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Jun 21, 2020 6:25 AM

Jun 2020
Hi everyone and welcome to the Casual Reviews! club. Please introduce yourself in whatever way feels comfortable to you! If possible, also state any anime goals you hope to accomplish this year!

swardLJun 22, 2020 6:39 AM
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Jun 21, 2020 10:11 AM

Aug 2015
Hello ^-^
I've been into anime since 2014 (longer if you include me liking series before I knew it was Anime)
I would love to talk about any Anime/Manga Series, so feel free to send me a message :)
This year I hope to complete the Manga Reading Challenges as well as reading most of the Manga I own
Hope you all have a great day!
Jun 21, 2020 1:44 PM

Jun 2012
Hello! I've enjoyed an anime or two and I'm looking for a smaller community to get into to discuss it, and this place seems like it has a nice laid-back atmosphere right from the get-go!

I've got the same anime goal I've had for a while now, to better put into words what makes the shows I love so gosh-darn wonderful. I feel like I have a much better understanding of both media and myself when I'm able to write out and communicate my thoughts. I look forward to sharing some of the really cool stuff I've found and seeing what hidden gem's everyone else has seen.
Jun 21, 2020 2:27 PM
Jun 2020
Hey im brandoh! I try not to drop anime, ive been a fan of anime for abot 5 or. 6 years but i randomly watched anime on youtube and never finished them as i had no other anime access but now im able to watch everything and i watch almost everything and my favorite anime series so far are Jojo,Monogatari,Bungou Stray Dogs, One Piece and Durarara I use myanimelist on Xbox most of the time and i dont count anything as complete unless i know for sure ive watched it all
Jun 21, 2020 7:54 PM

Mar 2020
Hi! I've been an anime fan for about a year now. I'm super excited to be able to discuss anime, especially in a smaller group like this. This year, I hope to be able to crack the 100 anime mark, hopefully even higher.

If anyone is interested, you are welcome to look at my anime list and give me any comments or feedback. Criticism is welcomed and appreciated! Thank you!
CureFatJun 21, 2020 8:38 PM

Jun 21, 2020 9:27 PM

May 2020
Hi :)
I enjoyed reading manga and watching anime. Even though it's only been a year since I became an anime lover. Now my favorite anime is Monogatari series, Assassination Classroom, Owari No Seraph, Charlotte, and Violet Evergarden. Although there are still many other anime that I like.

I love discussing anime / manga especially in small communities. If you want, you can send me a message too.
Jun 22, 2020 6:49 AM
Feb 2018
hi guys, my name is Panos. I've been only watching anime seriously since late 2018 but i've gothered a bunch of them since then. I have a preference for psychological,slice of life and thriller anime but i watch pretty much everything except ecchi and harem nowadays. I also adore realistic character designs more than anything.
Jun 22, 2020 2:05 PM
Dec 2019
Hello everyone my friend introduced me to the vast world of anime and manga in late 2018. Anime was something I've never seen before and once i discovered it, now I can't stop. One goal for the year is to clear my messy Queque... then start new one... lol.
Jun 22, 2020 2:43 PM
Jun 2020
My goal for this year is to catch up to one piece
Jun 22, 2020 5:27 PM

Nov 2014
Hi team! I'm Etude an AWC staff member and weeb of many trades. Jumped into the game relatively late in life (1st year of college), but have been going strong ever since.

As far as anime goals go, I do intend on starting a casual Youtube channel for anime video essays. Essentially my plan is to focus on the Precure franchise and other magical girl shows, then extrapolate those observations out towards anime as a whole, philosophy, or other macro-scale ideas that come to mind. I'll be sure to let y'all know if that ever materializes in case that sounds interesting to you.

Anyways, great meeting y'all and hit me up if you wanna talk about stuff, I don't bite xD
Jun 23, 2020 4:55 AM

Apr 2020
Hi guys, my name is Raf so feel free to call me that. I started watching anime late into 2019. I've been homeschooled since then and anime has been helping deal with having less people to talk to.

