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Mar 19, 2017 7:44 AM

Jan 2008
sasukeskapa said:

I'm quite sure McGillis told him to escape while he makes that commotion to do this (kill Orga) and get Mikazuki to follow him instead.
Can't wait to find out if I'm right or not :D

I was actually thinking the same thing. It's not actually far-fetched but who knows if this was the case. I think McGillis wants Mikazuki on his side but he knows that Mikazuki won't follow anyone but Orga, so maybe he wanted Orga out of the way? Well, I guess we'll know for sure in the next episode. No matter what, I want McGillis dead. I think things started to go that way since Tekkadan agreed to work with him.

Sadly, I expected Orga to die. :( I didn't want it to happen as I liked him but I guess either he or Mikazuki had to go. I never once thought that both might survive till the end. And since Orga is already dead, I guess Mikazuki will live.

Um, okay. Does this mean that Kudelia is already Mikazuki's woman now? The fact that both she and Atra kissed him on the cheek before leaving means that she agreed to be part of their family, right? I'm sorry but I see this as out of character for Kudelia. Yes, she loves Mikazuki but I didn't think she'd agree to be in a polyamorous relationship with him and Atra. She did promise Mikazuki to protect Atra and their baby but I take it that she also agreed to be part of the family. Honestly, I think Orga was a better fit for Kudelia but of course I never thought it'd happen as Kudelia is obviously in love with Mikazuki. Sad but I liked their last interaction in this episode.

Can't wait to see what will happen in the last two episodes. Will both McGillis and Gaelio die? I see Rustal getting killed for sure but who knows about Iok. Julieta will most probably survive as she's not fighting this time.
Mar 19, 2017 7:57 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Lelouch0202 said:
Goddamn this episode. T.T

Fareed was pretty awesome, wrecking his opponents with Bael. Loved it when he stabbed Iok's cockpit, someone please tell me Iok is dead. Why can't they just kill him off? This just sucks man.

Looks like we really are going with the escape plan, I'm still not really sure if I'm gonna be satisfied with an ending like that but I'll save my thoughts until the final episode has aired.

ORGA T.T , This is bullshit man. Why did they have to kill him off randomly out of nowhere by some random drive-by goons? That sucks, seriously this sucks. Really sad way for his character to go out. It's like they killed him because he had to die. The blood marks at the end were a really nice touch though, especially with that last drop of blood trickling forward. IRON BLOODED BONDS TEKKADAN <3

I still wish they come up with some plan to wreck Gjallharhorn.
I second everything you said here except I don't mind the escape plan much

FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, I swear if Rastal and his fucking dumbass followers (And yes that includes Gali Gali) don't die I will be pissed

But I'm happy for Azee and the surviving Turbines (Seeing them talk about Naze, Amida and Lafter gave me feels though) but FUCK MAN, I thought Orga was gonna survive this thing, FUCK
Mar 19, 2017 7:58 AM

Oct 2012
Gundam rule 1: If a chapter has the name of a character, It will die.

Next chapter: Mcgillis Fareed...
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Mar 19, 2017 8:18 AM

Jan 2016
Eternaloid said:
Gundam rule 1: If a chapter has the name of a character, It will die.

Next chapter: Mcgillis Fareed...

I'm sure as hell last episode will be called Tekketsu No Orphans or Tekkadan. does this mean everyone dies?
Mar 19, 2017 8:29 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
Man, when they were talking how they finally had a complete plan and were talking happily with hopes, i was just screaming ''NO. SHUT UP. SOMEONE WILL DIE IF YOU KEEP GOING''
and dammit, fucking Orga died.
Mar 19, 2017 8:30 AM
Jun 2015
Orga's death was sad, the one thing i really dislike about this season is they are allergic to killing the antagonists. Kujan, Julietta, Gaelio, Rustal at this point they should have at least killed of Kujan and Julietta as both characters are more side characters. I don't know how they are gonna wrap this up in 2eps without doing a movie or something.
Mar 19, 2017 8:31 AM

Feb 2014
Eternaloid said:
Gundam rule 1: If a chapter has the name of a character, It will die.

Next chapter: Mcgillis Fareed...

Nah can't be. He's gonna wreck everything Rustal has lived up for.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Mar 19, 2017 8:33 AM
Feb 2017
forexjammer said:
Eternaloid said:
Gundam rule 1: If a chapter has the name of a character, It will die.

