This list is not based on a bell-curve (meaning most shows are rated around the middle with a few 10s and a few 1s) but is instead (roughly) evenly spread out for each score. I’ve been someone who looks at movies critically but can still enjoy them if they’re bad.
I don't care if the manga is good. If the anime is bad then the anime is bad. The same rule generally applies to sequels or second seasons, if one season is good that doesn't mean that the others are good too. The obvious exception is if something gets set up in one season and then pays off really well in the following season.
My favorite archetypes/trope. These are basically character molds you see across shows and genres:
The Observer - I like to think of this as the Hermes character. Their entire goal is to just observe life around them and maybe give it a little push to liven things up. They usually don't get involved in the plot if they don't have. Typically, these characters are apathetic assholes, but they are straightforward about that. They tend to enjoy and feed off of drama. This is probably my favorite archetype since it's the most like me. 10/10
TCO - The Chosen One. This might be my most subjective one because every story is about some chosen person. If a show was about just an average person, we would have no desire to watch it. But in this case, the chosen one is someone who has been selected by an authority or a higher power to change the world they live in. They're typically granted an OP ability that makes them known as the chosen one. Shonen loves this archetype, they always go through the Hero's Journey. 6/10
TRB - “Tortured Rough Boy“. Your classic bad boy archetype. The opposite of a soft boy. He had a rough childhood that shaped the hardened person you see. Almost always voiced by Uchida Yuuma, this character is typically the main driving point behind the plot. Typically, he has some pure person anchor him back to reality for dat solid character development. 8/10
Tsundere - Yes, really. I love tsunderes. There's just something about people that can't be honest with their feelings that appeals to me. Also, this isn't just limited to female characters, male tsunderes are great too. I absolutely love these characters. Would they be a pain in the ass to actually date? Of course, but so am I, so I can't really judge. Based off of attachment theory, I like to think of Tsunderes as avoidants. So if someone likes Tsunderes they're probably someone with anxious attachment (I make both lmao). 9/10
Characters that represent the alignment chart
Lawful Good - Midoriya, Izuku (My Hero Academia)
Neutral Good - Legoshi (Beastars)
Chaotic Good - Goblin Slayer (Goblin Slayer)
Lawful Neutral - Yaegar, Erin (Attack on Titan) [no he's not evil]
True Neutral - Saiki, Kusuo (The Disasterous Life of Saiki-K)
Chaotic Neutral - Soma, Shigure (Fruits Basket)
Lawful Evil - Yagami, Light (Death Note)
True Evil - Shishigami, Hiro (Inuyashiki)
Chaotic Evil - Orihara, Izaya (Durarara!!)
[*] Anime of the Season:
Attack on Titan: Final Season Part 2
[*]Best OP:
[*] Best ED:
[*] Best Plot:
[*] Best Animation:
[*] Best Character:
[*] Best Girl:
[*] Best Boy:
[*] Biggest Surprise:
[*] Crack of the Season:
[*] Anime of the Season:
[*]Best OP:
[*] Best ED:
[*] Best Plot:
[*] Best Animation:
[*] Best Character:
[*] Best Girl:
[*] Best Boy:
[*] Biggest Surprise:
[*] Crack of the Season:
[*] Anime of the Season:
[*]Best OP:
[*] Best ED:
[*] Best Plot:
[*] Best Animation:
[*] Best Character:
[*] Best Girl:
[*] Best Boy:
[*] Biggest Surprise:
[*] Crack of the Season:
[*]Anime of the Season: Spy x Family part II
Worst: Shinobu no Ittoki
Best OP: "KICK BACK" by Kenshi Yoenzu
Best ED: "Stuck on You" by Nowlu (More than a Married Couple, but not Lovers) <-- this season had amazing EDs though
Best Plot: Chainsaw Man
Best Animation: Chainsaw Man
Best Character: Cid Kageno (The Eminence in the Shadow)
Best Girl: Watanabe Akari (More than a Married Couple, but not Lovers)
Best Boy: Loid Forger (Spy x Family part II)
Biggest Surprise: The Eminence in the Shadow
Crack of the Season: More than a Married Couple, but not Lovers
[*]Anime of the Year:
Jobless Reincarnation
[*]Runner ups:
Fruits Basket: The Final Season
Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 1
Best OP:
Best ED:
Best Plot:
Best Animation:
Best Character:
Best Girl:
Best Boy:
Biggest Surprise:
Crack of the Season:
Anime of the Season:
Best OP: "DADDY! DADDY! DO!" by Masayuki Suzuki
Best ED: "Rain, Body Fluids, and Smell" by Mili {massively underrated}
Best Plot: Tower of God
Best Animation: Tower of God
Best Character: Kyo Souma (Fruits Basket Season 2)
Best Girl: Catarina Claes (Reincarnated in an Otome Game)
Best Boy: Khun Aguero Agnes (Tower of God)
Biggest Surprise: A Whisker Away <-- Not as good as I thought it would be
Crack of the Season: Reincarnated as the 8th Son, Are You Kidding Me?
