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The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady
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Mar 9, 2023 8:28 PM

Jul 2021
well it was over easily than i thought. al just wanted a big sister.

the fight was fine, nothing great but the intensity sure was good to see,

can't call it kiss but still loved to see it. vampire girl x  sexy maid ftw.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Mar 10, 2023 5:26 AM

Jan 2017
The 3-phase fight is really well done, the redundant dialogue are trimmed much better in the anime. And gosh Anis magic from the dragon magicite looks cool af
Mar 10, 2023 7:52 AM

Aug 2019
Bro why did I actually kind of feel like crying in some part ;_;

This felt like a pretty nice conclusion imo. Anis ended up not killing her own brother and those idiots from the magistry of the arcane or whatever it was called were sentenced to death. Good lol

I have to wonder where the show will go from here though. Algard was a threat throughout most of it, but with him gone, where does it go from here? Looking forward to seeing the last 3 episodes!
Mar 10, 2023 8:01 AM

Aug 2019
LostSpectre said:
Kimurah said:
So... Al's resentment for all these years was only because of smol peepee syndrome? What a joke of a lame villian.

And in the end, the author tries to paint him as a tragic victim of a corrupted system despite him having the upper hand to change his country once he gets on the throne, even if there would had been sympathizers of the old ways against him. For a character that allegedly tries to be some sort of tyrant, he really doesn't know how to actually become one and just acts like a 5 year old trying to beat up his older sis as some sort of magical solution for everything.

Probably if Al's blade was as edgy as his long and boring monologues he might have had the upper hand in battle.

LOL, what else is there to look at? The author is a tryhard when it comes to humanize characters and goes for the run of the mill misunderstood characters that were never really evil but are some sort of victims of their own circunstances and everything is fine at the end because everyone just forgive and forget. Lazy ass writing with overused anime BS that only works because fans tend to have such a low bar and expect their peers to buy this cr*p.
He was stripped of royalty and exiled, I'm sorry that people like you wouldn't be satisfied unless his head is placed on a spike outside the gate. 

Also, I'm really bothered by the fact that you censored CRAP. wtf
Fr lol I bet if that happened they'd still find something to complain about
Mar 10, 2023 10:02 PM
Jun 2013
Serafos said:
Very emotional episode.

That was even more intense fight than I expected. Oh my... Algard got what he deserved.

Smol Anis was so adorable. :3

Aww, that kiss. <3

Algard indeed got what he deserved. Yet I am even more shocked that he accept his punishment with dignity. 
I still don't get why did he frame Euphie for non-existent crimes. Lainie Cyan I can understand she was too shy and confused to speak at the time, about Euphie's false accusations, but I still don't get why Algard chose to start some a reckless stunt. 
Mar 15, 2023 3:31 AM

Jun 2019
I guess that was a good end to that portion of the story. Algard was abolished from the throne and will leave the kingdom. Anis feels for his little brother like every sister would. I love her so much. I still don't like you Algard. Your intentions might be great but what you did was horrible. Maybe, in the future, if you come back and become a diff. person, that's a different story.
Mar 15, 2023 3:58 AM

Mar 2016
Pop anime like over9000 the same.
Mar 16, 2023 8:40 AM
Jan 2010
Lab_Rat_0978 said:
LostSpectre said:
He was stripped of royalty and exiled, I'm sorry that people like you wouldn't be satisfied unless his head is placed on a spike outside the gate. 

Also, I'm really bothered by the fact that you censored CRAP. wtf

attempted murder is punishable by getting stripped of royalty and exiled, it's doable punishment

too many edgy teenagers nowadays lol

No. Attempted murder is punishable by imprisonment. Attempted murder of a nobble is punishable by lifelong in prison. Conspiracy against royal family is punishable by prison. He did all 3 and was sentenced with freedom. That is the problem.
Mar 17, 2023 5:05 PM

Apr 2018
I didn't expect the prince scenes to be sad in the end, especially with the memories, at least everything is resolved now and the Prince is leaving.... I wonder what's next though, it felt like it could have been the series' finale
Mar 18, 2023 5:48 AM

May 2021
-Knox- said:
FlowVonD said:
this episode feels a lot like they tried to cramp too many chapters into one episode.

maybe someone who read the manga could explain the whole conspiracy thing please. the whole conclusion felt a bit rushed after the fight.. and what's up with him keeping the vampire powers? why did she feel his pain. is it because they're sharing a core?

but all in all still my favorite anime this season
The Manga hasn't gotten to this point yet, but these last two episodes have been pretty faithful to the LN, so there isn't really anything being crammed in. Only thing really changed was making the fight shorter, but I think LN readers can back me up when I say the fight dragged on for way too long and got very repetitive with its dialogue in the novel. The Anime version was way better in my opinion.

