sphxre said:Inugirlz said:My level of sympathy for Snake is less than zero. I honestly want to like the man but his stubbornness and that tantrum about his men was just beyond selfish. Your men's lives
aren't and
weren't worth shit. Most if not all of them were cruel, careless and idiotic. They deserved what they got.
Bro what, those guys were just doing their job. How many people did Gardar kill and you feel bad only for him? Both sides are justified in this
Doing bad things to people because it's your job doesn't make it morally justifiable. Besides their job is to protect the farm. Ketil isn't there so there's also no need to protect him. I'm pretty sure once he found Arnheid he would've just left. An injured man has no business sticking around to wait for him. For them catching Gardar was a bounty hunt they decided to take on for additional pay. It comes with risks. No one should set out to kill someone without being prepared to die or get hurt. I only feel sorry for Gardar in this situation because only he was operating for the sake of survival and saving his wife. Why wouldn't I feel bad for him? The others have their freedom and would be safe if they didn't go out looking for trouble. No one Gardar killed was innocent. We don't know exactly what happened in the hut that burned down with him at the beginning but based on all the hints it's clear he snapped to defend himself. He didn't kill the woman and her baby because they were innocent.Andromeda567 said:Inugirlz said:My level of sympathy for Snake is less than zero. I honestly want to like the man but his stubbornness and that tantrum about his men was just beyond selfish. Your men's lives
aren't and
weren't worth shit. Most if not all of them were cruel, careless and idiotic. They deserved what they got.
Thorfinn and Arhneid's silence was confirming enough that the lives of Snake's men were no less worth than Gardar's.
ogking31 said:Inugirlz said:Well, to begin with killing Gardar isn't going to bring back his men so the discussion of worth is odd.
If people were honest with themselves they'd be able to answer that. Gardar was a slave that was treated badly and just defended himself at every turn. If you try to kill/hurt someone, I'm sorry but you should be prepared to get killed/hurt back. Originally no one from their party was hurt or affected by Gardar escaping. They chose to take up the job to hunt him for the pay (i.e. 3 horses). And funnily enough despite the pay being 3 horses Snake, KILLED one of their own horses just to dismount him (now the reason for them getting involved in the first place is somewhat compromised. At this point it's less about the job and more about revenge).
They started it. It isn't truly about "worth" since no one can really rank themselves over another without it being selfish or biased but if they were honest with themselves they'd know who is truly in the wrong. Treat others how you want to be treated. Any of them could've been a slave.
Hence why to snake's point why should Gardar's life be spared when he has killed 5 of his men? In fact Gardar started the whole rampage and yes it was him trying to be free and finding arnheid. But to Snake's point of view why should his life be spared at that point? he's willing to kill any people and Ketil.
This point makes no sense when it comes to morality. Whether Gardar was enslave or not, his consequences leads to punishment and a trade off aka his life.
I don't understand your thinking. I explained my thoughts as best as i could, you're free to disagree i guess. But like imagine believing that defending yourself against death and/or severe injury makes you still morally wrong and deserving of the consequence of death. Gardar being enslaved is the entire reason for the sequence of events so i don't see how it's irrelevant. Maybe you can explain your point better but I don't really feel the need to continue to defend my thoughts. People shouldn't be enslaved. And if they are don't abuse them and don't support a system that allows it. If you do you're already on the morally wrong side and if you die or get hurt trying to uphold that system then guess what? I don't have sympathy for you and i can't possibly see you has the morally right party.