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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria Episode 6 Discussion

Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? On the Side: Sword Oratoria (light novel)
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May 22, 2017 9:50 AM

Nov 2015
Akai_Yami said:
The Ais pouting was strong with this episode it was also cute when Ais got mad at Riveria
overall nice episode

Yeah she wa so cute. I really jumped from my place and holded my head and started laghing.
May 22, 2017 7:09 PM

Jan 2011
AivanK said:
Another great episode.
Finally, we saw Ais smiling and blushing :3
In this crossover, we can clearly see in a different perspective how much times Ais saved Bell, can't wait to see them talk (without Bell running away...).
I actually forgot that Bell managed someone to level up so fast (i don't remember, it has been 2 years).
AivanK said:
Another great episode.
Finally, we saw Ais smiling and blushing :3
In this crossover, we can clearly see in a different perspective how much times Ais saved Bell, can't wait to see them talk (without Bell running away...).
I actually forgot that Bell managed someone to level up so fast (i don't remember, it has been 2 years).

Had some "unique" status or some cop-out bullshit. I let it slide because I enjoyed watching this back then. Dunno if I'll feel the same with its hopeful sequel.
May 23, 2017 9:52 AM

Jan 2013
QWERTYFish25 said:

Had some "unique" status or some cop-out bullshit. I let it slide because I enjoyed watching this back then. Dunno if I'll feel the same with its hopeful sequel.

Same here, enjoyed it back there and enjoying it right now.
I doubt...but it would be nice too, but you always have the manga xD
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

May 23, 2017 2:14 PM

Feb 2008
Ais still makes the best facial expressions. Her boss fight was also exciting, as was Bell's rolling escape from Ais.
May 23, 2017 3:28 PM

Jan 2011
AivanK said:
QWERTYFish25 said:

Had some "unique" status or some cop-out bullshit. I let it slide because I enjoyed watching this back then. Dunno if I'll feel the same with its hopeful sequel.

Same here, enjoyed it back there and enjoying it right now.
I doubt...but it would be nice too, but you always have the manga xD

I've become less tolerant towards anime shenanigans in general over the last two years. I suspect it comes with age, as well as me having much more time to view it. I had hurt my back right when the first season began airing and haven't worked since. I mean we've had a few disappointing titles and some just being outright shit in recent times. So that probably didn't help either. Re: Zero was a let down. Kekkai just seemed to run around in circles with a mink coat. Seraph of the End dragged on way too much and partly me enjoying the first season as much as I did was because it had finished airing as opposed to the second one at the time. Oh, yeah, let's not forget the faffing of Utawareumono, the overall meh of that show that paralleled Rakudai's broadcast and failed in comparison so hard I couldn't even sit through the 3rd ep and can't even remember. Just been a lot of let down with too much time. Oh year That "mystery" that borrowed heavily from per-colonial Latin indigenous culture ( I think it starts with an "R"), Big order, good fucking god.... Mushitgen, The second half of Gate where its most significant end revelations was one of the soldiers knocking up one of the female knights. Heavy OBJ. It goes on... None of these really had a bad story, they just refused to be their own fucking thing. Re: Zero had unique twist to an interesting concept but got bogged down in the usual tropes that seemed to overwrite the fucking plot. The animation tanked and it centered solely around a character that due to shit writing refused to be anything more than a victim of tropes blowing up in his face till the very end. Zero of this year seemed interesting without feeling like an epic but it's losing my interest.

I will say that Dungeon did go down very easily surprisingly.
May 24, 2017 2:25 PM

Jun 2015
Hmm for the two of them to encounter the floors boss though. Hmm so Ains wants to fight this thing alone in order to bolster her flagging confidence eh. Hmm as expected Ains is really giving that guy a hard fight. So this boss is capable of wiping out whole parties by himself. I have doubts whether Ains powerful as she is is able to beat this thing. Combat animations for this fight are also pretty good. So this boss has gained an ability that he didn't have before eh. Hmm Ains is pretty stubborn though. Once she's set out to do something she will try to do it no matter whats stopping her. Even in facing a boss on her own. One can see that Ains is doing this in order to raise her ability score though. Only by getting stronger can Ains hope to find her confidence again. Ains attacks here though focus more on the offence than on defense though. She's really going all out here. Still by analyzing the enemies attack patterns one will be able to determine how they work and in this case destroy their weapons before they can be used again.

