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Akame ga KILL!
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Jul 27, 2014 11:24 AM

Apr 2014
A lot better than last week, the fight was great and the informations on the imperial arm weapons were interesting. Kurome is probably Akame's sister, I wonder what happened to her.
Jul 27, 2014 11:29 AM

Aug 2013
Best so far

Akame rules
Jul 27, 2014 11:32 AM

Dec 2011
Besides being creepy this guy's also a freaking sick bastard... one more for Night Raid to get rid off I guess.

That's one big ass sword and all of that naked guys bonding/touching lol.

LOL, Akame's eating speed is really amazing XD.

So that emperor had 48 Imperial Arms created in order for his nation to be protected after he died.

Lol, maintaining the sword is the only weakness XD.

The sicko made Tatsumi his target...

I just knew that Sayo wasn't the real one.

Damn... Tatsumi was actually hurt!

WOW! Tatsumi's attack was really fast!

LOL, that the perfect Imperial Arms for perverts XD.

This series sure has amazing battles :O

So Sayo is the person Tatsumi valued/values the most.

Damn. Akame's face was really scary back there...

And Zank has been deal with finally.

Awww, Tatsumi's also precious to Akame :3
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fall."
Jul 27, 2014 11:32 AM
Jul 2013
What an episode! Like it so much. I like how Tatsumi was able to fight back despite of having an opponent that can read thoughts and even his future. As always Akame was so BA (Y). oh Kurome appeared. Next episode it's Sheele story be prepare

Jul 27, 2014 11:33 AM
Jul 2018
Nice episode,albeit predictable...
removed-userJul 27, 2014 11:39 AM
Jul 27, 2014 11:37 AM

Mar 2010
I liked this episode way more than the previous one but the most surprising thing was...
Najenda is a woman?
"Then again, if she's not my sibling, there's no bling, either" - Ararararagi Koyomi
Jul 27, 2014 11:37 AM

Sep 2012
Ok.. So first there was some random fan service that was a x-ray of akame. I literally laughed at the part because it seemed soo random and unnecessary. We also get to know that akame's sister is Ryuuko from kill la kill which is nice. And apparently people never die instantly when they have their necks sliced. They always have time to talk for some reason. Lmao
Jul 27, 2014 11:44 AM

Jan 2014
Best episode so far.
My top anime quotes
1. I AM JUSTICE!- l/light (Death Note)
2. IT'S OVER 9000!!!!- Vegeta (dbz)
3. Almighty Push!/ Shinra Tensei!- Pain (Naruto Shippuden)
4. We stand in awe before that which cannot be seen- Rukia (Bleach)
5. I'll take a potato chip.....AND EAT IT!!!!!- Light (Death Note)
6. Art is an explosion - Deidara (Naruto)
7. Shut the fuck up Kakazu - Hidan (Naruto)
8. Bulma, you've lost your balls- Goku (dragonball)
9. "Don't call me small! I'll break off your feet and stick em on your head!"- Edward Elric (fmab)
Jul 27, 2014 11:44 AM

Jul 2014
FlamingMangos said:
Ok.. So first there was some random fan service that was a x-ray of akame. I literally laughed at the part because it seemed soo random and unnecessary. We also get to know that akame's sister is Ryuuko from kill la kill which is nice. And apparently people never die instantly when they have their necks sliced. They always have time to talk for some reason. Lmao

How was that fanservice again? First, it was just activewear that women would typically wear to the gym. I don't know who's getting off on that. It was also a brief second and her stance blocked the view anyway. Zank was also checking her for hidden weapons so it was necessary. And nice job comparing two characters that look nothing alike aside from having black hair.
Jul 27, 2014 11:44 AM
Feb 2013
R.I.P to Zank
Jul 27, 2014 11:46 AM

Sep 2012
za21 said:
FlamingMangos said:
Ok.. So first there was some random fan service that was a x-ray of akame. I literally laughed at the part because it seemed soo random and unnecessary. We also get to know that akame's sister is Ryuuko from kill la kill which is nice. And apparently people never die instantly when they have their necks sliced. They always have time to talk for some reason. Lmao

How was that fanservice again? First, it was just activewear that women would typically wear to the gym. I don't know who's getting off on that. It was also a brief second and her stance blocked the view anyway. Zank was also checking her for hidden weapons so it was necessary. And nice job comparing two characters that look nothing alike aside from having black hair.

yeah but how come he did it her but not to Tatsumi? He probly did check but it didn't show it. They showed it for the girl tho which means something.
Jul 27, 2014 11:47 AM

Sep 2012
Annuvin said:
WhisperBit said:
Najenda is a woman?


