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Spice and Wolf (light novel)
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Sep 9, 2024 9:57 AM

Nov 2011
The world building of this show imo is truly interesting. Given what's happening with Tereo and the tension with Enberch...damn.

Lawrence handled this the best way he could imo alongside Holo. Speaking of which, her emotions were a bit over the place but she was able to collect herself. So much drama in these recent episodes related to the church though.
Sep 9, 2024 9:58 AM

May 2020
Of course these villagers would be so ready to throw the duo of Lawrence and Holo under the bus if it means that precious contract could be saved, even barely. Plus they had Elsa and Evan as the reserves too, so yeah, these lazyfucks had it easy even in this dire situation. Though hey, even blaming it on others could only mean they would not have to pay back the money Enberch used to buy wheat, but I mean it’s obvious the folks of Enberch wouldn’t just stop there.

I liked how practical Lawrence was during this entire dilemma, I mean he was thinking to run away with Holo which is the most rational choice ever lol, and not to play hero just because that’s what main characters do. It’s things like these which I love about this series. Though yeah, everyone running away is the most ideal outcome of this conflict, but I doubt that’s how this arc will end lol. We’ve two more episodes to go plus the folks from Enberch are yet to arrive. Not such an easy way out lol.
Sep 9, 2024 10:30 AM

Feb 2019
Can’t believe we only have two more spice and wolf episodes to go 😢 season 2 me please.

Really good episode here. The annoying ass villagers blaming Lawrence and even trying to throw Elsa and Evan under the bus annoyed tf out of me. Any excuse to attack the church I guess.. I do understand the frustration about the bad wheat and having to pay back money to Enberch, but it seems like no one is putting 2 and 2 together(besides Lawrence) about this being an obvious set up..

The elder wanting Lawrence to bail out the village financially after they accused him of being behind the wheat situation and were generally nasty as hell to he and Holo is killing me lmao. Gtfo.

I love how Elsa and Evan having this little secret forbidden romance, they’re so cute. When Lawrence walked in on them holding hands and Elsa just scrambled back lol

Finally got some updated Yoitsu lore too! Home isn’t a place, but the people. As long as Holo’s friends are alive and well you can always rebuild the buildings in Yoitsu. I’m sure some are probably still hanging around the area. But it does raise the question of why the bear went wild and destroyed the place.

Running away was the best choice. That village is a lost cause and never accepted the church or Elsa. I wouldn’t feel comfortable staying there anymore. It’s gonna be fun seeing how she and Evan settle into the group dynamic with Holo and Lawrence!
Marinate1016Sep 9, 2024 12:47 PM
Sep 9, 2024 11:39 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Yeah it was okay, now they can go away :3
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Sep 9, 2024 11:45 AM

Jun 2015
An entire harvest being the possible culprit sure made their situation much worst. Poor Elsa though. From the beginning it seems that the villagers with the exception of the head and Lima never trusted Elsa and the father. Its unfortunate but neither Elsa nor Evan can stay in this village anymore because people would always suspect them now. Can't wait to see the great escape next ep. Its too bad that diplomacy didn't work out this time.
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Sep 9, 2024 11:59 AM
Sep 2015
Not sure how the story can end with just two episodes left.
Sep 9, 2024 12:03 PM

Dec 2013
Those villagers were taking everything for granted and weren't grateful at all to Elsa, it would be nice if the whole situation could get fixed but fuck that town.
Sep 9, 2024 12:11 PM
Apr 2023
Although very summarized, the arc is not bad at all and it has been a while since this remake has surpassed the 2008 anime.
Sep 9, 2024 12:24 PM

Jan 2023
I love how you have a mix of very tense and very calm moments in this episode: the villagers crowd is mad and noisy (and even try to force the entrance of the church), but you also have very calm and interesting conversations in the silence of that church with very few characters involved each time.
Also love all the adorable expressions on Elsa's face, between her doubts and hopes.
Oh, and that catchy music at the end when they finally escape was pretty great!

