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Jul 2, 2016 11:03 PM
Mar 2016
The music never fits the scene and it just sounds awful. It's very distracting to pay attention to what the characters are saying when the music starts playing because it's almost as loud as the dialogue being spoken. I don't understand how this OST even met the director's standards.
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Jul 2, 2016 11:24 PM
Mar 2016
Haha, I can understand that, but somehow the ost simplified for me. I know a good ost is like a pot of gold, but I liked how central the story was, and how little anything else competed with it. I thought some of the music went very well actually, but that was it's purpose. It all function with the story.
Jul 3, 2016 12:14 AM
Apr 2013
It had a couple pretty good ED songs though!

Edit: Having watched it all: the ost is actually pretty darn good! Sometimes it's not the best placement / timing, but the pieces, in general, work pretty well!
RaonisJul 3, 2016 1:16 AM
Jul 3, 2016 3:13 AM

Oct 2014
The ost didn't really stand out to me, I don't recall any of it to point where I'd notice it enough to stop and think "oh this is good/bad" so it was kind of just there so it didn't bother me.

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Jul 3, 2016 5:38 AM

Dec 2013
The ost is literally the best ost of this year
Jul 3, 2016 8:57 PM

Jun 2013
The OST is okay but the OP sucks balls. I wouldn't buy it, download it or listen to it again. Which is why I always fast forward the OP song and the ED song.
Jul 3, 2016 9:06 PM

Nov 2012
I should agree. Some ost killed the mood and I thought "this scene better has no OST and it'll be better" Not ost is awful, just 1-2.
Your so-called peaceful world makes me bored, so don't blame me if I destroy all of it.
Jul 5, 2016 5:42 AM

Jan 2013
robis798 said:
The ost is literally the best ost of this year

Right tho? I sgree 100%
Jul 5, 2016 6:23 AM
Jan 2015
Got to agree. That damn overly simple piano track that was used all the time was really annoying
Jul 5, 2016 7:02 AM
May 2015
The OST reminds me of Durarara! It's loud and distracting.

Jul 5, 2016 9:22 AM

Jan 2010
Troll theme, this guy just opened it because it's widely regarded as an awesome OST, especially the ED's.
(|__/) Never give up, aim for the top!
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o(")(") Anime music:
Jul 5, 2016 9:38 AM

Jun 2008
Worst ? Nah.
Simple? Yes

I won't call it worst as some scenes were more effective because of those. I especially love how the mood can suddenly change when they only added 1 or 2 more instruments while the current "piano routine" was going on.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Jul 5, 2016 9:47 AM

Jun 2014
While the OP is decent, I hate that annoying Piano. It ruins the mood and is plain-ass unnecessary in most of the scenes.
Jul 5, 2016 9:51 AM

Mar 2016
Not great but fitting and helps in building the atmosphere imo . No objections here.
Jul 5, 2016 12:15 PM
Mar 2016
Yeah, the endings were good but that's only because it used good songs from several years ago. The OP is ok at best and the rest of the OST is awful.
Jul 5, 2016 12:22 PM

Oct 2010
The OST is just good and you can hear fine character's voices. Is just you who think that.
Jul 5, 2016 12:56 PM

Jul 2012
I rarely comment on how bad an OST is but yeah, Relife has a terrible OST. The thing with it is that it's not very varied. I felt like most of it was too simple, composition wise. It sticks out too much at the random-est times...
Jul 5, 2016 1:14 PM

Oct 2014
I agree. I don't usually notice OSTs if they're average to good, but I do notice either really good ones or bad ones. And this one was bad, pretty bad.
Jul 5, 2016 3:22 PM

Aug 2013
My God. Tasteless people. Soundtrack was awesome. A W E S O M E. And I'm telling true, I'm not a type who is trolling.
Composer is a master and sound engineers and operators too.
It was epic. This is what I call awesome ost.
Other osts WHICH I consider as masterpieces (background music) from Anime (my list of masterpieces From VNs is much longer) :
- Clannad
- Kanon
- Air
- Rewrite
- Little Busters
- Sora no Method
- H2o
- Amagami SS
- Ef a tale of memories & melodies
- Senran Kagura
- K-On
- Suzumiya (2 series, I didn't like ost from movie)
- Onegai Teacher & Twins
- Photo Kano
- Chobits

HidenNinpoJul 5, 2016 3:29 PM
Jul 5, 2016 3:35 PM

Aug 2013
I kind of agree the OST is a bit distracting and doesn't fit the scene at times, especially that fast piano one. I don't think it takes away from my enjoyment too much though, since it's not like that all the time.
Jul 5, 2016 3:41 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
I found the OST to be great. The piano worked well, and I like how there was a variety of the same music. During more intense scenes, the piano would play faster and louder. And the way the piano takes paused whenever things are silent makes it really cool too.
Jul 5, 2016 4:14 PM
Apr 2011
I have to agree to some extend. I don't think it was horrible. But that piano theme for every "oh so dramatic scene" was a bit annoying after the 3rd episode...

