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Mar 11, 2018
BAD. This was just mediocre at best. This show presents itself as a mystery thriller that questions the philosophy of killing and whether the end justifies the means (or something like that. The plot was such a jumbled mess that I could hardly decipher anything). But instead of showing the strategies that the characters take to uncover the plot, it instead jumps to scene after scene of BORING EXPOSITION.
I don't give a damn about any of the characters because none of them are given enough scene time to show that they are anything more than devices used to spout a predictable plot. The characters
are so single minded in their train of thought that they feel like cardboard. Despite the grisly deaths and crimes that they have to witness, they appear to be entirely unaffected by it. They're not human but simply caricatures of roles that they're supposed to play. Side characters are definitely just side characters...I don't remember the name of a single person outside of Boris.
The only reason I watched it was because of the art - not that it's anything unique. However, I liked the character designs and I feel like it gave the characters more personality than they actually had. It didn't help that the soundtrack was unmemorable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 12, 2017
Please don't read this if you can't take graphic material. This doujin doesn't even try to conceal that it's straight up hardcore smut. It's NOT meant to have a plot and I think that is fine. No one demands for porn to have amazing plot. That would be ridiculous. With that said, there are some themes which are a bit questionable and off-putting for readers. The characters always adhere by their established personalities, but I personally feel that is alright. This is the author's way of having fun with her characters; there were even moments of humour within scenes from time to time. It might
not be everyone's cup of tea, but that does not draw away from it being great for what it is. The incredibly detailed art leaves nothing to the imagination. I think this manga sets out to be a boundary pushing graphic yaoi and it definitely achieves that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 31, 2015
I rarely enjoy anime movies as it usually seems far too disconnected and poorly written from the main story. This was an exception. The fight scenes were interesting and well choreographed. This is nakama power done right! Additionally, the characters continued to keep their entertaining personas - which is way more than some other anime movies can say. The art is a step above the usual Gintama style, and a number of scenes were quite detailed and well drawn. The movie was also able to successfully transition between depressing moments almost instantaneously to comedic tones. That is truly quite an achievement many shows (not just
anime) or entertainment in general is unable to do. I commend this movie for that. Usually when people mess with time travel, there are a number of pronounced plot holes right away. It wasn't the case in this movie as it was able to tie up a number of loose ends and ultimately create a succinct cause and effect dialogue. (If there are any plot holes, I think of it as if there are multiverses within the Gintama storyline. Instead of simply going forward or back in time, they are instead transported to another universe, causing a split in the timeline and creating more universes through diverging its course of history.) Therefore, I would personally rate this 8.5 which rounds up to a 9 on this site.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 12, 2015
This anime started off with so much potential. Unfortunately, it fell into mediocrity with the following episodes. The anime can’t seem to decide what genre it is. This results in serious scenes to be paired up with comedic moments that feel shallow and can’t be taken seriously.
Story: 6/10
The story is fair. Although the storyline itself isn’t particularly original, it has interesting elements. Moral aspects such as murder and good vs evil is explored, but only on a surface level. It doesn’t dwell on it for more than a couple of moments at a time. The story is rather direct and linear, which is alright
but lacks creativity. As the anime is so straightforward, there is little for the audience to ponder and dwell on once the episode is over.
Art: 7/10
The art is simple and clean. It is pleasing to look at, but does not stand out. The character designs are rather well done and I feel each of the characters' looks match their character trope. The animation is good, but also doesn't wow you in any way. There are scenes where the actions are dynamic and fun to watch, but those are rather rare and far between as most fights occur and end in a very quick span of time. The movements of the characters aren't exceptionally animated, but a good enough job is done.
Sound: 7/10
The soundtrack of the anime is nice overall and works well with the anime. The opening and ending themes of the anime, while not outstanding, is nice to listen to even outside of the anime. Unfortunately, there are scenes where a "serious" battle is taking place, but rather comedic music is playing. This takes away from the experience, but only occurs a small percentage of the time. The voice-acting is good and the emotions of characters can be felt (to some degree, but we'll get to that later) during emotional scenes.
Character: 5/10
This is the section that the anime suffers the most at. Most of the characters don't get much development before they are killed off. There are no characteristics that allow any of the cast to stand out as real and believable characters. The way they act are rather predictable and they feel extremely 2-dimensional and scripted at times. Although the voice-acting is good, the way the characters act are unrelatable as well as unrealistic. I know this is an anime, but there should be a level of believability in the characters with the "serious" tone the anime seem to be projecting at times.
