And when I thought this anime already gave us everything that we could ever imagine, it goes a step further, and literally brings us Rafal back from the dead.
I think next episode will explain what is exactly going on. I have 2 ideas of what is happening.
The 1st theory is that we are seeing an alternate world, where knowledge wasn't sanctioned by the Church, and therefore Rafal never needed to sacrifice is life, since they weren't going after him in the first place. So, Rafal just ended up growing up, and we are seeing a timeline around the time where Oczy and Badeni first show up. I think this is heavily mentioned by Rafal in this episode, when he says he got inspired, because there are others beyond the stars, which is really pointing out for this outcome. Not only that, but the fact that last episode they said we were seeing Albert in "The Kingdom of Poland" and not "Kingdom of P", like the rest of the anime.
My other theory is that this Rafal is not really Rafal, but a personafication of the Inspiration that Rafal gave people when he sacreficed himself back in episode 3. This way, we're seeing the results of the decision that Rafal did back in episode 3. His sacrifice lead to everything that happened in the anime so far, and in these 2 final episodes we're seeing the final result: a place where the Church doesn't reprise knowledge no more, and people can actually embrace new ideas, having actual public reunions (I suppose they're public, because the room was quite fancy), where they discuss what before would be considered "Blasphemous" ideas. And this Rafal we're seeing is just a way to show us that those feelings of inspiration and hope are still felt in the world, just like Rafal predicted in episode 3, when he said that if he died for his cause, it would create a force much stronger than whatever he could do in his lifetime: Inspiration.
I really doubt it they are throwing a curve ball and revealing at the end that Rafal was never dead to begin with.
Now, the question remains: what happened to Albert to give up on pursuing knowledge? We know his dead was killed (revealed early in the episode), but by who and why? Was Rafal the reason his dad got killed?
I just love how this anime reached the 24th episode and was like "ok, let me just introduce a whole new character, with its own backstory, 2 episodes before the anime ends, and bring along the character that died right at episode 3". The narrative in this anime really took so many risks, and that's what makes this anime so unique, because so far, they all payed off, and I'm completely hooked for this final episode to know what is really happening here.
The opening is also different! I think the biggest change is the end, with Albert holding the little wood sphere thing that Rafal got from Humbert, because if I'm not mistaken, even after the opening changed to Oczy, Badeni, Jolenta and Draka, the one that hold this sphere in the end was always Rafal. But this time around they changed it, so that must be indicating something important.
And it's kinda crazy we actually see Albert in the opening, he was there ever since they changed the opening for the 2nd cour.
But I have to confess that I'm really sad that this journey is comming to an end. We have only 1 episode left. Watching this every Saturday (Sunday sometimes, like today), every week, and seeing the story unfold was such a great experience, that I will for sure miss! Hearing the opening while writing this just gives me the chills. I feel like next episode is going to be quite big, and I'm sure they are going to give us a really good finale, for this iconic anime. This anime started with a 8, quickly rose to a 9, and now I just can't see myself giving it less than a 10. I'm so glad I caught up on this anime early, and started watching it since Day 1! |