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Mar 24, 2013 4:38 AM

Jan 2012
I always get so happy and excited when watching Gintama. :)
Mar 24, 2013 7:45 AM
Jul 2018
Great arc. Perfect Gintama mix of laughter and tears. Better than the last one imo, though Im probably in the minority there.
Mar 24, 2013 1:40 PM

Dec 2010
even for Gintama, this arc was way too cheesy
the Macadamia nuts part was hilarious though
Mar 25, 2013 11:52 AM
May 2012
Is it really confirmed that the next episode will be the last?
Mar 25, 2013 11:54 AM

Sep 2011
Demonspeed said:
Is it really confirmed that the next episode will be the last?
yes, the show is getting replaced by something else after next week

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Mar 25, 2013 12:01 PM
May 2012
DJIzzyIzzyHitler said:
Demonspeed said:
Is it really confirmed that the next episode will be the last?
yes, the show is getting replaced by something else after next week

Mar 25, 2013 2:13 PM

Jan 2013
DJIzzyIzzyHitler said:
Anyone else notice this is like the only time we have ever seen kondo do something kind of badass and not be a total stalker for once. Hell i think this is the only time in the series where tae and him were in the same scene without her beating the shit out of him.

yeah i noticed!! otae didn't beat him and treat him to macadamia nuts with a big smile!!!
Mar 25, 2013 8:39 PM

Sep 2011
Sorry if this has been asked already but I can't seem to find a concrete answer. Is Gintama going on a break again like normal, or ending for real? I know Sorachi loves to troll but this seems kind of sudden since Enchousen has only been on air for a few months.
Mar 26, 2013 7:01 PM

Nov 2007
DJIzzyIzzyHitler said:
Anyone else notice this is like the only time we have ever seen kondo do something kind of badass and not be a total stalker for once. Hell i think this is the only time in the series where tae and him were in the same scene without her beating the shit out of him.

Nah, there are some scenes Tae didn't resort to violence on Kondo, but they are few and between.
And Kondo has been badass a number of times, but I think this might be the first time he actively took part in battle like that, yea. Usually he's acting as a leader and giving orders/morale support, befitting his role as commander.
Mar 28, 2013 3:29 PM

Sep 2009
GREAT ARC !!! JUST GREAT !!! as always :) and ahahah XD they just went and spent money on vacation XDDD so GINTAMA XDDD love love love it !!!!
it was touching but fierce and happy and giving hope at the end :)
I was sad but still happy and realy smiled like idiot with them ^^
*ANIME I.NTERE.ST*----> +IN anime pictures and get FREE anime & manga merchandize from JAPAN!
Apr 17, 2013 9:42 PM

Oct 2012
I'm only watching this show because i was promised Macadamia nuts if i finished it i mean yeah that's the only reason! Really sweet arc final (for now).
Apr 18, 2013 6:49 PM

Jul 2010
Dat movie trailer, is it really the end of the anime serie or are they trolling us, as usual? I really really hope they're just trolling us since I can't handle the idea of not seeing new episodes of Gintama for the rest of my life o.o" I'm really curious about the movie though, finally some information about Gintoki's past and the rebellion with Katsura, Takasugi and Sakamoto.

Very touching ending, I loved Gintok so much during this arc, he's awesome on a whole new level. I kind of hoped that they would've managed to turn Obi-one back into a human again but plot wise it would be very difficult what to do with him, plus the enidng was very very touching this way. God I love this show.
May 16, 2013 2:38 PM

Jul 2009
I want some macadamia nuts now.
May 24, 2013 6:16 AM

May 2012
If Star Wars 7 is half as good as this Gintama arc was, it'll be an awesome reboot!!
Aug 12, 2013 5:38 PM
Jul 2013
Who would've thought yoda could be so evil..I had my skepticism when i started watching this arc but it turned out beautifully. I'm glad that shinpachi and otae got more screen time

Finally revived the dojo! xD
Aug 12, 2013 5:40 PM
Jul 2013
AND omg that is exactly what i wanted to see in the trailer!! The past is finally going to be revealed!! Can't wait to see the movie!
Sep 10, 2013 4:21 PM

