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Hi =============================== Watching anime ("intentionally") since 2011/2012 I also like to write (fiction amongst other things), When I was under the age of 16, I used to think anime was too good to ever lose interest in; I quickly got a reality check +++ Feel free to check out my blog for a compilation of edgy reviews found on this site. Sometimes I like reading negative reviews about shows I've enjoyed, I just appreciate the funny ones, I dont take anime that seriously. Its never that deep! =============================== Yes/// Slice of life/ Iyashikei / Historical /Romance / Psychological /Mystery/ Fantasy /Supernatural/ Crime/Detective/ =============================== No/// Mecha/ Mahou shojou / Harem/ Vampires =============================== Your relationship with: K-On There is only one reason you like it: "cute girls doing cute things" or in other words, capitalistic Moe caricatures, something you will never relate to. Behind their masks of innocent angels Yui, Ritsu, Mugi, Mio and Azusa are all manipulative tools laughing at you mockingly as you grovel helplessly before the screen with the fantasy of one day touching them. So you go out and buy the plushies, body pillows and figurines to further stimulate the economy when in hopes to stimulate yourself. Toradora You self insert into Ryuuji and have a degredation fetish. The sole reason Taiga is allowed to exist in all her "glorious" agressive, physically abusive tsundereness is because she is a cute, anorexic highschool girl who is a below-average height gremlin to make you feel superior and fuel your white-night, saviour complex. Thus inflating your fragile ego as an otaku who watches 20+ anime per season. The Garden of Words At a young age, during the peak of puberty, unable to distinguish between true career aspirations and sexual deviancy, you make the conscious decision to pursue your passion for designing women’s footwear motivated by your newly discovered foot fetish. Due to having mommy issues, you develop a crush on a 30 year-old emo milf highschool teacher, a grown woman who displays femcel tendencies. For further inspiration, you meet your crush in an isolated spot at your local park every weekend, specifically on rainy days, since that would make it harder for a passerby to notice any potential grooming she decides to bestow (subject) upon you (you to). You are hoping she would let you massage her feet and acquire measurements to carve life-sized prototypes while she, tired and depressed, fantasizes about the possibility of finally acquiring true love and simultaneously normalizing pedophilic relationships within Japanese culture; killing two birds with one stone. MADOKA MAGICA artist: @MihifuHi (twitter) MUSHISHI Bottom of the Barrel: (4/10 or under, not in any order) Akame ga Kill Angel Beats Chainsaw Man Glasslip Nisekoi Haganai Re:Zero Himouto! Umaru-chan The Garden of Words A Whisker Away Higurashi Vampire Knight Yesterday wo Utatte Hai to Gensou no Grimgar Runway de Waratte Some thoughts: A silent voice - After re-watching this movie several years later, I realised its essentially just one huge emotionally manipulative sob story for both the protagonists, especially since neither of them are interesting or have any truly defining characteristics, the fl is a damsel in distress resembling a robot, I understand that this is supposed to be a redemption story for a bully, but she could have at least developed a personality in the second half, she only exists to be pitied, it feels like this film reduces deaf/disabled people to their one weakness when in reality they shouldn’t allow that to define them. You could argue this is about the bully and not Nishimiya, but that fact is something he should’ve understood as well, by the end of this film, you won’t really feel like he can empathise with deaf people more. The fact that he felt such an immense amount of guilt (to the point of being suicidal) approximately 10 years later is just kind of unconvincing and a little silly. The fact that this movie has romantic undertones is also kinda disrespectful and makes it worse because the relationship is already shallow, esp when he’s seeking forgiveness, why is she so conveniently infatuated with him?? Why does she try to befriend everyone, even those who pushed her to her limits, she continues to do this till the very end, did she actually develop self-worth in a meaningful sense? when you forgive people who have zero remorse about having wronged you, it’s for your own mental health not for their sake. Moreover, the pacing was bad, so excruciatingly slow, uninteresting & predictable, it was hard to sit through 20mins without pausing because all the drama was just so cringe-worthy and forced. Your Lie in April - (also after rewatching) In the case of Tsubaki, I would rather view her attachment to Kousei as platonic than romantic (even if there is evidence for the counter opinion), she is not "jealous" of Kaori because she happens to be a girl, she is feeling distant from her childhood friend as he shares a deep bond with another musician on a very specific passion that she cannot relate to in the slightest, and as a result she feels left out not only because she cant understand that passion, but also because she cannot (and has not been able to) help get Kousei back into piano, something Kaori has proven to have excelled in, and a source of great anguish for him, that Tsubaki has been powerless in regards to, despite being his long-term childhood friend, she could not remedy his trauma in relation to his biggest & only passion. As her friend enters a new phase in his life rekindling his his love for the piano, she notices new sides to him which she failed to previously. She was having a hard time letting go of the fact that