A friend linked this to talk about how bad everything about it seemed just from the summary and the original title of the LN. I decided to read the first chapter to see how it is and ho boy I wasn't prepared for just how shitty this series is.
An important part of any series is the protagonist: They should be enjoyable, and in most cases they have positive traits readers can appreciate, like loyalty, honesty or even just being a reliable and kind person. This protagonist is not enjoyable or likable. His utter obsession with virginity and not having anything to do with "used
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Even If It Is Second Hand, I Want to Fall in Love!, Chuuko demo Koi ga Shitai!, Genjitsu no Kanojo wa Irimasen! Japanese: 現実〈リアル〉の彼女〈ヒロイン〉はいりません! InformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Dec 2, 2016 to ?
Young Gangan Statistics Ranked: #173322 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1058
Members: 19,086
Favorites: 115 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 12 / 12
Your Feelings Categories Oct 18, 2017
A review is used to help determine if one should pick up the series. And in my opinion I think you should give this one a chance.
I'm writing this review because the only other review available is putting this series at a 1, which is too low for this series, as I believe it deserves higher. Look, lets get down to it. The reasonings of the protagonist Arimiya and choosing to believe the rumours without proof or research is shallow. Shallow but realistic in the sense that no decent guy would date a slut. The heroine's obsessiveness with becoming his ideal girl is also not the ... Mar 7, 2018
I enjoyed this even despite it's flaws.
One of the biggest problems is that the MC isn't all that great. Are first impression of him is of him debating whether or not he should save some girl from rape. He only ever saves the girl because they spotted him last second. Might have not been the authors intention and had completely overlooked what this looks like. But it's not that great right from the start. I enjoy the girl character in this. I think her character model is nice and attractive in itself and i'd like if the story had more of her. I don't ... Feb 8, 2020
Before reading this manga, I was already put off by the premise of an MC who worships the idea of choosing only virgin girls—who the fuck does he think he is?! The heroine here was introduced in a rape scene where the MC looks at the heroine with contempt, even going so far as to saying “she deserved it” because she was wearing skimpy clothes. I absolutely abhor this personality of his even after the chapters explaining his backstory of why he distrusts 3D girls—honestly, that explanation was lousy as hell as it completely forgot to mention why he feels entitled to virgin girls. What's
Nov 6, 2020
You know how sometimes a manga makes has some good points that makes it novel and refreshing? But in the mean time there are quite a few bad points to counter-balance? And you keep reading while being annoyed? Well this is one of those manga. The rate here doesn't really mean anything depending of whether or not the bad points will bother you. So instead I will list all the bad points that may or may not turn you down.
I'v read more than 50 chapters and I'm here to tell you what you should expect, the good, the bad and the ugly! The good parts =========== It's not ... Jan 21, 2021
This is one of that manga just that doesn't need to exist. It exists for the sole purpose of getting money, there is no passion or soul in it. The art style is passable, but it's incredibly bland. That's probably the nicest thing I'll say about it. The story and characters rely too much on pre-established tropes and do nothing original. There are so many ass pulls and the typical "misunderstand" trope it gets almost comical. The main character is probably the best character which is laughable considering how shallow he is. The supporting cast is entirely one dimensional. The plot suffers from insane and
Dec 27, 2020
It's disappointing, Story is totally messed up It's an NTR and at the same time its not an NTR But it's really not worth the time. It's like the author couldn't portray what he was trying to and the character development is shit. Starting from Mc, the two girls' backstory is fine but too dumb for reality. The Yuuka named girl is like a bitch trying to grab as much attention as she can. After the first incident, at least what I wanted is that the story to go for a harem route, just to extinguish the fire that it created but I don't know if it's gonna happen ... May 14, 2021
So let's be clear upfront: The users giving this a 1 are people who (understandably) got turned off early on by the atrocious attitudes towards women that the main character has, and the fixation of the female lead on him as a result of a perceived misunderstanding of his motives in saving her. I, too, found the MC's attitudes to be downright disgusting in early chapters. In addition, the plot can be very heavy-handed, and character can appear to swing wildly between emotional states at times -- this tends to have a cheapening effect on the more intense or gritty moments that, at its worst,
Aug 9, 2021
Ok look, there is really nothing to say about this. The ONLY thing worth noting is that you steer away if you cannot handle:
1. just a glimpse of NTR 2. Sexual Violence This manga has no central plot and it just flows around like a bunch of side quests and cliche childish concepts. I don't want to destroy the authors ambitions because the character origins and still ok and the art is quite good. HOWEVER, this is a bad execution of harem and it ties too closely to delinquents in the first half which is really unenjoyable. Overall, nothing really worth the time, I just wish the author ... Jul 17, 2023
A manga of somewhat high highs and very deep valleys. It lands squarely in the middle of the spectrum of what would be good. The highs are good enough to keep going but the valleys are so deep that it takes some strength to get further into the story.
Let's talk story. It's a pretty typical story of a girl falling in love with boy in high school. Boy doesn't fall back for the longest time but it's obvious where the boy's feeling will lie later in the story. Considering the manga isn't finished and I don't plan to read anymore of it, the author could ... Oct 6, 2024
This manga has been getting inconsistent translated updates for the uh past 5 years now.
I figured this review would finally seal the deal as I"'m dropping the series as of this moment. The MC is a good-for-nothing bro who is just very fond of Ero games and happens to save a so-called bully girl. This setup is common as usual, normally we would expect a classic love development story with bonds and all. Yeah no that's not the case here, the story is sort of oddly intense which can be off-putting. There are some detailed disturbing actions and thoughts said by several people in this series. Sure that sounds typical, ... Dec 11, 2020
I've read 69 chapters of the manga and hence I am writing this review.
This is pretty fun if you enjoy school rom com manga, I was about to give up in the prologue but stuck with it and while he sticks to his ideals it didnt come up in an offensive way again, and you learn why he has that side to him (which is kinda anime/manga/lnish) so it somewhat stopped bothering me. I like the heroine, she is amusing and quite charming (again in an anime girl way) and I also liked that the chapters are quite long. Another plus would be that the protagonist ... |