Also they don't share pain, that's a mistranslation from the MUSE subs.

thanks for the clarification my dude!
Mar 20, 2023 9:17 AM
Feb 2019
yes is aith they do magic
Mar 20, 2023 10:07 AM

Jan 2018
Deym I wanted Anis to tell her brother Algard that she would change things in the kingdom(as a ruler or not) so the he can return back home... I feel like both of them can change the world but they have different ideals and now that they were able to settle it I hope that they can work together. I think this was a miss opportunity to build both characters and doesn't throw away Algard in the rest of the story...
Mar 21, 2023 6:48 AM
May 2020
Despite everything, the love of brothers will always be there
Mar 25, 2023 1:36 PM

Sep 2020
Really great episode, it finishes the part beautifully, and a goodbye to his brother, wonder what story is left in the season.
Mar 28, 2023 10:49 PM

Oct 2019
Excellent emotional episode. Glad to hold this show on my list and watch it in one go.
Mar 30, 2023 4:04 PM

Dec 2020
damn the anime got quite violent in this and the previous episode i don't mind it at all.
Mar 31, 2023 7:55 PM
Mar 2015
In the end the revolt was stopped but noone was saved
Apr 1, 2023 6:36 AM
Mar 2023
There's 2 things that I would like to address that just does not make any sense.

"You did a terrible thing to me."
"But it's all right."
Said by Lainie after having her "heart" ripped out and experienced around 10 minutes of intense pain, thanks to the very friendly and useful exchanges Algard and Anisphia had that almost made me drop the anime because of how much they dragged the conversation out. I'm sure if anyone were to have this happen to them (hopefully not), they wouldn't just forgive and talk the person so easily like Lainie did. I am aware that Lainie's character is supposed to be kind but... this is too far.

"I believe the Prince Algard who was kind to me is real, too."
I think Lainie forgotten about her "fascinate" ability already... what a shame. I mean, how could you just forget that you charmed Algard which resulted in damaging Euphyllia's reputation.
Apr 6, 2023 4:29 AM

Sep 2012
Alkimia said:
LostSpectre said:
He was stripped of royalty and exiled, I'm sorry that people like you wouldn't be satisfied unless his head is placed on a spike outside the gate. 

Also, I'm really bothered by the fact that you censored CRAP. wtf
Fr lol I bet if that happened they'd still find something to complain about
that's true lol

post above me  RareFon makes better points, despite liking the series i see the flaws to

Apr 6, 2023 9:11 AM

Aug 2019
Sugram22 said:
Alkimia said:
Fr lol I bet if that happened they'd still find something to complain about
that's true lol

post above me  RareFon makes better points, despite liking the series i see the flaws to

Definitely. I can totally admit that Anisphia was just way too nice imo. I think that conversation (if it is the one I'm thinking of, it's a little foggy in my head now), was just a bit too dragged out
Apr 7, 2023 3:57 AM

Oct 2018
What a great episode! Algard turned out to be a much more thought-out character than I thought! Many people seem to be confused about the point of his plan, so allow me to explain what I understood as an anime-only.

Algard always regarded his sister as a genius and thought it was expected that she would take over the throne. He never wished to be the king since he knew that he was inferior to his sister in every way. So, when Anis threw away the position and forced him to be the next to the throne, he resented her for that. Anis thought she was doing what was best for Algard, but she never realized how he truly felt. And what followed Algard was his failure to meet the expectations of everyone around him. Everyone wishes Anis to be the next queen but her lack of magic is too much for their traditional ways. Algard however, even though possessing magic, will never be able to live up to Anis's accomplishments and he himself knows that more than anyone else. He feels like Anis should be the real queen. And thus starts his plan.

Before the fight, Anis was able to successfully showcase her research to the council of magic and persuade them to her side. As the sibling of Anis and the fiancee of Euphie, he knows how capable they are and believes in their power to bring at least a few to Anis's side. But that is not enough and so we get to the fight. The fight could only have 3 conclusions.

