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A Couple of Cuckoos
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May 5, 2022 4:13 AM

Apr 2022
Ashley_Slashley said:
phiraeth said:
These characters are frankly awful and have the ability to communicate of toddlers. Actually, wait, that's insulting to toddlers. At least they can cry and pitch a fit to express their feelings. These idiots just don't say anything at all.


Did you... did you watch the show? Are you seriously watching a show called "A couple of cuckoos" expecting Beserk level writing?

I bet you don't even know what it means, lol.
May 5, 2022 4:45 AM

Feb 2017
MugenNoShirayuki said:
amagirinomikoto said:

Unfortunately, overreacting is a big part of Nagi's character.

dang. sometimes i'm 50/50 on the screaming/overreacting character, but i just couldn't put up with nagi when i was watching this episode

placeholder text
May 6, 2022 3:30 AM
Jan 2021
Kene_M said:
Ashley_Slashley said:

Did you... did you watch the show? Are you seriously watching a show called "A couple of cuckoos" expecting Beserk level writing?

I bet you don't even know what it means, lol.

Anime Stats
Days: 14.9

Manga Stats
Days: 0.0

May 6, 2022 7:26 AM

Jan 2017
The dogs got their own house wtf man. Also based Erika's dad for the setup for cuckoo stuff to happen
May 6, 2022 7:46 AM

Apr 2022
Ashley_Slashley said:
Kene_M said:

I bet you don't even know what it means, lol.

Anime Stats
Days: 14.9

Manga Stats
Days: 0.0

Are those my stats? Whatever, if it is then just know they would be higher but I just started using myanimelist and have been too lazy to add everything.

Also, since you are clearly ignorant let me define what a "cuckoo" means in this case: "a largely grayish-brown European bird that is a parasite given to laying its eggs in the nests of other birds which hatch them and rear the offspring". Seem familiar?
cybergamer_May 6, 2022 12:11 PM
May 7, 2022 12:45 PM
May 2020
erika seeming to get along with her biological parents rather well. another revelation came out... THEYRE GONNA BE LIVING TOGETHER!!!
May 7, 2022 7:06 PM
Jan 2021
Kene_M said:
Ashley_Slashley said:

Anime Stats
Days: 14.9

Manga Stats
Days: 0.0

Are those my stats? Whatever, if it is then just know they would be higher but I just started using myanimelist and have been too lazy to add everything.

Also, since you are clearly ignorant let me define what a "cuckoo" means in this case: "a largely grayish-brown European bird that is a parasite given to laying its eggs in the nests of other birds which hatch them and rear the offspring". Seem familiar?

are you trolling or do you seriously think people care that much about your opinion? all I did was inquire as to why you were expecting high quality writing, i'd make a judgement of your expectations, but your anilist is private and you haven't read a single manga, so that explains why your a bland, boring person who has absolutely nothing better to do other then correct me on what "cuckoo" means and attempt to change the topic?
May 7, 2022 7:24 PM

Apr 2022
Ashley_Slashley said:
Kene_M said:

Are those my stats? Whatever, if it is then just know they would be higher but I just started using myanimelist and have been too lazy to add everything.

Also, since you are clearly ignorant let me define what a "cuckoo" means in this case: "a largely grayish-brown European bird that is a parasite given to laying its eggs in the nests of other birds which hatch them and rear the offspring". Seem familiar?

are you trolling or do you seriously think people care that much about your opinion? all I did was inquire as to why you were expecting high quality writing, i'd make a judgement of your expectations, but your anilist is private and you haven't read a single manga, so that explains why your a bland, boring person who has absolutely nothing better to do other then correct me on what "cuckoo" means and attempt to change the topic?

Do you know why you are stupid, look above and you will see that I am not the person that you were asking expectations on the level of writing for this anime, so no there was no topic I changed I was just elaborating on your comment about the name of the anime which you clearly didn't know what it meant.

Also, say what you want about my manga stats, I don't want to read them. If you think that anyone who hasn't or doesn't want to read manga is boring then that's fine by me because I don't really care.
May 7, 2022 7:56 PM
Jan 2021
Kene_M said:
Ashley_Slashley said:

are you trolling or do you seriously think people care that much about your opinion? all I did was inquire as to why you were expecting high quality writing, i'd make a judgement of your expectations, but your anilist is private and you haven't read a single manga, so that explains why your a bland, boring person who has absolutely nothing better to do other then correct me on what "cuckoo" means and attempt to change the topic?

Do you know why you are stupid, look above and you will see that I am not the person that you were asking expectations on the level of writing for this anime, so no there was no topic I changed I was just elaborating on your comment about the name of the anime which you clearly didn't know what it meant.

Also, say what you want about my manga stats, I don't want to read them. If you think that anyone who hasn't or doesn't want to read manga is boring then that's fine by me because I don't really care.

why do you care so much about the word cuckoo? why in hell would i ever need to know what that word means? all because your so smart, high and mighty doesnt make you any better of a person then me and i can definitely tell you i could absolutely not give less of a shit about what cuckoo means.
May 7, 2022 8:03 PM

Apr 2022
Ashley_Slashley said:
Kene_M said:

Do you know why you are stupid, look above and you will see that I am not the person that you were asking expectations on the level of writing for this anime, so no there was no topic I changed I was just elaborating on your comment about the name of the anime which you clearly didn't know what it meant.

