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Aug 20, 2013 11:44 AM

Aug 2012
The change of setting messed with my brain so bad >.<

It's a good anime, but it feels like it's all over the place without focus saddly :/
RabbiacAug 20, 2013 11:47 AM
Aug 20, 2013 11:50 AM
Feb 2013

Nice to see Ai in a school uniform, too bad she's a prisoner in that school who has to escape alone with other students with special abilities..
Aug 20, 2013 12:49 PM

Sep 2012
i think im gonna like this arc more
Aug 20, 2013 1:41 PM

Apr 2013
Many new characters where introduced in this episode. Ai was so naive and cute in that school uniform :3
Aug 20, 2013 1:46 PM

Jan 2012
Nice episode for the begining of a new arc, funny how Ai got kidnapped. The new crew seem okay, the bath scene was meh, but all of their powers were nice and quirky XD
Though the whole Whisper thing was really interesting; can she manipulate someone only if they don't 'think' that she's there? Or can she spam someone with bad 'advice'??
Curious about what Red hair's power. Guessing it has something to do with ghosts, but the whole coin scene seemed interesting.
Nice episode, hoping this arc gives more awesome feels >_<
Aug 20, 2013 3:40 PM

Sep 2012
Aug 20, 2013 3:42 PM

Sep 2012
rebelakuma said:
I really thought that the red haired guy was the masked red haired guy in Ortus. Hehe..was kinda confused at first.

Lol, me too. But maybe they are relatives, is it possible?
O importante não é o que fazemos de nós, mas o que nós fazemos daquilo que fazem de nós
Aug 20, 2013 4:02 PM
Jan 2013
One of the best three-episode series I've seen.
Aug 20, 2013 4:14 PM

Aug 2008
The beginning was so quick, but i'm intrigued by the ending. I can't wait to see what's between Hana and this Whisper girl,
Aug 20, 2013 4:56 PM

Jul 2010
This is way too underrated.

Shangetsu said:
Why the hell am I enjoying this so much.
I think i might have a clue for what the reason could be.Perhaps you enjoy it so much, because its great? :O
Aug 20, 2013 7:36 PM

Nov 2012
Ai looks so cute in her uniform.

Dat bathing scene,hehe :3.

Knew Alis's voice sounded familiar he's voiced by Uchiyama.Like Dee's character too,and not just cause Eri voices her.

Overall a fun and enjoyable episode.Next episode seems more serious with the escape foiled and that possible gun fight Alis is going to have with that Dean lady.
Aug 20, 2013 9:12 PM

May 2012
01:47 wth, another rori?

04:55 Goora Gakuen out for rori hunting? =−=

06:50 wrong trans... should be "I think it's like those school lifes illustrated in pictures."

08:14 Kurisutina! Koko ni ita no ka yo

12:34 Tanya needs to hear the sound of My Excalibur.


Too short.
Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances.
He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter.
Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month.
Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel.
The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck.
Aug 20, 2013 9:14 PM
Jan 2013
Shirubaasouru said:
06:50 wrong trans... should be "I think it's like those school lifes illustrated in pictures."

That's the fault of the translator, not the episode...
Aug 20, 2013 11:20 PM

Jun 2008
A kind of ok episode here. I didn't enjoy it as much as the previous ep :/ This school settings and the fanservice didn't really appeal to me. The only interesting thing was the girl whisper and the guy with the red hair. I feel that this arc may not be as good as the previous ones :s
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 21, 2013 12:25 AM
Jul 2013
Alis is so cool.. I love this char! >////<
Aug 21, 2013 12:55 AM

May 2012
tuiddlestix said:
Shirubaasouru said:
06:50 wrong trans... should be "I think it's like those school lifes illustrated in pictures."

That's the fault of the translator, not the episode...

LOL, thanks for stating the obvious, Miss Obvious.
Of course it's the fansub group's fault.
Seriously, are you okay?
Isayama Hajime should be awarded The Manga with The Highest Inconsistencies of Characters' Appearances.
He keeps performing multiple plastic surgeries on those Shingeki No Kyojin characters in a SINGLE chapter.
Yes, I've read up to the latest chapter of Shingeki No Kyojin manga.
Forced myself to read through the kidsketching chapters after the anime's ended. At least from now on, I only have to go through the hell once a month.
Patiently awaiting SNK TV/movie/OVA anime-sequel.
The 2015 SNK live-action movie would probably suck.
Aug 21, 2013 2:40 AM

Apr 2009
The story opens in an academy, and all of a sudden Ai is wearing a school uniform. I had to check again for a moment to see if I didn't miss an episode. School comedy? *gasp* What is this show evolving into?! Well, whatever it is, it was still quite enjoyable.