Even for Ains that was an impressive victory. A bit of a reckless one but still a great victory. As expected Riveria wasn't that pleased but im sure she's glad that Ains survived. Now will be a good time for Ains to reveal what is actually bothering her. Keeping such things hidden isn't helpful you know. In a way i think Riveria and the others are worried that Ains doesn't trust them. As a familia they are essentially one big family and treat Ains as part of that as well. So i think Ain's not telling them what happened has hurt them and worried them. Ains should really put more faith in her family as well as she isn't alone anymore. So before she joined the famila Ains traveled and fought alone eh. Rivera was a great person for Ains to talk to though. Hmm so Ains left the sword from that boss with the town eh. Well the town is after all on the frontier so having a weapon like that will be good for them. Lol since this show parallels the original seeing Bell was to be expected. Still seeing this scene from Ain's perspective is interesting. Lol why does Bell always run away from you. Hmm its nice seeing Ains open up to Riveria though. Ains opening up to others is an important part of her development just as improving her confidence and spell power is part of Leafiya's. Lol so Rivera's advice for Ains is to give Bell a lap pillow eh lol. Lol its funny seeing Ains get angry with Riveria as she laughed at what happened though. Still its nice seeing Ains develop more human feelings though. Hmm so Loki's guest was Eina from the guild eh. Hmm Ains managed to get to lv6 eh. Its rare for adventures to manage to get to that level. As there's only 4 in the guild at the moment.

So the investigation into the events continues with the famila's command staff doing the investigating eh. The new monsters, The attack on the town and the murder do seem to be connected though. Hmm so it seems that judging from the reaction here Ains childhood is a sensitive issue eh. This tamer woman sure is dangerous in more ways than one. Lol to think that Finn has a bell that he uses to summon one of the sisters though lol. Handy though lol. So their next expedition is to be accompanied by smiths from another famila eh. It seems that they are preparing for an extended fight against that woman though. Ah Eina was that woman from the guild that manages Bell in the original anime i remember her now. Eina's reaction to Ain's question though was a bit over the top lol. Enlisting the aid of Ains to rescue Bell is the sensible move. Eina has both brains and beauty eh. Lol its been some time since you met Bell you know Ains. People improve in their skills the more battles that they fight in so Bell skill improving is not that unusual. Sill being able to use magic without chanting is impressive. Still at least Ains was able to save him but once again he ran away from her lol. And we finally get to see one of the villains for this series. The humble spell caster eh.
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May 26, 2017 7:45 AM

Jan 2013
QWERTYFish25 said:

I will say that Dungeon did go down very easily surprisingly.

What a big answer xD
I do agree with you in some points that you've stated but i still liked ReZero, even though that Subaru is retarded.
Can agree with that, i did enjoy the original series and now this crossover, i do hope that this will bring more fans so that they can make a 2nd season.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

May 26, 2017 8:53 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Hmm no episode 7 today? Haven't heard of any delays or skips but there doesn't even seem to be RAWs out anywhere yet

Edit: Nvm it's out now, guess it was just late today for whatever reason
HaXXspettenMay 26, 2017 10:06 AM
May 27, 2017 8:25 AM

Jan 2011
AivanK said:
QWERTYFish25 said:

I will say that Dungeon did go down very easily surprisingly.

What a big answer xD
I do agree with you in some points that you've stated but i still liked ReZero, even though that Subaru is retarded.
Can agree with that, i did enjoy the original series and now this crossover, i do hope that this will bring more fans so that they can make a 2nd season.

