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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Aug 24, 2015 5:23 PM

Feb 2010
because some people read the synopsis and it sounded like a fantasy adventure are were not expecting mystery.
that and the pacing kinda slow
mind you its still a good show
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Aug 25, 2015 10:38 AM
Aug 2014
Because the characters are overengineered, the world is soulless, the demons feel harmless and there are better mystery shows out there if we remove those aspects.

Also its rating isn't bad, lots of ok animes has worse rating than this.
Aug 26, 2015 12:45 AM

Nov 2009
Klockan said:
Because the characters are overengineered,

It's the first time I've heard such a complaint. Care to elaborate?

Klockan said:
the demons feel harmless

Demons really can't stand up to the Braves in honest combat. They make it up with cunning plans, and that's the show's appeal.
Aug 26, 2015 1:13 AM

Nov 2007
Not planning to start anything new but aren't Rokka and Dandelion the two best new anime of this season? Both shows got better since the turn of August. I had better hopes with GATE and GANGSTA but I don't really care about either of the two shows anymore. GATE is at least still watchable. But I doubt I will give GANGSTA another chance. But I am okay with the ratings. Read: Just my opinion.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Aug 26, 2015 1:17 AM

Apr 2015
shanimebib said:
Not planning to start anything new but aren't Rokka and Dandelion the two best new anime of this season? .

I think the opinion Is split across Overlord, Gangstam Gakkou something, Red snow White and Rokka No Yuusha.
Aug 26, 2015 2:10 AM

Mar 2010
Klockan said:
Because the characters are overengineered, the world is soulless, the demons feel harmless.

I will ignore the first two because those are just your opinions, but Braves would be pretty poor excuses for the strongest mankind has to offer if they couldn't beat some random low ranked demons. So um what?

and there are better mystery shows out there if we remove those aspects.

And who cares? You say the same thing about any of higher ranking shows in whatever aspect they embody. It doesn't stop them from getting their place up there anyway.
Aug 26, 2015 4:13 AM

May 2012
Because people have sh*t taste these days. They prefer to watch episodic anime with no real story like Kekkai Sensen, or they prefer gay anime like Uta no☆Prince-sama
Aug 26, 2015 5:01 AM

Aug 2015
I really like the LN and think it’s very well written and thought-out. The pacing of the anime however is kinda slow and the animation isn’t that good.
They obviously intend to end the anime with the end of volume 1 (if I remember correctly), which explains the pacing. Still makes me sad that a possibly great anime is stuck with 12 episodes and mediocre animation.
Aug 26, 2015 6:04 AM

Jan 2014
HaXXspetten said:
flannan said:

Actually, it's not like this. The good thing about anime is that even if a million people say some show is bad, if it finds its audience of 10 000 people who like it - it is good enough.
That logic is pretty terrible. There are always *some people* who like or dislike literally any anime ever. If just a minority liking it is enough to be considered good... then every anime is good. Like all of them

"It's not people who choose anime, it's anime which chooses people. Otherwise, underrated/ badly-considered shows would never have fans..."
Aug 26, 2015 7:14 AM

Jan 2013
Tylaen said:
It wasn't a marketing error, else we wouldn't have that spoilerific synopsis as an eye catcher.

Which originally wasn't there if I remember correctly, synopsis has been updated approximately during 5th episode. This was sold as a fantasy adventure originally.
It's like I brought an apple pie from the store.
Brought it home and find out it is strawberry one instead.
I still tasted it, found out it's an excellent strawberry pie and thought it's excelled one so I didn't went back to complain as I enjoyed the product.
But it doesn't change there was some idiot in the store who changed the labels or sold me a wrong pie.
Someone else complained though.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Aug 26, 2015 7:36 AM

Feb 2011
Huh. Does anyone have the original trailer link?
Aug 26, 2015 8:09 AM

May 2015
beast_regards said:
Tylaen said:
It wasn't a marketing error, else we wouldn't have that spoilerific synopsis as an eye catcher.

Which originally wasn't there if I remember correctly, synopsis has been updated approximately during 5th episode. This was sold as a fantasy adventure originally.
It's like I brought an apple pie from the store.
Brought it home and find out it is strawberry one instead.

