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Days: 126.0
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- Total Entries534
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Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san
Oct 17, 2024 2:10 AM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 51.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries132
- Reread0
- Chapters6,802
- Volumes631
All Comments (323) Comments
Could be a case of them not being good at a particular thing, or the prof for the course is an awful person, etc..
Yeah that's why it's a general rule :p
I uhh... Tried once and it's not for me. Maybe when I'm in a better mood I'll try again, but right now I doubt it. Plus new training started and I have less free time now rip. You can always watch ahead and then watch again with your friend, all while pretending you didn't watch it Ahem I mean, watching with friends is cool.
Hmm so it's similar to battle shounen? I haven't read either of those two but I like battle shounen. I'll keep it in my mind next time I binge read manga, for sure.
I haven't done any art courses so can't relate, but generally if you like it or are good at it it's gonna feel easy, regardless of the field. Now I don't know what you need to meet new people for, but as a general rule the sooner you make friends the better.
Ah, good luck! Internships are good stuff.
I have absolutely no idea what Jojo translations are like, never watched the anime either, but glad you're having fun. It gets even better later on according to Sape, so enjoy lol.
Oh? What's it about?
Ofc you're watching Jojo xD
Not much over here, really. Done with uni and stuff so now looking for a job while taking extra courses/whatever training I can if I get a chance. Nothing too exciting basically :p
Anime wise, eh just watching a couple things each season. This time it's OPM and SnK.
Oh rip. I mean same here kinda.
How have you been?
If I'm misremembering and you never watched it just ignore this comment.
I can't help having good taste
Noctis has a hard life, probably one of the hardest lives of any character in the series, following his story to the end hurt like hell.