Overall, probably one of my favorite episodes so far!
Sep 9, 2024 12:43 PM

Jan 2013
haha lawrence is lossmaxing!
Sep 9, 2024 1:09 PM

Sep 2014
Was not expecting to see Holo in her wolf form again so soon, lets see if it actually happens

For a church which has 0 support from its village it sure is big
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Sep 9, 2024 1:41 PM
Jul 2014
That village is going to be in even more trouble next year, now that they've chased away their miller. Very short-sighted thinking.
Sep 9, 2024 3:48 PM

Dec 2018
Guess the only answer is to run huh lol, and honestly I can’t blame them for coming to that conclusion, no matter what they choose someone is taking the fall for something they didn’t do, so might as well hop on the wolf girl’s back and hightail it out of there, fuck that village lol. But, I doubt they’re out of the woods yet, there’s two episodes left and I don’t think things will end simply, I feel like they won’t be able to leave the village that worships a snake god without coming across said snake, that would be cool to see but I’m not sure if that’s what will come between them or something else.

Also, a bit of a shame the only info they got from all that reading is that Holo’s friends got out alive, I guess that is good to know but I can’t help but feel there should have been more for the trip, especially after the wheat accusations, but oh well, Yoitsu is still a while away after all, if we get another season that is.
Sep 9, 2024 3:48 PM
Apr 2020
I’m just sad about the horse tbh
Sep 9, 2024 4:07 PM

Sep 2017
I forgot that Holo revealed herself to the bar lady as well lol. In my mind I feel we only really need one more ep to conclude this volume but I may be forgetting a few details about how it fully wraps up. Looking forward to it either way.
Sep 9, 2024 4:53 PM
Oct 2016
Lawrence and Holo being used as scapegoats for this so called poison wheat. Talk about wrong place wrong time. They arrived at this village looking for answers about Holo home town right as the village is in the middle of a political struggle with the much bigger town that governs them. The perfect storm to not only place blame on Lawrence and Holo but also Elsa and Evan. Who have now become swept up in this because of already established animosity towards them by the village people. It's like they were looking for a reason to drive Elsa and Evan out and this is their perfect opportunity. Elsa because she isn't as strong a force as Father Franz was, and Evan because the job of miller doesn't exactly make you friends with a village full of farmers. The earlier parts of this arc very well established how they were already on the fringe of the village and people didn't like them much. Its a horrible fact of the medieval life this world is emulating that if you were on the outskirts of society you were blamed for anything wrong that happened. Lawrence and Holo passing through painted the target on their backs. Being outsiders hurt them just as badly. The villagers don't know them so they're easy to blame. Elsa and Evan wisely deciding to join them on leaving this village asap. They can find a new life in a much more welcoming place elsewhere. Holo got the answers she was looking for, or at least enough for now, so she can depart in peace. Transforming into her Wolf form would've been a cool moment but harmful to her passengers. So sneaking out the back tunnel sounds much better.
Sep 9, 2024 6:09 PM

Dec 2010
Reply to phantomfandom
Not sure how the story can end with just two episodes left.

Simple. They run away and they lived happily ever after....

Of course this just ends the book.

I remember people were so happy this arc was being animated but I still do not see how important this arc is.
Sep 9, 2024 6:32 PM

Jul 2022
It's so frustrating when people, instead of facing their own problems, immediately start pointing fingers at others. I'm glad that Holo and Lawrence made the decision to flee and took Elsa and Evan with them. In a way, the village deserves what happened—they always relied on the pact Father Franz made to protect them, never anticipating something like this. It's almost like karma, as they never truly supported Father Franz.

I do feel a bit sorry about what they had to leave behind, like the horse that had been with them since the beginning, the cart, and all the wheat. But at least they took the pepper and all the money Lawrence earned from Amati in Kumerson. It’s also sad to leave behind Mrs. Iida, a truly strong and capable woman. It's heartwarming how she takes care of Evan and Elsa as if they were her own children. I really hope nothing bad happens to her, although I imagine she’ll be fine since she's such a crucial figure in the village's economy.