I don't know how it was on MAL but I initially started watching because synopsis said about the 7th and how they are trying to figure out who is the fake. And you know what? I was disappointed too as many others because this mystery happened only in 5th episode which made it a long wait. People complained about how they spoiled the most interesting part in synopsis and it haven't even happened in the first episode.
I'm not saying that you are wrong just that this show managed to disappoint different kind of viewers.
Aug 26, 2015 10:02 AM

Aug 2015
Kami-Koto said:
I really like the LN and think it’s very well written and thought-out. The pacing of the anime however is kinda slow and the animation isn’t that good.
They obviously intend to end the anime with the end of volume 1 (if I remember correctly), which explains the pacing. Still makes me sad that a possibly great anime is stuck with 12 episodes and mediocre animation.

Which is why I think the experience would be better if it was marathoned. Those who have kept this show on hold only to watch it at the end of this season are privileged.
Aug 26, 2015 10:11 AM
Aug 2014
flannan said:
Klockan said:
Because the characters are overengineered,

It's the first time I've heard such a complaint. Care to elaborate?

To me it feels like they just loaded the characters with a lot of strange traits just to make them unique which makes it feel artificial. Hence overengineered.

Like, why is the princess a bunny girl? Those she ruled weren't bunny people. This is the kind of thing you find in a bad harem where the girls are things like robots, ghosts and cats just to spice things up.

Why do the Fremy have a huge flower on her hat, and why do she wear such strange clothes? That is extremely impractical and bizarre, especially considering that she is supposed to be a cold-hearted demon.

Why do Adlet repeat the statement "I am the strongest man in the world!"? It really doesn't fit his character at all, a person who cares so much about his teammates wouldn't constantly spout such obnoxious nonsense. So its seems like the author just made the character say that since he saw that many other popular characters repeats similar statements.

Why did Adlet and his mother refuse to go to the demon lands with the rest of the village? Did the demons do something to them earlier, or what? To me it seems like it is assumed that the reader should understand that all demons are evil and that the villagers are evil who trusted the demon and that he and his mother are the good guys. But they threatened the lives of everyone in the village by disobeying so they got to have had an extremely strong reason to do so but no such reason is given. It just makes no sense... So this part was just to make it a typical "hero has tragic past where he got betrayed by those he trusted etc", but there were no thought at all about how the actual event happened and what went through Adlet's mind at the time.

So in the end they put together characters from parts to make them as good as possible without considering how the parts fits together at all. Its like hanging a lot of random expensive clothes on a supermodel and thinking that the end result will be good since all of the components are top notch. You will get a lot of people who love it since they can recognize the brands, but people with any kind of taste and people who don't care about brands will be frustrated by the lack of unity. That is why this series will never see a good rating even though you can find ample of pearls in it. Its kinda like the anime "K".
KlockanAug 26, 2015 10:16 AM
Aug 26, 2015 11:04 AM

Feb 2011
Adlet repeats those words because he cares for his teammates. Those words reassure him and is his coping mechanism for difficult times. They're the words that give him strength mentally so that he can help protect the others.
Aug 26, 2015 11:13 AM
Aug 2014
NowOrNever88 said:
Adlet repeats those words because he cares for his teammates. Those words reassure him and is his coping mechanism for difficult times. They're the words that give him strength mentally so that he can help protect the others.

Then why did he crash a tournament just to prove that he is strong? Doesn't seem like a coping mechanism to me...
Aug 26, 2015 11:17 AM

Apr 2015
Klockan said:

1.Like, why is the princess a bunny girl? Those she ruled weren't bunny people. This is the kind of thing you find in a bad harem where the girls are things like robots, ghosts and cats just to spice things up.

2.Why did Adlet and his mother refuse to go to the demon lands with the rest of the village? Did the demons do something to them earlier, or what? To me it seems like it is assumed that the reader should understand that all demons are evil and that the villagers are evil who trusted the demon and that he and his mother are the good guys. But they threatened the lives of everyone in the village by disobeying so they got to have had an extremely strong reason to do so but no such reason is given. It just makes no sense... So this part was just to make it a typical "hero has tragic past where he got betrayed by those he trusted etc", but there were no thought at all about how the actual event happened and what went through Adlet's mind at the time.