If Al had managed to kill Anis, he then no longer have anyone who can stop him from using the vampire's powers. Then, through his sister's sacrifice, he can create a world where magic is no longer the discriminator against people. Nobody will have to struggle as his sister did. But this choice would never have come because of one thing: Al truly loves his sister. There are quite a few moments where he had a chance to give a lethal attack, but he always stops it and lets Anis get her footing back. Instead of attacking her directly, he focuses his attacks on her blade, making it so she will be forced to use the power which can kill him, the dragon's power. Everything he does in the fight indicates what he really wants: to die at the hands of Anis.

If Anis kills him, she will be regarded as the princess who defeated the corrupted prince. Anis knows at this point who were the ones working the closest with Al, essentially the anti-Anis faction and can sentence them for treason against the crown. The people left are the ones who are much warmer to her and the ones who were persuaded by that lecture. With Al gone from the picture, she will have to take the crown as the sole living heir of the king. And Al finally gets the responsibility off him. He thinks of his life as a curse and wishes to get rid of it. He hates himself and thinks that if he were never there, Anis would never have conceded the crown and would have gotten to be the queen. He not only resented Anis for conceding but resented himself too for being the reason she did that in the first place. Anis too at the end of the fight realizes what he wanted when she looks at his relieved face at finally being killed.

What finally ends up happening is the third outcome, neither dies. But Al still gets his wish. He is punished for the acts he committed and with him exiled, Anis is now the sole heir to the throne. He named all the collaborators which took care of the people who hated Anis for her lack of magic. And he is finally able to reconcile with his sister before he leaves forever.

All he ever wanted was to give the throne back to the person he believed truly deserved it, and he managed to accomplish it. Yes, the methods he utilized were horrible but he did it for the person who mattered the most to him. 

I cannot believe the anime made me care so much about a character who I thought until 2 episodes ago was the most boring in the show. Absolutely amazing episode!
Apr 8, 2023 1:30 PM

Feb 2014
Truly ridiculous how this turned out to be some happy-go-lucky conversation in the end after everything he did. But I believe just showing his  "back in the days" was enough to give him 'free hand'. They really do know how to suddenly ruin a work. 

And on top of that he now has the vampire power. And here I was thinking they would get that magicite back. I was fool to believe that and I believe I was expecting too much from this anime. 

Too bad, really, I have been enjoying good amount this anime up until the end of ep 7. 
Vi-Apr 8, 2023 1:41 PM
Apr 17, 2023 8:03 AM
May 2020
It took 9 episodes for me to realize that this anime is a massive waste of time. What a gargantuan letdown.
Apr 18, 2023 2:15 PM

Aug 2019
we've got two kisses and a disowned prince.
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Apr 20, 2023 9:20 AM

Oct 2022
At first I didnt really understand what was the dude trying to do or whether he loved his sister or not, but now i got an answer to that. I really felt bad for both of them. They were both trying to protect each other.
Apr 23, 2023 4:37 PM
Jun 2015
IT started good then in middle went bad and it is crap like total nonsense worst episode ever.
Jun 30, 2023 10:33 PM

Aug 2013
I mean...being stripped of royal title and exiled is kind of a mercy for him. The conspirators got theirs, that's for sure. But that sequence with Lainie was just abysmal. 
Don't believe the hype.
Jul 4, 2023 6:55 AM
Dec 2019
I'm grieving Moritz. His insane expressions and his scheming were incredibly attractive. Waste of a hottie.
Jan 13, 2024 11:29 PM
Apr 2021
Holy shit this episode was fucking amazing from the animation to Algard’s confession for why he did every that he did was just amazing I lowkey almost teared up when Algard was on the floor bloodied up while Anis looks at him in sadness😢

I’m happy that Euphie and Lainie got their get back especially Euphie I’m happy she at least gave my guy a slap in the Face id prefer the fist like she said but with everything that’s happened to Algard it seemed fitting ngl, I also liked how Lainie said she’d never forgive him which I’m happy i thought she was the shy type to forgive whoever brings harm to her like some other anime girls💀

The animation was great when Anis was fighting Algard straight 5/5 ⭐️’s this was a really heavy drama episode
Jan 31, 2024 1:43 PM

Nov 2009
Well, since Algard is a villain who's meeting his doom, now I need an anime where he's born again and has his memories of the future but changes everything and gets a happy ending for both him and Anis.
May 13, 2024 9:41 AM

Jun 2014
The way Ilia kissed Lainie to save her seemed rather romantic, especially considering that Lainie put her arms around Ilia during the kiss.

