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Dec 13, 2013 9:50 AM

Apr 2013
That little boy in the beginning looks like L-Elf and Haruto. Does anyone think the same?
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Dec 13, 2013 12:42 PM
Feb 2013
Oh Saki's free, so I assume that A-drei release her.

And it looks like both L-elf and Haruto got their grove back.
Dec 13, 2013 1:12 PM

Jul 2010
Shoko tears were utterly delicious.

UnbornMVs said:
This show cannot end in only 1 cour , I need more , seriously.
No, it needs to stop.
Dec 13, 2013 3:49 PM
Nov 2008
I would have loved if Akira ignored, insulted or even just glared at Shouko, her tears would've been even tastier.
Dec 13, 2013 4:14 PM

Jul 2013
These guys are going plot-crazy!!!! What an outrageous episode!!!
Much better than the prior, but even so...
I'm only watching this because of the whole absurdity of the plot, but they are really pushing some dramatic levels waaaay farther than I'd imagined.
Dec 13, 2013 5:50 PM

Mar 2009
How are they going to end this in two episodes? lol
Dec 13, 2013 6:02 PM

Jul 2007
Dragged out episode made 20000% better by BEST GIRL returning like a boss and saving their asses like a true leading character she is.

I am 99% sure we will be getting a third season after this. AT best the council will be revealed at the end of this season and something will go terribly wrong.

Shoko still needs to get what's coming to her (Okouchi's "Idealist treatment" That is) and turn evil. Possibly after discovering Saki stufff

If that braindead idiot gets away with what she caused, I will flip a table.

kaimax said:
Cry a river for me Shoko, because your tears is delicious.

I wasn't that "mad" at her in the last episode, but still treating them as monsters when One of them sacrificed their lives...god damn it....

The most freaking hilarious thing is that the idiot STILL believes she is right. LOL.

cheto said:
I would have loved if Akira ignored, insulted or even just glared at Shouko, her tears would've been even tastier.

I am hoping this happens in next episode.

Leviathonlx said:
Jlakay423 said:
I liked this episode but it doesn't belong if there truly are only two episodes remaining. It hardly seems plausible that they can defeat the Magius AND explain all those future scenes in 2 episodes. I fully believe that this will go 50 episodes similar to Code Geass, although since it's sunrise they could end it within the two episodes but at this point whatever happens would most likely be a rushed, anti-climactic ending.

Considering they are still fighting the Magius 200 years in the future it seems more like this will end with them founding what will be their Empire and nothing with actually 'beating' them.

I am not sure they are fighting Magius.

The way it seems, I expect the betrayal to come from someone(*cough*Shoko*cough*, considering she has cow/bull symbols everywhere and the evil empire is using bull mechs in future) during "formation" of said empire, as it seems more like "The Golden Seven" protecting magius colony from huge militaristic human empire.

I am thinking Shouko will do 180 degree turn at some point in those two eps going all "exterminate them all" for whatever reason.

Bonus points if Haruto is dying and L-Elf gives him his body sacrificing himself.
AhenshihaelDec 13, 2013 6:26 PM
Dec 13, 2013 6:59 PM

Apr 2012
so many revelations but it was good :D
Dec 13, 2013 8:32 PM

Feb 2013
Valvrape Valvrave started off rather ridiculous, but I think it's getting pretty good now. Can't see this season having a very good ending without the promise of another, though. I have a feeling Haruto is going to die at the end of all of this, but him permanently body jacking someone like L-Elf to live on is an interesting idea.
Dec 13, 2013 9:44 PM

Oct 2012
Third season is pretty much confirmed, what with L-Elf and Haruto making huge plans and things finally starting to fall into place. Unless everyone dies suddenly and horribly, which would be original but suck. SO HARD.

The L-Elf and Haruto resolution felt rushed and the whole "30 minutes of oxygen" plot point that was brought up went nowhere. A little disappointed with that, but I still had to grin as they made up. Legendary duo history in the making right there, guys.