3. So in the end they put together characters from parts to make them as good as possible without considering how the parts fits together at all. Its like hanging a lot of random expensive clothes on a supermodel and thinking that the end result will be good since all of the components are top notch. You will get a lot of people who love it since they can recognize the brands, but people with any kind of taste and people who don't care about brands will be frustrated by the lack of unity. That is why this series will never see a good rating even though you can find ample of pearls in it. Its kinda like the anime "K".

1. I'm not sure if you noticed but Goldov has a helmet resembling a Goat, and the two combatants at the start of the series had armor resembling a bear and a eagle, respectively. Having a animal motiv Is not unusual In this world.

2. No, they did not threaten anyone but themselves by disobeying the demon lord, as only those who didn't follow them there would have their hearts ripped out.

On a sidenote, you're needlessly criticizing the TV series for not unwailing non-essential parts of the backstory, likewise do you presume that no thought was put into it because you weren't receiving any monologue at the time.

3. Using metaphors for poorly explained reasoning makes as little sense as anything else you've criticized, nor have you pointed at any substantial flaw to the series. Not even the infamous "Bait and switch" from adventure to mystery complaint.

Klockan said:

Then why did he crash a tournament just to prove that he is strong? Doesn't seem like a coping mechanism to me...

He needed to prove himself infront of a statue of the Goddess of fate to have a chance to qualify himself as a brave. Rewatch episode 1.
Aug 26, 2015 12:24 PM
Aug 2014
Tylaen said:
3. Using metaphors for poorly explained reasoning makes as little sense as anything else you've criticized, nor have you pointed at any substantial flaw to the series.

There are no substantial flaws, its the endless amount of minor flaws that sinks it. They are not just in the anime btw, the flaws comes from the novel. People might love this because it is unique and scratches some itch they have, but most wont enjoy it that much.
Tylaen said:

Not even the infamous "Bait and switch" from adventure to mystery complaint.

That's just childish reasoning to assert your belief that this anime gets worse ratings than it deserves. If it were true then the rating would improve with time but it doesn't.
Tylaen said:

Klockan said:

Then why did he crash a tournament just to prove that he is strong? Doesn't seem like a coping mechanism to me...

He needed to prove himself infront of a statue of the Goddess of fate to have a chance to qualify himself as a brave. Rewatch episode 1.

Where did they say that the heroes needed to prove themselves somewhere? And even if he had to do it, why did he have to go and ruin a tournament for it? There are plenty of other ways to prove yourself...
Aug 26, 2015 12:58 PM

Apr 2015
Klockan said:
There are no substantial flaws, its the endless amount of minor flaws that sinks it. They are not just in the anime btw, the flaws comes from the novel. People might love this because it is unique and scratches some itch they have, but most wont enjoy it that much.

Only thing I've heard Is that you really don't like how people dress and that you needed more exposition on Adlet backstory, even though we have his general feelings on the matter, plus the most important aspects of it.

Klockan said:
That's just childish reasoning to assert your belief that this anime gets worse ratings than it deserves. If it were true then the rating would improve with time but it doesn't.

It's not childish If it's true. I've seen quite a few get dissapointed by it's dialogue heavy nature because they mistaked it for being an action genre or were dissapointed by it's switch. You're the one acting ignorant.

Klockan said:
Where did they say that the heroes needed to prove themselves somewhere? And even if he had to do it, why did he have to go and ruin a tournament for it? There are plenty of other ways to prove yourself...

I wasn't aware you were an expert on this universe. Please. Do go on and tell us how else the Goddess Of Fate interacts with the world?

Also, episode 1.
Aug 26, 2015 2:07 PM

Nov 2014
Tylaen said:
beast_regards said:

Sales/presentation/marketing error..

It wasn't a marketing error, else we wouldn't have that spoilerific synopsis as an eye catcher.

Passione should adapt the preview from the LN, in which Adlet was been suspected and chased by the heroes. That would show the readers this isn't a show full of brainless fightings
Aug 26, 2015 3:38 PM

Mar 2010
Kami-Koto said:
I really like the LN and think it’s very well written and thought-out. The pacing of the anime however is kinda slow and the animation isn’t that good.
They obviously intend to end the anime with the end of volume 1 (if I remember correctly), which explains the pacing. Still makes me sad that a possibly great anime is stuck with 12 episodes and mediocre animation.