Next chapter: Mcgillis Fareed...

I'm sure as hell last episode will be called Tekketsu No Orphans or Tekkadan. does this mean everyone dies?

well, last episode's name is "The Last Flag"

"fateful day", "the last flag"... somehow i have some bad feeling about this...
vukhanh1994hnMar 19, 2017 8:36 AM
Mar 19, 2017 8:46 AM
Mar 2017
I dont know if this true..but i found it at twitter..i think ppl in this picture are going to die
Mar 19, 2017 8:54 AM

Apr 2014
This is utter BS. Many say it was MCgillis Fareed, I better hope not because this is not simple. I do not know how the heck they found out easily on this... But I better see that Mika go BERSERK after this. I am not playing at all. Like I need to see everything about Gajllorhorn destroyed, every single ONE OF THE ANTAGONISTS!!!!
Mar 19, 2017 8:55 AM

Oct 2015
Iok is a bloody cockroach. I have never seen such a character have so much plot armour in a series. space griffith could have been my favourite character in this series but he just had to miss iok.

Mcgillis conversation with mika about mika not being able to use the true power of barbatos will be wronged in the next episodes when mika rips the assholes off rustals troops in rage.Maybe if he gets the true power he can get rid of his vegatable state and continue orgas work as he still will probably only do what orga wants even after orga dies.

He was not my favourite but i grew so attached to orga as he has been there since day one and is the focal point of the group and has had so much development. I saw a death coming when the streets where empty I just did not expect it to be orga who i thought was going to be taken hostage and made and example of.
Mar 19, 2017 8:55 AM

Jul 2008
I didn't expect Orga to die right now but his death was a little too late so you don't really feel emotional towards it. I have a feeling the last 2 episodes (don't think a season 3 is on the cards) will be so rushed that the plot is gonna fall apart by the time we reach the finale.

Killing Orga now is like killing Lok Kujan, Nobliss Gordon etc...there aren't any good and bad sides, it's just that everyone has their own motive to reach their goals. Technically the producer can just kill everyone we ever known in the series right now in various ways but it would be ridiculous. In other words, despite the audience's dissatisfaction there will definitely be survivors on every sides (I'm actually extremely happy about this result because it works for this series) whether it's the good or bad side in our minds. It would be so cheesy if everyone on our hate list dies while all the ones we want to see live ends up living.

I have to agree with others that McGillis planned Orga's death so that he could take Orga's place and have Mika by his side in order to exploit him. In other words, he back-stabbed Orga the same way he did to Caarta Issue in season 1. If it were me, I would love to see Gaelio kill McGillis in the worst possible way.
ShanaFlameMar 19, 2017 9:05 AM
Mar 19, 2017 8:58 AM

Sep 2012
sasukeskapa said:
Lelouch0202 said:
ORGA T.T , This is bullshit man. Why did they have to kill him off randomly out of nowhere by some random drive-by goons?

I'm quite sure McGillis told him to escape while he makes that commotion to do this (kill Orga) and get Mikazuki to follow him instead.
Can't wait to find out if I'm right or not :D

Knowing McGillis that's completely possible
Mar 19, 2017 9:03 AM
Dec 2016
I gotta say despite all the obvious flags I didn't expect it to happen right at the end of the episode. Seriously though they keep telegraphing this stuff way in advance, it's a bit tired by now. Writer burnout I guess.

The implication is that Mika might actually survive the end of the series since Orga is dead. And considering how hard they've been pushing Eugene as a rational leader it's almost certain that he'll be the leader at the end of the series, so something was bound to happen to orga. Oh well
Mar 19, 2017 9:21 AM

Oct 2016
I wonder why Mc Gillis alone now? Did he have a fleet of Galarahon when he arrived at Mars, or the other member leave him because he considered as traitor now.

It makes sense that he killed Olga to make Tekadan help him, by using "olga revenge".
Mar 19, 2017 9:29 AM
Apr 2016
Remuchuan said:
I wonder why Mc Gillis alone now? Did he have a fleet of Galarahon when he arrived at Mars, or the other member leave him because he considered as traitor now.

It makes sense that he killed Olga to make Tekadan help him, by using "olga revenge".

