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May 19, 2018 2:20 PM

Jun 2017
This episode in a nutshell:

(It's not mine tho xD).
May 19, 2018 2:30 PM
Oct 2017
MomoSinX said:
This episode in a nutshell:

(It's not mine tho xD).

Another great episode. I really want to know how 02 and the klaxo princess are related, if they are.
May 19, 2018 2:32 PM

Mar 2012
Zero Two losing to the nines in a hand-on-hand battle was utterly disappointing considering how useless they were during last fight, lol.
May 19, 2018 3:05 PM
Jul 2017
spideypeter000 said:
Wtf is this show going to get a second season ? They are wasting too many episodes on this Kokoro x Misturu trash, that I couldn’t care less about can we get to the main plot of the show already, feeling the last episodes will be rushed.

And what is so bad about having these episodes. I would like to have a 2nd season. It's interesting to see these details.
May 19, 2018 3:09 PM

Dec 2008
Goddammit!! I fucking hate APE!! Leave Squad 13 alone!! What on Earth do these bodiless bastards plan to do with these children?!

On another note, Zero Two's dream. Could it be born from the guilt she may be feeling from all the co-pilots she devoured in the past?
May 19, 2018 3:10 PM
Mar 2018
I'm left speechless
May 19, 2018 3:10 PM
Apr 2018
AkatzukiLeadeR said:
spideypeter000 said:
Wtf is this show going to get a second season ? They are wasting too many episodes on this Kokoro x Misturu trash, that I couldn’t care less about can we get to the main plot of the show already, feeling the last episodes will be rushed.

And what is so bad about having these episodes. I would like to have a 2nd season. It's interesting to see these details.
You will understand the problem when we get a rushed finale and a underdeveloped villain
May 19, 2018 3:11 PM

Feb 2014
HereticHunter said:
LoomyTheBrew said:

Speak for yourself, I think the drama has been great and I like the characters, many others do as well, it’s been one of the most popular anime of the season, it’s already a hit lmao! I for one like the direction the series has taken, it’s a lot different than most mecha and I like it for that.

I’m not trying to say your opinion is wrong, but just because the show didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to, doesn’t mean it’s “terrible writing”.

Based on the comments you made in this thread it seems like you’re not liking the direction and the characters aren’t much to your liking, which is fine, but you’d be wrong to say if the characters didn’t have any development or that the plot hasn’t been building up in a lot of ways. Every single character except for maybe Futoshi has gotten solid development and have evolved as the show has gone on. Relationships actually bloomed and have been explored and developed. The parasites have been slowly learning the unfairness and tyrannical nature of the Ape society, and it now looks like they’re going to do something about it. Not to mention the struggle between the Apes and Klauxasaurs, and what it means to be human is a theme that has been building up since the beginning. Seems like both have different answers to that question and there seems to be a divide on what the future of humanity should be like which I find fascinating.

I liked that the pace has been going slowly but surely and the characters got to find their humanity over the course of the show. The drama between Zero Two and Hiro I thought was pretty well handled, with it first being one where Hiro was just following Zero Two to it being Zero Two using Hiro to finally them both of being able to rely on each other, and it came to a great conclusion in episode 15 with them being able to iron out the problems in their relationship. And side characters like Mitsuru and Kokoro got development and grew as well. Kokoro got the baby book that changed her whole perspective and she kind of started a movement within the group. Mitsuru was first bitter and cold, but after coming to accept what happened with Hiro and him, he was able to move on and develop feelings for Kokoro. Everyone has grown in some way and the drama between the characters gets sorted out in a pretty satisfying way that doesn’t over stay its welcome in my opinion at least (for example Ikuno in this episode).

I also like the themes and symbolism in this show based on love, sex, and friendship, the show isn’t afraid to dive into some subjects that isn’t always well explored in other anime. Not to mention the Alphas offer an interesting flip side to Squad 13’s sexual awakening and openness as characters that hate gender norms and want to limit intimacy as much as possible.

Look I can’t concinve you to change your mind, but I at least wanted to push back on your claim that the series has no substance, none of the characters are worth caring for, and the direction was a waste. As I tried to explain above the show has its merits, it has depth, and it has emotional resonance, whether you like what it has to offer or not is up to you.

That’s my perspective anyways and I thought I’d challenge your argument

well maybe "hit" wasn't the best term. Because even if it is bad it definitely got its fanbase and it will sell.

Now, I'm not against of having drama neither characters developing about things that they don't know. But having generic cookie cutter characters "developing" in the most retarded way posible isn't character development as it finest.