FlamingMangos said:
Ok.. So first there was some random fan service that was a x-ray of akame. I literally laughed at the part because it seemed soo random and unnecessary. We also get to know that akame's sister is Ryuuko from kill la kill which is nice. And apparently people never die instantly when they have their necks sliced. They always have time to talk for some reason. Lmao

I don't recall Akame's underwear being shown in the manga, but then again they added the scene with Mine (Mein) changing clothes in episode 3 too.

Also the subtitles are giving me cancer... I understand the characters' names are 'official' but seriously
Braht > Bulat
Rabac > Lubbock

Welp.. More fanservice = good for me and everyone.
Jul 27, 2014 11:48 AM
May 2014
Dude can you guys stop being such obnoxious little hipsters and cherrypick every little details on every episode? It wasn't even fanservice, he was jist checking her for hidden weapons and such. If he didn't check Tatsumi he probably did earlier while luring him to that place or he just didn't cuz he felt he was a noob with no teigu or some shit lile that. And the dude talking after getting his neck sliced.. really? You're really gonna carw about a trvial adpect like that?
The anime industry is dead, the otaku fanbase killed it.
Jul 27, 2014 11:49 AM

May 2009
WhisperBit said:
Najenda is a woman?

How could you think she isn't?
Jul 27, 2014 11:49 AM

Apr 2008
Annuvin said:
WhisperBit said:
Najenda is a woman?


FlamingMangos said:
Ok.. So first there was some random fan service that was a x-ray of akame. I literally laughed at the part because it seemed soo random and unnecessary. We also get to know that akame's sister is Ryuuko from kill la kill which is nice. And apparently people never die instantly when they have their necks sliced. They always have time to talk for some reason. Lmao

I don't recall Akame's underwear being shown in the manga, but then again they added the scene with Mine (Mein) changing clothes in episode 3 too.

Also the subtitles are giving me cancer... I understand the characters' names are 'official' but seriously
Braht > Bulat
Rabac > Lubbock

You were saying?
Jul 27, 2014 11:50 AM

Oct 2010
Esdese probably makes her appearance in the next episode, can't wait for it.
Jul 27, 2014 11:50 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
ZoroZoldyck said:
Tokoya said:
My body was not ready.....

This was fucking perfect...Best episode of the series thus far!!!

The explanation of the Teigu's was perfect and the explanation of everyone in Night Raid's Teigu was great (Although there will be more suprises in regards to their Teigu later on =P)

I'm also surprised to see that not much people commented on the part explaining how if two persons with Teigu's go into battle against each other, one of them WILL die, which was a concept that I loved once I read it in the manga and really changes the dynamic of the story and makes it a whole lot more interesting

Akame and Tatsumi's fight against Zank was even better than it was in the manga imo...This fight was on epic proportions and yet this fight doesn't even compare that much to the future ones that we're going to get

Great animation, great gore, loved the stills and OST yet again with their fantastic art and once again, we get a near perfect adaptation...White Fox, you guys are too OP

Next episode will be the episode that made me fall in love with Schere...My 5th character AND......SHE APPEARS IN THE NEXT EPISODE GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET HYPED!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm getting hyped for the sake of getting hyped too :p
Almost everyone's waifu....My favorite character...My everything

Jul 27, 2014 11:52 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
WhisperBit said:
I liked this episode way more than the previous one but the most surprising thing was...
Najenda is a woman?

The anime at least made it more explicit by giving her bigger boobs. In the manga it took me like 20 chapters before I found out she wasn't a man.