I've watched around 172+ anime in this short time. I like seinen anime, horror, basic isekai harems XD and I really like Shaft. My favourites are Bakemonogatari, Highschool dxd, re: zero and Gantz. I had trouble finding people to talk about anime so a small group like this seems perfect for me. I wouldn't say I have any anime goals but I do want to fill my bookshelf with manga, if you know any good ones give me a shout!
Bobobobo934Jun 23, 2020 5:02 AM
Jun 23, 2020 11:13 AM
Mar 2020
Hi i'm Superpants, I started to get into anime around 2018 to early 2019. Prior to starting it I would watch Pokemon on tv before school but my first time actually sitting down to watch an anime was around 2018 when I picked up one piece for my starter anime. I tend to watch a lot of ecchi so don't question my MAL completed list but other than that I watch main stream anime, ones I see people talk about or just older ones that I would find interesting. As for any goals I have, I would like to have 250 animes completed by the end of 2020. Other than that Catch up on the One Piece manga.
Jun 23, 2020 5:03 PM
Jan 2017
Hi! My name is Kukkokuutio (or Jee-Rex on most Discord servers I'm active in). I started watching anime in 2017, I think. For the most part, I can enjoy any genre and I don't really have a genre I could call my "favorite". I prefer choosing my favorites as individual anime that represent multiple very different genres. I don't usually set any clear goals for myself regarding anime; I watch anime when I feel like it without a set schedule, because that makes it much more enjoyable for me. As a result I also haven't set any goals for this year, I'll have to see what the rest of the year brings with it.
Jun 23, 2020 5:09 PM
Jul 2018
Hello guys, i’m Shin. I’ve been watching anime since 4-5 years ago. Mystery, Comedy and Sol are my favourites genres. I’m aiming to reach 500 Completed Anime this year.
Jun 23, 2020 6:05 PM
May 2019
Heya Minna San?! I am Rika-Chan!
I am a HUGE Idol fan and is aiming for 300 anime this year.
My Best Girl is Ohara Mari and she always gives me confidence and determination to succeed!!!
Please follow my Instagram acc:!
Also My Discord is : Kitashima Rika#0517
I will look forward to discuss about anime with you!
Jun 23, 2020 7:32 PM

Jul 2019
Hey all! I'm a pretty experienced anime-only watcher who loves to talk about basically anything anime-related. I don't have much experience with MAL clubs so I'm looking forward to see how this goes. If you've love to chat about anything, feel free to send me a friend req. I'd be glad to talk with you.

As for anime goals this year, I have a watchlist (not on MAL) of shows I'd like to work my way through. There's no way I'll finish it this year but I hope to make good progress.
Jun 24, 2020 11:55 AM

Oct 2016
Heyo, it's ya boy. I like dark & edgy stuff for the most part, but I've enjoyed a little bit of everything from other genres. Only goal for now is to keep up with seasonals better than I have been the past few years. It was a highlight for a while-- watching something fresh and new for the first time was the same as opening a gift. Drop by and say hey if you want to.
Jun 24, 2020 1:02 PM
Jun 2020
Hey guys! :)

I used to watch anime A LOT when I was in middle school, but I stopped watching it after that. I really want to start getting back into it! A goal of mine is to watch a new anime every month. Please send some recommendations my way!