Ok please do explain. Why do you think they're cookie cutter and how are they developing in a retarded way, I'm genuinely curious. I gave you some reasons why I like their development, tell me some of your's why you don't like it. I have a hard time taking you at face value with those claims when you don't at last try to elaborate why it's "generic" or "retarded".

Why do you think Goro is the only character I like? he is the only one that actually has common sense.

Because he has common sense huh. I mean I like Goro too, but do you not like characters that are flawed and complicated, and their journey from there? Many of the characters in the show are, and many of them have grown such as Ichigo. She started out as someone who was completely focused on Hiro and even obsessive maybe, but she turned into a leader of the group. She was fighting a losing battle with Hiro, but had a hard time letting him go and made some questionable actions in episode 14 with her trying to protect him. But she saw that she had no chance and respected Zero Two and Hiro's relationship and was even the first to welcome Zero Two back into the group despite all the animosity she had towards her previously. Not to mention in this episode when she understood Ikuno's feelings because she was in the same boat. I find her a pretty mature and well developed character. You don't find any of that appealing or compelling? That's just one character in the show I chose to pick.

This drama has stretched for way too long while they left a LOT of questions unanswered.

But the drama is the focus of the show my friend, not to mention it isn't like it's been melodrama nonstop for every episode. There's been a lot of slice of life moments, more relaxed/lighthearted moments, and character building as the show has gone on, such as the clothes fight episode and even in episode 17 when Kokoro and Mitsuru dived deeper into their relationship. Not to mention some of the great action sequences in between it all. That to me has been very interesting and I like that. We've already gotten a lot of questions answered like that Klausaurs were humans and the Apes have given up their bodies it seems like. We still have 6 episodes (half a cour!) to dive into some of the other secrets, there's plenty of time to flesh that out.

(there is still more stuff I would like to mention but that would be a pointless discussion, isn't something worth posting on forums)

Huh? How is it not worth posting? This is a discussion forum, this is what we're supposed to be doing! Discussing. Seriously, lay it on me, I'm not gonna get offended lol, I'm trying to understand where you're coming from and why you think it's bad outside of "it has terrible writing". I wanna know why you think that way in some more detail. If it's too much of a bother that's fine, but you're trying to say this show is terrible in general, you're not saying "the show isn't for me, I just don't like it", which is why I'm challenging you on this. I'm hoping you'll be able to back that up with a solid argument since that's a strong claim to make!

Todd_ said:
Another week with a lot to take in.

LOL Ikuno and her fans took a massive L this week. Considering she's said about a total of 6 lines since the show began, and also considering both Ichigo's and Goro's development, this outcome was obvious. Anyone thinking otherwise is completely foolish and would have to disregard months of development.

Yes agreed. The lesbian relationship wasn't going to happen out of nowhere. I thought Ichigo handled the situation very well, she accepted her feelings and comforted her since she knew how Ikuno felt. That scene was very satisfying.

Admittedly, I thought the whole wedding thing was cringey and out of nowhere. I remember that Zero Two is currently remaking the storybook, but I didn't think that she and Hiro would mention something like marriage to Mitsuru and Kokoro. I mean, did any of the team even know how far their relationship had gone? Or did they tell everyone they boinked? Seems a little strange to me, but I digress. The wedding was incredibly cute regardless. But they had been setting up for tragedy for a while now, so I knew something like this was going to happen. It goes to show how far Papa and the Nines are willing to go to ensure the paraytes remain their tools of war. I have hope they'll remember, I really hope they do.

Ya for sure, it was definitely random and kind of fast lol. But I liked it nonetheless and thought it was a sweet thing for the group to do for them. And luckily they still had the rings on, so there's hope that they'll remember and get back to together, their connection is pretty strong, it'd be sad if it ended like that.

It looks like we're getting a hint of what's going to happen next for Zero Two in the form of her nightmares. To me it seems like the Klaxxosaur Princess is calling out to Zero Two, or whatever that giant hand belongs to.

The PTSD moment was creepy and ya that might have been a message from the klauxasaur princess. I hope they'll join forces, but it's hard to say what the future of Squad 13 and the klauxasars will be, I hope they team up.

Finally Nana seems to be imprisoned for her feelings. It looks to be she and Kokoro are quite similar with their feelings of love for another person and being subsequently punished for having them.

Ya poor Nina (she looked really good in her pistil outfit btw). I'm hoping Hachi will rise up and help her.

There are a couple of things however I think need to be addressed, specifically because I've seen the writers at Anime News Network cry like children about it, where it seems like they're almost purposely falsely interpreting this show as something else just because heterosexuality is on center stage. First I've seen people claim that they altered Mitsuru from being gay. In no way, shape, or form was it ever confirmed that Mitsuru was gay, let alone have romantic feelings towards Hiro. A boy can look up to another boy without being romantically interested. Saying otherwise would be intellectually dishonest.