It was pretty cool to see this fight animated. Akame's skills with a sword are impressive.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jul 27, 2014 11:56 AM
Jul 2013
The only thing I can think off why Zack did that not to Tatsumi because she knew Akame is a professional assassin which of course he wanted to double check whether or not she got some hidden weapon besides on the Teigu she was holding, Tatsumi on the other hand is not a threat to him so he didn't bother checking him.

FYI that scene was on the manga.
Jul 27, 2014 11:59 AM

Jul 2013
villains be like "i am now going to reveal my special ability" (not that it made much difference)
Jul 27, 2014 12:05 PM

Nov 2013
Best episode yet, even if that's not saying much. Kept the tone of the episode mostly the same throughout, glad there wasn't any slice of life insert in there somewhere. I'm awaiting for antagonists who last a bit longer than a battle.

Facepalm of the episode.
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Jul 27, 2014 12:06 PM

Mar 2014
Pretty good adaption this episode and it really stuck with the overall theme and mood of the series with it's darker grittier atmosphere. Although there was some comedy thrown in it still managed to keep on track. Later on though I don't really know how they'll be able to enter in comedy since shit will start getting real.
Jul 27, 2014 12:11 PM

Feb 2009
Best episode so far. Bulat best character, his scenes with Tatsumi are so funny. Akame is pretty cool too.
Pacing seemed very adequate this time, not too fast, not too slow.

So, it seems we gonna have at least one episode dedicated to develop each member of Night Raid, and next time is Schele.

I just have a question about the gore, is the anime adapting well? Before the anime started all I could hear is that was super duper mega gory, but so far it was nothing so impressive, except maybe for the first episode.
Friend Code 3DS: 4914-3165-5517
Jul 27, 2014 12:14 PM

Jul 2013
You've still got a long way to go Tatsumi. Of course the eye allows for x-ray vision. It always has :P
For those who seek perfection, there can be no rest on this side of the grave.
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
Jul 27, 2014 12:16 PM

Sep 2012
kikohunter said:
Dude can you guys stop being such obnoxious little hipsters and cherrypick every little details on every episode? It wasn't even fanservice, he was jist checking her for hidden weapons and such. If he didn't check Tatsumi he probably did earlier while luring him to that place or he just didn't cuz he felt he was a noob with no teigu or some shit lile that. And the dude talking after getting his neck sliced.. really? You're really gonna carw about a trvial adpect like that?

You don't have to take it soo srsly. I'm not complaining or talking shit about the show. I'm just saying. I just find it funny. I actually like the fan service. I don't really know what you consider fan service but that had to be fan service. Like... why did they have to actually show the x-ray. It just seems soo perverted.
Jul 27, 2014 12:16 PM

Jul 2013
Amazing episode! The extra scenes they added were nice. I'm actually starting to like the stills. The Teigu explanation was handled perfectly and OST during the fights was epic.

Can't wait for Esdese <3
Jul 27, 2014 12:16 PM
Jul 2018
It was pretty good to know about the Imperial Arms.

Tatsumi vs Zank was pretty great.

Akame did not care about the illusion she saw, I got to love the last strike she given to Zank. She owned him so badly.
Jul 27, 2014 12:19 PM

Nov 2012
Hahaha I thought she was going to behead the dude for irony's sake but oh well..

Overall I decent episode. The imperial arms and history lesson was cool.
Jul 27, 2014 12:26 PM

Jul 2014
This was probably my favorite episode since the pilot. The lack of goofy silliness was relieving.

Does anyone know what Imperial Arm Tatsumi will get?
Jul 27, 2014 12:27 PM
Feb 2014
Best episode yet, imo.

First half was mainly world and character buildig scenes with little bits of comedy here and there. The explanation abt the imperial Arms was rather helpful. Finally understood what the hell tat blonde nightraider person really is. The concept of one of a pair of imperial arms users who duel each other dying sounds interesting and will probably be important later. Akame's sword is scary...

Okay, one little thing I'm gonna mention. The conception of the Imperial Arms sounds a bit... stupid... the emperor thinks, Oh, I wish this world to continue being peaceful in the future after I'm gone. The solution is to build 48 super weapons? I dont get it, seriously. I'd think having those 48 weapons around is more dangerous than not having them. They'd probably be the cause of wars between wielders, and with the wrong intent, they'd be horrifying weapons. I mean, even if they aren't used wrongly, it doesn't exactly seem like the best solution to keeping your kingdom runnin smoothly after ur death... meh, just somethig that bugged me...