Overlord has even slower pacing and just mediocre animation in fights and yet it's 8.00. So no I don't buy that. Besides Rokka is a mystery show so it's pacing makes absolute sense, you don't rush mystery to just feed people with ADHD.
Aug 26, 2015 7:00 PM

Feb 2011
As a person who went into this blind initially not even knowing there was a mystery, I was quite satisfied with the pacing. Just about everything felt necessary and was interesting in some way and I thought it moved at a fast enough pace to keep me interested. I mean in episode one you went the span of several months going from tournament grounds into the country side, had a pretty cool battle, and learned about the past a bit. Then 2 was the slowest but still interesting for establishing the mains a bit. It picks up around 3 leading to the mystery unveiling.
Aug 26, 2015 7:02 PM

Jun 2015
I don't like girly girls because i can't keep up with them and i don't like muscled girls because they just scare me.

or maybe i'm just anti-social
Aug 27, 2015 12:21 AM

Nov 2009
Klockan said:
flannan said:

It's the first time I've heard such a complaint. Care to elaborate?

To me it feels like they just loaded the characters with a lot of strange traits just to make them unique which makes it feel artificial. Hence overengineered.

Okay, I understand the general gist of your complaint. In my eyes they aren't overloaded with traits, they're just a bit more than walking stereotypes. For example, Fremy is a Rei clone (like Nagato Yuki or Tabitha) with a gun and sexy clothes. To me, it makes them more alive than more standard protagonists. Or maybe that's because they're smarter than the characters of a bad harem show.

Klockan said:

Like, why is the princess a bunny girl? Those she ruled weren't bunny people. This is the kind of thing you find in a bad harem where the girls are things like robots, ghosts and cats just to spice things up.

No particular reason, but as was said above, a lot of characters in the show are animal-themed. Apparently, this concept serves in place of the symbols medieval knights painted on their shields, allowing the bearer get personal recognition. As a princess, Nashetania has the right to an animal motif, but, apparently, didn't get a cooler animal, as she wasn't expected to be a warrior.
Got to admit it looks a lot cooler than painted shields too.

Klockan said:

Why do the Fremy have a huge flower on her hat, and why do she wear such strange clothes? That is extremely impractical and bizarre, especially considering that she is supposed to be a cold-hearted demon.

Fremy wears almost the same outfit as Goldof, except instead of a helm with ram horns, she has a eyepatch with a flower. My guess is that she tried to pass herself off as something like a wandering knight during her time as a six flower killer. Got to admit, she's really fanservicey. I wonder if the world has other female wandering knights, or she just had to use the same outfit as males.

Klockan said:

Why do Adlet repeat the statement "I am the strongest man in the world!"? It really doesn't fit his character at all, a person who cares so much about his teammates wouldn't constantly spout such obnoxious nonsense. So its seems like the author just made the character say that since he saw that many other popular characters repeats similar statements.

Adlet doesn't have special powers like the saints, he doesn't have ridiculous natural talent like Goldof and Hans, and relies on this phrase and his smile to keep going. That's a rather nice trait for somebody like him.

Klockan said:

Why did Adlet and his mother refuse to go to the demon lands with the rest of the village? Did the demons do something to them earlier, or what? To me it seems like it is assumed that the reader should understand that all demons are evil and that the villagers are evil who trusted the demon and that he and his mother are the good guys. But they threatened the lives of everyone in the village by disobeying so they got to have had an extremely strong reason to do so but no such reason is given. It just makes no sense... So this part was just to make it a typical "hero has tragic past where he got betrayed by those he trusted etc", but there were no thought at all about how the actual event happened and what went through Adlet's mind at the time.

1) Tgurneu spoke only to adults of the village. Adlet wasn't an adult, and his parent character (I'm not sure who she is exactly, but she is probably not his mother) probably wasn't too. Or she wasn't convinced, there is a limit to groupthink, you know? Anyway, it is an obvious choice not to join the demons, for they are known to be scary and hate humans, and it is Tgurneu's persuasiveness that swayed the village, not that it was a good idea in itself. So anybody who didn't get to hear Tgurneu and didn't have a parent to order them around isn't likely to join the demons. In fact, getting your heart ripped out might seem a better idea.
2) Tgurneu demanded the hearts of the ones who disobeyed. We do not know what he threatened the village with, and if there really was some punishment for failing to catch all those who disobeyed. So there is no indication that attempting to run away threatened the lives of everyone in the village. Any more than joining the demons, anyway.

