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KillAllAnime Oct 19, 2024 11:53 PM
Miss you bro...
Diangelo18 Nov 29, 2020 10:23 AM
nawros_xonz Jan 12, 2018 5:22 AM
what is your Favorites hentai manga? i wonder
YasT-ass Jan 11, 2018 7:47 PM
Traps >
OnionSoda Oct 26, 2017 1:12 PM

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SheyCroix Jul 23, 2017 8:36 AM

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Ardent Jun 20, 2017 3:28 PM

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Ardent May 20, 2017 9:43 AM

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Ardent Mar 20, 2017 3:14 PM
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Venten Mar 15, 2014 11:15 PM
I'm with you on that! Especially the assignments.. I swear, get the wrong teacher and your holidays can be easily ruined by them XP. Get your votes ready, soon you'll see "Yuri Lowenthal for President 5 years from now, he creates the Sybil system o_O, And that happened to me with VOL 2 the first time! I had to wait to go to a con to finally find VOL 2, and over priced.. Hopefully, one of the australian licensor's will pick up this re-release. It'd be a shame of you guys didn't get this nice looking box set or at least something similar :S Yeah Petra and Hanji does sound exactly how I thought they would, probably even better And I guess Levi's new voice is to also make him sound like a badass to fit his character personality, but considering that this is also the same person who voices Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 4,6 that shouldn't be too hard XD. Still, nothing can beat Hiroshi Kamiya! Even though he's practically the Yuri Lowenthall in Japanese VA's, you can't NOT love the Arararararagi! I'm actually more excited that the voice of Shinya will also be voicing Reindeer!?!?!?! :') I swear, Robert Mccolum is starting to make a name for himself!

Grab Madoka Magica: Rebellion! After purchasing it, you'll be so amazed that you'll want to go on a rebellion of your own! LOOL! I didn't even know that XP, well I guess in some cases, you guys do strike a bit golden though with the anime that does get licensed over, cause from what i've heard, you guys get better deals on your anime sets, it's just the availability that can be a pain!

LOOL! I didn't read your volume down comment at first, so when I watched it, it was literally at full blast.. In the middle of the night ;'D Thankfully, I didn't wake up my peeps, but I sure hope the neighbours didn't hear the Noiz xP. Something tells me that Gen Urobuchi, also had pretty heavy influences on the character designs for these many characters to look like previous ones.. Hmm... And yeah, I'm pretty sure I remember him, but I didn't know he got kicked :O, I thought he was just shot in the arm, and then went crazy cause his avatars were roasting him and then he got shot.. And after watching Monster, I think I can handle build up episodes.. Afterall, 90% of that anime is build up o__O Ahh, so mentally drained! And why does that sound like an idea Kyoani would probably use ;P
Venten Mar 14, 2014 1:35 AM
Don't worry about it! To tell you the truth, that's nothing compared to the amount of times i've replied late to you as well -.-' Ahh, I have a feeling once my break ends, i'll hardly have much time to spend on MAL again o___O'

That or to go world wide to compete in those Hot-dog/Burger eating competitions to see how many you can eat in an a lotted time. Well that's definitely organized then Yuri Lowenthall! With him it's more: From anime cast 1 to anime cast 2 to World Dominator alongside Urobutcher Yeah i'll give them that, tbh, I'm just more glad that it's coming to Blu-ray :') (In the Dvd combo pack!!!!) but i'm just not excited to spend another 90 dollars for a series that I already spent a bit on :S. Though I think it's obvious that more Hype is towards this dub!!!!!! And lmao! That's not even a spoiler alert, it's just common sense whenever you're in Gen time! Yeah, I gotta admit, that would have been pretty crazy though if it was true.

For the cheap price of a contract with satin, you can buy a rare Flamingo from the tropics or get part 1 of the hit anime: Samurai Flamenco! And don't even get me started on that too! I'm scared of getting imports because of region blocks!

And also, if they brought Strider and venom back in 3, then it would probably also be a 10 for me.