McGillis fled his armada, leaving them alone and going to the Tekkadan. They have probably surrendered by now.
Most people after watchin this episode.
Mar 19, 2017 9:41 AM
Oct 2014
Am I the only one would liked the low-key way Orga died? I'd prefer this over a telegraphed heroic death that you could spot a mile away.
Mar 19, 2017 9:45 AM

Dec 2009
Psycho_Pass said:
Am I the only one would liked the low-key way Orga died? I'd prefer this over a telegraphed heroic death that you could spot a mile away.

I liked it too. Reminds me a little bit of Yang Wen-li's death from LoGH.
Mar 19, 2017 9:47 AM
Jun 2008
Mar 19, 2017 9:51 AM

Jun 2015
McGillis just charged in and started fighting. Iok went after him, but the idiot still lives. It sucks how many times he survived. It's a terrible way how Orga died. Gunned down like a dog. RIP Orga.
Mar 19, 2017 9:51 AM
Mar 2017
Does anyone realize the hell they just unleashed with Mika? They killed his best friend. The one who always gave him orders....Imagine the chaos Mika is about to unleash over all the freaking Universe....Mika is going to be pissed....We saw a little of his anger when he nearly killed Blue-Boy for almost hitting Cookie and Cracker, they actually killed someone he cares about this time....They are so screwed...
Mar 19, 2017 9:57 AM

Mar 2013
I remember how Mika raged out over Biscuit dying, but they just took out Orga.

Mika is killing everyone in the last two (2) episodes.
Mar 19, 2017 10:18 AM
Oct 2007
The execution was seriously bad. The writers totally ran out of ideas. I strongly believe this was the original planning and believe it or not, I feel that Lafter death which was quite similar to this ruined the impact of Orga death. What a disaster in my opinion..

Please don't tell me this is the way the boss of Tekkadan die. Please don't tell me that this is the way Iok lives (or even if he die). Please don't tell me this is the way the story is going to progress.
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Mar 19, 2017 10:23 AM

Jul 2015
Well I knew he was gonna die the moment he was given that gun and made that 'promise'. Though I didn't expect him to die out of the blue like that, or even in this episode (thought he'll die in the next episode or two). Reminds me of how Lafter died out of the blue, the poor thing, because, like her, I totally thought he'd be safe at the moment. Guess not, once again. He suddenly gets offed. lol

Oh well. Sucks, but whatever. Mika certainly won't be happy about this (then he'll die too, I'm sure. xD).
Mar 19, 2017 10:24 AM

Mar 2016
Standing around in the streets, chatting in broad daylight, when you're the most wanted (dead, not alive, definitely not alive) man in the Solar System is such a *great* idea. It ended about as expected.

My prediction from earlier was that Iok will end up as the winner who rules all in the end. He's still the most hated anime character for me.
Mar 19, 2017 10:36 AM

Sep 2015
sasukeskapa said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

This is hardly possible. If you pay attention, the goons were practically the same goons standing next to the Gordon Nobliss while he was contancting Rustal Elion, inviting him to Mars. They obviously have a headquarters in Chryse and it would not be that hard for a crime syndicate to find out there is that one group in the city that keeps creating problems for them. It was a successful assassination attempt by Nobliss, Gordan.

We'll see, but I think it's quite likely as his dialogue and actions were about getting Mika on his side but failed, and then his fight with Gjallarhorn was unnecessary unless he wanted to do something with the ones who escaped while it.

Remember that they are under jaming by Gjallarhorn, and out numbered, i don't think McGillis will waste his men to assasinate Orga. He might knew that the building will be under Monitoring and that something might happen and didn't warn them, but having Tekedan survive and able to flee its not bad for him either, it will ensure that he himself would have an escape if every thing go to hell.
Also McGillis never used underhand method, even when killing Gaelio he went to kill him himself (not like Elion rustal), it would have been out of character for him to do that.

On the other hand Nobliss and Rustall have everything to gain from this, if Orga die, Tekedan will be headless, most of them would probably want revenge and then follow McGillis against Gjallarhorn. If Tekedan and McGillis get wiped their next targed would be kudelia and Makanai (remember that both of them survived assasina attempt, kudelia from Nobliss and Makanai from Rustall)

We also learned during this episode that apart from re-establishing Gjallarhorn authority they also want to do something about Mars and the Mars branch. Its not in their interest that Kudelia stay alive as "the maiden of revolution", and can also blame her trough Tekedan (like manipulating the media to say that she is in fact behind every thing Tekedan did etc..) and use her as an exemple.
EdrinnMar 19, 2017 10:41 AM
Mar 19, 2017 10:48 AM

Nov 2013
Edrinn said:
sasukeskapa said:

We'll see, but I think it's quite likely as his dialogue and actions were about getting Mika on his side but failed, and then his fight with Gjallarhorn was unnecessary unless he wanted to do something with the ones who escaped while it.

