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Jan 21, 2022 8:29 AM

Nov 2011
This show needs more of M4A1 and her squad just hanging out. Probably my favorite part of the episode.

Episode also showed what Executioner is capable of in combat and tactical strategies. Story could probably more but the action was fun to watch. M4A1 seems like the underdog in her fight this episode.
Jan 21, 2022 9:50 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Executioner was such a badass. Well, R.I.P. Good job, M4A1.

FN49 is afraid of spiders. That's amusing.

Blushing MP5. <3

SerafosMay 29, 2024 12:54 PM
Jan 21, 2022 10:00 AM

Jun 2015
Despite how advanced their AI's are its amusing seeing the dolls act like humans as well. Persica looks more like an otaku than a genius inventor lol. Its nice to see the dolls look out for the commander as well. The footage of AR team though was pretty interesting as it showed that despite their skills as weapons they were also ones that had feelings as well as shown in their interactions at the café. M4 using the traps as a way to compel the enemy to take another route was smart thinking. Executioner proved to be a far better and tougher foe for M4 thats for sure. M4's gamble really was a bold one but one that came through in the end thanks to the commander. It was a close one but at least they managed to rescue the first of the AR team. Though looks like the going from here's only going to get tougher. Overall a decent ep that featured some nice set pieces as well as some nice expansion on Executioner and M4. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
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Jan 21, 2022 10:05 AM

Jul 2017
Welp, all the organizations are after M4A1, even their own allies Griffin must find her before the rest does. The only clue they have: the discerning code "Sugar Cube" to save the AR Team (which includes leader M4A1) out in bail and dangerous external terrain.

Persian got an insider look of the AR Team for the new Commander Gentiane to watch, and amidst daily lives is where the appreciation stems from.

Sangvis SP524 Executioner vs. M4A1, and it's a battle of power vs. wits. All it took was their signalling code to lure the enemy into their trap and put things into action, the smallest of details matter.

The lost leader found, now it's time to save the other comrades.
Jan 21, 2022 10:11 AM

Jul 2021
I'm sorry to say this but the anime until this point is not even half as good as the OP and ED. The OP gets me all fired up and excited to watch the anime but the anime is just unable to accomplish that.

Though I would like to say that this episode was better than the last one. This episode had some fun moments too, like FN getting scared of spiders and it was amusing to see neko mimi lady. M4A1 is definitely the main character, everything is revolving around her.

The fights aren't thrilling and exciting to watch, it just feels something is lacking, I'm not feeling it with these fights, the emotions, the thrill, the excitement, nothing. The fight at the end was seriously underwhelming.

Also it's kinda hard to feel much for the characters, I mean they are dolls so I don't think they feel pain and they can't even "die", if their body is destroyed their memory is transferred to another similar doll and they are good as new so there aren't even really any stakes or risks. And how are they able to eat and taste, I mean it's an anime okay but how can a doll be capable of tasting food lol, it's a machine afterall.

Anyway decent episode. I want to drop this anime but I'm still hoping it's gonna get better, this episode was definitely an improvement from previous so IDK. Maybe I'll keep watching.
TsutanaiFuunJan 21, 2022 10:15 AM

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Jan 21, 2022 10:35 AM

Nov 2015
Phew, Not bad! Better than last episode!

All of M4 vs executioner fight from middle to the end are anime original, only the initial ambush part followed the manga version.

Also, in this episode they altered how M4 meet Genti for the first time. So now we have 3 version of M4 first meeting with the commander:
1. Game version: the commander meet M4 directly on the frontline after the battle, near Executioner corpse.
2. Manga version: M4 meet the commander in the base meeting/briefing room.
3. Anime version: They meet near the helipad not too long after M4 yeeted from the helicopter.

LOL, did the anime staff think M4 mag have 100 rounds? Well, I guess they don't have any gun expert as adviser huh?