I can't help but think that Rukino and Renboukoji are the only ones who survive the whole show? They're the only ones who end up appearing in all the future flashforwards (and we still havent seen Renboukoji become a Kamitsuki... another reason why 3rd season is basically confirmed). Since L-Elf isn't immortal (yet), I'm thinking maybe that's his clone or reincarnation or something?

So much left to unravel. And more of this show can really only be a good thing at this point.
Dec 13, 2013 10:12 PM

May 2012
00:39 Saki <3

11:08 dat danged teacher should tell the students the truth already

11:30 LOOOL

So AD let RS go.
8/10 for this ep.
Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances.
He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter.
Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month.
Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel.
The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck.
Dec 13, 2013 10:17 PM

Jul 2009
lol the guy at the end feels guilty that hes fucking over his bro's plan.
welp now hes a gud guy
Dec 13, 2013 11:57 PM

Nov 2009
Xelzeno said:
Well huh, I doubt they can wrap all this up in 2 episodes so I guess there will be a third season. At least I hope so, because otherwise I see a junk ending incoming.

I agree.

I think Shouko's decision not to let the Valvrave Pilots in the shuttle is not a decision a good Prime Minister would make. She should hear their side first.
amplifiedDec 14, 2013 12:01 AM
Dec 14, 2013 12:33 AM

May 2012
Rukino is back!! Thanks A-drei!
Dec 14, 2013 1:38 AM

Jul 2012
Yes finally Haruto and L-Elf have made up and will now unveil the world.

The Promise

Great episode!!!
Dec 14, 2013 2:52 AM

Jul 2007
SilverCrono said:
Third season is pretty much confirmed, what with L-Elf and Haruto making huge plans and things finally starting to fall into place. Unless everyone dies suddenly and horribly, which would be original but suck. SO HARD.

The L-Elf and Haruto resolution felt rushed and the whole "30 minutes of oxygen" plot point that was brought up went nowhere. A little disappointed with that, but I still had to grin as they made up. Legendary duo history in the making right there, guys.

I can't help but think that Rukino and Renboukoji are the only ones who survive the whole show? They're the only ones who end up appearing in all the future flashforwards (and we still havent seen Renboukoji become a Kamitsuki... another reason why 3rd season is basically confirmed). Since L-Elf isn't immortal (yet), I'm thinking maybe that's his clone or reincarnation or something?

So much left to unravel. And more of this show can really only be a good thing at this point.

They are not showing others to keep tension - We know that there are 7 VVV pilots in the future. We just won't know whether they are the same as the current ones, so death risk is still a factor.

L-Elf/Haruto resolution was okay, considering its not something "NEW" they figured out and agreed to - its something they have been doing since day one, but were not able to quite figure out clearly on what it is exactly.
Dec 14, 2013 2:53 AM
Jan 2013
So, just as Shoko was about to operate Haruto's valvrave, she now finds out the truth, Saki is free, so what's gonna happen to A-drie now?

Now, Haruto and L-ef have gotten their mojo back.
Dec 14, 2013 4:01 AM
May 2012
Will X-Ein shoot A-drei at the end?!

"This is my punishment" Is this the end of A-Drei next?!
JafriZinDec 14, 2013 5:50 AM
Dec 14, 2013 7:29 AM

Oct 2009
Shoko you stupid moronic dumb bitch!

Still this "Prince" from the future has L-Elf's hair and Haruto's eyes, whats the deal?XD

And A-Drei is prince too? Hmm...

No way this can finish in 2 episodes, maybe a movie? :o
Dec 14, 2013 8:16 AM
May 2012
So you guys really want to see they gonna kill off Shoko so bad?! What is wrong with you people?!

Also NOBODY explains to me that what's gonna happen next? Is X-Ein going to shoot A-drei then despite letting Saki go & saves Haruto & L-elf?
JafriZinDec 14, 2013 8:53 AM
Dec 14, 2013 8:49 AM

Sep 2008
I don't understand this hate towards Shouko...
She don't do anything wrong...
Even Creator via Kibukawa said that she made good decision.

