Akumetsu actions and political background of Japan
2. The people trying to understand Akumetsu and/or stop ...
Oct 29, 2014
I started off really liking this manga and as it progressed, it became a little stagnant. It can become a little boring towards the middle as some of the mini-stories can be repetitive. But, I always feel the ending can either make or break something and in this case, it DEFINITELY made the manga.. Those who have not stuck to the end don't deserve to rate the manga. The final chapters leading up to the end were so dramatic and tense. Although the end was rather abrupt, I felt it was satisfactory as a conclusion that left little loose strings and was impactful. That being ...
Sep 3, 2008
Preliminary (51/162 chp)
Story[7/10] I was quite surprised by Akumetsu. The story is pretty standard. A masked man hopes to improve the lives of his countrymen by killing those that he claims are evil. Sort of a Death Note meets V for Vendetta, right? However, once you start reading you realize that this comic has the style and blood gushing violence to pull it off.

Art[9/10]The art very well done, and no matter what weird outfit Akumetsu decides to show up in it's gonna look bad-ass.

Character[10/10] Shou/Akumetsu's nonchalant and intentionally humorous approach to killing people makes him an enjoyable character who you soon realize is quite devoted ...
Mar 29, 2014
Right off the bat I will say this manga is extremely similar to two others of note, number 1 Death Note and number 2 Sanctuary. Akumetsu is at its core, a vigilante story starring the protagonist Shou, and his somewhat superhuman exploits. Shou wants to change Japan for the better, and does this with a series of assassinations against politicians and the like who he deems within reasonable thought that they are corrupt, but outside the normal law. Sounds in theory similar to Death Note in the assassination aspect, and Sanctuary in the reform part, but in my opinion Akumetsu is better than both. To ...
Dec 1, 2012
This is a very heart warming series. I started reading it and I never stopped until I finished the story in two days even if it cost me my mental ability of concentration. As I finished it I have not shed a single tear but my heart cries out loud for Akumetsu!

This series is not recommended for people that are unaware of the world and who do not understand deep meanings behind stories. This story is the best sci-fi story I've read so far...

Now this series talk about a fictional character that broke the human routine and went after the corrupted power holders ...
Feb 11, 2015
STORY (9/10)

The story revolves around a boy named Hazama Shou who has somehow gained the abilities of a superhuman. He calls himself Akumetsu and wears a black mask to identify himself. He swiftly acts against Japan's corrupt politicians to clean up the evil within Japan's political structure. The manga makes you question what is truly good and what is truly evil. If you had the power of change, how would you go on in using it? The basis of this manga is Japan's political system. While they do explain most of the system and their respective powers, Non-Japanese readers may be overwhelmed or simply interested ...
May 23, 2014
Hidden gems : search for the lost treasures #1: Akumetsu

In the "normal world", people do not know about mangas.

I'm not saying that manga lovers aren't normal : like someone who doesn't know about football find immersing in the world of sport difficult, the world of manga is not a dimension that is accessible for anyone. Luckily, our capitalist world created mainstream manga : someone who want to start manga will probably begin by reading Naruto, One Piece, Bleach... Or Death Note.

On that note, enter Akumetsu. Akumetsu is a series written by Yoshiaki Tabata and illustrated by Yuki Yugo. You may know the name ...
Jan 29, 2018
Just wow.

The story is quite interesting- similar to Death Note and as realistic as Detective Conan. The story follows a group of "terrorists" destroying evil. In my opinion, really similar to Detective Conan if it was based off of politics instead of mysteries. In the beginning, it really caught my attention yet towards the middle it got repetitive, almost as if it was filler content. However towards the end, everything got wrapped up nicely and, boy, was it exciting. (I even got mad at my computer when it didn't load the next page.) And the ending wasn't cheesy or anything like that, it was probably ...
May 25, 2010
[Story 9/10] At first glance the story seems pretty basic. A character that proclaims himself to be the "savior" because he wipes out what he sees as evil. As the story progresses though you see that the main character actually knows that what he's doing would be considered "evil" and that there are other ways to change the government besides what he's doing, but he wants to change the government himself and his methods are the only way he knows how to do it. That course of action is what takes place through the majority of the manga. Along the way the dynamic parts of ...
Nov 15, 2011
Story: [10/10]
Since I would give Death note (my previous favoriet manga) an 9, I would be akumetsu'd if I wouldn't vote a 10 xD It really looks a lot like Death Note in some ways. It's just a bit more mature since it is going deep into the gouvernment of japan and sometimes it's hard to follow, but you would catch it up sooner or later within the manga. Especially the end is surprising. Even with a mayor plot twist far before the ending (2 volumes), It's still not know what would actually happen in the last few chapters. Akumetsu kept surprising me.