Standard - These shows are what I consider the standard for their respective genre. While this doesn't mean they are necessarily the best show of the genre, but they use the genre the best.
Ecchi - Interspecies Reviewers
Harem - The Quintessential Quintouplets (5-toubun no hanayome)
I feel like this might be one of my more controversial "standards". This is one of my standards that I do consider to be my favorite of the entire genre, but I haven't watch Nisekoi yet so that could always change. I'll be honest, almost all harems are super trashy made solely for degenerates, but I'm a degenerate so I think that's great. What makes a good Harem? Is it the romance between the main character and the pursuers? Is it the main character? Is it the overall concept? The answer to all of those, at least to me, is no. What makes a good Harem is the Waifu wars that ensues from the show. Have you ever been on a Nakano Miku Instagram page's comments section? Shits an absolute cesspool and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Isekai - Jobless Iseakai (Mushoku Tensei)
Shoujo - Kimi ni Todoke
Now shoujos are a genre that most people who know me personally would be very surprised to see me actively watch, let alone be my favorite genre. I'm a huge football and fighting game fan along with being a very crass and to-the-point person; not exactly what you would consider feminine. But I do love shoujos. They have the best characters, with the plot mainly be the part that's lacking.
That being said, while not being the best shoujo, I do think that Kimi ni Todoke does encapsulate the genre the best. It highlights the benefits of feminity while also showing the downsides of being a girl. Kimi ni Todoke has all the shoujo classics: cinnamon roll of a main character. The popular, outgoing, yet secretly sensitive male love interest. The "Yankee"/tall best friend. The insanely socially literate that no one wants to mess with other best friend. The popular, attractive, and uber-feminine rival of love that's actually just a bitch. Unnecessary drama caused by a lack of communicating one's own feelings. Rumors that were started because people were jealous of the main character. Kimi ni Todoke truly has it all when it comes to shoujo traits.
These are the tags on my MAL
Anime Crack - I love these shows. Now, these are never stellar shows, but they're just trashy enough that makes you want to keep coming back as soon as you can. Just like actual crack is never the best drug to do, it's still crack; you're coming back for more. Just look at how many crackheads there are, that shit has to be good.
Character rich - Something very heavy in important characters. Typically the plot revolves around an allegory for society. Also, this is relative to the number of episodes in a show. I generally go with a 12:7 or 24:12 ratio (episodes:characters). I'm someone who thoroughly enjoys and can handle a lot of main characters in a plot. It is very easy to tell if a bad writer is trying to juggle a heavy amount of characters. But with a competent writer, you can get a lot of varying storylines all in one show that really pays off.
Cried - Self-explanatory
Emotional Harem - This is when the main character is the total center of the plot for valid or invalid reasons. All of the other major characters go to the protagonist to have them deal with their problems in a sequential fashion. I separate this from an actual harem because not all of the characters are necessarily attracted to the main character. This was popularized by Bakemonogatari, the dickriders make it seem like that means every other show after it is just copying. But there wrong and don't go outside enough to know that
Feelgood - Heartwarming shows that make you want to just turn your brain off and just experience positive emotion.