I'd also love to discuss any anime that I've already seen with you :)
Jun 24, 2020 1:03 PM

Oct 2014
I'm Aderas and I've been watching anime since 2014 (with a break). I don't have any particular genre I like best, so i'm open to anything. As for this year's challenge I'd like to read a little more manga ;)
Jun 24, 2020 1:35 PM

Apr 2020
Yo I'm Henri. I just casually watch anything that I whimsically choose for the moment, but I'm interested in learning about new and interesting anime from y'all.
it's over | we're so back | don't take this too seriously

Jun 24, 2020 1:48 PM
Jun 2020
Hi, am Rakibul Hasan From Bangladesh
used to watch few anime since 2016 but Qurantine gave me free time to actively watch animes
so yeah am planning to finish bigs three this year
I also Appreciate if u could recommend me some animes
Jun 24, 2020 2:51 PM
Oct 2019
I'm ci30cr i have a very cool name that means nothing but i do like anime, i started watching in june 2019. i usually prefer older stuff but i watch new stuff too. im only 6 years old tho so i usually dont watch a lot of eccchi or anything. my top 10 is end of evangelion, neon genesis evangelion, the rose of versailles, gto, cowboy bebop, initial D first stage, beck, trigun, and after i finish it i think maison ikkoku will be on there too but right now interstella5555 is 10th place, and that list is in order. ill be writing a review here soon on maison ikkoku because it is way too good for like 2100 popularity.
Jun 24, 2020 5:56 PM
Apr 2020
Hi, i'm Kevin. I've been watching anime for about 6 years I could say. My goals are to uncover hidden gems and unique anime I haven't seen. I am also willing to enter the dark side of anime (hentai world), so give me some recommendations.
Jun 25, 2020 10:16 AM
Nov 2018
Hey everyone! I have been watching anime for about 2 years and it's been such an amazing and exciting journey. My favourite anime is Tsuki ga kirei (it's too underrated😢). My fav genre is romance/drama. I like to watch most of the seasonal. About the goal for this year, I don't have any particular goal. I'm really excited to meet new friends in this club.

Feel free to PM me whenever u like. I would make sure to reply to u😊
Jun 25, 2020 10:07 PM
Jun 2019
Hello! I have been watching anime for around a year and a half as of this day. When I review something I have a hierarchy of things that are important, with likeable or interesting characters and overall enjoyment or investment being my most important factors. I don't really hav a preferred genre, if I was forced to choose one it would be Slice of Life that blends itself with other genres like supernatural, romance or action.

My 5 favorite anime as of now are the Monogatari series, Gurren Lagann, Tatami Galaxy, Welcome to the NHK and Sangatsu no Lion.

Nanami Aoyama is my wife :>
Jun 26, 2020 12:07 AM

Oct 2019
Hey! I started to watch anime since 2018 and that has also expanded to manga. I don't specifically like any genre, so I am able to enjoy all types of anime and manga. My goal is to watch longer anime like One Piece, and Attack on Titan.
Jun 26, 2020 9:29 AM

Apr 2020
Hey hey hey! My name is Chris and I started watching anime earlier this year after finishing Death Note. I dont really have a favorite genre, but I'm starting to think psychological stuff might be what I enjoy most. I usually enjoy anything talking about social anxiety and stuff like that (since I'm hopelessly introverted) which is why EVA and Koe no Kitachi are on my favorites list.

My goals would be to watch all the classic shows like Cowboy Bebop and Akira while also checking out the more recent stuff which is starting to create the bottomless pit of my plan to watch list.
Jun 26, 2020 10:48 AM
Jul 2018
Yo, whats's up everyone! U can call me Az, and I've been watching anime for just over a year now and I plan to watch for a very very long time. I'm in to many different genres and If you have any good recommendations, hit me up!

My goal is to finish 50 more anime by the end of this year and to read more manga. I'm looking forward to be apart of this club!
Jun 29, 2020 11:50 AM

Aug 2014
Hello everyone! I've been using this website since 2014 and have been watching anime since the same year.

I am one of those people that REALLY likes to discuss anime, whether it be about the intricacies of the characters, the plot, the themes, the animation, the music, you name it!

My favorite genres usually include psychological thrillers, drama, (some) shounen, comedy, and romance. However, I'm pretty much open to anything!

I absolutely love talking, so send me a message if you just wanna chat or discuss an anime!

