All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 264.4
Mean Score:
- Watching41
- Completed650
- On-Hold140
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch642
- Total Entries1,473
- Rewatched333
- Episodes15,739
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 377.6
Mean Score:
- Reading187
- Completed439
- On-Hold0
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read382
- Total Entries1,008
- Reread7
- Chapters29,780
- Volumes2,446
All Comments (164) Comments
I'm pretty sure Evangelion was also written episode by episode after a certain point, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was another element Nishigori aped without taking into account that his capabilities are much less than Anno's.
I will take a note on that.
I showed no mercy at all.
Oh well me and most of my friends are going to roast the living shit of it.
And, yep, full length novels! The first is called "The One Let Behind: Magic," which is the first of a series. I also have a novella to a separate series called "First Words: Final Lesson," and I just put my newest novel "The Final Lesson" up for pre-order, which is the first of two books! The second will be out in a couple of months, and the first will be coming out on June 13th.
^-^ Yeah, I've written a couple of them now!