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86--EIGHTY-SIX (light novel)
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Jun 5, 2021 12:00 PM
Apr 2019
animejas said:
Also I have to say, this episode really cemented to me the fact that I'm enjoying the anime version of 86 a lot more than the LNs now. It's less stuffed with jargon, and with the adjusted scenes and pacing used generally with the anime that helps rather than takes away from the experience, and with the amazing action and music present, the anime's definitely gassed me up with the first volume more than the actual LN. Which is a credit to A-1 for going above and beyond so far with the adaptation so far.

One of the few LN adaptations that surpasses the original LN for me (so far).
Naah novel had more info about the worldbuilding. But I'd say the novel and the anime are kinda complementary to each other.
Jun 5, 2021 12:00 PM

Aug 2013
I didn't understand what happened exactly. Did the suicide mission entails for them to continue forward even outside of the RAID's signal? I thought this battle was supposed to be it. So from here they will be alone and without Lena's help? And why did they seemed to ignore her all the while she was running?
Also, did they imply that the out of bounds area is near the republic? That talk about a cathedral and flowers, I mean.

Sorry for the mountain of questions, i got a bit lost lol

@KaitonPT what's up with the lycoris? Is it a spoiler for something's that's gonna happen still?
Jun 5, 2021 12:02 PM
Jul 2018
damn this episode.. i swore i wouldn't be easy btch and cry but when shin started crying, it was all over for me. also them leaving and lena desperately trying to catch to them literally broke me. i hope they can meet again bcs i refuse to believe this is the end. Believe me that's not just bcs i ship lena and shin...
Jun 5, 2021 12:04 PM

Jul 2017
Sb98 said:
animejas said:
Also I have to say, this episode really cemented to me the fact that I'm enjoying the anime version of 86 a lot more than the LNs now. It's less stuffed with jargon, and with the adjusted scenes and pacing used generally with the anime that helps rather than takes away from the experience, and with the amazing action and music present, the anime's definitely gassed me up with the first volume more than the actual LN. Which is a credit to A-1 for going above and beyond so far with the adaptation so far.

One of the few LN adaptations that surpasses the original LN for me (so far).
Naah novel had more info about the worldbuilding. But I'd say the novel and the anime are kinda complementary to each other.

Complementary wise I'll agree with. Novels definitely had more world building, but it also at times felt a bit taxing the way it was written since it felt a bit too stuffed with explanations and jargon and whatever else. Anime as the main experience for me feels more balanced and easier to enjoy and appreciate, while the novels at least have enough extra info about world building and battles to make it a good read on its own.
Jun 5, 2021 12:07 PM
May 2021
Is this supposed to be satire/comedy??? The anime is corny as...
Jun 5, 2021 12:09 PM
Nov 2020
TweedleDane said:
justoneofthebros said:

If I was Lena, I’d be pretty upset too. These people have been her only “friends,” (besides Annette), and all of a sudden she’s being left behind by the only people she considers to be her friends. She also has to deal with the consequences of using the mortars without authorization. I’d be pretty stressed as well.
oh i dont think the stress of facing possible was the cause at all . that is what her determination showed . it was clearly a wall she got over , and she knows what she did is the right thing . so sanctions are very likely not the case ...

and "friends"? a bit of a strong word . maybe she feels lonely , but that is hardly a reason for all that dramatic running and all . imma just let it go as the usual overdramtizing seen in anime , but it was a bit cheesy nonetheless....

The dramatic running was to maintain a connection via para Raid as long as possible. Essentially, she didn’t want them to leave her. She ran towards the direction they were heading only because she wanted to hear them just a little bit longer. At least, that’s how I saw it.
Jun 5, 2021 12:10 PM
Apr 2019
animejas said:
Sb98 said:
Naah novel had more info about the worldbuilding. But I'd say the novel and the anime are kinda complementary to each other.

Complementary wise I'll agree with. Novels definitely had more world building, but it also at times felt a bit taxing the way it was written since it felt a bit too stuffed with explanations and jargon and whatever else. Anime as the main experience for me feels more balanced and easier to enjoy and appreciate, while the novels at least have enough extra info about world building and battles to make it a good read on its own.
Yeah, understandable.
Jun 5, 2021 12:17 PM

Mar 2016
I'm speechless.