Enjoyment: 6/10
Despite my criticism, the anime is fine and truly has some comedic and memorable moments. Although i find myself bored due to how predictable it is at times, I enjoyed this anime overall. This leaves me with an overall score of 6.2, which rounds to 6.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 29, 2014
I started off really liking this manga and as it progressed, it became a little stagnant. It can become a little boring towards the middle as some of the mini-stories can be repetitive. But, I always feel the ending can either make or break something and in this case, it DEFINITELY made the manga.. Those who have not stuck to the end don't deserve to rate the manga. The final chapters leading up to the end were so dramatic and tense. Although the end was rather abrupt, I felt it was satisfactory as a conclusion that left little loose strings and was impactful. That being
said, the story is far from perfect and there are some characters that were introduced then shoved aside without much development (eg. the girl that shou may have liked in the beginning chapters). Now for he actual breakdown of each of the categories:
art: 9/10
The art style is stylized and expressive. It conveys the emotions of the characters quite well and is rather good at causing moments of extreme epicness. The artist did a good job in expressing the ugliness of the "evil" through his drawings. I felt a true sense of disgust every time I looked at them. While the literal interpretation that evil is ugly might be over powering in other manga, it works well in this story where evil is shown to be so oppressive and overwhelming. Though, the art isn't especially impressive and detailed, it is well drawn and creative in how showing how the story is told.
story: 8/10
The story was rather simple and straightforward but had depth at the same time. It did not try to convince the reader that what the "hero" was doing was undeniably right. The actions of Akumetsu are questionable at best and downright immoral at worst. Though there was a "good" side and "bad" side, the story gave the reader room to ponder the actions of the akumetsu. It allowed us to understand nothing is inherently evil, but will undoubtedly become corrupted with time. There some flaws and issues that I could pick out throughout manga but non that are big enough that would ruin the manga. As I mentioned before, the ending though abrupt was good enough to give a feeling of completion. The story understands that there is no end all solution for "evil" and I'm glad that they didn't pull out some bullshit method to end all evil (I'm looking at you Code Geass R2).
character(s): 7/10
I felt this was the weakest part of the manga. Aside from the main character, the side characters get little if any development. They felt quite two-dimensional and they all lacked personality. An exception might be Katsuragi. Although he character wasn't even alive during the timeline of the manga, the chapters dedicated to him really fleshed out his character as well as the reason for Akumetsu's actions. I actually felt sorry that he had to die. Putting secondary characters aside, the main character was quite delightful and unique to learn about in the story. The reason I'm still giving this section a good rating is because the manga is supposed to be focused on the point of view of Akumetsu as a man that tries to take on evil by himself. The problem is when he begins relying on the power of the side characters in the end. Without much development of the secondary characters, their collaboration felt somewhat hollow. That being said, the finale was still nothing short of gratifying.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 29, 2014
The premise of the story is intriguing and rather refreshing. The story has a certain draw to it that kept me reading chapter after chapter. Unfortunately, the characters destroy any suspension of disbelief I had. It’s been a while since I’ve encountered such an entirely retarded cast of characters. I feel the story could have ended in 10 chapters if only the characters had a minimal IQ of 80. The characters are rather bland with limited development, but not completely uninteresting. For example, the bond between Natsuno and Tooru was fun to read about. It’s a tragedy that it wasn’t further explored though. So
many characters were introduced, then killed off without elaboration that 95% o f the cast was forgettable. The main characters suffer an overabundance of tropes and lack depth. The art is passable, but won’t win any awards/ At times, the characters’ bodies are so elongated that you wonder if the artist drew this while laying down. Overall the manga felt shallow and predictable with a few redeeming qualities. 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 29, 2013
Unfortunately I have to disagree with the other glowing reviews. I found this anime rather uninteresting. The characters were somewhat interesting, but I get the feeling that they are not unique at all. The story is also straight forward as well. While the way it is told is certainly unconventional, I found myself bored due to the slow pacing of this anime. The sound is nice and fits well with the respective scenes in the anime though. My personal enjoyment was not very high and I struggled to finish the early episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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