The fight with Algard ended quicker than expected. He's alive, but is banished forever. It's unfortunate, but he has to pay for what he did, and hopefully things will be more peaceful now, but with three episodes remaining, it's hard to say.

Aug 10, 2024 12:28 AM

Apr 2008
What an absolutely terrible episode

This episode completely tanked the entire series because of how stupid the motivations of the Prince
He was literally an abusive POS to everyone and attempted to murder several people and he basically wasn't punished by it

He not only knew about the conspiracy, he was a major part of it. He personally got his hand bloody and even nearly succeeded...
Yet we are delivered some endless garbage tripe about how he's somehow the victim

He's literally stabbing someone to death while say "You know if I wasn't born, you wouldn't have to suffer, making me the victim because I'm making you suffer."
Gaslighting abusive garbage.

Even the cutscenes make it clear that he was in the wrong, yet everyone feels sorry for him and the author tries to make us feel sorry for him.

His entire plan was absurd too
He made it clear that he is inherently a lackey, he's subservient to the nobles. He would have brought nothing pain and misery to everyone.

If Anis had killed him, she would not only be seen as a heretic, but the nobles would have sold the idea to the people that she murdered the Prince and she would probably have had some form of capital punishment as well.

Literally his plan was so garbage that there was no winning for him
His correct move, and the only way he could have possibly slightly redeemed himself is to not have been such a pathetic whiny b... and just reported the conspiracy to the King.

Executing him isn't even the core issue, the author attempted to make us feel pity for him is what was the problem.
I refuse to feel pity for an abusive POS, and I spit on the author for attempting it.

Edit - What pisses me off the most is that without this episode, I would have probably rated this anime an 8
I'm giving it a 6, Authors should not get away with blatant gaslighting
TalamareAug 10, 2024 1:11 AM
Nov 18, 2024 6:41 AM

Aug 2020
too soft, punished them properly, atleast kill them or torn a part of their body. dont know who made this shit, director, writer, editor or author, but they ALWAYS love to show extreme resentment, grudge towards the mc but when it comes to penalizing or retribution they become gayshit. fak this kind of anime
Dec 9, 2024 12:22 PM
Jun 2017
I am confused of how the "noble" works.

If Al get such a harsh punishment for being a hostitle towards the people for it's own gain, how comes they don't execute most of the so colled "nobles" who are just human waste?

It is exactly because of such twisted logic why slavery was legal, why the rich can get more powerfull despire they don't show any humanity, of course, unless it's a false one to make further profit, and let me not even start with how many issues citizents need to endure, because the so called "nobles" are drunk of power, and the real noble people, ignore this because it's disrespectfull towards them "nobles" to upset them as they do as they please, as in, intentionally causing suffering of others.

The issue I'm talking about is the opposite of being selfish, is being so so considerent to others, that you don't even take actions against the one who are activly praying on the others. Ohhh, did you not even realise why they wanted slaves? why human trafic exist? exactly, the "nobles" want human sacrifices, and the real nobles are ignoring this to not upset them, and in this episode, we saw a fictiv version of what keeps happing in real life through our own history. Yet I will ask again, I do not understand why such "logic" are seen as rational when they are corrupted to the degree that a Demon or similar was the one who decided such "rules". Oh, demon is a fictive being so it can't be? Well, how about psychopaths then? after all, the people who buy humans, are able to get away with it because they have money, so of course they are able to do so because they successfully was able to make everyone "belive" that bothering the "nobles" is a taboo.

You still don't get it, do you?

If someone was to say something sexist, racist, pro vilolance, you would be upset and mad, if someone say we must not bother the corrupted rich and leave them to do as they please, you say, YES! like a freaking well trained brainwashed sheep. And this is what I keep saying from the start, people do not understand how well they are brainwashed to not even realise how wrong it is to ignore "nobles" when they are clearly psychopaths who are in position of power
Dec 9, 2024 5:10 PM
Apr 2018
This godawful episode made me drop the show. Cute yuri moments can't make up for all of the flaws that have been well articulated already by @Kimurah, @Talamare, @Vi- and others.
Feb 1, 12:55 AM
Nov 2024
i cried :(

but that slap was very satisfying
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