Fuckshit - I hate these shows thus the unsavory epithet. I know there are people that think that these shows are good. But from the bottom of my heart, I want to let you know you're a boring person. A fuckshit show is a variation of slice of life where the main characters pretty much get absolutely nothing done the entire time. They just go around and do slightly different shit but it's done over the top. American sitcoms use this a lot so Office watchers like these shows, and we all know those people are overwhelmingly full of interesting ideas.
Gay - Can you guess what this one is? Yup! This tag means it's a sports anime. Jokes aside these shows have overt or subtle gay undertones. To quote Boondocks "I saw gay, so I said gay. That ain't bullying, that's an astute observation". Now, this is not a bad thing, but it also isn't a good thing. Gay is gay, nothing more nothing less. This also isn't limited to the main characters.
ICBINH - “I Can't Believe It's Not Hentai!” You know these shows. These are the ones non-anime fans think of when they hear anime, and honestly, they probably should.
JAPOS - "Just a Piece of Shit". These shows are centered around someone who, you guessed it, is Just a Piece of Shit. Maybe they get redeemed, but really not by much. I fucking love these. People suck, and it's nice to see characters that suck just like real people. Also, I've noticed that people tend to think that the shows are bad for having a hateable character; which is really stupid. These characters are designed for you to hate them, so if that's the feeling that you get then the character has done its job. You shouldn't like every character there is, and not all villains have to be redeemable.
LHFSIA - “Look How Fucking Smart I Am”. This is where the main character(s) are really smart compared to the rest of the cast. A lot of the plot is derived from how smart these characters are. Honestly, a lot of these shows are utter bullshit to me. Often they are attempted flexes by the authors to try to trick their readers into thinking they actually have good writing when they don't. The best way to tell if it's actually good writing is how well they use Chekhov's gun. If the story is at the point where it's revealing the ultimate plot and you're just then getting a large amount of information, it's shit writing. Some of these are good though so this isn't an insult in it of itself.
Love triangle - Ah the dreaded love triangle. While this is titled “triangle”, there isn't really a limit on the number of people in a love triangle. But it is limited to all relationships being possible; if a character is introduced after the main relationship has begun and is interested in one of the leads, then I'm not going to count it as a love triangle (I.e. bunny girl senpai). No matter what, one character always gets hurt. Also, a good amount of the time, the better girl loses so beware of some bullshittery. But Best Boy always wins.
Manga commercial - You know these, they're the one-season shows that end seemingly well before any plot is moved forwards. Fuck these shows, all my homies hate these. You watch a good show then see it was made 4 years ago and nothing's in production. Pain is all you can wait for.
Meme Material - High meme potential in these shows. This does not mean that a lot of memes come out of the show; there are shows that have a lot of memes come out of it, but that doesn't mean they are high in meme material, they could just be popular (Attack on Titan is a good example of this). They also don't have to be designed to make memes, although some are (Konosuba). The ones that are designed to make memes, to me at least, feel really pander-y.
OVERRATED - Self-explanatory. Obviously, this doesn't mean that the show is bad, but goddam is it not that good. Typically, meme culture tends to take over these shows; some shows play into this while others ignore it. I really try not to have other people's opinions influence my feelings towards a show, but to completely avoid it is impossible and anyone that thinks they can is a self-important liar. Or a psychopath but they probably wouldn't be reading this. Also from the bottom of my heart, I don't give a shit what you think. So if I called your favorite show overrated just save yourself the energy and don't try to argue because I will not listen.
Overhated - This is the opposite of overrated. These shows are ones that when I finish them and go to add them on my list when I see their scores I go "Aw come on guys, now you're just being mean". A big disclaimer for this is sometimes my scores are still lower than the actual score for the show. BUT MAL's scores are very skewed so I think these should be rated higher compared to what other shows are rated.