May 2012
A pretty nice ending of this arc and lol the part behind that, both tanned and a couple seconds later back to normal xD pretty hilarious as always, I really do wonder what they'll have in petto for the last episode of this season!
Dec 23, 2014 12:38 PM

Jun 2014

Otae's real smile caught me off guard

Dec 31, 2014 6:57 PM

Apr 2014
waiiha backwards = hawaii

Really cute ending. Their grins made me smile :-))))
Feb 14, 2015 8:18 AM

Oct 2014
good episode but a little bit to much talking
Apr 2, 2015 1:13 PM

Aug 2013
May the force and chocolate macadamia nuts be with you forever, Obi-one Kenofi (ಥ◡ಥ)


So, it was a nice episode isn't it? Shinpachi shows that he's not up to no good, that he can actually beat the Galaxy Sword Master, even if it's a phony title.

At the end, the basically built a hobos rehabilitation club, right?

Finally, the thing that beat everything else in that episode : Otae smile at the end :3
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Apr 29, 2015 11:56 PM

May 2014
Kyubei love dem nuts.

Also, Hajime-nee was pretty cool.
"You either die an Ashita no Joe, or you live long enough to see yourself become a Naruto."
Jul 15, 2015 2:47 AM

Jan 2015
Great characters, great moral, great ending, great arc! I love the reaction the trio has to Gintama's second movie being the final xD
Oct 11, 2015 2:18 AM
Nov 2014
Great ending for this amazing arc, Shinpachi got some mad crazy development from this arc. Hajime is really one of the few anime characters that you just can't hate, his smile is so kawaii ~ I'm glad he ended up conquering his machine side to protect the ones he loved, a happy ending that he deserved.

The last 5 min of this episode was really funny as well, MACADAMIA NUTS INTENSIFIED~~~
Nov 16, 2015 4:02 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Great arc. First half of this episode was emotional. Last half was pure Gintama fun!

Feb 27, 2016 9:58 PM

Jul 2013
when Shinpachi and Obi-one fought each other Otae stood there like she was refereeing the fight and I can't help but cringe man. Two dudes were fighting to the death and she's like thinking it's some kind of sport or a competition. It would've been fine if it was a joke since Gintama's just so good at it,you know, putting jokes where they normally don't belong and then pulling it off perfectly. But this time it's just lame. Sorry.

Now that comedy in the second half. That's the Gintama I know and love. Madao's making things 10x funnier again lmao!

this arc did not have the impact the previous arcs had. It just feels so weak and rushed. Anyway iirc this is the first arc that I did not like.
Jun 24, 2016 6:21 AM

Feb 2016
I liked the animation of this arc with hajime because they've put much emphasize on the colors. The story itself is also okay since the yorozuya members are personally involved.
Jul 31, 2016 6:32 PM

Sep 2014
That was really fun :D
Aug 15, 2016 12:21 PM

Aug 2010
What an arc~ And there is even room for humour after such an ending lol it's so Gintama~ And that bit of a touching moment when they showed the "eternal instructor" thing awww

Is he really dead though? I wish he somehow survived and that he'll appear again u___u

Btw Gin in those "instructor" clothes/uniform!!! DAYUM he looks so good in that XD
Dec 29, 2016 5:31 PM

Dec 2015
With this episode I finally understand what people mean when they say that Gintama will first make you cry from sadness and then kill you from laughter. What a great episode!!
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Jun 7, 2017 9:51 AM
Sep 2015
This is such and underrated arc, it definitely deserve more love.
All of its episodes were really touching and I loved to gain more insight into Shinpachi's past and character. Otae was very sweet in this too.
Aug 14, 2017 8:01 PM

Jul 2013
That's what I love so much about Gintama. The first half was so serious and touching.