Finally, KitaEri's character Dee Ensy Stratmitos appears! She's pretty interesting, to say the least. Does she really have no physical form? Or is she projecting that ghostly form from somewhere else? Is she even alive, for starters?
Aug 21, 2013 3:04 AM
Feb 2012
When I watch these episodes, and then take a look at the BD sales, I don't know what to say. I guess it would sell better if there were more boobs instead of plot, after all... am I right, Japan?
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Aug 21, 2013 3:04 AM

Oct 2012
wow that was a bit sudden. so much going on.

I miss Kizuna still.

I kind of smiled when Ai said "all brawn but no brains" to describe Yuri. That was adorable.

Now a new bishie focused character appeared. He's been watching Ai?

why do my fav anime always come out so slow?
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Aug 21, 2013 5:16 AM

May 2013
Aug 21, 2013 7:47 AM

May 2011
samspot8r8s said:
I didn't... actually... like this episode.

There are a few interesting elements to it I guess, such the "triplets" which I thought was kind of different and neat. The idea of the school essentially kidnapping the kids was a little intriguing but for me, the motive was kind of meh worthy. It seemed more like a quick and easy explanation to go along with a quick and easy story...but maybe they'll be more depth revealed later. who knows.
Also I get that the show follows a pattern of Ai meeting different people, each with their own gifts, but wouldn't this arc work just as well without giving every single kid a power? For one thing most of them sounded useless.
When I saw that there would be a school setting in the preview last week I groaned, and I groaned again throughout the bath scene, especially the whole thing with the boys showing up.
But hey, this is just an anime and I should know better than to nitpick at anime.

But this show has proven twice now that it has the ability to bring just a little hint of uniqueness to each tale, so I'll stay optimistic.

This. I thought I was the only one with most of these thoughts.

To add on, I wonder why would people even bother having wars(when the ghost said that she helped people by telling the enemies' location) when people can't be killed haha. Unless she was already created/already a ghost before god abandoned the world. Correct me if I'm~ I wanna try to make has much sense as possible haha
Aug 21, 2013 7:54 AM
Jan 2013
"Unless she was already created/already a ghost before god abandoned the world."

That's what I understood. The military scenery seemed to be WWI-era stuff.
Aug 21, 2013 8:13 AM
Jan 2011
Poor fanservice
Aug 21, 2013 8:33 AM

May 2012
Dee is my favorite character so far.
Aug 21, 2013 9:52 AM

Sep 2009
I so love this episode. The bath scene was very hilarious! Poor Alis :P
Ai is so cute the whole episode :)
Aug 21, 2013 10:50 AM

Aug 2011
I thought the whole story was gonna be about the Ordus arc. I'm quite shocked they moved on so fast. And this new arc seems to be moving very fast too. I mean they are already breaking out!

Well atleast im enjoying each episode. Looking forward to how they are going to end this with only 6 more episodes
PangeaaAug 21, 2013 10:54 AM
Aug 21, 2013 12:58 PM

Jun 2013
Ai looked so cute in her school uniform.
I love the ost of this series. These episodes always go by so fast just when it starts getting good it ends :(
Aug 21, 2013 2:42 PM

Oct 2012
Decent episode. Things are moving really fast though, she just arrived at the school and it looks like they're breaking out already. Yeah, the OST is pretty great and the art is still as nice as usual. Next episode seems a bit more serious so I'll be looking forward to that.
Aug 21, 2013 7:55 PM

Jun 2008
I had higher expectations for this show.
Aug 22, 2013 5:52 AM
Jun 2013
Well, this was my least favorite episode so far, but it was still decent. The Ortus arc was much better. I miss Ulla and the split characters. Alis is our new replacement bishie (Hampnie -> Kiriko -> Alis) and even though he's pretty, I still liked Kiriko and Hampnie better.
Aug 22, 2013 1:19 PM