I think most people are just butthurt because Haruto is in love with Shouko (not in other girl) and Shouko love him too and it looks Haruto don't want give up with his feelings...
Dec 14, 2013 8:52 AM
May 2012
LittleStar said:
I don't understand this hate towards Shouko...
She don't do anything wrong...
Even Creator via Kibukawa said that she made good decision.


IF She's evil, she should've join alongside with Cain, that fucker ARUS President & Magius in the first place!!
Dec 14, 2013 9:46 AM

Feb 2013
Maybe the rest of the students will get into a Valvrave and undergo the treatment to become a Kamitsuki. Now that we know all of them have been genetically engineered for it:, they don't really have much to lose. I'm curious why it seems like only the red pilot has to feed off runes, though. What happens if others attune to unit 1? Will they have the same side effects, or will they be like the other pilots?
Dec 14, 2013 12:07 PM

Jul 2007
The more I think about it, the more its obvious that this will have another season - the blue haired boy is not even explained yet.

LittleStar said:
I don't understand this hate towards Shouko...
She don't do anything wrong...
Even Creator via Kibukawa said that she made good decision.

I think most people are just butthurt because Haruto is in love with Shouko (not in other girl) and Shouko love him too and it looks Haruto don't want give up with his feelings...

Sure, nothing wrong.

Except for:
1) running a fucking country like a schoolclub (then again this is the same idiot who got elected with "let's make a festival!~" level of government planning and pretty much served no other purpose than being a photo to associate a country with, as everything in the country was run by everyone far more competent than her)
2) ratted out her only line of defense to a group who massacred half of them in S1 and a group who just did the same in S2.
3) doing nothing useful in whole 20 episodes of the show except for being a "everything'sokay" cheerleader. Seriously, the only useful thing she did was almost dying, because without that the plot would not have kicked in.

My innate dislike of her stupidly idealistic bullshit nature aside, she is a terribly shitty leader and(as these two episodes have shon) an even more shitty person.

Actions have consequences. This whole situation is her fault, so she can't get off scott-free simply because "She's sorry"(except that she still thinks she was right)

IF she went all crazy yandere, then she would at least be even marginally enjoyable to watch. AS it is, she does nothing but waste the screentime of the show.

BlueBusterJeff said:
So you guys really want to see they gonna kill off Shoko so bad?! What is wrong with you people?!

No, we want her to turn evil and THEN die, preferrably. Dying in a bloody messisokay if that's not possible.

BlueBusterJeff said:
LittleStar said:
I don't understand this hate towards Shouko...
She don't do anything wrong...
Even Creator via Kibukawa said that she made good decision.


IF She's evil, she should've join alongside with Cain, that fucker ARUS President & Magius in the first place!!

People do not just fallinto "good" and "evil".

Shoko is somewhere between "irredeemably sugary naive" and "idiotically dumb".

She ratted out the ONLY defense she has from everyone, sided with side that had the infamous Minister "Ima part the sea of students" Moses and even after one of her closest friends just kamikaze'd himself for them, she still clings to it being the right decision. Bitch, please.
AhenshihaelDec 14, 2013 12:13 PM
Dec 14, 2013 12:23 PM

Sep 2008
Everyone want perfect characters who are like robots and they don't make mistakes, don't make bad decisions, are strong, they know about everything...

Such characters doesn't exist...

Even if character is "perfect" there is always thing that will make destroy their image.
Like example L-elf who seems to know everything, can do everything...
but at the end... he failed and how his breakdown...

Really, I think most of Saki fans, are just pissed, because Haruto love Shouko,
and these reason are just "because we can't said we hate her, because she ruin our ship!"
Dec 14, 2013 12:54 PM

Jul 2010
I was laughing through out the whole time L- Elf lashed out at Haruto,the punches the kicks.
I was like at least he's taking his stress away,but poor l-Elf he actually cried ....

Thank god Shoko knows the truth ,I loved her tears ( bitch he did it for revenge,love)
Rukino came and saved the day , I am so glad she is back but I wonder why A- Drei did what he did.

Overall the episode was great a lot of secrets were out of the box .
So this means time for a revolution.
Dec 14, 2013 1:55 PM

Nov 2007
L-Elf and Haruto fight then play nice after sharing secrets. Bromance.