As for Holo, I wasn’t too surprised. It was always a long shot for Yoitsu to have remained untouched and unnoticed for so long. But it was still sad to see her reaction, even though her friends managed to escape according to the legend. I just hope this doesn’t affect her too deeply, since she seemed quite irritated by it.
Sep 9, 2024 7:02 PM
Nov 2020
The farmers being lazy all winter brought the problems on their selves and now they’re facing the consequences. I wonder who Elsa’s mysterious benefactor is and if they have anything to do with the situation and being part of the setup. I’m looking forward to seeing how this season ends.
Sep 9, 2024 7:59 PM

Aug 2014
Didn't expect such turn of events and not sure if I like it ;/ So will they live in the forest and hide forever?
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Sep 9, 2024 8:26 PM

Dec 2016
I love any time Holo reveals what she is to other people.
Sep 10, 2024 12:22 AM

Jan 2018
Damn. They're just gonna escape, huh? It's a shame Elsa and Evan have to flee their hometown because the villagers are stupid. But it can't be helped since they're also suspect. I wonder how this whole situation will be resolved.

Holo is lucky that the book stated that her friends were able to escape the destruction of Yoitsu. But when it comes to old fairy tales there are always multiple different versions. Some might say they perished while others might say it was a happy ending. Tho since it's a book by Father Franz it might be the most accurate version. I hope so for Holo's sake.

Only 2 episodes left. I wonder how the show will end.
Sep 10, 2024 3:11 AM
Sep 2021
Regardless of the difficult situation, Lawrence & Holo make up good plans & overcome it with wisdom & courage.
Sep 10, 2024 5:57 AM
Jul 2024
Lawrence is on Holos level now when it comes to banter. What a progress.
Sep 10, 2024 5:58 AM
Jul 2020
Since we're approaching the end, I wonder if there are plans for adaptation of the rest of the story.
Sep 10, 2024 6:36 AM

Jul 2017
The Ridelius's Hellfire of a wheat poisoning has the Tereo village up in fear of the unknown, and lo and behold, they naturally blame Holo and Lawrence as outsiders, something that could jeopardize their relationship with the Enberch church. At least Village Head Sem knows where his priorities lie to keep his visitors safe before anything, as well as protect both Elsa and Evan in the church.

The suspicions fall on Enberch orchestrating the entire affair, and both Lawrence and Holo need a plan to keep each other safe, as well as the two teenagers. The former clearing up their side of the story not getting between the conflict of the towns, and at least he has the merchant's knowledge to help Sem make his options and plan for contingencies at the soonest, even for Elsa and Evan.

It just so happens that one of Father Franz's books about pagan gods is the one sole book that Holo is looking for, anything that could link them to Yoitsu. Still, the Tereo village's loyalty to the snake god Taryeo is much more severe than the teachings of Father Franz, something that Evan finds disheartening and wants to leave the village together with Elsa to find better life outside. Aside from the revelation of the book about Yoitsu's outcome, alongside the banter of Holo and Lawrence, Ilma keeps both Elsa and Evan's reality in check, as long as the two are OK with Holo being the great Wise Wolf to aid their escape.

The escape is underway, and there's no turning back now.
Sep 10, 2024 8:51 AM

Oct 2017
Not a moment of peace for these guys. Holo and Lawrence always getting mixed up in something bad. I think the town planned this when they saw Lawrence and Holo leave for the village. That suspicious looking merchant, makes sense now. I'm more worried about the new two, hope they'll be able to do fine after escaping.
MegamiRemSep 20, 2024 9:24 AM
Sep 10, 2024 12:11 PM

Feb 2014
It's not surprising that the angry mob of villagers would point their anger on an easy target to blame for their woes right now. Lawrence and Holo were easily blamed for this, but also Elsa and Evan. The village elder, Sem, was able to quell the rising anger for a while, but with the way things are, getting out of the village without the other villagers knowing is their best bet.