I like Re Zero's concept and still think it has potential. But I am quite jaded seeing how the first season dragged out, lost steam quality tanked and then that open ended copout that partly shields out from a sequel.
May 28, 2017 7:40 AM

Jan 2013
QWERTYFish25 said:

I like Re Zero's concept and still think it has potential. But I am quite jaded seeing how the first season dragged out, lost steam quality tanked and then that open ended copout that partly shields out from a sequel.

It has a lot of potential, but right now they don't have any source material, so we will have to wait. But i don't even doubt that there will be a 2nd season since it made huge success.
Oh, i understand what you mean but it's the way some anime work since their main goal is to get as much money as possible.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Jun 18, 2017 5:17 AM

Apr 2011
Ais's pout and blushing so cute.
Jun 25, 2017 7:34 AM

Jul 2013
Even though this spinoff is mostly boring or annoying, it's really interesting to see things in Ais' pov especially if Bell in involved.
Jul 5, 2017 2:18 PM

Jul 2009
Ais is amazing, this is so much better than watching Bell...
Jul 5, 2017 7:40 PM

May 2012
I'll never forget and not love that rolling out, that was just great :p pretty to see some cross references to the main series actually!

Let's see what's next.
Jul 5, 2017 11:38 PM

Dec 2016
It was funny to see Ais all flustered and contemplative over Bell

Also this dementor lookin dude seems pretty interesting
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Jul 18, 2017 11:47 PM

Dec 2012
It looks like Ais went to the Prometheus school of running away from things.
Dat under oppai.
lol at Bell.
LMFAO at Bell rolling away.
LMAO at Finn ringing the bell for cow tits.
lol at Bell running away again.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Jul 17, 2019 7:29 AM

Apr 2009
Soloing a Floor Boss now is it? Impressive though.

Bell Cranel Roll!!! LFMAO

Simple spellcaster my ass, he/she/it was with Uranus last time we saw him/her/it.
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Aug 15, 2019 1:22 PM

Sep 2012
bell running away again and alf laughes hard πŸ˜‚
Sep 27, 2020 4:44 AM

Oct 2016
Really great episode, this was definitely the best episode so far. Is it because there was little to no Lefiya, not that I don't like her hmm...

Watching this spin off is hella worth it just to see pouting and flustered Ais that was hilarious. And of course rolling Bell v2.
Oct 1, 2020 6:18 AM

Feb 2020
This was pretty much just following up the event before my Boy faced Lili arcs, ofc by Wallenstein perspective. Not much a great thing happened, only the end that was supposed to be 'the new thing' for these side story. So, yeah looking forward for it in the next one.

Still, the timing of my boy appeared just so funny. The way he suddenly pass Lefiya, and laughing. Then he rolling to ran away, and another ran in the end. The heck boy, you were so funny in the others point of view xD

The first sequence was okay, not much satisfaction over it. The changed of feeling that Aiz finally realized just too precious. She was surely begin to interesting with my boy. Lol. No kidding about it.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Sep 9, 2022 4:56 AM

Dec 2018
Aiz really had an arc behind the scenes huh lol, went into the dungeon and nearly killed herself fighting a boss to reach level 6, and isn’t even that happy that she got to level 6. It’s also awesome seeing her get flustered all the time in regards to Bell, those pouty faces are always a treat. And now she’s gotten a quest from a hooded individual, this is another new thing for this series that we didn’t see in Season 1, so I’m excited. Also I need a bell that summons Tione like Finn does lol.

And now that I’m halfway through this side show, I’ll say I’m really enjoying it, seeing everything from Aiz and Lefiya’s POV and also getting a new story just for this series that’s separate from the main one is awesome, and getting to see more of the Loki familia has been great too. I don’t ride the hate wave for Lefiya either, I’m really enjoying her fantasies with Aiz lol, and getting to see her get stronger is a bit of a parallel to Bell doing the same thing, just it’s not quite the focus here. But yeah, I definitely think this is worth watching, just getting more DanMachi is reason enough lol, as well as just getting to see more Aiz.
Oct 27, 2022 9:25 AM