The second is that apparently this is trying to demonize anything that isn't heterosexual, which of course isn't true. It seems that many watchers of this show fail to understand the situation these kids are in. They didn't grow up like we did where we learned about social norms and how the world works. These kids were bred simply for war tools for Papa, plain and simple. It's the innate and insatiable human curiosity the children have that allowed them to get this far. Most other groups were more than likely discouraged from having individuality. It's been established multiple times that Squad 13 is special, plus the custom Franxx too. For example, take a look at the reaction of the first squad of parasytes we see all the way back, near the beginning of the series. They were floored what the attitudes of Squad 13 was like, and the looks of their Franxx.

Holy hell, ANN needs to go sleep hahaha, good thing I haven't been reading their weekly reviews, it sounds like they're completely missing the point. And ya Mitsuru barely showed any signs of being gay, your reasoning for why is spot on. And ya jesus, this show isn't demonizing non-heterosexuals, Ikuno is proof of that. How could they say that after the last few episodes. The Alphas literally don't conform to gender and don't like social norms, while Ikuno is gay, conflicted, and also embraces the norms despite them bringing her pain because it made Ichigo who she was and in turn, lead Ikuno to love her. I never expected the show to get into that territory, but it did. ANN should be jumping for joy for that don't you think? To quote someone from reddit who I thought nailed it:

"Yes. There's always been two broadly opposed strains of thought in queer discourse, one wanting to abolish gender/orientation entirely and the other attached to gender expression as a form of individual authenticity. Ikuno pretty much explicitly takes the latter side in her confession scene.

I'm honestly shocked at how philosophical DitF has become."

The kids are meant for war, seeing them express emotions would be an issue for Papa and APE, they need them to be mindless soldiers, not individuals who think for themselves. Who knows, perhaps the writers are giving a dig to western society and how many are denouncing things like marriage and the fact that men and women are different. Kokoro's innate human curiosity and instincts were overcoming any of the things Papa and APE did to her, as humans we strive to understand why. She wanted to know why men and women were different, she wanted to understand what feelings were, she wanted to understand everything. Hiro displayed the same attitude at a much younger age, it defines his character in fact. The feelings she felt were natural, despite what the SJW writers at ANN feel. Them taking offense to natural heterosexuality say it all, really.

Emotional development is definitely a big threat to Ape which is why they tried to shut it down so swiftly, but like you said, human nature is too strong to shut down like that. Kokoro really started something big and it all began with the baby book she found, I really loved how they handled her character. The feelings were definitely natural and that may also be how she'll reunite with Mitsuru, her feelings are too strong for Ape. And ya Hiro was definitely ahead of the game when he was a kid, it's cool to see how far he's come.
May 19, 2018 3:13 PM

Nov 2016
It was a nice episode until the riot unit came barging in their space. Wedding was ruined aswell. What is up with the blonde hair kid?

I'm sure Kokoro and Mitsuru will remember again when the time comes, just like Hiro and Zero Two did.

I hope they can fight back against papa and his system. Not sure how to be honest.

May 19, 2018 3:23 PM

Aug 2013
So pretty much at this point, the series could be summarized as how there is the suppression of individuality and how those who represent the authoritative nature of mankind will develop a god-complex. DitF may not have had the best presentation of what it is trying to present in my eyes, especially in the first half of the series, but I give it its props where its due for this point in time.
Don't believe the hype.
May 19, 2018 3:25 PM

Apr 2012
Ugh just when Futoshi finally decided to move on, & the wedding was proceeding well, the Nines had to intervene and decide to ruin everything. Screw them.
It’s not like I didn’t expect that though, weddings = tragedy.

The only good scene was how well Ichigo handled Ikuno’s confession! Rather than getting creeped out, she handled it maturely and ended up comforting her which was heartwarming to see.

It’s stupid that APE decided to alter their memories without removing the rings but that could also mean that Dr. Franxxx was involved in the whole re-indoctrination process and thus decided to keep their rings.

I have a feeling that Kokoro will regain her memories first! The Sakura trees, the group photo and if she also happens to be pregnant, this will make it easier for her to remember.

I also smell a rebellion arc! Klax princess, Hachi & Nana, squad 13 all need to team up together and just kill Papa, APE & the nines.