That episode was just.....PHENOMENAL. For me, the best one of the season so far, if not the year.

Shin crying after putting down his brother Shourei for good actually broke me, and Lena tearing up at the end, too, was just depressing to watch, especially with how she was running desperately to try to save that delicate connection she had with the squad. She's really changed them, and they've really changed her.

It's so great to see how Shin and Lena's characterization were handled in this episode, especially with the former and how he's not just your typical stoic deadpan protagonist.

The visual direction and voice acting continue to be amazing. It's really making me enjoy the anime significantly that much more than even the LN right now. Granted, both are complementary to each other.

I've been so pleased by this adaptation so far, and while there was stuff it can do better in, it has surpassed my expectations.
RyuseishunJun 5, 2021 12:25 PM
Jun 5, 2021 12:20 PM
Apr 2016
So this is the end of the 1st volume?
Jun 5, 2021 12:21 PM

Apr 2020
What a really good episode, the music etc. i don't expect to be this good. 5/5
although the story for me is still mediocre.
Jun 5, 2021 12:24 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
JanPri said:
So this is the end of the 1st volume?
No, there's still the last bit of Chapter 7 and an epilogue left. Though, it might be wise to leave the epilogue (or at least the very last bit of it) for the end of the next season, since it spoils stuff from the next two volumes.
Jun 5, 2021 12:27 PM
Apr 2016
GoldenDevilGamer said:
JanPri said:
So this is the end of the 1st volume?
No, there's still the last bit of Chapter 7 and an epilogue left. Though, it might be wise to leave the epilogue (or at least the very last bit of it) for the end of the next season, since it spoils stuff from the next two volumes.
So it's safe to assume the remaining two episodes will still adapt the 1st volume? Or could the 11th episode adapt the beginning of the 2nd volume?
Jun 5, 2021 12:31 PM

Mar 2017
My god! Such a powerful episode. The best one yet. Really liked Lena in the second half when they showed her negotiating with Annette.
This episode was filled with so many emotions. Animation was outstanding at some scenes. Red flower scene at the end looked stunning. Also good use of musics in the whole episode.
As an anime only viewer, I'm beyond curious to know what would happen next.
Jun 5, 2021 12:34 PM

Jul 2015
JanPri said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
No, there's still the last bit of Chapter 7 and an epilogue left. Though, it might be wise to leave the epilogue (or at least the very last bit of it) for the end of the next season, since it spoils stuff from the next two volumes.
So it's safe to assume the remaining two episodes will still adapt the 1st volume? Or could the 11th episode adapt the beginning of the 2nd volume?

We don't know yet. There are 2 possible ways to adapt this. Moving Vol 1 epilogue to 2nd cour or going for what was originally written. The original flow was written in a way so that Vol 1 could be a stand-alone volume before getting serialized. That's why we speculate it may be changed in anime.
Jun 5, 2021 12:39 PM

Apr 2018
Speechless, what a great episode. The director did an excellent job! Shin finally saved his brother from the legion. Our major went into badass mode and saved them from death. The OST was incredible and on point. And now they're stepping in an unknown place, no signal? Is she going to follow them?
Can't wait to see the next episode, exams are coming up but I'll def take time to watch this.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jun 5, 2021 12:41 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
JanPri said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
No, there's still the last bit of Chapter 7 and an epilogue left. Though, it might be wise to leave the epilogue (or at least the very last bit of it) for the end of the next season, since it spoils stuff from the next two volumes.
So it's safe to assume the remaining two episodes will still adapt the 1st volume? Or could the 11th episode adapt the beginning of the 2nd volume?
Hmm, it's hard to say. I guess they can adapt the remaining bit of volume 1 in two episodes if they add some anime-original scenes. The LN kinda glossed over this part of the story, so the anime could expand on it a bit more. However, there are some short scenes in vol 2 and 3 that can be adapted alongside the end of volume 1, since the story isn't told linearly from this point onwards in the LN. The way the LNs were structured were a little weird. Since volume 1 was supposed to be a standalone story originally, the ending timeskipped quite a lot to give a more conclusive ending. However, volume 2 and 3 served to fill in the gap that was created by the timeskip in volume one.