Lastly, it seems MP5 is 100% guaranteed to replace G36 role as the commander adjutant in the anime huh? Did something happened during production like G36 VA schedule is almost full or something?
Jan 21, 2022 11:06 AM

Nov 2015
TsutanaiFuun said:
And how are they able to eat and taste, I mean it's an anime okay but how can a doll be capable of tasting food lol, it's a machine afterall.

Anyway decent episode. I want to drop this anime but I'm still hoping it's gonna get better, this episode was definitely an improvement from previous so IDK. Maybe I'll keep watching.

Because they are previously civilian dolls converted to half military spec, the dolls mouth do have the ability to taste. But their main source of energy is still electricity. If you ask if they also poop, our emperor Yu Zhong (the CEO) avoid answering that question during Q&A lol.

Also, if you don't or can't enjoy watching this anime anymore, you can drop it anytime you want. We should be able to reach the interesting part near the end, but I kind of worried that the anime staff can't adapt that interesting part successfully.

In the end, if this anime take too much of your free time while didn't offer anything enjoyable or special, feel free to drop it. As for me, I can keep watching this because I still playing the game, so I can fill the bad part with the good part from game if I want. But if this anime turn out to be bad in the end, I really do feel bad for anime only though (Even Yu Zhong is somewhat being pressured by demand from CN players for an anime adaptation).
Jan 21, 2022 11:06 AM

Apr 2011
Not as bad as last episode. Not great, but at least not bad either. Anime would improve by third if reloading existed and enemies were able monologuing while fighting instead standing on spot.

Also didn't like how MP5 actually brushed off her destruction in front of Gentiane. I mean she probably said it for Gentiane sake, but still without putting it in context it really cheapen dolls "death"

On other note, as interesting as story of GFL is I cannot recommend to people that don't like what they see to continue to watch. I have lot of doubts anime can offer enough to deserve it.
Tenzen12Jan 21, 2022 11:10 AM
Jan 21, 2022 2:22 PM
May 2017
From this episode I didn't like the fighting style of a shounen anime between M4A1 and Executioner, I expected something more grounded, like the manga or the game
Jan 21, 2022 2:26 PM

Aug 2020
I can't stop watching the opening. I'm starting to see who M4A1 is, sadly I will drop this show at this episode. The story is just meh for me. The characters are interesting tho..

» [The World's Continuation【世界のつづき】- UTA/Ado ♪] «
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Jan 21, 2022 2:51 PM
Jan 2022
It's just really boring. And it doesn't feel like a slow burn just that it's a weak anime 2/5
Jan 21, 2022 3:28 PM

Apr 2011
Contreras1991 said:
From this episode I didn't like the fighting style of a shounen anime between M4A1 and Executioner, I expected something more grounded, like the manga or the game

Even in game Executioner is same though. Ringleaders are in general far superior to ridiculous degree. I don't remember if manga downplayed her, but anime itself may not still may still fail to portrait how ridiculous Executioner is. Didn't you see Polarized Light PV?
Jan 21, 2022 3:32 PM
May 2017
Tenzen12 said:
Contreras1991 said:
From this episode I didn't like the fighting style of a shounen anime between M4A1 and Executioner, I expected something more grounded, like the manga or the game

Even in game Executioner is same though. Ringleaders are in general far superior to ridiculous degree. I don't remember if manga downplayed her, but anime itself may not still may still fail to portrait how ridiculous Executioner is. Didn't you see Polarized Light PV?

But tdolls being like that? is what is bothering me the most
Jan 21, 2022 4:21 PM

Apr 2011

I guess M4 jumps were grossly exaggerated. I actually didn't notice on first watch, but honestly given how outclassed M4 was I don't think it mattered anyway. Executioner lost because she was outsmarted not because M4 performed well fighting her.

As far as I am concerned it can be chalked up as animators just doing bad job, which is nothing new.
Jan 21, 2022 4:46 PM

Dec 2018
I actually liked this episode a lot more than the last one, mainly for the fight scene in the 2nd half of the episode, it looked decent enough and the stakes were there, and the twist of MP5 and MG3 showing up was cool. Sure it was predictable but I liked it, and it was funny how M4A1 show more bullets into Executioner than there should be in her magazine lmao. Yeah there’s some boring parts but I’m enjoying this for the most part. That ED is still a slapper too if you ask me.