I don't doubt it, but I hope they don't fail because they could get Memu'd on so hardo if that happens, people would be like "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT GAYBALLS!" and yeah I guess I could see that.. That would probably explain "Makishima's rough childhood" Trip I think we should leave.. ahh so Hitman's pretty popular then? I know that's one of your favourites, so it's pretty good then eh? Oh and then Oogie Boogie dude? I thought he was screwed though after he got shot with the Dominator? Yeah hell! I thought Akane was gonna get it, after the truck crashed with Makishima.. Then it had to be cliche route +.+
Venten Mar 12, 2014 11:44 PM
LOOOL! True! xD Just like America's filled up with too much Burger Joints and McDonalds. Aha, I agree, but ahh, that's crazy but i'm also/still in shock about how he's also Ryuuji!?! Bu speaking of Toradora, can you believe there's gonna be a re-release dub for it!?!? O.o I don't know whether to be more shocked that there's one in the first place or that Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger voices Kitamura! Lmaao, for some reason i'm just thinking that Sharknado will happen (Especially during when Taiga's play a street ball game in america ) So you could say Psycho-Pass' "Hue" is more cloudier compartaively ;) (Sorry for the pun, still worked up about it) And, Oh gosh x) Borat also definitely approves that outfit but i'm more interested in that Saika X Hideyoshi cross over! You better not tell me that chibi character is a trap!?!

But wait, There's more! grab Magi: The labyrinth of Magic now! And watch as your wallet disappears! Just like Magic :O Why can't all animes just have the Blu-ray/Dvd combo pack now. Were living in a world full of First world problems! Coming from Japan, that actually seems a bit reasonable, especially when the usual dvd pack is 50 bucks and has literally 2 episodes -.-'

Well if it's anything like Marvel Vs. Capcom them i'm in.. Nothing can top the best Fast paced fighter.

Well, if the Biscuit Chronicles is anything close to the final product then I can see that it's impossible for Urobuchi Not to take inspiration from DMMD when making Pscho-Pass. Afterall, it was a Masterpiece! I haven't seen much of Amano's work, but if she was the one that made Akane look like Snoop Dogg's asian Spawn then she's gotta be worth something :P. Seriously though, loved her constrast between Makishima and Shinya. Don't forget Nothing's Carved in Stone all by themselves = NUKE. And what do you mean by that? You mean after he quit being an enforcer? and Yep, Ginoza's Dad. Tbh though, I thought Ginoza was gonna be the one biting the dust, I actually thought that he had a greater chance of being alive espcially since his hand was already Robotics... Ah well, guess like he passed the torch onto his Son D';
Venten Mar 11, 2014 9:22 PM
Yeah, I think i've heard how Japan's immigration rates have been pretty rough, since it's basically hard to get in.. Ahh, so then the "People die when they are killed guy" must have been Japan's best attempt at foreigners.. LOOL! Well if it doesn't have anything to do with Little Sisters, then Kirino would probably dissaprove :P. I bet Kyouske would play it though. So basically This? LOOL! Urobuchi's telling the future! When he takes over the world, he's gonna make the Sybil system everywhere! That's why he already secretly started it in Australia! I heard Gargantia doesn't even end up being light, it gets especially darker near the ending. For some reason, I have a feeling that Urobuchi is so dark because he was probably one of these guys in high school :P

Aha, same here! After putting up my Anime shelf, You can literally only take 2 Steps in my room before you reach the end of it.

Why donate to the unfortunate when you can get 7-13 episodes on your favourite shows like: Sword Poop Online, Ore"Makes you go"Imo, and Coming soon: Kill la "makes you want to" Kill.. yourself afterwards. Yeah that sounds decent.. Here that price scores you the Dvd copy.. And it's shame, Funi made such a nice chipboard box for it too..

Nice! tbh, despite having some shit characters, I actually really wanna play this If that's the case, then all of Kyoani's characters have birthdays on leap years.

Oh yeah, I saw some footage of the characters just looking.. Eh. and YEAH! when I was listening to it, I kept thinking about the DMMD OST and how similar that one track sounded with the Psycho-Pass OST. Gotta hand it to the Urobucher to always have a decent soundtrack to an even more decent show! And that's true. I also never thought that Shogo was a "Bad" guy persay. Like you sided with him on wanting to end Sibyl, but at the same time you know that without it, humanity would decline. Shinya reminded me of Spike from Bebop A LOT. Other than his will to defeat Makishima, he was always there just for the ride, and was damn cool. And TELL. ME. ABOUT. IT. For a second, I thought that he didn't die to, cause there was this seen where makishima saw the video footage his henchmen took of Sybil, and when the chief executed Kagari, there was no gush of blood or anything so I thought he had a chance.. To tell ou the truth though, I think it had a greater impact on me when Matsuoka died. Shinya's face though when he saw Matsuoka... O_____O' He just ain't having it :P

KaffeineCake Mar 10, 2014 11:41 PM
XD PTTTTTTTT i think we should just put the age limit for being legal to 20 or 21 it seems right because of how when your 10 or 19 you still just getting use to working and collage/university so you really haven't matured enough, well depends on the person~
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