And Shoko is still a bitch, but a more understanding one now. Still do not want to see them together.

As expected seems L-Elfs former friends were the only chance. More specifically A-Drei who learns it wasn't L-Elf that shot him. Guess they'll be teaming up with or without the others.

Didn't expect Saki back so soon, but good. She seemed rather glad to see Haruto. Much rather see him end with her than Shoko.

Seemed that ARUS president was in on it though. Knowing about the Council.

Dec 14, 2013 2:34 PM

Dec 2011
Recently rewatched the last episode of the first season to confirm some things.
I'm mindblown that I didn't recognize the ARUS President meeting with the Dorssian President in that last scene.
They totally sneaked that in. We should've known this betrayal against Module 77 was coming. xD

Also, on the trailer for season 2, there was that one scene where a hand was stroking a new Dorssian military uniform. Right after, there was a scene where Rukino and Cain met. I think it was the only scene in that trailer that we haven't seen yet in the anime so I'm guessing it's going to be on the last few episodes. Which might lead us to Rukino probably joining Dorssia?

If that's the case, Rukino saving Haruto and L-Elf might not be what we think it is---you know... "saving" them.

There's also that earring from H-Neun that X-Eins had. Still don't know if there was a message in there. If there was one about H-Neun telling X-Eins about the truth, we might see A-Drei and X-Eins helping out L-Elf and Haruto escape from Rukino's betrayal.

Still that's all speculation. Not really sure what the writing team has in store for us in the next few episodes.
OhasumiDec 14, 2013 2:55 PM
Dec 14, 2013 3:27 PM

Jul 2007
LittleStar said:
Everyone want perfect characters who are like robots and they don't make mistakes, don't make bad decisions, are strong, they know about everything...

Such characters doesn't exist...

Even if character is "perfect" there is always thing that will make destroy their image.
Like example L-elf who seems to know everything, can do everything...
but at the end... he failed and how his breakdown...

Really, I think most of Saki fans, are just pissed, because Haruto love Shouko,
and these reason are just "because we can't said we hate her, because she ruin our ship!"

Use strawman arguments about shipping or not, that does not change that she is terrible and bland character.

There are flawed characters and then there are one-dimensional cardboard cutouts. Shouko is the case of latter. As generic as Yufie and Lacus were, at least they DID something, compared to this ditzy childhood friend stereotype.

She has absolutely no depth apart form "she cares and she is cheerful". Here. I summed up her entirety of existence in half a sentence.

Ohasumi said:

If that's the case, Rukino saving Haruto and L-Elf might not be what we think it is---you know... "saving" them.

Or Cain is the one who will switch sides eventually.We stillneed "Golden seven"to be, you know, seven.
Dec 14, 2013 4:00 PM

Oct 2011
Shoko, now do you realize that you're a stupid b*tch?

Seems like things are getting heated up again.
A-drei is probably on the same side with L-elf now, that's why Rukino is free.

Also, there's no way to wrap up this series in 2 episodes without making it horrible. One more season please!!
Dec 14, 2013 6:18 PM

Aug 2013
Dat brawling. They're punching each other while in the suit. I lol'd at them.

Dat feels.... Shoko now knew what really happened to haruto. REGRET! wahahahaha!

woah, new skill, what's that runes? they can release it when they both say "I can't just die yet" at the same time.

A-drei's revolution. It's getting more and more interesting!
Dec 14, 2013 6:54 PM

Feb 2013
... took them long enough to realize they need to expose the magius...
That whole fist fight in space suits... I was laughing...

Yay, Saki was set free!
Dec 14, 2013 8:44 PM

Dec 2010
A rather slow episode, but its important for the character motivations to be set from her on to the end, plus we got more of the "Prince" and Saki's back in action! What more can you want?

Well, besides another season because there is literally no way this can end in two more episodes!
Dec 14, 2013 9:14 PM
Aug 2012
LittleStar said:
Everyone want perfect characters who are like robots and they don't make mistakes, don't make bad decisions, are strong, they know about everything...

Such characters doesn't exist...