Shame to see some folks dropping here, but I get it, there are much better anime airing this season and are more worth spending time on than this, but I’m gonna stick with this till the end because I’m enjoying it enough.
Jan 21, 2022 6:50 PM

Jul 2009
It was a good episode! Lots of tactics and traps left and right.

I do wish they extended the fight more. Executioner was beating the hell out of M4A1, until the last moment. M4A1 didn't even hit her other than that C4 trap.

Hope we will get to see Scarecrow and Executioner in the future again. I doubt we'd seen the last of them.

Also great to hear Shizuka Ito again as Executioner! She nailed it!

Jan 21, 2022 8:12 PM
Jul 2014
Tenzen12 said:
Contreras1991 said:
From this episode I didn't like the fighting style of a shounen anime between M4A1 and Executioner, I expected something more grounded, like the manga or the game

Even in game Executioner is same though. Ringleaders are in general far superior to ridiculous degree. I don't remember if manga downplayed her, but anime itself may not still may still fail to portrait how ridiculous Executioner is. Didn't you see Polarized Light PV?

The individual battles play down the speed and strength of T-Dolls. Not just that, but the special effects are very subdued and plain in this show. Compare Executioner's animation even in game (to say nothing of polarized light) vs what we see here. The sound is weak, there's a lack of speed, and there's not enough time taken to really put emphasis into the force of the characters.

Even Executioners' eyes glowing in the smoke fails to convey any sense of menace, and just feels cheap.

The overall quality of the episodes is improving, but without the action or music really conveying any sense of drama this is just a very mediocre anime, a 2.5/5 at best.
firemagnetJan 21, 2022 8:20 PM
Jan 21, 2022 9:09 PM
Apr 2014
Did anyone else notice the mistake in the AR team training footage? In one of the frames, SOPMOD was holding an M16. Surprised they made such an obvious mistake.
Jan 21, 2022 9:25 PM
Jan 2022
Again, the similar plot like the last week, plot armor for Griffin squad, bored already. If anyone never said this will be "dark" on eps 7-8, I would definitely dropped this right away. For now i'll give it 4/10.
Jan 21, 2022 9:49 PM

Jan 2011
alright episode Executioner was fun to watch animation aside M4 kinda was jumping around like a madman Shonen character was a bit silly to watch

sangvis on the other hand i am so used to them being bonkers strong so seeing a few un-linked basic tdolls take them out is a bit jarring to see but it's because they are keeping the fights short to move things a long faster
Jan 21, 2022 10:21 PM
Feb 2017
Yuvensius said:
Because they are previously civilian dolls converted to half military spec, the dolls mouth do have the ability to taste. But their main source of energy is still electricity. If you ask if they also poop, our emperor Yu Zhong (the CEO) avoid answering that question during Q&A lol

The properly explanation should be those useless functionalities can not be got rid of during conversion process for whatever reason. You want to maximize combat effectiveness of the girls, Griffin is a business after all.
Jan 22, 2022 12:49 AM
Jan 2022
NoGoodNameRemain said:
Yuvensius said:
Because they are previously civilian dolls converted to half military spec, the dolls mouth do have the ability to taste. But their main source of energy is still electricity. If you ask if they also poop, our emperor Yu Zhong (the CEO) avoid answering that question during Q&A lol

The properly explanation should be those useless functionalities can not be got rid of during conversion process for whatever reason. You want to maximize combat effectiveness of the girls, Griffin is a business after all.

These dolls are EMPLOYED by GnK, not BOUGHT by GnK. They have their own rights and aren't just mere weapons. And they don't just do PMC work, in the game they also do different kind of jobs such as delivery, police work, etc (mostly in side stories so probably won't appear in the anime) so they still need the human aspect to interact with people.