Iida, the tavern lady, has my respect with how she helped out in this episode, while making sure that some of the angry villagers didn't get on her bad side. I can't blame her for being surprised about Holo's true identity, but she has played her part in helping out Elsa and Evan to have them escape with Lawrence and Holo by using the secret tunnel after Lawrence was able to break down the wall inside the basement library.

We also did get a segment of the episode where Holo reads one of the books that mentioned Yoitsu. While it seems to confirm that the place was torn down completely, it also confirms that her friends did escape safely, which she was relieved about. It still leaves me with some questions, but I'm sure that we'll get some answers here and there when the time is right.

Only two episodes left. Here's hoping our group gets out safely without any issues...
Sep 10, 2024 5:39 PM

Oct 2016
Very exciting episode. I wonder if the escape plan will go smoothly. (8/10)
Sep 10, 2024 6:32 PM

Jan 2008
Unsurprising that they'd get unreasonably blamed for the situation, as it's the easiest way out; simply throw someone else into the fire. Sometimes I forget the medieval period is a time when people can be easily killed for no fault of their own. Aside from Ms. Iima the tavern lady, the rest of the villagers can get f-ed by Enberch. Their easy way of life was thanks to Father Franz for getting that deal (and Elsa for trying to maintain that deal by trying to find backers), but they've never once supported Father Franz's daughter or his local church in any way; instead worshiping their snake god for everything good that happened. Only Ms Iima was the one who supported Elsa and Evan's livelihoods.

So they're going to run away from the angry mob looking to make them into scapegoats so the villagers can save their own asses. Fools, as if turning them over as the culprits were going to be enough to make Enberch stop their plotting when their ultimate end goal is to scrap the deal. All they'd do is simply kick the can down the road delaying payments at best, and then Enberch will come back next season to try and screw them over again. The village had the best card to play, an experienced merchant to help them get out of this in the long term, but the idiots can only think in the short term. Speaking of which, what happened to Lawrence agreeing to lend the village chief his merchant's knowledge and money, and getting back the appropriate compensation if he can turn this situation around? Guess that's a tall order with the angry pitchfork and torch mob that can't be reasoned with at the doorstep. Whelp, looks like the daytime drinking is over for the villagers, as they'll have to tighten their bootstraps trying to survive the winter with no reserves after their deal gets scrapped, just as Enberch planned. They may be able to eat their own returned wheat over the winter, but they wouldn't be able to pay them back, so the deal is likely going to be scrapped for good. But now with no miller, an important job that somebody still has to do so the village can eat, the villagers are just cutting their noses off to spite their faces.

I hope Evan took that axe he had with him for self-preservation, but it doesn't look likely as they'll have to ride on Holo's back at high speed. I would have slipped it in my belt on my back with a sheath over it.

Maybe the the village chief hesitated to immediately tie up Lawrence not because of Lawrence mentioning his association connection, or the bag of wheat tribute Lawrence brought as the chief claimed, but because of lingering suspicions that he may be a person of Enberch on official orders. That would seem more likely. But since Lawrence assured him he was simply passing through, neither the village chief nor the villagers have any more reason to "protect" them when all they're doing is threatening them. None of those fools have any foresight, although I can't be too surprised when they have no specialized occupations other than wheat farmers.

I'm curious if Lawrence will still try to fix the situation somehow plaguing the village after Lawrence and crew successfully manage to get to safety, or simply focus all of his efforts solely on running away. Even if he takes the loss of losing his merchandise of wheat in his cart (and the poor horse that's been with him from the start), he can still rebuild his life so long as he's not on the hook and still has his coin purse on him. The villagers can still try and frame him saying the culprit ran away and put a bounty of his head as a fugitive, but Lawrence can just as easily claim he left days ago that would have taken too long via horse, far too soon for them to have enough time for the village to sell his wheat.