:: Sʏᴍᴘʜᴏɴɪᴀ

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On jupiter and mars

☆ ★ ☆ ★
May 19, 2018 3:25 PM
May 2015
spideypeter000 said:
AkatzukiLeadeR said:

And what is so bad about having these episodes. I would like to have a 2nd season. It's interesting to see these details.
You will understand the problem when we get a rushed finale and a underdeveloped villain

Exactly. It just feels bad knowing almost nothing happened in 24 episodes just because there's a 2nd season coming. Honestly I'm only invested in Hiro/02/Kokoro/Mitsuru/Ichigo/Goro, the rest have barely had development in the same vein (I'd have expected Zorome and Miku development by now).

The villains have been obvious since Day 1 and they still keep trying to "develop" them. The Klaxosaurs are supposed to be a really massive threat but they've barely done shit (yet apparently killed most of the squads already).

Any other anime would've cut down on the number of cast and would've had the supposed revolution start at episode 13.

As for the other shit, I came for the mechs, not the half-assing of the story etc. Every story needs a balance and so far this has been 80% drama (half unneeded) and 20% actual world building/action etc.
May 19, 2018 3:37 PM

Jul 2017
Longing4Abyss said:
So this episode confirms this anime is trash. 6 episodes left is not enough for a good rest of the story.

they could be planning anther season

Tiande said:
Zero Two losing to the nines in a hand-on-hand battle was utterly disappointing considering how useless they were during last fight, lol.

It was like 1v6 of course she would lose, she would probably win if it was 1v1 or even 1v2.

So if their memories were reset to the point where Mitsuru and Kokoro don't even know each other anymore does that mean that Kokoro believes that Futoshi is her Franxx partner and Mitsuru thinks Ikino is his Franxx partner again?
FakegooseMay 19, 2018 3:48 PM

"Do you know why snow is white? 
Because it's forgotten what color it's supposed to be." - C.C.

May 19, 2018 3:41 PM

Nov 2016
Can we finally come back to the fight with klaxosaur ? Because soon they can replace action genre with slice of life.. no hate still 9 stars for me but I want to see fights or more explains about situation they are in. 90% of plot reasons (like why klaxo are here,why and how they are hiding in gardens, who are the "children" and "adults" etc.) is still in secret only thing we know now after about last 10 episodes is who is in love.
May 19, 2018 3:43 PM

Dec 2015
ACasualBlackDude said:
jgui said:
I don't get the hate.
Darling in the Franxx is one of my favorite anime.

I'm loving every moment of it

People were hopping for an actual mecha anime and not all this teenager drama/romance stuff

I actually don't care much for mecha and was looking forward to the drama/romance. This anime is just shit.
May 19, 2018 3:52 PM
May 2018
I loved how it showed signs of the posibility of them remembering each other at the end with Kokoro and the Sakura tree. We already know it's possible thanks to Hiro after all.
May 19, 2018 4:04 PM
Jan 2010
hiraishinx said:
Can we finally come back to the fight with klaxosaur ? Because soon they can replace action genre with slice of life.. no hate still 9 stars for me but I want to see fights or more explains about situation they are in. 90% of plot reasons (like why klaxo are here,why and how they are hiding in gardens, who are the "children" and "adults" etc.) is still in secret only thing we know now after about last 10 episodes is who is in love.

I hope they can do all of this within the remaining 6 episodes...
May 19, 2018 4:17 PM

Dec 2015
WordIsBond said:
Hylianticipated said:

The problem isn't that there are character interactions in a mech anime; the problem is that the interactions are so cliche, shallow, and stupid that it's a downright pain to watch.

You have SAO on your favorites... I swear it feels like most people on MAL are 12 years old.

1. You're a creep and a lurker.
2. I'm definitely not 12, but I don't see why you have to be 12 to like SAO.
3. SAO--while miles better than Franxx--is not one of my favorites. You should know this since you're stalking my account and would have seen the scores. Most of the entries on that "favorites" list are from when I accidentally hit the precariously placed "add to favorites" button when on my phone. I don't bother with any of this personalization nonsense on my profile.
May 19, 2018 4:17 PM
Jul 2016
i can already see the rebellion coming. i'm calling it now, 002 and hiro are going to talk the others into attacking APE once they can get into their mechs again
May 19, 2018 4:19 PM

May 2012
@Longing4Abyss @SovereignSky
spideypeter000 said:
Wtf is this show going to get a second season ? They are wasting too many episodes on this Kokoro x Misturu trash, that I couldn’t care less about can we get to the main plot of the show already, feeling the last episodes will be rushed.

Are you a moron or what? How can you watch an anime without understand a single thing about it?

This anime is focused on the characters not on the ongoing's about time for this dumb people to understand this.

Everything that is happening is important to the plot because these things are shaping the main characters and they are the ones who will make the plot move. Without these kind of thing the characters doesn't have a reason to act so there is nothing to make the plot can you not understand that?