Jul 1, 2020 3:39 AM

Mar 2020
Hey there,

I'm not exactly new to MAL but I started to use it more in the last week.
I watch anime regularly since 2018. Before that it was just some episodes of Pokemon and the Ghibli-Movies.

Nowadays I try to watch at least one episode of something a day. I'd like to do more but I don't have that much time.
Also I'm not really into the seasonal stuff. I watch what peeks my interest and I try to look out for older shows as well.

If you want to talk about something, just hit me up. I'm happy to discuss things.
Jul 1, 2020 1:05 PM

May 2020
Hello, recently the amount of anime I watch has just exploded. I kind of wanted some people to talk to (about anime) so here I am
Sucks to succ I guess. -Light Yagami
Jul 1, 2020 3:41 PM
Jun 2020
hello everyone, im just here to chill and give some casual reviews....
im a sucker for psychological type of anime... hope ya'll have a nice day
Jul 2, 2020 11:40 AM
Jun 2020
Hey everyone! I'm Shannon, your generic teenage anime fan. I recently joined MAL. I have watched around 30 shows, and I really enjoy anime. I have seen a lot of the popular anime and I am committed to watch more shows this summer. I am planning to watch Hunter x Hunter, Re:Zero, and Darling in the FranXX. I love chatting with anyone about anime and I really appreciate feedback and recommendations. My favorite anime is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and I am currently reading the manga. I am a huge fan of comedy anime and I am determined to watch more of them. My favorite anime character is Jotaro <3
My favorite non-anime shows are Voltron, Avatar the Last Airbender, and Steven Universe.

Hope to post more in the future!

breadsticcJul 2, 2020 11:44 AM
Jul 2, 2020 2:59 PM
Jul 2017
Hello everyone, I love to watch anime and have recently been more interested in manga and webtoons where I've found some good material and can't wait to delve further into that. Long time watcher, haven't been actively using MAL for a while now but I've started to give ratings on a few shows that I've watched and can remember somewhat clearly.

Anyway, I'm happy to be here and it's nice to meet everyone. Hope to have some great chats and discussions about anime, mange and whatnot.

Jul 2, 2020 3:13 PM

Jul 2017
wept here, started watching anime when i was a tot+ (obviously started with mainstream 90s classics), my watching history with anime is on and off since I have interests in almost all things. Most actively right now would be music. I'm familiar with most animes but don't watch them because I'm usually not interested, but I do want to watch a majority of animes that are or were popular. A motivation being wanting to rate 500/1000 animes, but I will take my time with this. Eventually I would like to write reviews for animes that maybe dive in depth (music reviews/ratings made me want to), but for now I'll just catch up. When it comes to anime, I like to have an open mind and give a chance to lower rated anime, and be a tad more critical to top anime, though will try to be fair too all anime. I will probably ease myself into everything since I'm not the most sociable person.
Jul 3, 2020 7:47 AM

Jun 2020
Hi! I’ve been watching anime online since 2012. My fav anime is Mushishi. My goal is to try all the top anime(the ones that spark my interest I ofcourse)since I used to avoid them. Currently watching Death Note (yes Ive started it NOW 😂). I’m looking forward to casually reviewing some anime with you guys.
Hydre_ItoJul 3, 2020 7:51 AM
Jul 6, 2020 8:35 AM
May 2020
heyy just started using MAL for anything other than tracking my own anime/manga progression,
so yea i started watching anime since 2014 though with a break in between. if u wanna chat about anything anime/manga related or anything at all hit me up.

for the goal for this year probably to start opening up to genres i used to really dislike in anime/manga to try and be a bit more open minded
Jul 9, 2020 7:46 PM

Apr 2020
I'm relatively new to anime, I only started truly watching it in 2018 and I barely watched it. I've been reading one piece for about 6 years though. I got really into anime during quarantine though, going from about 5 days to now 15 days of total watch time.
I'm a romantic so I watch and love a lot of romance anime. To quote a great man "Terry loves love".
Jul 10, 2020 1:57 PM