Pain. - Based on the legendary Will Smith tweet, these shows are some heavy shit. I'm a big fan of these because they show a more mature side of stories that I think is necessary to tell a truly impactful show. But damn do not watch these shows in succession.
Power fantasy - I'm sure most people know what the average Power fantasy looks like. One character is just naturally amazing at something that is highly valued in their society. However, people only view it as actual power. But to me, things like unnatural/unearned charisma counts as well. It typically portrays someone who, despite their flaws, you would want to be like.
Racism subplot - Discrimination is a very real thing in our society, so for art to not portray that it; would be almost irresponsible. That being said, it's very easy for a story on racism to feel contrived. So if the world feels lived in and there's a history behind the discrimination instead of just "this person is an other so we hate them", then I'm happy to watch it.
Still Finished ¯\_(ツ)_/ -- This isn't really what it sounds like. I mean this for shows that kept me engaged the whole time. These typically have certain plot elements that are pretty much the only things going for the show, but they're engaging enough to the point where I thoroughly enjoy finishing them.
TDI - “Total Dramatic Irony” Heavy use of dramatic irony. A lot of misunderstandings driving the plot forward. If embraced this can be decent, but typically it's a pretty weak plot device.
WITP - "Whoa, is this plot?" This is for when you're watching a show that has fun gag or satiates the degenerate desire, but that's all it really does. It doesn't do anything too special, but there's comfort in that. But then randomly there's just one episode that gets super serious and you realize that you're invested in these characters. It's so unexpected too
Wholesome - Self-explanatory. A show that highlights the good in the world. It shows unfettered emotion throughout the majority of the plot. These are really good after you've had an exhausting day or week and just don't want to see any other tragedy. I hope I never get so jaded in life that I can't enjoy some wholesome content.
WWTPE? - "When Will The Pain End?". These shows are pain.+. If you want to feel like shit the entire time then these are the shows for you. Now there are some shows that are really heavy that aren't going to be tagged, but that's probably because there's some moment of levity during the show/movie; These animes do not have any moments where you can catch your breath. It's just pain.
YTFK - (Yo, That's Fuckin Kawaii) Some cute shit/characters be happening in this show. Typically there's some "cute girls doing cute things" in here but sometimes there's a cupcake of a main boy that makes the show cute. Honestly, these aren't very good. Pedophiles like these shows, just sayin.
As I've stated before: my list is not based on the typical standard deviation type list that people normally rate with. Instead, this is an even spread with about 10% of the shows I've watched in each rating (obviously this is going to be skewed towards higher than 5.5 [i.e. true average] since I'm watching shows I think I'm going to enjoy) I've seen enough shows to understand what is trash and what isn't so this list has that extra bit of personal flavor.
10 - Each one of these shows has genuinely changed my life. To an outsider, this may seem sad, but if you ever been touched deep in the heart by art you'll understand what I mean. I think what someone gives a 10 to is something that deals in matters that are really important to that person. So if you know me personally, you'll get a great look into who I truly am as a person by the shows I give a 10 to.
9 - Almost every one of these shows, whenever I'm hitting episode 3 or 4, I get sad at how little I have left to watch. Typically I can't move on from these shows and have to rewatch clips or even the entire show. Creates a very strong show hole. All of these shows say something as well, they don't just entertain.
8 - Honestly, this is probably the most important review I can give. I basically like to use the 8 rating as 'everyone who can appreciate things will appreciate these shows' which is my benchmark for the shows that I would recommend to everyone. If I had to guess I would say a max amount of about 3 for shows I've rated as an 8 or above that I may have gotten wrong for everyone but honestly fuck people that can't get those shows.
7 - This is my "this is a very decent watch but probably fits my tastes more than others" with a nice dash of "this is probably really good but it doesn't fit my taste at all"—balance in all things. Expect a massive amount of shoujo in here because I absolutely love it and it always gets a reaction out of me but I know most guys don't like it ergo (I would say half but I feel like there are a lot more male weebs on MAL than there are female weebs so I gotta pay attention to that when rating, understanding your audience is the first step in statistics) they are rated lower than I truly feel about them.