What needs to be done is for the characters noticed how PAPA is full of shit them take him out of his throne. The rest of the plot can easily be explained in 1 episode.
KaeUBWMay 19, 2018 5:10 PM
I despise woke people.
May 19, 2018 4:37 PM

Jan 2016
Fkn Nines have to fuck it all up!

One of the best things about Darling in the Franxx is the foreshadowing, the planning is great even though many of the executions aren't perfect. Have a good and satisfying ending and I'll gladly drop an 8 for this because I actually care about my weekly dose of Franxx, which means something

May 19, 2018 4:43 PM

May 2012
spideypeter000 said:
This show has about a handful of episode left shouldn’t they be using this time to set up the villain 001 and the finale or focus on background characters that they didn’t care about until a few episodes ago ?

It very CLEAR that the villains here are the APE and not 001/Klaxosaurs. The fact that you can't EVEN see something so obvious show how much you understood of this anime.

I recommend you watching some of these guy videos. His analysis are top notch and really through. (jump to 7:50)
KaeUBWMay 19, 2018 5:07 PM
I despise woke people.
May 19, 2018 4:44 PM

May 2015
@HereticHunter When exactly were they told that they were being watched by Papa specifically? And even if they were, I'm pretty sure the Nines were already set to pick Mitsuru and Kokoro up. They didn't show up because of the wedding. They were going to go anyway.

Also, how are the kids supposed to know that this wedding would also be forbidden territory?

May 19, 2018 4:50 PM
Nov 2010
Well, we all could see that coming for at least the last two episodes but it still stung nonetheless. It was like, when they put on the ring, a flag was tripped. xD Was a beautiful and happy wedding nonetheless and all the more tragic cuz of it. The interesting aspect to it was the directory really took the time to develop their own little world with chores and in isolation to really lead up to that moment which was great. After seeing them get re-indoctrinated kinda reminded me of like- a romantic version of Lord of the Flies except as a controlled-experiment.

They've been teasing us all along and I really hope they explain why their society is so different from ours- hopefully in the finale. I wonder if perhaps the Klaxosaurs are the true descendants and Papa's society is the social experiment to get get rid of the family unit, make everyone uniform, and what sounds like immortality. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
May 19, 2018 4:54 PM

Nov 2011
They covered a lot of shit in this episode huh? Morning after, Yuri, Wedding and brain washing.

Oh Kokoro doesn't remember Mitsuru? She will in 9 months when she pops out a human that looks just like him XD
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May 19, 2018 5:18 PM
May 2018
Holy. Fuck.

When their wedding was ruined it was honestly heartbreaking. Seeing those two develop feeling and form a speical bond throughout the series was such a favorite part of watching Darling in the Franxx for me. but then for this to happen really makes me cry.

Then when they finally got runited with the rest of the squad at the end of the epsiode to only find out they forgot about each other made me flip my shit. I mean all the setup and that investment for THAT to happen, it makes me wanna just like akjsdvjhasbvjakbvjkl,r.msbuibjklshlrekb.

Anyway, I also loved how Zero Two mentions marrige to Hiro and in a way is a foreshadow,but would it end up just like the one we saw in epsidoe 18 if they did get married?

May 19, 2018 5:19 PM

Nov 2014
WTF.. they erased their memories, but didn't take the rings?

and the other members still remembered what happened to them before..

why not brain washing the others too?

then Kokoro would pregnant.. and suddenly remember everything.
May 19, 2018 5:25 PM

Aug 2012
^Because Squad 13 is special:

May 19, 2018 5:32 PM

May 2012
RyuuZy said:
WTF.. they erased their memories, but didn't take the rings?

and the other members still remembered what happened to them before..

why not brain washing the others too?

then Kokoro would pregnant.. and suddenly remember everything.

The 13 squad is under the supervision of Dr Franxx and that's why they are different from the other squads. Dr Franxx clearly has his own plans, but because of that the rest of the squad was left untouched after everything.

Kokoro and Mistusru were deemed dangerous and their memories erased, but i think that's the only thing it was done to the two. I don't think they made any exam on Kokoro so they won't know she had sex with Mitsuru (the APE doesn't know about that) otherwise ithink they wouldn't let her go back.

There is a chance she will give birth to a child in the end...i really think that's what going to happen.
I despise woke people.
May 19, 2018 5:34 PM

Nov 2012
RyuuZy said:
WTF.. they erased their memories, but didn't take the rings?

and the other members still remembered what happened to them before..

why not brain washing the others too?

then Kokoro would pregnant.. and suddenly remember everything.

WTF are you on about? Are you dumb?