You want actual killbots, you go for the military. They have boatloads of things like this: (apologies for the long link, new to the forum)
Jan 22, 2022 1:49 AM
May 2021
TsutanaiFuun said:
I'm sorry to say this but the anime until this point is not even half as good as the OP and ED. The OP gets me all fired up and excited to watch the anime but the anime is just unable to accomplish that.

Though I would like to say that this episode was better than the last one. This episode had some fun moments too, like FN getting scared of spiders and it was amusing to see neko mimi lady. M4A1 is definitely the main character, everything is revolving around her.

The fights aren't thrilling and exciting to watch, it just feels something is lacking, I'm not feeling it with these fights, the emotions, the thrill, the excitement, nothing. The fight at the end was seriously underwhelming.

Also it's kinda hard to feel much for the characters, I mean they are dolls so I don't think they feel pain and they can't even "die", if their body is destroyed their memory is transferred to another similar doll and they are good as new so there aren't even really any stakes or risks. And how are they able to eat and taste, I mean it's an anime okay but how can a doll be capable of tasting food lol, it's a machine afterall.

Anyway decent episode. I want to drop this anime but I'm still hoping it's gonna get better, this episode was definitely an improvement from previous so IDK. Maybe I'll keep watching.
Ya same feeling bro. I am watching this anime as op and ed theme are hella good. But the actual story is not intense yet. I hope it will improve
Jan 22, 2022 2:55 AM

Jan 2014
Honestly surprises me of how much prefer this episode compared to last weeks. Not saying that last week's was better, or in a sense this weeks was bad. More that from how comments are, you'd think that last week's ep was complete and utter trash compared to this one. Found last week's ep to be quite nice, and gave us some good depth in areas, and that ending made us want to watch this episode.

As for this episode, you can tell with how it was themed, and such, of how it would be better than last weeks. But both enjoyable throughout. My own real complaint is how too fast everything seems. As if we going from one point, to another in a matter of seconds. Not all the time, but I do get that way at points.
Jan 22, 2022 2:56 AM

Oct 2009
Best episode of the lot. Got a bit of suspense this time with the idea there might be a spy among the ranks. Some cute scenes also thrown in with FN fears of spiders and MP5's concern.

Action is better but the cheap animation means that such scenes are likely to be subdued and not as absorbing as we would like. It is something we got to live with. Overall I find the series to be good so far but if they can advance the plot in a convincing manner then this could be very good. Great opening and ending sequences though.
Jan 22, 2022 3:56 AM

Apr 2011
Ardi8 said:
Again, the similar plot like the last week, plot armor for Griffin squad, bored already. If anyone never said this will be "dark" on eps 7-8, I would definitely dropped this right away. For now i'll give it 4/10.

GFL has one of best stories out there and yes it's quite dark... That said I don't think there is any reason to keep forcing yourself watch. If there is not satisfying build up there is no satisfying pay off and so I don't believe even dark part of story will be able justify spendin your time on this anime and it will lead to even bigger dissapointment and maybe even dislike of whole franchise when times comes due what you might deem "false advertisment".

As big fan of game I much prefer for people to stay indifferent and give game benefit of doubt (even if maybe not enough to try it ) then let it grow into hating or thinking it's all trash.
Tenzen12Jan 22, 2022 4:01 AM
Jan 22, 2022 4:12 AM

Oct 2016
Good episode! Executioner was pretty cool, but she got played. Gentiane's really cool as well, she can read a person or should I say a doll's personality just by observing them, and she also makes smart decisions, great commander.

The AR team's creator though... Adorable. M4A1 has finally came home safe, 3 to go. Also always nice to see a little bit of slice of life in these kinds of shows.
Jan 22, 2022 6:01 AM

Aug 2013
after wacthing this episode I thought this anime was not too bad but still bummed that I have to wait a week for a new ep, so I decided to read the Manga that the anime is trying to adapt and after reading it looks like I'll be watching this anime till the end regardless of how the qualities gonna be, besides this is the only new anime I watched this season.