Art: [8/10]
Very ...
Jun 10, 2010
Like Death Note, there is one guy who kills the bad people to make the world a better one.
Though there are many differences. First it's more violent. The main character kills the greedy bank-bosses in a very bloody way. A guy getting striked with an axe or being burried in a street are examples for their "punishment". Shou is has a more "active" way for his plans.
Furthermore not everyone who did bad is to be killed. The ones are bosses of companies, banks or other high-ranked persons, who destroy japan and its economy.
The story keeps tense. You want to find out how Shou ...
Feb 6, 2011
A rather heavy-handed yet startlingly accurate depiction of Japan's current political climate made for wonderful backstory to this Manga, as it's surprisingly likable antihero Shou "Akumetsu" resolves to take-on the system and eliminate corruption, one crooked politician at a time.

Any comparisons between this and DeathNote are completely irrelevant as this masterpiece is in a league of it's own.
Oct 23, 2021
Because of its reputation and the different reviews I had received of the manga, I had a strong apprehension around Akumetsu. By the different elements, the scenario of Yuuki Yugo and the drawing of Yoshiaki Tabata had everything to please me. Unfortunately, everything didn't go as planned.

Akumetsu is a manga which is essentially about politics. It presents us a Japanese society corrupted by a greedy government and little concerned about the common good. A bit like in all the mangas that want to carry a strong message around these topics. In response to this political problem the authors will develop for 18 volumes the amazing ...
Jan 4, 2022
Preliminary (43/162 chp)
lazy, boring uninspired piece of work. this comic has very little, if any, redeeming qualities. it is a literal waste of time. it just isn't good. hell, it's not even mediocre. it's just downright terrible.

the basic plot, while utterly uninteresting, is not much of a crime. a vigilante that seeks to stamp out scheming, corrupt politicians is a story that's been done a million times and will probably continue to be done for the rest of the time. the only problem with it here is that it seems to be done so poorly. almost everything is illogical and incoherent and while there are events happening, ...
Aug 5, 2013
This manga has a nice tone to it and will (propably to me it did) hit a special spot for anyone who has watched V for Vendetta and took it more of an political movie rather than a action movie. But even if you did take VfV like that its still a good read.
Feb 8, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Warning this review may contain spoilers.

First impressions, the concept for a series about a terrorist doing shit for reasons seemed interesting enough and I wanted to see what they do with it.

Story, 6/10

In Japan where the economy is at an all time low and political corruption has reached it's peek.
"One" man will risk life and limb in order to save Japan and destroy the root of this evil by any means necessary.
His name is akumetsu and this is his epic story.
Feb 13, 2025
I believe many of us agree that Akumetsu does not really have the most groundbreaking, deep story we've read. Or the most original protagonist, or even the most unique plot. But to me, this show stood out as one of the only mangas I've read that really screams political discontent.

You can feel the author's rage in each and every chapter. the political unrest was real during that time in japan, but rarely do you see such open critics about the politcal corruption and neglect by the japanese government.

To me, that was a breath of fresh air, and the sole aspect that hooked me ...
Sep 9, 2022
Review Akumetsu without spoilers. 10/10

Akumetsu has easily entered the Top 5 of my favorite animangas, a somewhat complex story that has amazed me from beginning to end with, surely one of the best protagonists in the world of manga, Shou.

Honestly Akumetsu exceeded all expectations I had, when I only read the first 7 volumes and I refused to read it since they stopped releasing it in my country and I wanted to read it in physical form. And I will never regret continuing, something that was a good story, like the first 7 volumes, turned into a literary wonder by finishing it.
I will always recommend ...
Dec 2, 2021
An extremely wild and fun manga. Akumetsu is a shounen reminiscent of Death note in fighting evil through an anti-hero MC, while having the madness of Chainsaw Man in the way he tells his story.

The characters are the weakest part of this manga. Akumetsu ends up getting all the attention leaving the others without any development.
That said, in the final stretch of the story, they end up playing a more participative role in the work. However, still totally erased by the MC.

The MC, Shou, is the biggest charm of this manga. He is very charismatic and the way he does "akumetsus" is always creative.
The ...
Jan 15, 2023
Mixed Feelings

Great a story that is not black and white: good guys use questionable means and bad guys may not be so bad. Alas, some of the bad guys are still just evil whereas the story could have done a better job by showing and exploring the systemic nature of corruption. There's different arcs and some could have been dealt with quicker, that's a lot of volumes for a manga that could have been short and to the point.

ART: 6

Gets the job done.