How dare you try and bring logic and common sense into this 11/10 masterpiece greatest of all time AOTY series!
May 19, 2018 5:35 PM

Mar 2014
So its now undeniable that APE is basically a rip off of NERVE.
Goal is strikingly similar to human instrumentality.
May 19, 2018 5:40 PM
Jul 2018
As the drama draws on, closer the series comes to a crashing halt. With 6 episodes left there is a profuse, narrow focus on forced drama more than the bigger picture presented initially: Man and Monster.

Darling in the FranXX desperately needs a second season in which APE and the antagonists / contagonists are fleshed out. Furthermore, following on with what geotraucer stated:

geotraceur said:
I had my suspects about something, but this chapter just confirmed it.

Hiro is the narrator of the story, he's narrating it, the show is him talking about the past, and sadly, chap 18 confirmed it with the "the time time I spent smiling with you is full of happines", he's talking about that moment, about these episodes where we had 002 smiling. He's talking about her like, if in the present, 002 isn't there anympre.

Bad Ending is just confirmed

It seems to be that the narration has been a pivotal plot point within Darling in the FranXX. Possibly that Hiro’s narration accounts for upto ep24 and season 2 being akin to Brave New World. I doubt this will happen and the series will conclude within 6 episodes instead.
removed-userMay 19, 2018 5:44 PM
May 19, 2018 5:55 PM

Nov 2015
Since early episodes, i had a bad feeling Papa was not a good person. I just hope either the klax princess or squad 13 put him and the nines in their place. I wonder why they would go that far to remove peoples emotions though.

Katsura janai, Zura da

May 19, 2018 5:57 PM

Dec 2015
Ok at least futoshi is good enough that he learn to let go of something , he like to see kokoro happy even its not him that she chose

Oh god ikuno , you became much more uglier without your clip
Poor goro , after hiro now ikuno

So we get the scene in 1st episode . We saw 02 and hiro walking in the sakura blossom

Ok we got memory wiped out from kokoro and mitsuru , damn
Fck the papa fck the apes lets rebel , work with the klaxosaur princess and kill em all XD
May 19, 2018 5:58 PM

Feb 2016
TsukuyomiREKT said:
@HereticHunter When exactly were they told that they were being watched by Papa specifically? And even if they were, I'm pretty sure the Nines were already set to pick Mitsuru and Kokoro up. They didn't show up because of the wedding. They were going to go anyway.

Also, how are the kids supposed to know that this wedding would also be forbidden territory?

Mind giving me which part of my comment said that it was Papa who were watching over them? I don't remember writing it.

BTW, are you REALLY asking me that? like Nines said that going further into their romance stuff (or at least the making babies part) was forbidden. Wedding = Romance Stuff (even Miku said it was romantic).

Well I'm pretty sure that Ichigo knew that they were being watched, I believe she said "we were being watched despite being ignored all this time" and then, if she didn't share this information with the team, there goes another reason why she's a bad leader.

Another reminder: They didn't have sex before the Nines appeared.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
May 19, 2018 6:05 PM

Feb 2016
@LoomyTheBrew I'm not going to write anything here to elaborate my points. (on my last comment I stated why I wasn't going to) If you are still curious then PM me
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
May 19, 2018 6:17 PM

Apr 2018
An interesting episode. I'm quite curious to see how it will end. I'm sure that Kokoro and Mitsu will regain their memories, otherwise why are the rings still on their fingers if not for a plot device to jog their memory? Also I get a really bad feeling from all the foreshadowing that Hiro and 02 will be separated by the end of it. Perhaps 02 will die or give her life to save Hiro or something along those lines. ughh, I do feel that we are approaching a sad ending soon. I would prefer they live happily ever after, but I don't think this is the type of story to take that route. Perhaps it would make for a better more dramatic and impactful ending if she does die, given that certain character deaths can have that everlasting effect. I'm also willing to bet that the anime community will lose their shit if and when that happens. lol
May 19, 2018 6:23 PM

Jan 2017
spideypeter000 said:
Wtf is this show going to get a second season ? They are wasting too many episodes on this Kokoro x Misturu trash, that I couldn’t care less about can we get to the main plot of the show already, feeling the last episodes will be rushed.

Completely agree. I was actually rooting for the nines when they crashed the wedding. Except I'd rather have seen them put Kokoro & Mitsuru on their knees and put a bullet in each of their heads instead of just wiping their memories. The memory wipe is too lax, and these characters are too bleh. Just kill them off already so we can get back to good parts.

Also the disgusting "Citrus-like" scene between Ikuno & Ichigo is enough to vomit.

May 19, 2018 6:33 PM

Feb 2014
So... did ikuno get rejected or what?