As long as the last ep of the anime doesn't end in bull*hit cliffhanger that leads to nowhere with no next season then I'll be ok with it
b0177Jan 22, 2022 7:03 AM

English is my second language
Jan 22, 2022 8:53 AM
May 2016
Can't stay awake while watching this, I'm done.
Jan 22, 2022 11:23 AM

Apr 2021
This is probably gonna be my go to example of an unremarkably bad anime from now on. At least it will be fun to point out all the inconsistencies and bad tactics.
Jan 23, 2022 2:05 AM
Dec 2021
Enjoyed the part with AR Team in the cafeteria especially, as a slice of life enjoyer, though as this is an action anime I'm not going to expect a lot of emphasis on that in future episodes. Was funny watching FN94 get scared by a spider. M4A1 using obvious traps to lure Executioner into firing range was clever, not a massive fan of that fight scene though as it seemed a little out of place, too shonen-y I guess. MP5 and MG3 saving M4 after Executioner leaves them was an interesting twist albeit predictable.
Jan 23, 2022 2:43 AM

Dec 2015
even as a gfl player, i cant watch this without skipping kek, fight scene bad, the bgm is just so bad too but tbf gachas story mostly like this, boring ass early and only get good later on, some doesnt even get good at all. idk, maybe it would be better to just make original story for the early part, or make singularity movie out of nowhere kek, because at this point imo the anime doesnt really do anything, it doesnt really appeal to new people, it doesnt really appeal to gfl players either....

and wher my gfl 2 global mica
Jan 23, 2022 4:01 AM

Apr 2018
AR team is sure interesting, they better save the other ones now, but sure that M4A1 vs Executioner with these strategies made the whole confrontation better since the fight itself is quite forgettable with how fast it went, but that was a nice episode overall.
Jan 23, 2022 9:31 PM
Nov 2021
This anime does not suit my tastes, so just going to drop it.
Jan 23, 2022 9:43 PM

Feb 2019
I will say that it's better than how I expected it to be at this point, but that's because I totally expected it to be nothing but tea, cakes, and baths by the third episode. It's stuck to its guns, pun intended, and while it occasionally flirts with those things, nothing all that egregious or obnoxious. Even the more dynamic, and massively better animated Azur Lane still spent easily half its time on girls skipping around on beaches and tittering to each other about how much of the best they were doing and what compatriotic friends they all were.

At the same time though, it's not doing much particularly well either. The story continues to absolutely crawl. There's not much drama or weight to any of the mediocrely animated fights because even as individuals, they're all mass robot clone swarms, and the military tactics on display continue to be childishly and unbelievably dumb. This week's "I left a note saying to ambush you here" was marginally better than last week's "Oops, you stopped using your magic shield for no real reason," but still glosses over her entire squad being instantly taken out without a peep even if you accept that they were tracking the 'good' guy without actually inspecting any of the places she had been. Maybe it works better with a game attached, but I doubt it.
Jan 24, 2022 5:21 PM

Feb 2020
Alright, Kryuger boss had an appearance. Gentiene first meet with 16Lab researcher which also the contact for M4. Then she assigned to the new mission that set her off to rescue M4 and her escape route from Sangvis high-end model executioner. She need to put a code to deceived the enemy and make sure trapping the executioner to death under those circumstances. Glad that Gentiene found it all by also learn M4 characteristic and how she will put the code under the cover. With that being said, Gentiene kinda need to save M4 comrades before its get worst...
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jan 26, 2022 4:37 PM

Oct 2021
I can't be the only one to notice how this shows going in a strangely similar direction to Senran Kagura Shinovi Master...
Eiyuu Senki Theme Until MAL Adds The Manga
Mar 1, 2024 6:54 AM
Jun 2022
It was very nice especially the moment in a certain battle, where something happens and something is broken, very nice :D
🤍★彡[ᴇᴍɪ ꜰᴜᴍɪᴋᴏ]彡★💙
Feb 26, 9:40 PM

Jun 2022
time to head out then

enough pointless fight for me , adios dolls!

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