What I think the anime might do is adapt most of the end of volume 1 (and leave the last couple of pages for the next season's finale), and cover the first couple of pages of volume 2. And instead of ending it with the very end of volume 1, they might cover the last couple of pages of volume 2 and the first couple of pages of volume 3 and end this season there. I think that will serve as a better season finale without spoiling stuff from the next season. And then the next season can cover the unadapted parts of volume 2 and 3 and finish off with volume 1's ending.
Jun 5, 2021 12:43 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
That episode hit differently from the rest
Jun 5, 2021 12:43 PM
Aug 2016
This is easily the best episode so far. First Shin crying and then Lena crying... bruh I am bawling my eyes out ;_;

I am very very impressed by Lena's plan of the dud missiles. She found a way to get a grip of herself and convince Annette to deploy the missiles. A job fucking well done and a character development worth noting for sure!

Easy 5/5
Jun 5, 2021 12:47 PM

Nov 2016
Yooooo, why does this series hit so different? I dunno what to say.

The conclusion to Shin vs Rei was every bit as emotional as I hoped for, nah, more than that.

Even the standard running scene(which is usually cringe fuel) gave me brutal feels. What an impactful goodbye. Seriously, the emotional tension achieved was insane.

The Spearheads are finally free. Now what? Are they gonna make it? How? Are there neighboring countries that can be reached? That would take a miracle, but I will believe in it. Shin and Lena have to meet. I mean there would be some beauty in them never seeing each other, sure. I just don't see it. Gotta milk the romantic potenial. As for the others. That's honestly tricky.

Hope there will be an answer this cour.

Fantastic episode.

P.S Lena coming clutch was so satisfying. About time to fuck the nonsense rules. Nice air strike.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 5, 2021 12:51 PM

Jul 2020
This was such an amazing episode, absolutely legendary.

Throughout the entirety of this episodes I found myself shook down to my spine, cold shivers. Through all the pain, there lies some happiness. Shin was finally able to let his brother rest, and in the end they both realized what they meant to each other. It was nice to see Lena pin Annette against the wall with her statements about Shin.

I'm curious to see what happens now with 86. There's still 2 more episodes left this season, and a whole entire season waiting, but for some reason this episode felt so much like a finale. I must remark on the beautiful OST has to offer, especially the OST towards the end of this episode, it sounded absolutely amazing.
Jun 5, 2021 12:55 PM

Apr 2015

Everything felt phenomenal this episode. The direction, all the emotions from the characters and absolutely amazing animation and sound effects during that intense battle, simply incredible.

I am so pleased that Annette managed to help Lena out with that battle. Lena absolutely pressured Annette into helping her. Kudos to her for instantly putting the pieces together that the two neighbors of Annette were Shin and Rei and Lena used that fact against her. Such a strong moment, GOAT moment.

Shin managed to put his brother to rest, which was very emotional in itself, but the absolutely breakdown that followed was a nice change, as it usually was Lena who would get emotional.

That ending honestly left me sad, glad that the 5 of the Spearheads survived, but now heading into the unknown while the connection got cut off. This scene was also misleading, they were talking about seeing a building, a cathedral, while us viewers were also looking at a cathedral in the Republic. I was honestly thinking and hoping it was that cathedral that was shown in the scene. Honestly would have been nice, but since they were heading into the opposite direction of the Republic, it wouldn't be possible.
CeddyyBearrJun 5, 2021 1:10 PM
Jun 5, 2021 1:01 PM

Nov 2013
Since you quoted me, I may as well answer your questions.

Satyr_icon said:
I didn't understand what happened exactly. Did the suicide mission entails for them to continue forward even outside of the RAID's signal? I thought this battle was supposed to be it. So from here they will be alone and without Lena's help? And why did they seemed to ignore her all the while she was running?

Their mission entailed for them to go deep into the shephard´s area, but that was a cover-up, since the true purpose of the mission was to send them deep into the legion territory in order to wipe them out. If they were to come back after this, they would be wiped out by the mortars, so their only choice was to go forward and into unknown legion territory, thus walking to their deaths.

