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Days: 286.3
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Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san
Aug 8, 2024 11:38 AM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 36.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries78
- Reread0
- Chapters5,700
- Volumes320
All Comments (2656) Comments
not really. i havent watched any shows in a while. i need to watch the new bleach so i dont get spoiled. other than that, i've only read my mangas and manhwas. what kind of shows you watch?
do you have any recommendations for sports anime or anime in general?. kinda lost my enthusiasm not seeing any interesting ones and finally made the tough decision of trying to watch the original Bleach like 300+ep wonder how long it took me to watch them all, I see you gave it 6 what does that mean? is it good, normal, bad?
Nahh im proud/glad you were still kind enough reply and stop by to say hi. seems like already have a long list of MIA friends.
hope you stay healthy amidst your busyness,focus on what's going on in your life elsewhere. MAL is a place to track anime, not a heavy social media site so there's no pressure to drown yourself,just do what you want/makes you happy, free time is a blessing that we should cherish✨.
i agree. i havent seen much anime lately imo. after i finished frieren, i just stopped watching stuff except for shows on the side when im bored
ahh this is so late but happy new year, can't believe the last time we spoke was December,How are you?
just read your review on mushoku tensei season 1 and I now feel you are very right about what you wrote. So I've watched all seasons of MT and though I felt uncomfortable when watching the perverted scenes I took that as the price of watching a good anime show, but how much of a price should one pay to enjoy good anime? Anyway, thanks to your review I now know how much I'm willing to tolerate from these anime shows.
Edit: If I may, what are your thoughts on heavens delusion and chainsaw man?
similar for me too lol. i dont use mal much besides keeping up with animes and my clubs. i dont reply to much comments anymore unless its deliveries from gfx makers.
i dont remember if i finished blue lock or not, but i know that i was close to finishing all of the episodes. its been a while. i normally dont like sports animes much, but blue lock had a interesting thing going on as you said. its what kept me watching it. looking back, the series wasn't all that great lol.
oh really? i probably wont watch it then. im not a big fan of farming simulators unless its a mobile game. even then, i dont play farm sim mobile games. i do want to see how its played out because i've seen some clips of action so i might try to watch a few episodes.
i havent been watching much. well before i left for my vacation, i watched season 2 of heaven's official blessing. i also caught up to frieren until i stopped watching lol