Klockan said:

Tylaen said:

He needed to prove himself infront of a statue of the Goddess of fate to have a chance to qualify himself as a brave. Rewatch episode 1.

Where did they say that the heroes needed to prove themselves somewhere? And even if he had to do it, why did he have to go and ruin a tournament for it? There are plenty of other ways to prove yourself...

1) It was said in the novels, and probably was said reasonably clear in the anime, that to qualify as a brave, one had to fight in one of the temples of Fate and impress the goddess of Fate. (as seen from Goldof and Adlet, winning the tournament isn't necessary)
2) The traditional way to facilitate that are tournaments held in the big temple of Fate like in the beginning, but that is just a human convention, you can just as well challenge somebody strong to a duel there, or maybe just assassinate the head priest. At least we're sure that neither Fremy nor Hans took part in any well-known tournaments.
3) Adlet's style doesn't fit tournament fighting - having used up his tricks in the beginning, he won't be able to trick the strong people in the end. That's why he decides to jump in just near the end, and fight two strong men at once. That sure left an impression with the goddess of Fate, seeing that he was chosen, but earned him the hate of the people who don't recognize his fighting style as valid.
4) This episode establishes Adlet's character pretty well. He doesn't care for human conventions and well-walked paths, but is quite determined to reach his goal.
Aug 27, 2015 6:36 AM

Aug 2015
The characters are well-crafted not overengineered.
If you didn't know, rabbits/bunnies in Mayan mythology are symbols for a trickster, so it pertains to Nashetania's character, so it has a contextual meaning as well as an implication of social division.

Every other brave, other than Mora/Maura and oddball Adlet are nature-themed, making good use of the Mayan/Aztec setting of dressing up as animals/plants, fitting in with tradition.
Aug 27, 2015 10:51 AM

Feb 2011
flannan said:
Klockan said:

To me it feels like they just loaded the characters with a lot of strange traits just to make them unique which makes it feel artificial. Hence overengineered.

Okay, I understand the general gist of your complaint. In my eyes they aren't overloaded with traits, they're just a bit more than walking stereotypes. For example, Fremy is a Rei clone (like Nagato Yuki or Tabitha) with a gun and sexy clothes. To me, it makes them more alive than more standard protagonists. Or maybe that's because they're smarter than the characters of a bad harem show.

Klockan said:

Like, why is the princess a bunny girl? Those she ruled weren't bunny people. This is the kind of thing you find in a bad harem where the girls are things like robots, ghosts and cats just to spice things up.

No particular reason, but as was said above, a lot of characters in the show are animal-themed. Apparently, this concept serves in place of the symbols medieval knights painted on their shields, allowing the bearer get personal recognition. As a princess, Nashetania has the right to an animal motif, but, apparently, didn't get a cooler animal, as she wasn't expected to be a warrior.
Got to admit it looks a lot cooler than painted shields too.

Klockan said:

Why do the Fremy have a huge flower on her hat, and why do she wear such strange clothes? That is extremely impractical and bizarre, especially considering that she is supposed to be a cold-hearted demon.

Fremy wears almost the same outfit as Goldof, except instead of a helm with ram horns, she has a eyepatch with a flower. My guess is that she tried to pass herself off as something like a wandering knight during her time as a six flower killer. Got to admit, she's really fanservicey. I wonder if the world has other female wandering knights, or she just had to use the same outfit as males.

Klockan said:

Why do Adlet repeat the statement "I am the strongest man in the world!"? It really doesn't fit his character at all, a person who cares so much about his teammates wouldn't constantly spout such obnoxious nonsense. So its seems like the author just made the character say that since he saw that many other popular characters repeats similar statements.

Adlet doesn't have special powers like the saints, he doesn't have ridiculous natural talent like Goldof and Hans, and relies on this phrase and his smile to keep going. That's a rather nice trait for somebody like him.

Klockan said:

Why did Adlet and his mother refuse to go to the demon lands with the rest of the village? Did the demons do something to them earlier, or what? To me it seems like it is assumed that the reader should understand that all demons are evil and that the villagers are evil who trusted the demon and that he and his mother are the good guys. But they threatened the lives of everyone in the village by disobeying so they got to have had an extremely strong reason to do so but no such reason is given. It just makes no sense... So this part was just to make it a typical "hero has tragic past where he got betrayed by those he trusted etc", but there were no thought at all about how the actual event happened and what went through Adlet's mind at the time.