Jun 2016
Hi, I'm Corinne, I kinda wanted to find somewhere to talk about anime, so here I am.
Well I'm mostly here to find some more anime and manga to look at. Right now I'm doing the AWC, this is probably the most anime I've watched in a long time. UHh yeah, my goal is probably just to keep chipping away at my plan to watch list and m a y b e my on hold list idk.

lets see how long I'll stay, nice to meet you guys. 8)
Jul 17, 2020 12:55 PM

Jun 2020
Hey! My name is Louis, and I began watching anime roughly 5 years ago.
Feel free to message me whenever you have any questions about the club!
This year, I plan to surpass 200 anime.

Jul 17, 2020 1:10 PM
May 2019
Hey my name is Kevin . I watched the pokemon anime without knowing it was anime when it was airing on cartoon network from when i was 9 years old . I got back into anime in the November of 2018 after getting bored regular shows . I started with Naruto and Death note and decided to watch other ones cause they were different and entertaining . I enjoy reviewing anime and would love it if you could check them out in my tags(feedback would be greatly appreciated) . I'll be watching lesser anime this year with my final year of highschool going on. Feel free to talk to me/discuss about anything anime .
Jul 17, 2020 3:09 PM

Apr 2020
Hello, Im from Indonesia. Being an anime fan since early college year at 2016, but just recently joined MAL community. From now on i aim to write some review for show i am watching, I enjoy it and hope those will help maybe for some people for a references. :)

You are very welcome to peek at my profile and see what i done, any advice is appreciated
Jul 17, 2020 4:42 PM
Jan 2018
Hi everyone,
I'm in anime since 2015 and I watch mostly drama, shoujo and seinen. I don't interact too much in groups as I don't use MAL for something other than writing reviews but I'm giving it a try
My goal with anime this year is to find one where I have a ship and it doesn't fail
Jul 19, 2020 12:31 AM
Jul 2020
My name is Jordyn, I first started watching anime a little less than two years ago. I have a long list of animes I want to watch, so this year I hope to try and watch most of them. I like all genres but one of my most watches is shoujo. I want to make some new friends so feel free to message me!

nice meeting everyone! :)
Jul 24, 2020 1:05 PM
Dec 2017
Hii <3
I've been a casual anime watcher since I've been a baby (my TV would air anime like Pokémon and Doraemon) and I hope to find joy in talking about random anime again since everyone is intimidating these days :< I'm not sure exactly what kind of anime I watch since my list is huge and I got MAL a few years back but only now have started to use it to track my anime and I'm pretty sure I've missed many. Hope to have a more,,, chill? experience. Luv u xxx
Jul 29, 2020 7:05 AM
Jun 2013
Hi all, my name is Blake. I've joined the discord with the name blake, as well. I've been using MAL to track my anime for a long time now but this is the first club I've decided to join. Was lowkey feeling lonely with no one to talk about anime with. Feel free to add me on here as well as discord. :)

For my anime goals I'm really just trying to watch more of the older classics as to make myself more cultured, any recommendations would be great.
MasterballsJul 29, 2020 7:09 AM
Aug 1, 2020 1:48 PM
Oct 2019
Hi everyone I've watched anime before I really got into it . But I really became a hardcore weeb two years ago so my list isn't that impressive .youroshku
Aug 1, 2020 1:50 PM
Oct 2019
And also my favourite genre of anime is romance school slice of life
Aug 1, 2020 2:06 PM
Aug 2020
Hi everyone, im new to this website and wanted to join a club that has lesser number of people in it so its easier to discuss anime. Im pretty new to anime too. Ive recently watched a few good ones like Oregairu, Takagi-san and ReLife. So any good recommendations would be appreciated.
Aug 2, 2020 12:35 AM
Jul 2020
Hi all, my name is Isaac. I got really into anime 7-10 months ago. I've watched a lot of mainstream anime (the first seasons) so now I'm trying my best to find anything that's good and unexplored. :D
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