As for the 86, they said their goodbyes to Lena and they tried to make their parting as brief as possible in order to not hurt her. They knew that Lena knew what their freedom entailed. As for the running scene of Lena, this was an original scene by the anime to dramatize a bit more their parting, since said scene ilustrated a bit more her fear of her not wanting to be left behind and her realization that they were never gonna meet again.

Satyr_icon said:

Also, did they imply that the out of bounds area is near the republic? That talk about a cathedral and flowers, I mean.

What they meant is that they have finally reached the borders of the area which the Republic controlled. As for the flowers part, that is symbolism about their parting, since Lycoris radiata are associated with final goodbyes, death and reincarnation.

Satyr_icon said:
@KaitonPT what's up with the lycoris? Is it a spoiler for something's that's gonna happen still?

Symbolism aside, yes it is foreshadowing to a spoiler of something yet to come in the 2nd cour of the anime.
KaitonJun 5, 2021 1:15 PM

Jun 5, 2021 1:14 PM
Sep 2019
Great direction but the writing still sucks
Jun 5, 2021 1:26 PM
Oct 2020
Amazing Episode. Love seeing the appreciation for this show outweighing the detractors. Opinions are fine, but not as the expense of ridiculing those who think differently
Jun 5, 2021 1:27 PM
Jul 2018
What a masterpiece of an episode... They did such a good job that they almost made me shed a tear. This completely changed my opinion of the anime from good to extremely great. I do assume that this episode might be the only one that good but I do have hope that the next ones are going to be as good..

The music was very good and well placed, to be expected from Sawano :)
The neverending run that Milize had while the others were talking about what they'd do if they weren't going to die. Just adds more bonus points.

The fights were actually pretty good aswell, they weren't lazy with any of the scenes in this episode.

I did not read the manga/LN so I don't actually know if this is going to have a season 2 or not. I can only hope.

I'm looking forward to see what actually happened. I wish that they are all alright, even though I have a bad feeling about this.

removed-userJun 5, 2021 3:33 PM
Jun 5, 2021 1:37 PM

Mar 2008
Damn... it was a really intense episode.
Fear, sadness, hope... all nice pack in these 20+ minutes, plus well presented.
I have to start reading LN. After the action performed by 86, you think it can't get any better and here comes the bad girl Lena.
On the other hand, another interesting fact, so if the brain was not damaged, the owner's mind is preserved. I just didn't get this T-1000 effect. When it comes to symbolism, it's over 9000, I hope it will be explained later how it works.

Jun 5, 2021 1:41 PM
Apr 2019
what a phenomenal episode
last night I had dynazenon and now 86.. absolute example of top notch direction and great emotional pay off
wonderful..anime is good
Jun 5, 2021 1:48 PM

Mar 2014
Wow, I loved the beginning of the episode but the last scene takes the cake for me. It was perfect, the direction, the symbolism, the OST and the voice acting all conveyed such a bittersweet feeling. Lena wanted to catch up to them but couldn't. The squad finally attained their freedom, and they're walking into uncharted territory but away from the Republic's control. The spider lilies and the birds signaling their goodbye and their freedom combined with the OST were perfect.

They will meet again, but I wonder under what circumstances. For sure, the next time they meet or talk, both Lena and the squad will have changed.
Jun 5, 2021 1:49 PM
Apr 2021
Words can't describe how good this episode was. It might be one of my favourite episodes of all anime i've ever watched. I legit thought i was gonna have a breakdown.

The direction, animation, Soundtrack and the small details hidden throughout the episode were amazing.

This anime is without a doubt a masterpiece and this episode goes beyond 5/5
Jun 5, 2021 1:52 PM

Nov 2019
Saygram said:
Damn... it was a really intense episode.
Fear, sadness, hope... all nice pack in these 20+ minutes, plus well presented.
I have to start reading LN. After the action performed by 86, you think it can't get any better and here comes the bad girl Lena.
On the other hand, another interesting fact, so if the brain was not damaged, the owner's mind is preserved. I just didn't get this T-1000 effect. When it comes to symbolism, it's over 9000, I hope it will be explained later how it works.