1) Tgurneu spoke only to adults of the village. Adlet wasn't an adult, and his parent character (I'm not sure who she is exactly, but she is probably not his mother) probably wasn't too. Or she wasn't convinced, there is a limit to groupthink, you know? Anyway, it is an obvious choice not to join the demons, for they are known to be scary and hate humans, and it is Tgurneu's persuasiveness that swayed the village, not that it was a good idea in itself. So anybody who didn't get to hear Tgurneu and didn't have a parent to order them around isn't likely to join the demons. In fact, getting your heart ripped out might seem a better idea.
2) Tgurneu demanded the hearts of the ones who disobeyed. We do not know what he threatened the village with, and if there really was some punishment for failing to catch all those who disobeyed. So there is no indication that attempting to run away threatened the lives of everyone in the village. Any more than joining the demons, anyway.

Klockan said:

Where did they say that the heroes needed to prove themselves somewhere? And even if he had to do it, why did he have to go and ruin a tournament for it? There are plenty of other ways to prove yourself...

1) It was said in the novels, and probably was said reasonably clear in the anime, that to qualify as a brave, one had to fight in one of the temples of Fate and impress the goddess of Fate. (as seen from Goldof and Adlet, winning the tournament isn't necessary)
2) The traditional way to facilitate that are tournaments held in the big temple of Fate like in the beginning, but that is just a human convention, you can just as well challenge somebody strong to a duel there, or maybe just assassinate the head priest. At least we're sure that neither Fremy nor Hans took part in any well-known tournaments.
3) Adlet's style doesn't fit tournament fighting - having used up his tricks in the beginning, he won't be able to trick the strong people in the end. That's why he decides to jump in just near the end, and fight two strong men at once. That sure left an impression with the goddess of Fate, seeing that he was chosen, but earned him the hate of the people who don't recognize his fighting style as valid.
4) This episode establishes Adlet's character pretty well. He doesn't care for human conventions and well-walked paths, but is quite determined to reach his goal.

I believe in the LN, Adlet states he tried to register for the tournament normally but they wouldn't let him, so he had no choice for entering the way he did. Just a minor note, agreed on all points.
Aug 27, 2015 4:28 PM

Apr 2013
^correct, they didn't let him in because his way to fight was judged "dirty". So he didn't had really a choice. That little explanation was skipped in the anime.
Aug 27, 2015 4:36 PM

Jun 2015
NowOrNever88 said:

I believe in the LN, Adlet states he tried to register for the tournament normally but they wouldn't let him, so he had no choice for entering the way he did. Just a minor note, agreed on all points.

Zefyris said:
^correct, they didn't let him in because his way to fight was judged "dirty". So he didn't had really a choice. That little explanation was skipped in the anime.

Ah, that makes sense. I'd just assumed that he wanted to make more of an impression by jumping in during the finals unexpectedly and defeating the championship contenders for the shock value. IIRC in the first episode he arrived in the city just when the tournament's finals began, so I'd figured that that was his plan for the beginning, but given their reaction to his style of fighting and can see how he wouldn't be allowed to enter.
Aug 27, 2015 5:30 PM

May 2014
Klockan said:
flannan said:

It's the first time I've heard such a complaint. Care to elaborate?

To me it feels like they just loaded the characters with a lot of strange traits just to make them unique which makes it feel artificial. Hence overengineered.

Like, why is the princess a bunny girl? Those she ruled weren't bunny people. This is the kind of thing you find in a bad harem where the girls are things like robots, ghosts and cats just to spice things up.

Why do the Fremy have a huge flower on her hat, and why do she wear such strange clothes? That is extremely impractical and bizarre, especially considering that she is supposed to be a cold-hearted demon.

Why do Adlet repeat the statement "I am the strongest man in the world!"? It really doesn't fit his character at all, a person who cares so much about his teammates wouldn't constantly spout such obnoxious nonsense. So its seems like the author just made the character say that since he saw that many other popular characters repeats similar statements.

