All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 243.9
Mean Score:
- Watching40
- Completed810
- On-Hold65
- Dropped32
- Plan to Watch520
- Total Entries1,467
- Rewatched94
- Episodes14,856
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 218.7
Mean Score:
- Reading154
- Completed91
- On-Hold71
- Dropped128
- Plan to Read147
- Total Entries591
- Reread6
- Chapters31,237
- Volumes1,387
All Comments (144) Comments
Never watched euphoria but i know it's BDSM off-brand stuff,right? First time hearing it in this Joey's video. How did you get yourself into watching it? Did you watched it cluelessly or did you get tricked by someone?
Idk how to measure the dark level. All i can say is it's not visually dark,and it's not a gory stuff. It's like the NTR kind of dark but don't worry, there's no NTR in it.
Beside it's only on the last few chapters,so i think it's fine