Even if character is "perfect" there is always thing that will make destroy their image.
Like example L-elf who seems to know everything, can do everything...
but at the end... he failed and how his breakdown...

Really, I think most of Saki fans, are just pissed, because Haruto love Shouko,
and these reason are just "because we can't said we hate her, because she ruin our ship!"

That's just you self-satisfying imagination...............all shipping aside, she is still a shitty character.

Ohasumi said:
Recently rewatched the last episode of the first season to confirm some things.
I'm mindblown that I didn't recognize the ARUS President meeting with the Dorssian President in that last scene.
They totally sneaked that in. We should've known this betrayal against Module 77 was coming. xD

Also, on the trailer for season 2, there was that one scene where a hand was stroking a new Dorssian military uniform. Right after, there was a scene where Rukino and Cain met. I think it was the only scene in that trailer that we haven't seen yet in the anime so I'm guessing it's going to be on the last few episodes. Which might lead us to Rukino probably joining Dorssia?

If that's the case, Rukino saving Haruto and L-Elf might not be what we think it is---you know... "saving" them.

There's also that earring from H-Neun that X-Eins had. Still don't know if there was a message in there. If there was one about H-Neun telling X-Eins about the truth, we might see A-Drei and X-Eins helping out L-Elf and Haruto escape from Rukino's betrayal.

Didn't Saki's face show how glad she was to find them? Also the promise in the flashbacks? She is more devoted and has more common sense than Shouko ever had. So nope she isn't going to betray them.

ARUS put a lot of people in Neo Jior. Many of the important things were handled by their people as you can see from episode 1 or 2. Shouko just sit there stupified when ARUS government made decisions for her. They knew all about the fake Valvrave and everything. The things was pretty much planned.

This should get a season 3. Sunrise don't usually finish their shows in 24-25 episodes.

@Fai: About the "Golden Seven" do you think the 2 characters from the side story count among them? Or could A-Drei and X-Ein will join the team? What is your theory about Golden Seven?

Dec 14, 2013 11:42 PM
May 2012
Ohasumi said:
Also, on the trailer for season 2, there was that one scene where a hand was stroking a new Dorssian military uniform. Right after, there was a scene where Rukino and Cain met. I think it was the only scene in that trailer that we haven't seen yet in the anime so I'm guessing it's going to be on the last few episodes. Which might lead us to Rukino probably joining Dorssia?

That trailer at the end of EP12 season 1 was apparently FAKE. but who knows?

This show could be end with another cliffhanger with so many things left open.
Dec 15, 2013 12:57 AM

Dec 2011
TOO MANY FEELS FOR ONE SHOW ;________________;
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Dec 15, 2013 4:18 AM

Jan 2013
Finally L-elf is back in action :D
Haruto and L-elf are firends xD
YAY RUKINO!!!!! <3 She is finally back too :D

Was it me or did A-drei get his left eye back?
Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel.- Tifa lockhart
Which is it? A memory or us? -Tifa lockhart
Dec 15, 2013 7:57 AM

Jul 2007
Dragon_Slayer_X said:

@Fai: About the "Golden Seven" do you think the 2 characters from the side story count among them? Or could A-Drei and X-Ein will join the team? What is your theory about Golden Seven?

I would have played the guessing game before, but not now, since Inuzuka stuff has shown us that any of the pilots barring Saki could be replaced.

As for sidestory chars, if how Sunrise handled Gundam and Geass sidestories is anything to go by, I doubt they will give that much attention to sidestory chars. At best we will see them in some bigger battle latter on as a cameo

Either A-Drei or X-Ein MIGHT join the team, but I have doubts of them BOTH surviving. Either one of them or all three of them will die. The Psycho Midget will surely die and X-Eins currently has a bigger chance of surviving, solely because having "two revolutionary leaders" would go nowhere, as well as because X-Eins is yet to be converted to the good guys side.

If anything, if L-Elf sacrifices himself to give his body to dying Haruto, either of the two are viable to replace "L-Elf's role" in next season.