Why did Adlet and his mother refuse to go to the demon lands with the rest of the village? Did the demons do something to them earlier, or what? To me it seems like it is assumed that the reader should understand that all demons are evil and that the villagers are evil who trusted the demon and that he and his mother are the good guys. But they threatened the lives of everyone in the village by disobeying so they got to have had an extremely strong reason to do so but no such reason is given. It just makes no sense... So this part was just to make it a typical "hero has tragic past where he got betrayed by those he trusted etc", but there were no thought at all about how the actual event happened and what went through Adlet's mind at the time.

So in the end they put together characters from parts to make them as good as possible without considering how the parts fits together at all. Its like hanging a lot of random expensive clothes on a supermodel and thinking that the end result will be good since all of the components are top notch. You will get a lot of people who love it since they can recognize the brands, but people with any kind of taste and people who don't care about brands will be frustrated by the lack of unity. That is why this series will never see a good rating even though you can find ample of pearls in it. Its kinda like the anime "K".

She isn't actually a bunny girl, that is just a hair ornament.
Typing on an ipad is like driving carpentry nails with a sledgehammer.
Aug 28, 2015 4:04 AM
Jul 2018
Xenocrisi said:
shadow_black said:
I personally think the anime is quite boring, even the LN wasn't that interesting to me. I guess everyone has different tastes.

That's why. Not everyone likes mystery, maybe someone was expecting more action and a different direction. Someone finds the long-dialouges boring, ecc....

I was expecting this to be an action show & later on it turned out to be more of a mistery which made me slightly disappointed, just slightly. But I was happy in fact that this is opposite of what I had been imaging beacuse the mistery is quite astonishing imo. I'm in a middle of the LN and I gotta say so far the mistery is terrifying, terrifyingly deep and terrifyingly good in the same time. It makes me tremble of its awesomeness. It gives me sad and creepy vibes. I'm not a fan of mistery shows but fortunately it's almost always a rare case for me to come across to amazing detective story such as this. I enjoy it a lot, the LN is basically a masterpice for me.
This show just brought back the feeling of uneasiness in me when I was watching/reading Death Note.
removed-userAug 28, 2015 7:04 AM
Aug 29, 2015 11:25 AM

May 2014
Not enough action eh? Some people won't be pleased until Michael Bay starts directing anime.

The mystery is good enough - it may not be on the level of Death Note or 12 Angry Men, but I find it entertaining.
Typing on an ipad is like driving carpentry nails with a sledgehammer.
Aug 29, 2015 11:51 AM
Dec 2014
thepath said:
Because people have sh*t taste these days. They prefer to watch episodic anime with no real story like Kekkai Sensen, or they prefer gay anime like Uta no☆Prince-sama
hi am the guy who made this topic and your right you do have shit taste since kekkai sensen is a very good show so please take your BS somewhere else thank you
Aug 29, 2015 4:33 PM
Mar 2013
For me its a 9 or 10 because i love this kind of shows, but i know that its not appealing for the masses :), anyway i don't really care about the vote if it ends around 8 I'm ok with it or i just deal with it X)
Aug 29, 2015 8:51 PM

May 2013
flannan said:

Demons really can't stand up to the Braves in honest combat. They make it up with cunning plans, and that's the show's appeal.

Actually, that's not true at all. The deeper they go into the demons' territory, the more they will encounter stronger demons.

And the demon generals (that lizard guy is one) can deliver some asskicking to the heroes just fine. In Vol 2 though.
Aug 29, 2015 8:55 PM

Oct 2011
Ugoki said:
flannan said:

Demons really can't stand up to the Braves in honest combat. They make it up with cunning plans, and that's the show's appeal.

Actually, that's not true at all. The deeper they go into the demons' territory, the more they will encounter stronger demons.

And the demon generals (that lizard guy is one) can deliver some asskicking to the heroes just fine. In Vol 2 though.

Then the saints have no chance. If one demon general can cause that much damage, then how do they expect to bust into the area, get through all those demons and then have the energy to beat the king? The king should be extremely powerful that should take out all of them if he got serious.

How do the Saints even survive this?
Aug 29, 2015 9:10 PM
Nov 2013
I hope it gets higher ratings and gets a season 2 im enjoying this series quite a bit.
Aug 29, 2015 9:17 PM

Jun 2013
Honestly the title picture and the summary of the series made me believe it was a harem the whole time. Actually looking into it bc of this post has proved otherwise. I'll check it out because the only other anime I'm watching is Charlotte.
Aug 30, 2015 1:01 AM

Nov 2009
Gov said:
Ugoki said:

Actually, that's not true at all. The deeper they go into the demons' territory, the more they will encounter stronger demons.