It's true what Shinpachi said, if Gin fought for real he would have beat Hajime easily. But in this situation there was no way for that. I'm glad Hajime regain his consciousness when he fought against Shinpachi. Seeing Otae and Shinpachi so sad was hard to see, even Kagura couldn't stop her tears ;_;

Damn that beam attack of Hajime, it was like watching that one episode in One Punch Man where Genos tried to stop the meteor :o

The second half of this episode omg, I laughed so much. Seeing a brown Shinpachi and Otae + the fucking macadamia nuts which got mentioned 100 times? xD

Kyuubei went totally nuts on these nuts hahaha. A really great way to end this awesome arc and I really liked these two scenes :)

Can't wait to see the second movie which looks awesome from the preview. Hearing more about Gins past <3

Aug 25, 2017 2:55 PM

Oct 2015
Gintama might be the best long running anime out there. The author quickly attaches you to said guest characters without their short sub-stories feeling rushed or unnatural.
Jan 20, 2018 2:51 AM

May 2015
gotta love madao and the homeless crew & “the macadamia nuts will be mine”
otae and shinpachi’s smiles were so pretty to see (*'▽'*)
Feb 1, 2018 2:05 PM

Nov 2016
Why are all arcs of this season fucking feel trips ? xD

Very nice arc again.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 7, 2018 3:54 AM
May 2015
The first part of the ep was so beautiful I was shooked when it had that twist like that!
Apr 29, 2018 8:28 PM
Sep 2017
Awww - dammit Gintama! Once again taking me from lump in the throat & tears in my eyes straight into helpless giggles.
The scenes with Gin, Obi & Shinpachi were beautiful. When Gin handed Shinpachi his sword - ugh - the feels! And Obi dying with a smile on his face, his humanity winning out and saving the world. <3

Then of course, everything ends up being nuts. Literally. LMAO
Mar 31, 2019 10:01 AM

May 2015
Bye Kenofi. It was fun to be part of your arc.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
May 10, 2019 3:06 AM

May 2016
“Tears are handy for washing away troubling and sad feelings. But when you grow up, you’ll learn that there are things so sad, they can never be washed away by tears. That there are painful memories that should never be washed away. So people who are truly strong laugh when they want to cry. They endure all of the pain and sorrow while laughing with everybody else.”
– Obi Hajime (Gintama)

Best Quotes ever~ ㅠㅠ REST IN PEACE Hajimee nii.

I felt all kind of emotions from this short arc it was so short yet so good 10/10 both arc and the 13 episodes.

May 30, 2019 10:47 PM

Sep 2017
I first wish to address how much I love how what seemed like another insignificant title for an episode "Liquor and Gasoline, Smiles and Tears" turned out to be such an important message after having the context of the episode. I loved the message this arc was able to give about how different people deal with grief. The parody was good (I loved the Darth Maul foot scene), the action was good (SHINPACHI ACTION), and the comedy was great. This arc will go down as one of my favorites. The macadamia nuts part was really funny too. This will go in the record books as one of the best Kondo faces.

The preview bit was hilarious too.
Nov 19, 2019 3:26 PM
Apr 2016
The best part about this arc was the drama, we hadn't had any tense drama in Gintama before. Wasn't one of the best arcs, but it was a pretty nice one I guess.
Nov 21, 2019 2:40 AM

Mar 2015
Lmao in the end, his life for macadamia nuts!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Apr 10, 2020 3:54 AM

Aug 2019
A touching ending to a great arc. The second part was hilarious.

I want to know what it is,
this 'sin' they say I've committed.
Apr 26, 2020 3:06 PM
Feb 2018
Nice conclusion to the arc. Loved the comedy towards the end of the arc. Good arc. 8/10.
Jul 19, 2020 12:24 AM

Aug 2018
what a flawless arc! This episode was amazing, during the first half I cried and on the second half I was laughing my ass off the entire time.

Jan 12, 2021 10:40 PM

Jan 2016
This is why Gintama is consistently in top 10. They pulled off like 3 arcs in 12 episodes and did it better than most anime’s covering 1 arc in 50 episodes. This was an awesome season.
Feb 3, 2021 1:10 AM

May 2020
I loved this arc, it had lots of great moments!
Now, I'm craving chocolate macadamia nuts lol.
Feb 6, 2021 5:49 AM

Jul 2020
good arc 4/5

next will be focusing on sadaharu <3
May 24, 2021 6:57 PM
Sep 2020
I am not impressed by this arc..Comedy was good but drama was overdone and forced..It was so cringe...I believe this arc will have been better with more episodes...Also,Everybody Doing that forced laughter felt wierd....Plain stupid stuff going everywhere to count...gintama can do much better
Jul 12, 2021 12:01 AM

Apr 2021
Very decent end to a great arc. First half was emotional, second half was funny
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