Mineko said:AmberFebruary said:Mineko said: This confused me though. Yuuki seems to be leaning on something in this scene but there's... nothing.--
there are actually two scenes like that, it implies he's just leaning to his correctional room's wall or something, much like he's just confined in just a room or the whole building.
Ah, thought this for a while too, it seems logical. Good.
this, the one the director is holding actually explains it

that suggests how he leans here

is like he's looking to the other side of the facility, the men and women are like separated as suggested by the image above, and the director is labeled G, standing for Guard or Warden (and notice how there are only two Fs instead of three, there should be three girls)
sirwence said: mindfuck much heh...
And his one bit of help that comes he takes off the headset and misses it.
Hes likely still in the room or in the hall way or something hes certainly still in the prison either way. .. And it looks like Kazamori gets a larger role next part :)
yep, Kazamori sure is awesome, and its GitS-ish cyberspace advent for her next week
Xyphite said: Quite the episode we have here. From what I can only guess is that the convict introduced in the previous episode is similar to Shinjuurou in which he's contracted to someone(thing) similar to Inga, but with different abilities--in this case, putting someone under a type of dream state. This is all only speculation, but Shinjuurou being in a type of correctional facility is fact. The foreshadowing, when Shinjuurou goes to talk to the director a second time, he begins to lose consciousness when he's asked what he's holding, and collapses. He's shown wearing the correctional facility's uniform. Also the points throughout the episode, where he appears to be leaning against something, though nothing is behind him during the movie set scenes is also used.
Only explanations I can come up with is while he's awake in the correctional facility, he's in this day-dream like state where his view on reality is changed due to the convict from the previous episode.
While he's in this alternate reality of his, while he's standing leaning like he has amazing balance, in reality, he's leaning against the wall of his correctional room.
When he's in the hallway the second time with the director, and the director asks him what he's holding, and he suddenly collapses. In reality, someone working at the correctional facility asking him what he's holding, and perhaps someone gives him a shot in order to put him to sleep in order to control him.
Wonder what everyone else's thoughts are on this episode. As far the series is going, I feel it's been slow up until this point, and this episode should of been done earlier. With only 11 episodes in this series, episode 7 is somewhat late to be putting the first good arc into the anime. Although it's not as bad, this sort of makes me feel like I'm watching Blood-C, where the only good episode is the last one. :P
this explains it.
i'm not quite sure what would you like to see on this show cause it build its greatest so far steadily and smoothly, becoming better w/ each passing episode and only those who appreciates themes of war mix in w/ politics, conspiracy and philosophies would appreciate it, and that includes me, a hardcore fan of the said aspects
and this series also includes the best dialogues exchanges i've seen in anime for this year, like Komamori-Shinjuurou exchange, Shimada-Shinjuurou exchange and Kaishou's "Is there only one truth?", and the latest, the way the three girls interpreted a single line from the movie script, those are worth noting for and really reminds me of Kenji's GitS: SAC and Oshii's Patlabor
(also, the OST is so badass while OP/ED already is pure win!)
so far, my most favorite still is Kazamori's, episode 3-4, next is Osada An's, episode 2 and Yajima's, episode 6, i just love how those stories are structured and played |