I am thinking that IF we get S3 we will see how valvraves are "grown"/made as they are one vvv short. Perfectly however we would need two more seasons 12 eps each, so the S3 would deal with formation of Empire(s) and with how we get to the flashforward and the last 12 eps would take place 200 years latter, resolving it all and rounding up the ep count to 52 episode sunrise standard.

BlueBusterJeff said:
Ohasumi said:
Also, on the trailer for season 2, there was that one scene where a hand was stroking a new Dorssian military uniform. Right after, there was a scene where Rukino and Cain met. I think it was the only scene in that trailer that we haven't seen yet in the anime so I'm guessing it's going to be on the last few episodes. Which might lead us to Rukino probably joining Dorssia?

That trailer at the end of EP12 season 1 was apparently FAKE. but who knows?

This show could be end with another cliffhanger with so many things left open.

Not fake, some of the scenes from there already happened. The only parts not to happen so far are Rukino scene and L-Elf putting on the Dorssian uniform scene.

IF anything,t he most likely situation is that they will somehow force the Code-Geass-ish truce next episode starting some sort of negotiation(explaining those scenes). Then in the finale it all goes to shit and we are left with the ending similar to first season of gundam00
Dec 15, 2013 9:27 AM

Mar 2013
Riez said:
In the future , we saw Renboukouji , Saki and a child of Haruto and L-Elf.

Shouko knowing why Haruto did all this was the "in you fucking face bitch" moment. You called him a liar , you rejected all the other Valvrave pilots , even if you're a Prime Minister that doesn't mean that you can simply buy and sell trust. Fucking bitch.

A-Drei finally knows that L-Elf didn't shoot/betray him , that was nice to see. L-Elf was actually quite friendly with the others too in the past lol. A-Drei helped Saki to get out , and that moment when the OP song and the last part was so awesome.

Awesome episode , 5/5.

Did I just saw the word the child of HARUTO and L-ELF ?!?! ....Didnt know guys could give birth ... unless it was done genetically... wait screw that.. that dont work as well lol
Dec 15, 2013 1:47 PM

May 2009
BlueBusterJeff said:
That trailer at the end of EP12 season 1 was apparently FAKE. but who knows?

It wasn't fake, they simply discarded some ideas. It was really bad decision since Saki is 2nd/3rd most popular character and she was doing shit for most of season.
Dec 15, 2013 2:51 PM
Dec 2012
Xelzeno said:
Well huh, I doubt they can wrap all this up in 2 episodes so I guess there will be a third season. At least I hope so, because otherwise I see a junk ending incoming.

This. There is no way they can end it in 2 episodes without it being absolutely terrible
Dec 15, 2013 3:18 PM

Jul 2007
Vepenar said:
Xelzeno said:
Well huh, I doubt they can wrap all this up in 2 episodes so I guess there will be a third season. At least I hope so, because otherwise I see a junk ending incoming.

This. There is no way they can end it in 2 episodes without it being absolutely terrible


Unanswered shit:
- Blue VVV guy Cain freed and Cain's connection to him.
- How VVVs are "grown" and why.
- History of Magius species.
- Golden Seven and explanations for flashforwards.
- The "Terms of agreement" of VVV pilot.
- Revolution.
- Scenes from t he promo not shown in the season yet.
- Formation of the "Galactic Empire".
- Shouko's death/yandere-turn-to-evil.
- Akira's brother's vampire-ization.
- Explanation behind Cain's mark being entirely different from Council's.

In two episodes? NOPE.
Dec 15, 2013 5:34 PM

May 2009
Fai said:
- Shouko's death/yandere-turn-to-evil.

Hahahaha, oh you haters.
There is nothing poiting out that Cow-Mecha from flashforward is related to her.
Even words on it's Coat of arms are in Spanish, so it has nothing to do with JIOR.
bastek66Dec 16, 2013 6:17 AM
Dec 15, 2013 7:01 PM

Nov 2013
loveyuri said:

Was it me or did A-drei get his left eye back?

Fake Eye, was revealed a few episodes after he got shot.