Next week's episode will be an exciting one, with only 2 more episodes until the end of this season.
Sep 10, 2024 9:56 PM

Jul 2012
Reply to MatijaCale
Since we're approaching the end, I wonder if there are plans for adaptation of the rest of the story.
@MatijaCale Would they have shown
in the first episode otherwise?
Sep 11, 2024 12:55 AM
Jul 2020
Reply to Neneaux
@MatijaCale Would they have shown
in the first episode otherwise?
@Neneaux I hope not.
Sep 11, 2024 6:48 AM
Oct 2019
Say less, let's escape this bullshit lol
Sep 11, 2024 12:34 PM

Jun 2019
These villagers suck. Like, how the fuck are yall blaming them. I do understand the suspicion but at least, try to think this over. Welp, it's time to dip from this village. The tavern lady was very nice tho.
Sep 13, 2024 1:45 PM
Original Denjin

Nov 2008
That scene where Lawrence and the rest was able to convince Elsa to leave was great! And I specially like this part, where the “beer fairy” 🤣 was sort of being a matchmaker: (and for some reason, it’s not letting me share the photos, so I’ll just have to describe it instead)

She grabbed both Elsa and Evan by the shoulder, and told them that there was no use in staying in this village anymore, and that if life was tough, anywhere, they go, that they might as well start a new life with someone they can trust and then Elsa and Evan turned and looked at each other. that’s what I meant by that lady, being a bit of a matchmaker if you will.
Cosplay_JoeSep 13, 2024 1:56 PM
Sep 13, 2024 2:08 PM

Nov 2013
I'm kind of glad the girl and the miller are no longer bound to their duties and can be together from now on, free. Is this gonna end with them just running away though? There has to be more to it.

Also, good news, there's hope that Holo's kind managed to escape and weren't killed.
Sep 13, 2024 5:42 PM

Jul 2016
Tavern lady aka "Beer Fairy", unexpected MVP of this arc lol.
But yeah, screw that village. People there were all ungrateful assholes in the end.
Sep 15, 2024 5:48 AM

May 2021
Here I am thinking what big brain solution Lawrence's gonna come up with while he's just like, nope, let's run the hell away. Good choice.

Sep 16, 2024 10:40 AM

Apr 2016
The secret was revealed!!!!
Sep 16, 2024 1:40 PM

Nov 2009
Big wolf Holo is back what a turn of events over all love that Lawrance is supper comfy talking with Holo no matter her form only 1 more ep left of this season. Hoping S2 of this wonderful remake comes out soon need more S&W ^_^ they made an amazing S1 so far of one of my favorite animes of all time.
Hi !!!
Sep 17, 2024 3:02 AM

Dec 2021
Holy FUCK are these villagers as dense as they get…. Fuck that town and everyone living in it

Sep 21, 2024 1:45 AM

Apr 2018
It's just sad that the other villagers can't understand that it's obviously a trap from the other village to make them go in debt and basically steal everything/make them starve, instead they just blame Lawrence and Elsa, well anyway now they're escaping from the village that's the right thing to do unfortunately.
Sep 23, 2024 5:00 PM

May 2015
This episode flew by for me! It was quite enthralling. I'm not sure which is stronger, my feelings of pity for Evan and Elsa getting run out of town by the schemes of a third party, or my frustration at this village for jumping so quickly to conclusions without even allowing them to defend themselves...

Either way anywhere else is better than being in that hate filled village.
Sep 29, 2024 12:58 PM

Mar 2010
Reply to HibiChika
haha lawrence is lossmaxing!
@HibiChika Anything to hit

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Oct 4, 2024 11:32 AM
Mar 2019
Doesn't take much for the Villagers to start a panic.
Elsa & Evan want out too.
Oct 19, 2024 6:10 AM

Nov 2019
Look at this total injustice. I want to swear that town to burn to the ground, but there are still a few good people living there. Let them be saved because of these good few.
What ungrateful bunch!
Mar 23, 9:34 PM

Jul 2022
The lives of the four of them are really tense due to a bad event. For their own safety, they were forced to flee the village. Their escape begins now!

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