6 - Just above average. These are ones that I don't regret watching but probably wouldn't recommend to everyone.
5 - This is just below average. Like with my rating of 6, I don't regret watching these but if they are ranked 5 then I rarely would recommend them to others. I will rate something a 5 but has like a 7.75 rating on MAL, then that's probably the rating the average person would give.
4 - This is my limit of what I think is enjoyable. I haven't enjoyed anything lower than a 4. There are some shows I've rated as a 4 that are among my most enjoyed shows, but I know they're trash so I'm not going to rate them too highly. I think doing the opposite of that ruins your integrity as a reviewer, some of you probably disagree with this though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3 -
2 - Almost trash. These tend to be pretty poorly made and boring. But there is still something that prevents it from being complete trash, there is some artistic presence that can still be observed. Often times the concept of the show probably wouldn't even get past a 6 if properly made, so they're trying to start fire with wet wood.
1 - I would rather staple my balls together than watch these shows again. I think it's wrong to bash professionals who genuinely try in their career, but at some point, if you're bad at your job then you're bad at your job. Often I see a lot of potential in the shows I rate with a 1, but the creators fucked up so badly they basically just curb stomped that potential into a new generation.
This is just explaining why I like my favorite characters. My favorites are pretty tame so I don't really need to do this, but I want to so here we are. I'm going to go into actual spoilers, so I would recommend watching every show that all of these characters are from because they're at least a 9. Also, I'm so confident no one will take the time to actually read my profile up until this point, but if you're still here: thanks :).
Inaba Himeko - Best Girl. Alright probably my most controversial solely because Inaba has a history of physically assaulting her crush. While I'm not exactly for this, sometimes you gotta smack your man around to know you shouldn't be fucked with. Other than that? Absolutely perfect. Strong, independent, reliable, bold, a Tsundere, but after breaking down her shell she is so adorable. She genuinely cares about Taichi and shows that she has an embarrassing crush while still being upfront about it.
Soma Kyou - Best Boy. Get this, yet ANOTHER Tsundere, but this time he's also a Tortured Rough Boy. Constantly rejected by almost everyone who should've cherished him, yet he's still a good person. His mother? Killed herself because she thought she birthed the cat. His Father? Abandoned him because he was the cat. The first person that liked him (Kagura)? Ran away from him when she forced him to reveal his true form. He's good at a lot but since he's the cat he can never win. All that, yet he still lets himself fall in love with Tohru. Kyou is the example of someone who was dealt a bad hand, yet remained a good person.
This is going to be very "passionate" because, unfortunately, my anger is stronger than my positivity. This is not meant to talk about the character, because sometimes I can dislike a character but understand their purpose in the story. This is aimed at people who worship characters for their flaws touting them as strengths because they share those flaws. To all the people whose favorite characters are on this list, I URGE you to be offended by this. Do you wanna know why? Because you have garbage taste and are probably a classless human.
Hikigaya Hachiman - Hachiman is just a bad person. Hachiman is not some misunderstood hero, he's a self-righteous asshole. A lot of people might get attached to him because he's supposed to be the intellectual Redditor, Rick and Morty, Deathnote kind of person (you know this type). I hope you guys know you aren't actually smart. Being smart is not being slightly more intelligent than the average person. The average person is stupid; just look at any MAL account--including mine. Doing something for someone else does not mean you are doing a good thing. If you think you're like Hachiman, don't ever interact with me. Because you're either A: an antisocial (and by antisocial I mean the actual psychopathic term, not the asocial that people normally mean when they say antisocial) person that doesn't understand that being likable is a desirable trait to have. It's really not hard to be likable if your personality isn't that of an insufferable know-it-all. So if you can't make any friends, instead of hating everyone else maybe look at yourself first. or B: Also a self-righteous asshole that thinks they're helping people when they're actually annoying them. If people are angry at you after you help them, maybe fucking switch up your methods. Most people will always take help whenever they can get it because it makes their lives easier, so if you do that and they still would've preferred you didn't, then you made their lives worse with your actions.
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