But I won't call it the worst OST ever.
Jul 5, 2016 4:45 PM

Jul 2013
I thought it was okay for the most part, but every now and then it got in the way for the tense scenes. I'd end up paying more attention to the OST than what was actually going on. It was weird to have a different ED each week too, but I LOVED the OP!
Jul 6, 2016 2:08 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Maelkor said:
It had a couple pretty good ED songs though!

Edit: Having watched it all: the ost is actually pretty darn good! Sometimes it's not the best placement / timing, but the pieces, in general, work pretty well!

I dont see how these were any good, I skipped most of the EDs, only the pics at the end were enjoyable.
Jul 6, 2016 5:16 AM

Jul 2010
ThatGuyYeah said:
robis798 said:
The ost is literally the best ost of this year

Right tho? I sgree 100%

Yeap! Different ED songs are also good.
Jul 6, 2016 5:27 AM

Apr 2013
I love the ost ^_^ I find it really fitting and good at setting the mood, and to me it's totally the kind of music that I'd listen to all on its own while I read a book or play games. It's totally my jam, I guess music really is just a matter of taste, huh?
Jul 6, 2016 10:43 AM

Jul 2010
I liked the ED songs, but the piano in the background was distracting and annoying for me. I'm getting the sense that the OP was referring to the piano music in the background rather than the OP and ED; but I could be wrong.
Jul 6, 2016 12:24 PM

Jun 2013
Seems to me that with this OST you're eithier going to really love it or really hate it
Im somewhere in the middle, its not that good, but ive heard worse.
Jul 6, 2016 3:56 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
They definitely had a game plan with that OST, it's not randomly placed as you might think. I really liked the erratic piano playing.
Jul 7, 2016 2:21 AM

Mar 2010
Ending songs are old songs, this is literally the best thing that could happen! <3
Jul 7, 2016 2:36 AM

Mar 2013
I disagree. The soundtrack was really interesting and fitting the situations in my opinion. The way the piano acts is quite unusual but it's really good at setting the mood.
Jul 7, 2016 4:41 AM

Jan 2015
I agree tho the OP and BGM were pretty bland. The EDs are pretty good tho. Hot Limit and that song by Puffy were familiar tho. I think I heard them somewhere...
Twitter and it's consequences had been a disaster for the human race
Jul 8, 2016 8:58 AM

Aug 2015
I dunno but for some reason there's that certain OST that's so ridiculous it makes me laugh instead of what that OST supposed to make me feel, anyways the EDs in this series are the gold
Jul 8, 2016 9:32 AM

Feb 2015
not bother my enjoyment that much. so it's okay to me.
Jul 8, 2016 2:08 PM

Oct 2013
So many people are only thinking about the opening and ending songs, as if there isn't music playing in the background throughout the entire duration of the show. Most of the time I could just space it out, but at some points it was disastrous.

Someone go back and watch episode 8, at around 4:10. There is absurdly loud jazz piano music playing on top of the conversation, it's just ridiculous. Anyone who is paying attention to the background music will understand how fucking sloppy it is. Like they just rushed it out at the last second.
Jul 8, 2016 4:58 PM

Apr 2013
ghoulcustomer said:
Someone go back and watch episode 8, at around 4:10. There is absurdly loud jazz piano music playing on top of the conversation, it's just ridiculous. Anyone who is paying attention to the background music will understand how fucking sloppy it is. Like they just rushed it out at the last second.

Funny you mention that part, because that was one of my favorite moments for the soundtrack. I simply did not find it distracting, and it reflects the dynamic of the conversation at the time and how Tama was feeling. I especially like the silence as she processes things, and then when she settles on a way to respond, the music goes back to the pleasant sound it had before. I really like that kind of thing.

I've spent a lot of time listening to a wide variety of jazz because it really interests me. I even took a class in high school that was just about listening to various types of jazz and discussing it with the rest of the class. Not everything about jazz is supposed to be catchy, there are some forms of jazz that exist just because it's difficult to play that way, or because it specifically isn't written to be something that most people would naturally like. Jazz is inherently experimental a lot of the time, and I really appreciate the soundtrack in this anime for reflecting that rather than just sticking to the typical and forgettable jazzy tunes that you'd normally get out of an anime ost. Baccano and especially Durarara have a similar take on jazz music and those are two of my favorite osts in anime.

There is no question that personal preference will dictate how people receive the ost in this anime though. I'm very much the type of person who loves a lot of different forms of jazz music, and with moments like these where other people would call it distracting or out of place, I find it to be a good representative of the mood of the scene. The ost in this anime is very dynamic in an interesting way, to me it seems that rather than using music to fill in the awkward silence like most things would, the music in this anime is almost like its own character. It takes center stage a lot, which a lot of people don't like, but personally I love it.

But like I say, it's a matter of taste. You either like it or you don't, and that's fine. It is unfortunate that some people that might otherwise like ReLIFE probably hate it just because of the ost, but if that's the case then I guess it just isn't right for those people. It's certainly right for me though!
Jul 8, 2016 5:17 PM

Oct 2013

I also like jazz, definitely not as much as you do, but I've got Soil and Pimp in my car right now. That really is beside the point though because it shouldn't require an appreciation for a particular style of music to tell if the sounds are matching the events taking place on screen.