Moving on, the second half was pretty good. For once, they didn't add any unnecessary comedic bullshit in inappropriate places. I honestly dont mind if there's comedy in thjs series, which has a dark settig, but previous episodes just stuck those comedic gags in the most stupid places that totally ruined some moments, so the lack of those during the fight scenes this time was very very nice.

Also, the villain this time was the best one yet, which isn't really sayin much... but still at least they fleshed him out a little bit more. Too bad he had to announce his ability out loud... that was a bit stupid. Myother complaint abt him is that they gave no reason for his return... it's like he's there bcos it'd move the story along... meh...

Fnally animation was much better this time... well it wasnt too bad to begim with, but this time, they cut less corners :D The fight was done quite nicely. This time the still frames didnt bother me cos some of the fight scenes really made up for it. I think I can venture a rather close guess as to what Akame's backstory is, but I'm still rather itrigued by what happened in her past.

Overall, it looks to be gettig better, like the manga fans said. Hopefully things continue improvig frm now on.
The most annoying thing about some anime is that they don't know when they've died...
Jul 27, 2014 12:27 PM

Apr 2008
P3TE said:
This was probably my favorite episode since the pilot. The lack of goofy silliness was relieving.

Does anyone know what Imperial Arm Tatsumi will get?

You're asking for spoilers you know
Jul 27, 2014 12:37 PM

Jan 2014
Nice fight, serious assasin Akame is so awesome wow, i dispense the comedy but well
Jul 27, 2014 12:41 PM

Feb 2014
Good battle. I didn't like Akame at first, but now i'm starting to like her.
Between the adult world and the world of kids,

there, Holyland exists.
Jul 27, 2014 12:59 PM

Jan 2011
Before Tatsumi gets an imperial arm, he needs new clothes. He looks like he is on his way to school.

Besides that, nice episode.
Jul 27, 2014 1:05 PM

Nov 2013
kikohunter said:
Dude can you guys stop being such obnoxious little hipsters and cherrypick every little details on every episode? It wasn't even fanservice, he was jist checking her for hidden weapons and such. If he didn't check Tatsumi he probably did earlier while luring him to that place or he just didn't cuz he felt he was a noob with no teigu or some shit lile that. And the dude talking after getting his neck sliced.. really? You're really gonna carw about a trvial adpect like that?

Gosh this hurt my eyes.

Checking her for weapons? If his vision worked properly it should have seen past her underwear too, it was simply a mechanic invented to deliver a moment of fan service. Your logic is awfully faulty and is the reason why scenes like this will keep creeping into anime.
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Jul 27, 2014 1:06 PM

Jun 2011
Good episode. The fight was executed quite nicely.

I really like the idea of Teigu's, so the exposition for it was interesting.

Overall, strong episode. I can't say I'm looking forward to what's going to happen next though.
Jul 27, 2014 1:12 PM

May 2014
See, this is what the last episodes should have been, no silly comedy, not too much meandering about, getting to the villain and exploring our cast.

Was this that hard to pull off? Zank could have more to him, but he served his role well enough and the seiyuu was also having fun(Do you hear the voices?).

My biggest problem is the scene where Akame's having a modern snack with a tissue as well, while Tatsumi is drinking something like a frappe from a covered paper cup. I thought this was supposed to be a medieval setting, a minor nitpick nonetheless that isn't getting in the way of my enjoyment.

5/5 Finally!
Jul 27, 2014 1:14 PM
Feb 2013
FlamingMangos said:
kikohunter said:
Dude can you guys stop being such obnoxious little hipsters and cherrypick every little details on every episode? It wasn't even fanservice, he was jist checking her for hidden weapons and such. If he didn't check Tatsumi he probably did earlier while luring him to that place or he just didn't cuz he felt he was a noob with no teigu or some shit lile that. And the dude talking after getting his neck sliced.. really? You're really gonna carw about a trvial adpect like that?