The T-1000 like liquid hands were just an added feature to the Dinosauria for performing more precise tasks. Due to its huge body, it cannot always out-maneuver a smaller, nimbler enemy which would try to target it's weak point. The hands are there to take care of that design drawback.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Jun 5, 2021 1:53 PM

Mar 2014
Morsse said:

I did not read the manga so I don't actually know if this is going to have a season 2 or not. I can only hope.

it's based on a LN rather than a manga and it has 9 volumes thus far with more on the way. As far as the anime is concerned, this season has 11 eps but it will have a second cour on a later date, it's listed on MAL as its sequel if you wanna check it out!
Jun 5, 2021 1:56 PM

Mar 2021
The sky lighting up red when the shells started to drop... it gave me tears.. that was beautiful

Jun 5, 2021 2:08 PM
Sep 2016
Fantastic episode. For me it was the best episode of season.
Jun 5, 2021 2:14 PM

Apr 2014
Albi-kun said:
I really don't get the appeal. This is such an average show.

AhriTheS3xyFox said:
I honestly do not understand why people like this show

KneelBeforeMe said:
Albi-kun said:
I really don't get the appeal. This is such an average show.
LN popularity and production value is pretty much why this anime is as popular as it is. It's nothing special but it looks good and it's well directed. I dont find the story or characters that interesting whatsoever but the production makes it watchable for a seasonal anime.

I don't know how you guys watched this, but ever since the first episode I have been endlessly excited for every episode and every time it gets better and better. The characters, the action even Lena's tiny fidgety gestures while talking to them, all those always make me tingly for the next week.
And when the time to finally watch the next episode comes, I try to delay it as much as possible because I don't like how it all just joes by in an instant 😳.

And no, I haven't read the LN but I will definitely do it. I already got them on my kindle 😄.
Jun 5, 2021 2:18 PM
Jul 2018
Danae said:
Morsse said:

I did not read the manga so I don't actually know if this is going to have a season 2 or not. I can only hope.

it's based on a LN rather than a manga and it has 9 volumes thus far with more on the way. As far as the anime is concerned, this season has 11 eps but it will have a second cour on a later date, it's listed on MAL as its sequel if you wanna check it out!

Oh, I forgot to check if it is even listed.. lol, thanks for the info, those are some good news though :) I got quite interested now that it showed its qualities.
Jun 5, 2021 2:21 PM

Nov 2013
Wow, this felt like an end to a season, and yet we're at ep 9
Jun 5, 2021 2:27 PM

Aug 2020
WHAT AN EPISODE. That was amazing.

Shin's boss fight was just incredible, and the use of the ED there was just right. Could I asked of anything more from that episode? no, that was a masterpiece.

Has a 8.60 mean score
Akasaka > Other Mangakas

Jun 5, 2021 2:34 PM

Apr 2014
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
Wow, this felt like an end to a season, and yet we're at ep 9

Apparently it's the end of the 1st volume of the LN. But there is a lot to cover so it's good we get to see something from the next ones as well.
Jun 5, 2021 2:43 PM

Jul 2016
The episode starts the fight with Shins brother legions, and his he wants to fight his brother one on one. The Shephard which his brother assimilate to is powerful legion with some special ability. The speargead squadron are overwhelmed by the horde of legion, but Lena come in clutch to saved them. She uses the interceptor cannon and she uses the other function of Para raid using the eye of Raiden which he was angry by it because of setback like blindness. But Lena this episode is MVP.

The brothers part are nicely adapted, its an emotional scene. The second part is on Lenas side with the reason how she got the interceptor cannon and her para raid changed the function is with the helped of her friend Annette. Which she comply by helping Lena because of her guilt, which Lena uses to her advantage.

The final part is another amazing adapted farewell to the spearhead squadron with Lena saying " dont leave me behind " to them is another emotional scene with more foreshadowing. And liked the lycoris flower sneak peek.

Overall best episode of 86 yet and great conclusion for book 1.