Remember that they are under jaming by Gjallarhorn, and out numbered, i don't think McGillis will waste his men to assasinate Orga. He might knew that the building will be under Monitoring and that something might happen and didn't warn them, but having Tekedan survive and able to flee its not bad for him either, it will ensure that he himself would have an escape if every thing go to hell.
Also McGillis never used underhand method, even when killing Gaelio he went to kill him himself (not like Elion rustal), it would have been out of character for him to do that.

On the other hand Nobliss and Rustall have everything to gain from this, if Orga die, Tekedan will be headless, most of them would probably want revenge and then follow McGillis against Gjallarhorn. If Tekedan and McGillis get wiped their next targed would be kudelia and Makanai (remember that both of them survived assasina attempt, kudelia from Nobliss and Makanai from Rustall)

We also learned during this episode that apart from re-establishing Gjallarhorn authority they also want to do something about Mars and the Mars branch. Its not in their interest that Kudelia stay alive as "the maiden of revolution", and can also blame her trough Tekedan (like manipulating the media to say that she is in fact behind every thing Tekedan did etc..) and use her as an exemple.

Finally someone pointed out Nobliss because those men who killed Orga supposedly worked for him and with all the jamming I doubt McGillis would have any time to scheme this.

Prove me wrong in the next 2 episodes as I will cry rivers if McGillis really went so far as to have Orga killed to achieve his own goals.

Mar 19, 2017 10:51 AM

Dec 2008
I am go sad and angry right now!! I'm so pissed that Iok is STILL alive after receiving that attack from Bael while Orga dies on the sidewalk protecting Ride. What will it take for that stupid piece of shit to die?!

Damn! I know it's only 2 eps left, but I don't even want to finish them now.

Sadus said:
Psycho_Pass said:
Am I the only one would liked the low-key way Orga died? I'd prefer this over a telegraphed heroic death that you could spot a mile away.

I liked it too. Reminds me a little bit of Yang Wen-li's death from LoGH.

I was a mess for weeks over Yang Wen-li's death. He was my favorite character from LoGH.
Hannah_AnaMar 19, 2017 10:56 AM
Mar 19, 2017 10:55 AM
Jan 2013
Mar 19, 2017 11:22 AM

Dec 2016
Damn why did it have to be Orga to go out in that fashion? It should have been IOK. I would be happy if somehow Orga survived and appeared on the last episode.
Mar 19, 2017 11:24 AM

May 2016
I was thinking he was going to die in this episode after that talk with Mika, and I was right on the mark. lol I just didn't expect him to die like this, which is a little like Lafter's death.

Psycho_Pass said:
Am I the only one would liked the low-key way Orga died? I'd prefer this over a telegraphed heroic death that you could spot a mile away.

What do you mean? It was pretty heroic since he shielded one of his comrades from the bullets, and I found his death rather easy to spot. Not dying in this sort of way, but his death in general. The death flag has been waving in my face after that talk with Mika. lol
AlliedWishesMar 19, 2017 11:27 AM
Mar 19, 2017 11:33 AM

Apr 2009
I actually didn't expect Orga to die, but as soon they were leaving the company it was obvious it was going to happen. Same set-up as Lafter, but the death scene was so over the top and the assassins kinda jobbed it that it almost turned funny.

Given the villains' plot armor, at this point I kinda expect a kill-them-all ending except maybe some minor Tekkadan like Ride or Yamagi.

HatsumiShinogu said:

Um, okay. Does this mean that Kudelia is already Mikazuki's woman now? The fact that both she and Atra kissed him on the cheek before leaving means that she agreed to be part of their family, right? I'm sorry but I see this as out of character for Kudelia. Yes, she loves Mikazuki but I didn't think she'd agree to be in a polyamorous relationship with him and Atra. She did promise Mikazuki to protect Atra and their baby but I take it that she also agreed to be part of the family. Honestly, I think Orga was a better fit for Kudelia but of course I never thought it'd happen as Kudelia is obviously in love with Mikazuki. Sad but I liked their last interaction in this episode.