Aug 2010
Poo thing, never got the chance to apologise to Bell

>Quotes from AoB <
There is again! The ultimate technique: "It's all his fault, not mine!"
Goddess, High Bishop, you sure are popular!
γΎγ‚“γŒ きけん      γ‚€γŒγ -> Manga wa kikenjyanai, kedo mugaku desu.
-> Manga isn't dangerous, but ignorance it is.
Benno frowned as I finished listing off all the reasons why I didn't want to give the books leather covers.
Feb 26, 2023 8:34 AM
Nov 2010
4:45 Nice fanservice!
Ais is sexy and hot again in this episode! Her fight against the floor boss gave me Dark Souls vibes. Very cool! I also liked seeing her get banged up a bit. She looks sexier the more damaged her clothing gets! Bell is one lucky bastard to attract someone hot like her!
Aug 7, 2023 1:44 PM
Nov 2022
Me gusta ver esa parte de Aiz haciendo pucheros y comportarse mas como lo hizo con Riveria
Se preocupa demasiado en disculparse y en el xque huye cuando la ve...

Jan 30, 2024 2:18 PM

Nov 2009

Ais deserves the strength she has, she earned it, literally. Not from Blessings or false powers, but pure determination.

And she deserve the friendship from the other familia ppls.


Also, LOL, they ran into Bell and Ais gave him the classic "Lap pillow"

But we already saw this back in the "main story".

(Also, still loving Ais's underboob, whoever made this armor is a genius)


And Tione... LOL, she responds to the Bell. Finn knows how much she likes him and took advantage of it to train her into his personal maid, LOL.
amlgJan 30, 2024 2:27 PM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Feb 15, 2024 9:00 AM
Jun 2023
The sixth episode of DanMachi Sword Oratoria takes viewers on a captivating journey filled with intense clashes and emotional revelations. With its compelling storyline and character developments, this episode keeps audiences engrossed and eager for more.

The animation quality continues to impress, immersing viewers in the vibrant world of Orario with its stunning visuals and attention to detail. From the labyrinthine depths to the bustling city streets, each scene is brought to life with fluid animation and captivating colors. The action sequences are dynamic and visually striking, showcasing the characters' growth and skills.

Character development takes center stage once again in this episode, as we witness the growth and internal struggles of Ais Wallenstein and Loki Familia. Ais's determination and emotional journey continue to resonate, allowing viewers to connect with her on a deeper level. The interactions among the members of Loki Familia delve into their personal convictions, providing insights into their motivations and beliefs.

The plot unfolds with compelling twists and turns, as secrets and hidden agendas come to light. The pacing remains steady, blending moments of action, suspense, and character-driven narratives. Each revelation adds depth to the overall narrative, unveiling new layers of the world of Orario and keeping viewers engaged.

Episode 6 presents intense conflicts and tests of loyalty within Loki Familia. The clashes between characters are emotionally charged and thought-provoking, challenging their convictions and forcing them to confront difficult choices. These moments not only provide thrilling action but also serve as catalysts for further character growth and development.

The soundtrack enhances the overall experience, heightening the emotions and atmosphere of each scene. The music complements the action sequences and adds depth to quieter moments, effectively immersing viewers in the world of Sword Oratoria. The opening and ending themes continue to capture the essence of the series, adding to its overall appeal.

While Sword Oratoria can be enjoyed as a standalone series, having prior knowledge of the events and characters from the main series, DanMachi, enhances the viewing experience and understanding of the world of Orario.

In conclusion, the sixth episode of DanMachi Sword Oratoria delivers an enthralling and emotionally charged viewing experience. With its impressive animation, well-developed characters, and intriguing plot developments, it keeps viewers captivated and invested in the story. Fans of the original series will be thrilled by the continued exploration of Ais Wallenstein's journey and the challenges faced by Loki Familia as their convictions clash in the depths of the dungeon.
Danmachi Best Anime WW

Dec 12, 2024 3:51 PM
Sep 2022
epic boss fight.😎
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