Sep 2012
The main attraction is the debut of KiatEri's character The Witch of the West. On the other hand, most part is pretty underwhelming. Suddenly we have a school life arc and then we have this school that does not so repressive (and even has a pretty large and comfortable hot water public bath) and while we seem to be asked to believe that the school is a prison, all the explosions and disappearance of a bunch of students did not seem to raise any alarm on the school's side. As for the reason why they are kept in, are we supposed to believe that there is still a functioning government that can go down into details like running an education budget that provides for money transfer based on student count?
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Aug 22, 2013 6:46 PM

Jan 2013
Least favorite episode. As the person two posts above me said, Ortus was much better. I feel like I missed something in the transition from one arc to the next. I'll quote a friend of mine after he watched the first couple episodes of SAO: "If the characters are in the opening, that must mean they are important... So WHY aren't there reappearances?" I'm getting the vibes that this is a similar situation. I mean, why bother introducing characters if we don't get to spend time with them? Does new anime have so much trouble with story-telling execution that they have to keep introducing new characters as nothing more than devices for the plot? I feel no more than indifference to all the girls Ai has met at this school.

This episode is a 1/5 for me. It's such a disappointment compared to the previous arc, and I was really starting to enjoy this anime. Hopefully it will be able to redeem itself in it's second half.
Aug 23, 2013 10:22 PM

Aug 2008
Ai really likes to brag how she's half gravekeeper - half human every time she met new people!!
you should be more careful, girl -.-
Aug 24, 2013 8:36 PM
Aug 2011
Yikes, this series sure likes to go downhill.
Aug 25, 2013 10:16 AM

Sep 2008
Long bath scene.

I wonder if future arcs will have any new characters now that all the ones from the OP and ED have been introduced.
Aug 25, 2013 12:26 PM

Jul 2012
Another great episode!!!
Aug 25, 2013 10:16 PM

Jul 2010
It was okay. I don't really enjoy this slice of life setting, I hope they will move on soon.
DAT OST. Nobody knows when it will come out?

Art always good. Maybe some derp faces, but nvm.
Aug 26, 2013 8:25 PM

Aug 2012
The "triplets" sure reminded me of RDG
Aug 27, 2013 7:53 PM

Aug 2011
It was interesting to see all the girls' powers but the real kick for me was the introduction of the Witch. Can't wait to hear more about her.
Aug 30, 2013 3:48 PM

Jan 2011
parfaited said:
Yikes, this series sure likes to go downhill.

I need not say more.

Please get better again instead of introducing magical flying girls and other weird shit. Q_Q
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Aug 31, 2013 8:19 AM

Oct 2012
So is this rabukome now? I really don't like the change of mood, City of Dead arc was brilliant but this...

And Ai has to be the most dumb and clueless character of this season.
Mich666Aug 31, 2013 8:31 AM
Aug 31, 2013 8:37 AM

Nov 2012
holy shit! ai in school uniform! XD IT IS REALLY CUTE >.< GOD IT IS KILLING ME! XD
and so much new character show up..
and abouth that red haired guy..
is he from ocrus? :3 looks like it..
and that whisper girl XD
Aug 31, 2013 10:21 PM

Jun 2012
It was over so quickly, I didn't want it to end!


Sep 1, 2013 11:16 AM

Mar 2013
MasterMeNL said:
parfaited said:
Yikes, this series sure likes to go downhill.

I need not say more.

Please get better again instead of introducing magical flying girls and other weird shit. Q_Q

I need not say more. Became a futsu slice about schoolgirls.. I don't like, better drop it.
Sep 1, 2013 1:00 PM

Jun 2008
GuiltyKing said:
When I watch these episodes, and then take a look at the BD sales, I don't know what to say. I guess it would sell better if there were more boobs instead of plot, after all... am I right, Japan?

The same exact thing i sad about Attack On Titan. Oh wait!
Sep 5, 2013 7:52 PM

Aug 2010
It's the same red hair guy from Orcus. I was interested in him ever since I saw him in the opening.
Sep 6, 2013 2:47 PM

Jun 2013
Ai reminds me of Fu-chan from Clannad
Sep 10, 2013 9:48 AM

Dec 2011
Ai gets lucky about the people she finds hersel around this time. Perhaps.

Mimi, Meme and Momo. 1.5x personalities sounds kind of awesome.

But Dee is the interesting one. Of course.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Sep 12, 2013 7:58 AM
Jul 2018

An academy that keeps children. Now that's scary. Even me don't want to stay in that place.
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