Honestly, the storyline feels like someone wanted to make history with a threesome "ending", I don't think you can really apply common sense to Okada's writing it, considering Mika and Kudelia's personalities and the (poor) chemistry/interactions within them. She actually had more chemistry with Orga yeah lol.
Jin_uzukiMar 19, 2017 11:36 AM

Mar 19, 2017 11:47 AM

Sep 2014
wtf. This epsiode pretty much sums up why this season is far worse then the first one.
Why the actual fuck did orga die? And so out of nowhere? And why for ride and not Kudelia and/or Atra.

By now I hope everyone dies. Except McGillis.
Pls note that by everyone I mean that I dont care if the universe where to end in a heat death just now AS LONG AS IOK FINALLY DIES.

everytime Iok doesnt die God kills a loli.

How can anyone really think McGillis was the one responsible for the shooting.
The same guys stand right next to the old bastard that used Kudelia since season one.
Besides, if Tekkadan cant contact anyone, how would McGillis do it?
Comander-07Mar 19, 2017 12:00 PM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Mar 19, 2017 11:48 AM

Dec 2015
Well ... it was a bit too quiet at the end. I knew something would happen. Tbh I thought Orga would die a bit earlier and McGillis would just put purposely put less effort in the distraction so he'd get killed.

My guess is that McGillis had some way to contact people loyal to him in the other city and ordered them to kill Orga. (Or he leaked the info to Arianrhod while fighting.)

It's obvious that he wants Mika to help him fighting. (And that's also what I as anime viewer have been longing to see for a long time now. Together they'd pwn all the enemies.) But since Mika has no own will (only doing what Orga wants) he needed to remove Orga.

Edit: Didn't notice the connection between Nobliss Gordon and the guys that killed Orga - until I read someone mention it in the thread here. But if I remember correctly Nobliss Gordon was managing/controling the media and the media was at the place where McGillis fought and he might have known that the media is in contact/controlled by Gordon. So the theory that he leaked something while fighting (might be possible to transmit something while the others from Tekkadan back in the base in the tunnels won't be able to intercept/hear it).
LuthandoriusMar 19, 2017 11:53 AM
Mar 19, 2017 11:54 AM

Dec 2011
Now it's time for Mika to give all his body to Barbatos and devour all Tekkadan's enemies
Mar 19, 2017 12:05 PM

Apr 2016
Freaking the shittiest most annoying character survives while the most awesome one dies. That's what makes this a great gundam series. Toying with my emotions like that.
Mar 19, 2017 12:18 PM

Apr 2014
i knew it i knew something was about to happen just how everything was leading especially when heading to the car

but god this have got to be the worst death im like im so sad/angry about Orga dying i really wanted him to survive but damn

this death really hit the hardest and i wonder how Mika is gonna react when he finds out about it these last few eps will be intense
DazeFireMar 19, 2017 12:22 PM
"one step at a time"
Mar 19, 2017 12:22 PM

Mar 2013
Ok, they're going to have to have one hell of an ending to make this all worthwhile

and frankly,

I don't see how that's going to be possible in 2 episodes.
Mar 19, 2017 12:26 PM
Jun 2016
Ictius said:
Damn, that was really weird. My favourite character from the first season died and I felt absolutely nothing. Maybe because the execution was simply bad?
- Mika, you can't go with Barbatos to the city, give me your gun.
- Ok.
- Oh, this brings back memories. I'll return the gun, I promise.

In this anime, when someone says that they promise something etc. it almost always results in that character's death. This was Lafter's death 2.0. Oh no, a mysterious car arrives and they shoot the "good" guys. This anime really lacks any tension.

Yeah, it is pretty odd. This is exactly what I felt when this happened; literally nothing when he died, and I liked him a lot, or at least before. lmao I'm guessing that's the reason since I pretty much predicted it too after that little talk they've had. And it did feel similar to Lafter's death, which is ironic since I loved her a lot too and I felt nothing when she died all of a sudden at the time, too.
Mar 19, 2017 12:27 PM

Aug 2015
While I liked the episode overall, the pace has slowed down waaay too much for my liking. Hopefully we can get some momentum going on the way to the finale.

So were those guys hired guns of Nobliss Gordon? That'll probably be revealed next week, I'm guessing.