You don't have to take it soo srsly. I'm not complaining or talking shit about the show. I'm just saying. I just find it funny. I actually like the fan service. I don't really know what you consider fan service but that had to be fan service. Like... why did they have to actually show the x-ray. It just seems soo perverted.'s true that it's fanservice. that will become even more clear in the future (I hope they'll keep that scene in there, at least ;-p).

But, it must be said, it's fanservice that is integrated within the story (aka, it has context). That's much better than just some random flopping boobs around who just happen to be shown naked because the cloth got ripped by a sword (every 10 minutes) without even a scratch on them... as in some anime.

I'm always surprised that some dudes make such a problem of it. Especially dudes. :-p I could understand if it's some feminists complaining about how sexist it is and what not: that's their usually ideological crap, after all. Though it may be argued females should get some more fanservice of their own, I guess (but that would put off a lot of guys, I guess).

There is nothing wrong with fanservice. Only when it becomes obtrusive and/or introduces inconsistencies does it get annoying.
AnimageNebyJul 27, 2014 1:17 PM
Jul 27, 2014 1:15 PM
May 2014
I fucking hate fanservice more than anything in anime because it gives us, rhe viewers, a really bad reputation with the pedophilia pandering and all that shit and the moeshit idol stuff that sells tons just doesn't help either. But AgK doesn't suffer from fanservice or anything like that, there's almost no fanservice at all and I can't call that particular scene fanservice. Right in between two badass battles, the dude is checking our his oppenwnt for weapons. Now you're gonna tell me when you saw that scene that you thought something like "oh damn that body is so sexy" or just take yiur pants off and start masturbatinf to that? because that's what's fanservice is for and I doubt anyone had those sort of thoughts durinf that scene or did that unless they're fucking creeps or mentally challenged.
The anime industry is dead, the otaku fanbase killed it.
Jul 27, 2014 1:18 PM

May 2014
It's still somewhat contrived by having the whole Teigu powers and trump cards tho. But hey, magic, I ain't gonna explain that shit.

There wasn't massive rack-on-face-service this episode, so I'm not complaining.

No, but it suffers from goreservice and edginess.
Jul 27, 2014 1:26 PM

Mar 2014
Very good episode! the Teigus are indeed interesting weapons, a good battle
(fooled Tatsumi felling with that old trick xD)... I fell that the fanservice of this
serie is very unessesary (Leone's existence is mostly enough :U ), but well...
time to wait for the next episode.
Jul 27, 2014 1:29 PM

Dec 2012
Omg dat fight, love it. Akame seemed robotic at first but now she's getting some good development.

Important stuff during this episode, finally imperial arms are explained. I'm interested in Boss' ability.
Assuming Tatsumi's gonna have that imperial arm left behind by that guy.

Jul 27, 2014 1:30 PM

Nov 2013
Tatsumi is a little bit shounen-y for my tastes, and he certainly let that show in the battle. It's already established that he stands no chance against the dude with the imperial weapon, but he still goes straight into it and gets rekt.

Akame's fight was more interesting. The bad guy's defeat better mean that Tatsumi gets his imperial weapon >.<
Jul 27, 2014 1:30 PM

Nov 2013
Nasty, well done action.

Ahhh, cant wait for the next.
Jul 27, 2014 1:32 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Vexper said:
kikohunter said:
Dude can you guys stop being such obnoxious little hipsters and cherrypick every little details on every episode? It wasn't even fanservice, he was jist checking her for hidden weapons and such. If he didn't check Tatsumi he probably did earlier while luring him to that place or he just didn't cuz he felt he was a noob with no teigu or some shit lile that. And the dude talking after getting his neck sliced.. really? You're really gonna carw about a trvial adpect like that?

Gosh this hurt my eyes.

Checking her for weapons? If his vision worked properly it should have seen past her underwear too, it was simply a mechanic invented to deliver a moment of fan service. Your logic is awfully faulty and is the reason why scenes like this will keep creeping into anime.
This post gave me cancer
Jul 27, 2014 1:36 PM

Jul 2014
If people can't complain about the shit and cliché humor they decide to attack the 2 or so second fan service scene. This was honestly a solid episode as white fox didn't introduce some terrible humor but focused more on the ''dark'' side of AGK. I must admit the villains thus far are black and white but it doesn't bother me so much as the episodes feel quite episodic as they are simpling building up the plot and introducing the audience to their type of world

If white fox decides to give the audience 20 more episodes like these I can firmily say that AGK will atleast be in the top 5 summer anime.