No offense but I hope she does get rejected, cause I don't want Goro to be cucked twice.
May 19, 2018 6:33 PM

May 2012
Longing4Abyss said:
Kaetokiha said:
@Longing4Abyss @SovereignSky

Are you a moron or what? How can you watch an anime without understand a single thing about it?

This anime is focused on the characters not on the ongoing's about time for this dumb people to understand this.

Everything that is happening is important to the plot because these things are shaping the main characters and they are the ones who will make the plot move. Without these kind of thing the characters doesn't have a reason to act so there is nothing to make the plot can you not understand that?

What needs to be done is for the characters noticed how PAPA is full of shit them take him out of his throne. The rest of the plot can easily be explained in 1 episode.

Congrats on being too stupid for this world.

Nice, based on your great and well thought arguments i'm now sure you are just a moron.
I despise woke people.
May 19, 2018 6:34 PM
Nov 2017
This episode = ALL THE FEELS. Much respect for Futoshi for his role. For a moment it seemed like Ikuno was going down the psycho stalker route with Ichigo. Really want to see more development from her as it seems she's had the least amount of screen time. The Nines are the worst. Nana from the past seems a lot like Miku. Things are getting interesting.
May 19, 2018 6:54 PM

Jun 2014
This episode was one of the best so far! This episode totally nailed "dissonant character interaction" -- each scene has multiple characters experiencing it from different perspectives that conflict with each other. Exemplary examples are 1) Ikuno and Ichigo's scene, where Ichigo realizes she's sort of on the receiving end of what she put Hiro through earlier (although Ikuno doesn't seem to have any delusions or expectations). 2) The scene with Hachi and Nana, where Hachi reflects on but does not communicate the hardships that Nana went through in her past, which he is reminded of seeing what his own squad is going through now.

This totally plays to the show's visual style with the letterboxing and voice-over narration and different one-time techniques (like the use of static to emphasize altered memories in a flashback). Also, themes from different ED's are now appearing in the plot itself, like the static in this ED.

Because the ED shows it, I think we will see "duplication" of Zero Two in future episodes -- an internal war of different sides of her personality perhaps.
Index1May 19, 2018 7:07 PM
May 19, 2018 7:04 PM

Jan 2011
Kaetokiha said:
spideypeter000 said:
This show has about a handful of episode left shouldn’t they be using this time to set up the villain 001 and the finale or focus on background characters that they didn’t care about until a few episodes ago ?

It very CLEAR that the villains here are the APE and not 001/Klaxosaurs. The fact that you can't EVEN see something so obvious show how much you understood of this anime.

I recommend you watching some of these guy videos. His analysis are top notch and really through. (jump to 7:50)

Nah, I don't love anime that much. Digi bro got away with it because I was bored and depressed out of my skull but an hour and 17 minutes is pushing it. But then again digibro pretty much made an analysis that exceed the length of the series he was covering. Kudos to him though I'm sure others will appreciate it.
May 19, 2018 7:06 PM
Apr 2018
Kaetokiha said:
@Longing4Abyss @SovereignSky
spideypeter000 said:
Wtf is this show going to get a second season ? They are wasting too many episodes on this Kokoro x Misturu trash, that I couldn’t care less about can we get to the main plot of the show already, feeling the last episodes will be rushed.

Are you a moron or what? How can you watch an anime without understand a single thing about it?

This anime is focused on the characters not on the ongoing's about time for this dumb people to understand this.

Everything that is happening is important to the plot because these things are shaping the main characters and they are the ones who will make the plot move. Without these kind of thing the characters doesn't have a reason to act so there is nothing to make the plot can you not understand that?

What needs to be done is for the characters noticed how PAPA is full of shit them take him out of his throne. The rest of the plot can easily be explained in 1 episode.
Are serious ?!? Kokoro & Misturu are background characters that the creators randomly found an interest in while we are nearing the damn climax of the show instead of gearing up the finale and the final boss they are busy with this kokoro x Misturu trash. The show is about the fight against the Klaxosaurs they need to setup and develop 001 already instead of this.
May 19, 2018 7:07 PM
Oct 2016
liked it because there is a yuri on this eps.
wish ikuno saves ichigo from another boy, wish they became a couple ♥
i was think about ichigo, i dont want her to become goro or another boys GF i want her to became hiro GF like zero two at the first time. it will be nice if hiro got harem, but depending on so much people on hiro x 02 team side who dont wanted ichigo, who hate her so much, who cursed her even her VA (lol)
this yuri it will become the best solution as i loved yuri xD

and what about the other? i dont f care. just liked relationship between ichigo hiro and 02, so if ikuno says she loved ichigo that will be oke but if thats goro.... hmmm hard decision
May 19, 2018 7:22 PM

May 2012
spideypeter000 said:
Kaetokiha said:
@Longing4Abyss @SovereignSky

Are you a moron or what? How can you watch an anime without understand a single thing about it?