Jun 5, 2021 2:43 PM

Jan 2020
This kinda felt like a cour finale especially with the placement of the end soundtrack + the credits and I loved it. That scene with shin with "avid" playing in the background honestly almost made me cry and man, it was just perfection. Though, I wonder what they are gonna do with the remaining two episodes

Jun 5, 2021 2:49 PM
Feb 2021
Fucking amazing. I’m speechless, this might be the best episode of this anime season imo.
Jun 5, 2021 2:52 PM

Sep 2018

This is when you realise that an author has absolute command over all the threads of their story.

Drawing them all together to deliver a blockbuster episode that suddenly illuminates all the paths travelled to reach this point.

Praise too for the animation, music, voice acting and direction.

This will certainly be one of those rare episodes that I will be able to replay in my mind for a long time to come.

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Jun 5, 2021 2:54 PM

Nov 2020
Spectacular episode, Leena badass.
Jun 5, 2021 3:10 PM
Mar 2021
Lol this is crazy. 86 isn't a masterpiece anymore. It's just a stupid canon couple for Shin x Lena shipper who let their comrades die while Shin still alive because Lena only help him as his armor plate.

I love when Shin is fighting his brother alone and Lena is helping him too, but once again Lena ruins all worth it scenes so hard with her dumbness after that.

Even Aqua still better than Lena. XD
Jun 5, 2021 3:10 PM

Jan 2015
As someone who's greatly enjoyed all the previous episodes, this one just lacked impact to me, especially the end of the episode. The Shin vs. brother fight could've turned out great if they made it a bit easier to follow (although point to note is that this was one of the easier battles to follow in the series so far).

Didn't really understand the Lena running all across the city and then bursting up in tears scene and hence it felt pretty hollow.
Jun 5, 2021 3:20 PM
Apr 2019
I have not read the LN and so the last scene with Lena running while crying confused me because it felt like something bad happened, which is emphasized by those red flowers you see when something bad happens in an anime.

But from what I understand the 5 remaining 86ers managed to flee from their district, but I don't really understand the implications of this, like why is Lena crying ?
Is it a good thing, or a bad thing ?

Jun 5, 2021 3:21 PM
Oct 2016
she can be your angel. she can be your devil.

Lena ice cold this episode i love it!!

Jun 5, 2021 3:24 PM
Jan 2015
Inferno792 said:
Didn't really understand the Lena running all across the city and then bursting up in tears scene and hence it felt pretty hollow.
They were going out of range for the Para-raid device, so in act of desperation she ran in their direction to try to maintain the connection as long as possible.

Lena said it herself, "Don't leave me behind.", she's grown so attached to Shin and everyone else in Spearhead, the thought of not having that connection anymore hurts her immensely.
My Queens

Jun 5, 2021 3:27 PM
Mar 2021
actinid said:
I have not read the LN and so the last scene with Lena running while crying confused me because it felt like something bad happened, which is emphasized by those red flowers you see when something bad happens in an anime.

But from what I understand the 5 remaining 86ers managed to flee from their district, but I don't really understand the implications of this, like why is Lena crying ?
Is it a good thing, or a bad thing ?

something bad happen, she didn't tell them and let them die. Even i don't read LN, but i know how bad her.
Jun 5, 2021 3:28 PM

Jan 2015
-Mahesvara said:
Inferno792 said:
Didn't really understand the Lena running all across the city and then bursting up in tears scene and hence it felt pretty hollow.
They were going out of range for the Para-raid device, so in act of desperation she ran in their direction to try to maintain the connection as long as possible.

Lena said it herself, "Don't leave me behind.", she's grown so attached to Shin and everyone else in Spearhead, the thought of not having that connection anymore hurts her immensely.

Yeah, just read about that and that running scene was an anime only. Honestly would've preferred a more grounded reaction from her (which I assume was in the novel?) and the impact would've been much higher. Instead they opted to make it a lot more dramatic when it didn't need to be.

Also think that they could've done a better job explaining the geography of the area so we'd understand why they'd lose connection as there seem to be a fair amount of people confused by it. Perhaps it was explained better in the novel, but it could've been better maybe showing us a map on Lena's screen as the 86 were making their camping plans just to make it easier to follow. For something that's had such good direction overall, that scene was fairly confusing.
Inferno792Jun 5, 2021 3:32 PM
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