I can gladly give this episode 5/5.
... I have this feeling that they will dump shit comedy onto us in the next episode.. I hope I'm wrong.
Jul 27, 2014 1:39 PM

May 2012
c'est du cliché de merde.someone said "this is boringly too-much-talking emo gore fetish first episode garbage crap. a king deep in thought and then he suddenly decided to tell his subjects to create legendary weapons and then tada, ridiculous giant scissors, sniper pinch corny shit, mediocre steel wire, and goofy armored fag are born. what a lame ass story". and i totally agree.Over AND OUT
MizzoJul 27, 2014 1:46 PM
Jul 27, 2014 1:40 PM
Feb 2013
kikohunter said:
I fucking hate fanservice more than anything in anime because it gives us, rhe viewers, a really bad reputation with the pedophilia pandering and all that shit and the moeshit idol stuff that sells tons just doesn't help either.

That's mainly the problem of those giving the viewers a bad reputation, though. You always have self-appointed moral vigilantes: it's infeasible to have no criticism in the moral department, the moment you show skin. Even animated skin, it would appear (which makes it even more ludicrous). Since anime isn't real life, one should just realise people making such remarks are idiots themselves, especially in anime, where every character is depicted as being drawn as underaged kids. And yes, some amount of lolicon or shotacon is a trope in anime (depending on the genre, of course). If one has such problems with, don't watch those anime (which is quite a lot of anime, of course). But one shouldn't fall into orthodox thinking just because some hysterical and accusatory moralists who can't make a distinction between real life and (their interpretation of it in an) anime, have problems with it. Anime is anime, period, and is attractive just because it is so different from our Western cartoons. Let's not mold them into a Western product that caters to a 'family-friendly' environment. Fuck that.

If nothing else, you should hate it because you don't like it. Not because other people may be accusatory about it. Those people can walk to the moon, as far as I'm concerned, as long as *I* like it. It should be the same for you, if you have any spine. :-p Caving in to peer-pressure is stupid. I, for one, only find fanservice annoying when it becomes overbearing and obtrusive, and doesn't really fit the story/scene.

But AgK doesn't suffer from fanservice or anything like that, there's almost no fanservice at all and I can't call that particular scene fanservice. Right in between two badass battles, the dude is checking our his oppenwnt for weapons. Now you're gonna tell me when you saw that scene that you thought something like "oh damn that body is so sexy" or just take yiur pants off and start masturbatinf to that? because that's what's fanservice is for and I doubt anyone had those sort of thoughts durinf that scene or did that unless they're fucking creeps or mentally challenged.

Well, I mostly agree with that. Though 'fapping' is a bit much; just getting the viewers a little bit aroused or peak their interest (in that way) is already enough, as purpose for most fanservice. (The fapping thing is more suited to hentai series, me thinks). But I agree the fanservice here was incorporated in the scene quite well, and had some contextual reasons, within the story. So there certainly is no problem here.
AnimageNebyJul 27, 2014 1:51 PM
Jul 27, 2014 1:41 PM

Apr 2011
Once again Akame shows how badass she is.
Jul 27, 2014 1:48 PM
Feb 2013
T3hSource said:
See, this is what the last episodes should have been, no silly comedy, not too much meandering about, getting to the villain and exploring our cast.

Was this that hard to pull off? Zank could have more to him, but he served his role well enough and the seiyuu was also having fun(Do you hear the voices?).

My biggest problem is the scene where Akame's having a modern snack with a tissue as well, while Tatsumi is drinking something like a frappe from a covered paper cup. I thought this was supposed to be a medieval setting, a minor nitpick nonetheless that isn't getting in the way of my enjoyment.

5/5 Finally!

That's unusually positive, coming from you. ;-p

Guess you should see it as simply an 'alternative' world. After all, if it were purely medieval, you wouldn't have a GUN as a teigu neither.
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