And the demon generals (that lizard guy is one) can deliver some asskicking to the heroes just fine. In Vol 2 though.

Then the saints have no chance. If one demon general can cause that much damage, then how do they expect to bust into the area, get through all those demons and then have the energy to beat the king? The king should be extremely powerful that should take out all of them if he got serious.

How do the Saints even survive this?

The plan is to re-kill the Demon God (Majin) before he awakens, so that he won't be able to fight back properly.
Aug 30, 2015 1:05 AM

May 2013
flannan said:
Gov said:

Then the saints have no chance. If one demon general can cause that much damage, then how do they expect to bust into the area, get through all those demons and then have the energy to beat the king? The king should be extremely powerful that should take out all of them if he got serious.

How do the Saints even survive this?

The plan is to re-kill the Demon God (Majin) before he awakens, so that he won't be able to fight back properly.

Yep. The Majin now is still

I think only the original Saint of the Single Flower fought the Majin at its full strength.
Aug 30, 2015 1:57 AM

Feb 2014
I generally find the anime community prefers action and zaney characters over story, so too much story will generally lead to a lower score on this site. Their are exceptions of course.
Aug 30, 2015 2:46 AM

Apr 2014
well it just one scenario mystery for 12 episode so i don't surpise if it not get higher than 8 score.
Aug 30, 2015 2:53 AM

May 2013
eXtacy67 said:
I generally find the anime community prefers action and zaney characters over story, so too much story will generally lead to a lower score on this site. Their are exceptions of course.

Aug 30, 2015 4:00 AM
Mar 2012
"people must enjoy some really hollow and empty shows"
Oh the fucking sweet irony, you just described this show.
Aug 30, 2015 4:14 AM

Jun 2014
lord23 said:
hi am the guy who made this topic and your right you do have shit taste since kekkai sensen is a very good show so please take your BS somewhere else thank you

Why do you even wrote the first sentence?
"I am the guy who made this topic so i have the right to judge people?" The fact that others have different opinions than you doesn't mean they are wrong...
And i really don't understand how your mind works:
"You said Kekkai Sensen (which is something i like) is a bad show so you have shit taste because my tastes are superior."
Is it something like this? Everyone have different tastes and it doesn't mean some of them are superior. Stop insulting other's tastes.
Haters gonna hate...
Aug 30, 2015 4:29 AM

May 2013
Shaduge said:
"people must enjoy some really hollow and empty shows"
Oh the fucking sweet irony, you just described this show.

Look at that shit taste.
Aug 30, 2015 4:45 AM

Apr 2013
Shaduge said:
"people must enjoy some really hollow and empty shows"
Oh the fucking sweet irony, you just described this show.

Thank you Chamo~
Aug 30, 2015 6:48 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
People thought that it would be a good ol' ''lets beat the demon king'' with flashy moves and shit but instead we got a mystery going on for pretty much the rest of the season.

Thats not a bad thing for me tho.
Hell, for me when the mystery started it got better !
DatRandomDudeAug 30, 2015 6:54 AM
Aug 30, 2015 6:55 AM

Nov 2013
DatRandomDude said:
People thought that it would be a good ol' ''lets beat the demon king'' with flashy moves and shit but instead we got a mystery going on for pretty much the rest of the season.

lol it's not only the rest of the season. Those few episodes that you saw about beating the demon king in a typical shounen adventure way was just the prologue / first few chapters to the first LN volume. The rest of the volume including the other 5 volumes are all about the mystery.
Aug 30, 2015 6:57 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
HandsomeMan said:
DatRandomDude said:
People thought that it would be a good ol' ''lets beat the demon king'' with flashy moves and shit but instead we got a mystery going on for pretty much the rest of the season.

lol it's not only the rest of the season. Those few episodes that you saw about beating the demon king in a typical shounen adventure way was just the prologue / first few chapters to the first LN volume. The rest of the volume including the other 5 volumes are all about the mystery.

oh really ? thats great !
Aug 30, 2015 6:59 AM

Aug 2014

1. the anime isn't over yet
2. not everyone will love this show and give it a high rating
3. there are better animes ranked higher?
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