>theres on part i think u should omit the part where u say he goes from aimless to a well respected character
It's actually baiting for people to watch it. I wouldn't consider it a spoiler if you don't what he improved upon and it didn't destroy the experience. I just stated the obvious I could edit it to something a little more "Trailer Like".
Example. "Koyukis journey from mediocrity to something else entirely that he wouldn't expect to be in his life"
Yeah this is the benefit of friending me. I sent my latest reviews to all my friends that is interested. Its my weird style of recommending titles.
1.) Are you interested in reading reviews? If yes it is alright to send you my reviews from time to time?
2.) Will you support in making anime reviews by giving criticism in my works? And give some ideas on how to improve?
3.) Are you willing to answer some random questions I suddenly ask once in a blue moon?
Well, we are going to be friends anyway. So I am asking because I don't want people thinking I am annoying though that's my way of communicating. Friends are not there as their post statistic purpose.
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I finish it. My Review on Tommorow's Nadja. It Spoiler Free.
Here the LinK: https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=402962
Upvote and Feedback is appreciated :)
It's actually baiting for people to watch it. I wouldn't consider it a spoiler if you don't what he improved upon and it didn't destroy the experience. I just stated the obvious I could edit it to something a little more "Trailer Like".
Example. "Koyukis journey from mediocrity to something else entirely that he wouldn't expect to be in his life"
Yeah this is the benefit of friending me. I sent my latest reviews to all my friends that is interested. Its my weird style of recommending titles.
My Anime Review Beck: https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=364453
Upvote and Feedback is appreciated :)
1.) Are you interested in reading reviews? If yes it is alright to send you my reviews from time to time?
2.) Will you support in making anime reviews by giving criticism in my works? And give some ideas on how to improve?
3.) Are you willing to answer some random questions I suddenly ask once in a blue moon?
Well, we are going to be friends anyway. So I am asking because I don't want people thinking I am annoying though that's my way of communicating. Friends are not there as their post statistic purpose.