Also, say what you want about my manga stats, I don't want to read them. If you think that anyone who hasn't or doesn't want to read manga is boring then that's fine by me because I don't really care.

why do you care so much about the word cuckoo? why in hell would i ever need to know what that word means? all because your so smart, high and mighty doesnt make you any better of a person then me and i can definitely tell you i could absolutely not give less of a shit about what cuckoo means.

Have you even been looking at what I've been typing? I just explained what a cuckoo means (from google not from me) to you because you implied that the anime name was stupid.

Also, I never said that I was smarter than you or better than you I don't know why something so irrelevant came to your mind.
May 10, 2022 7:10 PM
Sep 2020
Why are the parents making things even more awkward than they already are lol

I hoping they do end up together tho and now that they got a whole house to themselves a lot can happen in 2 weeks ;)
May 15, 2022 10:21 PM

Aug 2017
Seems like a high budget show. I find the biological parent swap preposterous though. Is it in fact a plausible premise?

I cannot like this show yet. And i am a big harem fan typically.
Jun 27, 2022 5:45 AM

May 2015
i don't think this is going to be talked deep enough in the rest of the story but it would be really interesting knowing how the both feel when they realize that they could have completely different backgrounds if it wasnt for a stupid mistake made at the hospital they were born
No matter who much you regret or wish,
if you couldn't do something in life,
you can't do it after death, either.
- Hanako
Jul 20, 2022 9:31 AM

Jul 2021
Not the best episode to watch while you are away from home.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Jul 30, 2022 4:40 AM
Mar 2013
I hate this, why can't they reconnect with their parents without the forced romance between them
The anime would've had potential but the narrative annoys me so much, the two weeks thing is so dumb and forced.
Chigo_SenseiJul 30, 2022 5:08 AM
Aug 1, 2022 11:29 AM

Aug 2018
Well, Erika's "father" already knew they were not together. But now they will "start" their relationship, and Erika and Nagi will live together now. Let's see what will happen.
Good chapter.

Aug 30, 2022 9:10 PM
Sep 2013
nice comedic moments, pacing that allows for story development
Sep 17, 2022 7:11 AM

Sep 2020
She lives a totally different life with his, both their parents are really cool and nice parents!
Sep 25, 2022 3:59 AM
Jul 2021
Story is good but i think hero should be more obvious about who he really loves
Oct 8, 2022 6:12 AM

Apr 2016
Okay, first off, 1st episode already made it obvious who's the winner, second off, why is MC being such a bitch? Why is he constantly being worried and afraid of her and about his parents, when he should be annoyed by her attitude and the thought that she's annoyed by his parents, I thought that he liked his family, that's why he was going to decline his real parents from the get-go but here it feels like he's ashamed by them or whatever. And aren't his parents delinquents? why is he worryi-- Ahhh, this isn't worth it. The characters keep doing 180°, it's already pushing all the wrong buttons with me so it's better to just stop.
Oct 9, 2022 4:31 AM

Aug 2014
This show is so wholesome and has the right vibe!!
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Oct 23, 2022 10:47 AM

Sep 2012
i love the bomb Erika's "father" dropped at the end lol

CarbonMD said:
Seems like a high budget show. I find the biological parent swap preposterous though. Is it in fact a plausible premise?

I cannot like this show yet. And i am a big harem fan typically.

seen enough documentaries to say it has happened in real life, maybe in new days its not bust 2010 and before ferry possible, in the 90 and before 100% could happen and more often then u may think, but as i say modern day it should be impossible but who knows haven't watched that type of documentaries for years were this type of ppl's stories are told and parents also comment

Tamer2002 said:
Well, Erika's "father" already knew they were not together. But now they will "start" their relationship, and Erika and Nagi will live together now. Let's see what will happen.
Good chapter.

OFC he knew sins that their first meeting, if it were some other guy he would have believed her, cause he would have known if this 2 have met before sins parents of both sides were in contact
Sugram22Oct 23, 2022 10:55 AM
Nov 4, 2022 11:10 PM
Dec 2018
It's such fresh air, like as a dirty harem lover, I'm not only looking for good designs and character flavor and how they work with each other. But also a good plot and here in the 2nd episode you get another layer of complexity really diving further into how the father is rich and can do that but forcing these characters to do something no other has done. Setting yourself far different then any other plotline in history of harem

Final thoughts,
Contents looking good, Baby
Nov 9, 2022 5:54 PM
Nov 2022
Nagi is far less downbad than Kazuya
Nov 9, 2022 10:58 PM
Nov 2022
I loved this episode!!
Nov 22, 2022 6:23 PM
Jan 2022
Beautiful episode and wel, enjoyable show
Jan 31, 2023 11:36 AM
Jan 2023
Anime bem divertido e legal aos meus olhos, pois algo assim é difícil ter, parabéns a direção
Jul 31, 2023 3:52 AM

Jul 2012
Heartwarming moment when her mother hug her 😭
Its been ages I am not touched by this kind of moment from anime..

Aug 10, 2023 6:41 AM
Aug 2023
Tbh its not a bad episode but stilll pretty dry
Mar 15, 2024 3:31 AM
Mar 2022
Seriously, she has the gut to say that she did not feel like it. She doesn't even deserve it. It was just luck that they swiped out. and she give so much time and effort to be a so called internet celeb but don't know how to be close with people or to say what she really want . Come on. Huh a total idiotic thing if any one ask me.
KURAIKEN63Mar 15, 2024 3:35 AM
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