kousei no longer needed her to support him as he has overcome his childhood tragedies and challenges ready to take new steps and make definitive decisions in regards to his future, it was difficult to move on from their childhood dynamics when their relationship had clearly changed, it wasnt easy for her to comprehend and accept that fact, and therefore she began to question her role within the current relationship. I just like appreciating platonic bonds in fiction (whether same sex or not) and I think there should be more of a focus on them, in my opinion they're underrated and overlooked far too often. Favourite Quotes: [if you know, you know] “I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.” *** "I can see in you the glance of a curious sort of bird, through the close-set bars of a cage, a vivid, restless captive. Were it but free, it would soar, cloud-high" "This spring I came home heart-sore and soul-withered, and I met a gentle stranger whose society revives me. With her I feel I could live again, in a higher, purer way. Tell me, am I justified in overleaping an obstacle of custom to attain her?" "There is an obstacle?" - Jane "A mere conventional impediment" "But what can it be? If you cherish an affection sir then fortune alone cannot impede you" "Yes" "And if the lady is of noble stock and has indicated that she may reciprocate..." "Jane, of whom do you think I speak?" "I've a strange feeling with regard to you, as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you, and if you were to leave I'm afraid that cord of communion would snap, and I've a notion that I'd take to bleeding inwardly. As for you, you'd forget me" "How? I have lived a full life here. I have not been trampled on, I have not been petrified, I have not been excluded from every glimpse of what is bright. I have known you Mr Rochester, and it strikes me with anguish to be torn from you" - Jane *** "I don't intend him, or any man, or any woman to be all my life, there are heaps of things in me that he doesn't and- never shall understand, and so with him, there are heaps of things in him, more especially things he does, which will always be hidden from me. He has all those public qualities that you so despise. I don't intend to correct him, or to reform him, only connect. That is the whole of my sermon. I have not undertaken to fashion a husband to suit myself, using Henry's soul as raw materials, it would be contemptible and unfair." *** "I grew up quite poor, we lived in the hills. In a place my brothers built from things they found, metal sheeting, plywood, when it rained it smelled like hay. We were always hungry, but there a lucuma tree, scrawny, barely alive, my family had given up on it years before, never bore fruit. When I was seven, I became fixated on it, I watered it, tended to it, it took a long time, but the buds grew into green fruit. I was so proud, I didn't tell anyone, I plucked one and hid behind our shack, I ate the whole thing, I'd never tasted something so sweet, it was like, caramel. At first, we ate the fruit ourselves, and then I began taking it to the village to sell. One day, much of the fruit was gone from my tree, pieces were scattered on the ground, half eaten. I thought, it was probably a coati, have you ever seen one? about the size of a large house cat; opportunists. I built a snare, using branches and wire, it didn't take long for the animal to set it off, but the coati thrashed so hard...it broke out of the snare, broke its leg as well, I tried to grab it, but it slipped away, it ran under the house, I knew it would show itself sooner or later. So I waited, for hours, into the night, when my brothers called for me, I did not answer, I didn't make a sound, I was so still, finally it came out, it knew I was there, but it was hungry. This time I was ready, I caught it, it fought me, but I was stronger. The merciful thing would've been to kill it...I kept it, it lived for quite some time...I believe you will wake Hector." |
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Sorry I ghosted you on Discord for a few weeks. Replies are up.
DONT TRUST MY LIST I keep forgetting to update it!!
I'll just read my previous comment for a bit of reference.
Hmm i used to be like that too. Feeling insecure and having doubts over whether someone is being genuine with me or just trying to manipulate me or something. Somehow I just stopped caring about what others think, I don't really remember when I did that. Maybe I have become too desensitized for my own good. I am not saying this is the right approach to dealing with superficial friends. It's probably worse, because it gets quite lonely to deal with everything by yourself with no help. It gets lonely because when you start to embrace yourself for who you are, others start to view you as someone sticking out, eccentric. That loneliness is quite hard to deal with. But on the other hand, you feel like you can just truly be yourself for who you are without worrying about others. Imo once you get a taste of freedom like that, it's really hard to go back to worrying about others all the time. You become more selfish about yourself. Which is good, at least for anyone worrying about what others think about you. Because being a bit more selfish is not bad at all. You will hear "being selfish is a bad" from so many people, like your mentors, guardians, parents, etc. But I think being selfless is a lot worse and destructive to yourself than being selfish to a degree. Because if someone isn't a bit selfish to take care of their own problems first then how can they be expected to be selfless and take care of others you know. The order is the other way around, you need to be selfish first, take care of yourself, and then think of others.
It's random. Wouldn't it be kinda amazing if i guessed it right? hehe