I'm glad that Orga's use of himself to shield Ride was so reflexive. Even as we've followed him for 2 seasons, that still says a lot. I'm sad to see him go, but he died believing in the future of his family. At least now he can be with Biscuit and Shino.
Mar 19, 2017 12:41 PM

Jan 2014
The foreshadowing of either Orga's or Mika's death was strong in this one. It was really just a matter of who. I really wanted to believe it wasn't going to happen because we're finally at the end of all of this and maybe the dynamic of things might change. But no; Orphans stays true to its strict rules of killing off its characters. (Iok is excused due to his plot armor. :( )

Once I saw Orga walk out, I immediately thought about Lafter (which was honestly the most surprising death in my opinion) and just knew that the same thing would happen to him.

Why do they do this??? They make you dread finishing each death-pisode with their obnoxious foreshadowing!
Mar 19, 2017 12:44 PM

Nov 2014
Maddening episode and after maddening episode. Edge of my seat now.
Mar 19, 2017 12:47 PM

Sep 2016
Farabeuf said:

The last 6 or 7 episodes have turned this from being the premier action series this season into an exercise in masochism.

What a perfect summation of how I feel about S2. Good lord.
Mar 19, 2017 12:52 PM

Mar 2017
Orga death is underwhelming since it's exact same way as Lafter
2B or not 2B?
Mar 19, 2017 12:59 PM

Sep 2011
Oh boy this will divide people no doubt, I personally actually found this episode relieved alot of my worries for how the series will end and while i would of preferred a more traditional finale do think the show can work out this way. That said I really like orga's death, its really low key and not heroic in the slightest much like shino and lafter's death. I think ibo avoids alot of war dramas faults of overglorifying violence which ibo actually was kind of on the verge of doing at a few points, but this 2nd season if anything has shined nothing but a negative light on combat and how things dont always work out.

I wouldnt say this death was shock value like some claim though, if any death is that its lafter, this feels more just how the show is solidifying a war in the pocket esque ending as in its a botched plan and the repercussions that follow. I do wish there were more episodes left though as I still feel like this could of been much better had it happened 5 or 6 episodes ago.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Mar 19, 2017 1:09 PM

Jan 2014
My sibling and I knew it was coming a few seconds beforehand and we still weren't prepared. The episode was called "Promise" but it should have been called "Death flag" instead. I am beyond pissed that Iok lived once again while Orga died by a drive-by shooting. His words at the end hit hard though. I hope Mika will hear what he said.

JotakakMar 19, 2017 5:55 PM
Mar 19, 2017 1:14 PM
Jul 2018
I can't believe Orga died! The goons that killed Orga were conspiring with McGillis because he knows Mika was following him. To make Mika follow him, McGillis had contacted Nobliss Gordon to kill Orga. It should've been Ride that died, not Orga. And I can't believe Azee wearing a white suit, being leader of Turbines. I don't believe in gender equality.
Mar 19, 2017 1:17 PM
Jan 2013
Finally Mika is free , he is not a tool anymore , the only good thing from this season is the threesome , if naze had harem why mika cant have both girls ?
Mar 19, 2017 1:22 PM

Mar 2017
xeco said:
Finally Mika is free , he is not a tool anymore , the only good thing from this season is the threesome , if naze had harem why mika cant have both girls ?
because he will die soon
2B or not 2B?
Mar 19, 2017 1:24 PM

Jun 2009
Summary time!

Is Iok still alive after all that? Can't even get a suicide provocation right lol. Will he end up surviving the series, to the ire of every fan watching? Still, Bael is good looking in action.

Pretty good plan by Orga, all the pieces falling into place. New identities, escape tunnel, a way off Mars. Good to see Azee up and about again.

RIP Orga, my man. It was never going to work out.
Pretty sure McGillis is behind this hit. Or at least it wasn't Rustal. Either way I thought it was suspect when McGillis said "Farewell Tekkadan" as he turned his face away from the screen. Then his monologue about not being like Mika, and his breaking away from Tekkadan.
If this was Rustal's doing he'd have ordered a swat team and press to surround them. No need for a secret hit squad; he wanted the death of Tekkadan broadcast in plain daylight after all.
EDIT: After reading comments, yeah likely to be Gordon Nobliss' men. Not discounting the possibillity that McGillis is involved however ;P
GrimanirMar 19, 2017 1:28 PM
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Nov 23, 2024 8:41 AM

» Is IBO a modern hidden gem? (Spoilers)

Onigiri_Aoi - Oct 29, 2023

10 by SpiderMiles3523 »»
Jun 12, 2024 4:11 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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