This anime is focused on the characters not on the ongoing's about time for this dumb people to understand this.

Everything that is happening is important to the plot because these things are shaping the main characters and they are the ones who will make the plot move. Without these kind of thing the characters doesn't have a reason to act so there is nothing to make the plot can you not understand that?

What needs to be done is for the characters noticed how PAPA is full of shit them take him out of his throne. The rest of the plot can easily be explained in 1 episode.
Are serious ?!? Kokoro & Misturu are background characters that the creators randomly found an interest in while we are nearing the damn climax of the show instead of gearing up the finale and the final boss they are busy with this kokoro x Misturu trash. The show is about the fight against the Klaxosaurs they need to setup and develop 001 already instead of this.

No the anime was never about the Klaxosaurs fight. The fight was always a background thing and the characters development was always the main focus.

The thing that happened to Kokoro & Misturu is one of the things that will help the main characters see how the APE guys are scum and need to be dealt with if they want to live in peace.

The "final boss" will be PAPA and the rest of the APE with Hringhorni the new ship/Franxx that the APE is building and the nines which are 100% obedient to APE.

001 maybe will even be an ally to the main characters. After all she is also enemies with the APE.

Like i said you didn't understand anything about this anime.
I despise woke people.
May 19, 2018 7:27 PM

Mar 2018
THAT EPISODE WAS CRAZY!! So Ikuno's confession to Ichigo caught me off gurad. At first I thought she liked Mitsuru but I was sooo off....Plus the wedding ceremony. Not the best way to crash a wedding. I'm really starting to hate that Nine Alpha guy. But all in all a good episode, just hate the way it ended with Mitsuru and Kokoro.
"Those that break the rules and regulations are scum. But those who abandon their friends are even worse than scum." -Obito Uchiha
May 19, 2018 7:31 PM

Oct 2012
HereticHunter said:
modboy said:

It's a coming of age story set in a dystopic world. The drama is the point of the story. Yes, there's only 6 episodes left but if you're familiar with Trigger's other works a ton can happen in a short time. I think we just watched the come before the relentless storm. It's on now!

You are aware that this isn't only Trigger's work right? Last time I checked there were other 2 studios behind it: A-1 and Cloverworks (that are basically the same entity)

I'm okay with having drama, but they have been doing this for 18 episodes straight and I'm not invested into any character besides Goro. You know there is something wrong when this "Drama focused" anime can't get drama right because of its terrible writing. I'm honestly disappointed because this anime had the potential to be a hit of the year.

Yeah, ep 18 was all A-1. I know it's not a masterpiece but I'm enjoying the show quite a bit, it's a cut above the average anime and I'm expecting/hoping Trigger to take it home in the end. No guarantees though.
May 19, 2018 7:32 PM
Apr 2018
Kaetokiha said:
spideypeter000 said:
Are serious ?!? Kokoro & Misturu are background characters that the creators randomly found an interest in while we are nearing the damn climax of the show instead of gearing up the finale and the final boss they are busy with this kokoro x Misturu trash. The show is about the fight against the Klaxosaurs they need to setup and develop 001 already instead of this.

No the anime was never about the Klaxosaurs fight. The fight was always a background thing and the characters development was always the main focus.

The thing that happened to Kokoro & Misturu is one of the things that will help the main characters see how the APE guys are scum and need to be dealt with if they want to live in peace.

The "final boss" will be PAPA and the rest of the APE with Hringhorni the new ship/Franxx that the APE is building and the nines which are 100% obedient to APE.

001 maybe will even be an ally to the main characters. After all she is also enemies with the APE.

Like i said you didn't understand anything about this anime.
it’s literally in the synopsis it’s literally the reason the reason for franxxs which most the relationships seemly revolves around, it’s literally the reason for the setting etc.
May 19, 2018 7:35 PM

May 2012
QWERTYFish25 said:

Nah, I don't love anime that much. Digi bro got away with it because I was bored and depressed out of my skull but an hour and 17 minutes is pushing it. But then again digibro pretty much made an analysis that exceed the length of the series he was covering. Kudos to him though I'm sure others will appreciate it.

Yes his videos are long, but they are very well made and his thought process is very good. It worth taking a look if you are not done anything. But yeah not everyone will watch a video of 1 hour.

But...Digibro? The guy who drops animes after watching 5 to 10 minutes of them? LOL no. I can't take someone like that seriously.

I despise woke people.
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