You forgot about why the Valvrave turn Gold instead of the normal rune/black look.
Told you all that there was no way, not even in five episodes that they could cover everything, now, not even in two episodes, maybe one, since it looks like nothing that major will happen next either.

also, the OP, ED, Trailer, etc NEVER HAPPENS. idk why you still think it's canon.

Can't wait!
Dec 16, 2013 12:58 AM
Oct 2011
Hirieoshi said:
"It's not contract, it's called promise."

Honestly, this line was already in Natsume Yuujinchou manga after the recent Matoba arc where Natsume disguised as his youkai, and Natsume spoke about his relationship with Madara..

Anyway..surprised that L-elf was alive..30 mins of oxygen left hrmmm...suspicious -.-

"Do you know where hell is? Inside your head" - Chrona=
"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow" - Lelouch Lamperouge
"If you pretend to feel a certain way, the feeling can become genuine all by accident" - Hei
"I want chocolate! No need for love!! Just give me sugar!!!" & "If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end" - Sakata Gintoki
Dec 16, 2013 3:49 AM
Aug 2012
Fai said:
Vepenar said:
Xelzeno said:
Well huh, I doubt they can wrap all this up in 2 episodes so I guess there will be a third season. At least I hope so, because otherwise I see a junk ending incoming.

This. There is no way they can end it in 2 episodes without it being absolutely terrible


Unanswered shit:
- Blue VVV guy Cain freed and Cain's connection to him.
- How VVVs are "grown" and why.
- History of Magius species.
- Golden Seven and explanations for flashforwards.
- The "Terms of agreement" of VVV pilot.
- Revolution.
- Scenes from t he promo not shown in the season yet.
- Formation of the "Galactic Empire".
- Shouko's death/yandere-turn-to-evil.
- Akira's brother's vampire-ization.
- Explanation behind Cain's mark being entirely different from Council's.

In two episodes? NOPE.

Maybe we will get another season in spring 2014. There are just way too many unexplained things.

Dec 16, 2013 5:04 PM

Dec 2008
I really want to say, "I told you so!" to Shoko, but it's a tad bit more complicated that just that. She is, however, a piss-poor excuse for a diplomat.
After A-Drei gets a bullet pumped into the back of his head, Cain's hardly going to have any disciples left to blindly follow him.

Sent with Mal Updater
Dec 17, 2013 6:50 AM
May 2012
Fai said:
Not fake, some of the scenes from there already happened. The only parts not to happen so far are Rukino scene and L-Elf putting on the Dorssian uniform scene

bastek66 said:
It wasn't fake, they simply discarded some ideas. It was really bad decision since Saki is 2nd/3rd most popular character and she was doing shit for most of season.

Yeah, but most of it scenes didn't happened in the actual show. Sometimes they altered it. I believe we've been trolled....

Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Maybe we will get another season in spring 2014. There are just way too many unexplained things.

I hope so. Talk about loose ends here & there.

I'll be damned IF this show ended with:-

Valvrave will continue...... again.
JafriZinDec 17, 2013 6:55 AM
Dec 17, 2013 7:36 AM

Jul 2007
BlueBusterJeff said:
Fai said:
Not fake, some of the scenes from there already happened. The only parts not to happen so far are Rukino scene and L-Elf putting on the Dorssian uniform scene

bastek66 said:
It wasn't fake, they simply discarded some ideas. It was really bad decision since Saki is 2nd/3rd most popular character and she was doing shit for most of season.

Yeah, but most of it scenes didn't happened in the actual show. Sometimes they altered it. I believe we've been trolled....

Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Maybe we will get another season in spring 2014. There are just way too many unexplained things.

I hope so. Talk about loose ends here & there.

I'll be damned IF this show ended with:-

Valvrave will continue...... again.

I am not even sure if Magius will be the "main" antagonists.

To me they are like the geass cult in Code Geass - someone with powers trying to influence the world till it backfires majorly into worldwide mess of horrible stuff happening.
Dec 17, 2013 11:32 AM

Oct 2011
Dat resolve from Haruto and L-Elf T____________________T

Saki Yay!!!!!!

Poor Shouko she knows the truth behind Haruto TwT

A-Drei NOOOOOOO!!!! Why H-Neun Why!!!
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