TL;DR I reccommend this anime for sure!! But temper your expectations. Compelling narrative, but if you want to turn your brain off or you're looking for an easy dopamine rush simillar to what you can get from battle action or short-form videos like Tiktok you will not get your fix here.
I did feel like there was something that I was looking for that was missing towards the tail end of the story. A vague, persistent feeling that the story was somewhat underwhelming though I can't quite explain why. Perhaps later on I'll edit this review if I can gather my thoughts better—I admit that this
Feb 8, 2020
Real no Heroine wa Irimasen!
Before reading this manga, I was already put off by the premise of an MC who worships the idea of choosing only virgin girls—who the fuck does he think he is?! The heroine here was introduced in a rape scene where the MC looks at the heroine with contempt, even going so far as to saying “she deserved it” because she was wearing skimpy clothes. I absolutely abhor this personality of his even after the chapters explaining his backstory of why he distrusts 3D girls—honestly, that explanation was lousy as hell as it completely forgot to mention why he feels entitled to virgin girls. What's