All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 186.4
Mean Score:
- Watching31
- Completed658
- On-Hold83
- Dropped143
- Plan to Watch145
- Total Entries1,060
- Rewatched12
- Episodes10,403
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 39.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries195
- Reread1
- Chapters6,887
- Volumes646
All Comments (299) Comments
I really like ur favorites and this Saeko as cherry on top
Black Jack(ova) is a phenomenal shows. Hazama is the best anime character of all time(alongside Joe Yabuki & Reinhard).
Imo, I enjoyed seeing the imperial side perspective during my viewing of the shows.
Episode 89 was the most funniest & wholesome af
Thank you too, take care! ^^
What have you been up to lately? How are you enjoying the end of Winter?
Stay safe!
Same she is very selfless and we don't get that a lot of in characters. Also the world is so creative and imaginative, the manga is excellent and expands on the material a lot. Would love to see a sequel or spinoff... I don't think Miyazaki himself would, but maybe one of his proteges. Thanks for Kintaro btw I love the anime its probably one of my most rewatched things... the manga on the other hand wow. I would not recommend it at all lol.
Sorry for my late reply. I was so busy. T_T
Hope you're staying safe <3
Hinata is just wonderful <3