In my opinion, the conversation going on at that particular moment wasn't nearly as disorienting as the music being played. It really seemed to me like the producers sat down their musician and made him spend an entire day watching scenes and playing random bits on his piano. The jazz itself was fine but it felt like a rushed and inaccurate interpretation of what was happening on screen. Not to mention that, as the OP mentioned, THE VOLUME IS WAY TOO LOUD. The best soundtracks serve to immerse you further in what you're watching, not to take you away from it.

There are definitely better examples of what I'm talking about, but I stumbled upon this thread just after watching episode 8 so that part was fresh in my mind.

Also, lets be real. It's some sloppy background music, it's not a huge problem. I don't want to be too melodramatic about it when it isn't THAT bad, it's just rare for me to be thrown off by the background music in an anime series. My only real problem with the show ( as of episode 8) is that it started with a really cool hypothetical and then turned into a somewhat normal high school slice of life.
ghoulcustomerJul 8, 2016 5:35 PM
Jul 8, 2016 5:32 PM

Apr 2013

Yeah, I just wanted to bring up that the music itself isn't necessarily lazy, just a different kind of jazz ^_^

Again though, we just have totally different opinions about the music in this anime. I like listening to the music in the soundtrack and I like the way it's implemented into scenes. I don't think that the volume is necessarily too loud, and while I generally agree that the best soundtracks immerse you in the anime, that's exactly what this soundtrack did for me. In fact, I am very rarely immersed in any anime even if I really like it, so this was probably the most immersed I've ever been in an anime and I attribute a lot of that to the music. It just works for me, I guess.
Jul 9, 2016 9:04 AM

Oct 2013
I really liked the OPs & EDs but I agree there were some jazzy piano parts in the OST around halfway the series that annoyed me too.
Jul 9, 2016 9:15 AM

Apr 2012
rsc-pl said:
My God. Tasteless people. Soundtrack was awesome. A W E S O M E. And I'm telling true, I'm not a type who is trolling.
Composer is a master and sound engineers and operators too.
It was epic. This is what I call awesome ost.
Other osts WHICH I consider as masterpieces (background music) from Anime (my list of masterpieces From VNs is much longer) :
- Clannad
- Kanon
- Air
- Rewrite
- Little Busters
- Sora no Method
- H2o
- Amagami SS
- Ef a tale of memories & melodies
- Senran Kagura
- K-On
- Suzumiya (2 series, I didn't like ost from movie)
- Onegai Teacher & Twins
- Photo Kano
- Chobits

I don't agree with a few of those, but especially the Key stuff is amazing. I can't say I'm particularly fond of Maeda's writing style but the music for his works are always top notch. Key's non-Maeda stuff too though, Rewrite may be their best yet.

Personally, excluding visual novels I'd say my all time favorite anime OSTs come from Your Lie in April. Phenomenal soundtrack.

Nagi no Asukara is another honorable mention. Also anything by Kou Otani.
Jul 9, 2016 7:27 PM

Jan 2014
I must agree...The piano music itself was GOOD but it didnt fit most of the scenes and at times it distracted me,even suppressed the character voices...They should've used it in moderation...
Jul 10, 2016 12:41 PM

Oct 2012
I'm on episode 6 right now, and I'd have to disagree, I'm quite fond of the OST.

The usage of jazz riffs is pretty flexible, and I find that the song dynamic really matches with the scene dynamic.

There is an exception though. There's this one track, with the piano playing a couple of the same quarter notes over and over again. I understand that it could work with more simple and unserious scenes, but it sometimes plays in the worst moments.
Jul 10, 2016 11:57 PM

Jul 2016
This isn't the anime with the worst ost, LOL. I do enjoy the op, the ending too. They try to make it unique by changing the ending song, this is the first time i watch an anime with different ending song in every episode. But, the bgm is strange sometimes. Overall it's great.
War_DJul 11, 2016 12:07 AM

Jul 13, 2016 2:50 PM

Feb 2015
The op sounds like its taken from some shit daytime soap opera. Not keen on the ED much either. It's a good job the anime itself is brilliant.
Jul 14, 2016 4:06 AM

Mar 2012
Was it weird that some of the endings I realized from watching Batsu Games?

"Have you ever encounter a wild beast that guarantees to never bite anyone?" ~ Roronoa Zoro
Jul 14, 2016 4:07 AM

Mar 2015
The ost itself isn't that exciting but how they used the soundtrack was pretty good
Jul 28, 2016 2:09 PM

Sep 2007

Fantastic piano based score.

Reminded me a lot of Kare Kano - which also had a fantastic score.

Jul 28, 2016 2:45 PM

Aug 2009
True. BGM is shit and usually out of place.
Jul 29, 2016 4:57 AM

Sep 2012
BGM was annoying but man them EDs were the good old shit.
Oh god who are you people?
Jul 29, 2016 8:19 AM

Aug 2014
Always threw me off when the scene is obviously about to get tense and some happy piano music kicks in.

I agree, more or less.
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