vrupr said:
I hope you're being sarcastic lol
Nope. What do you disagree with? Did you want a more... standard opening? More emotional scenes? Romance? Death? This is the exact kind of anime I've been waiting for for a while. It's not for kids, it's not overusing tropes, it's got the right "attitude" or "feel" to it. It's not being edgy, it doesn't have annoying characters, doesn't have too much filler, has good pacing, always feels like there's more to the story and I want to find out what's happens next to learn more, it's less predictable than most anime in the genre, OST is top tier with heavy use of electronic and rhythmic elements, art and animation are top tier, character designs are above average, there's so much I could say about it.
Why is everyone relating this to OPM? OPM isn't even a typical shounen anime like this one is, they're completely different. OPM is the complete opposite of a typical shounen, that's why it's a parody. Calling this anime AOTY is a bit much, don't you think? I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but it's mediocre at best to a lot of people. I mean, am I missing something here? Does animation and fight scenes really make all the difference?
No offense to you or anyone else.
If I need to explain, you likely won't get it anyway. "parody = opposite" - so you're saying... people don't care about the actual fights in OPM, the fights are there as a joke? I.. very, strongly disagree. The appeal of fights is the establishment of power dynamics between personalities which inform the viewer's expectations for them to then be subverted in satisfying/unexpected ways. Even if you know the outcome, seeing the interaction between characters allows you to experience their strong reactions, emotions and energy. Once you're on one "side", any plot developments become significant, as well as interesting when outside expectation.
I'd say, this anime falls into the genre of "magic-enhanced power fantasy" or something like that, you either like it or you don't. It's like Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha, or Peter Grill, or that other seasonal hentai, but.. with actual story, and some good minds behind it. Deca-dence I'd say it the second best of the season, and, while it's amazing, it's nowhere NEAR as energetic as this one.
Watching something like God of High School or OPM is like a high dose of amphetamine for me, sure, there are more intellectually stimulating anime out there, and that's normally priority 1 for me, but they don't GRAB my attention and make me value every frame of the anime. There's also the "unique endearment" factor which is so abstract I'd need to write an essay to even attempt to explain, it's subtle, but it's often the main appeal of anime, most anime have it in some form. Kind of like "I know that the producers knew that I'll know that they knew this is a bad, stupid, and irrational idea, and that's why it's a genius" and you love the producers and the anime for it. That's what makes deca-dence so great, though maybe you need to understand Japanese to appreciate the more subtle conversational ones. Anyway, it's also found, to a lesser degree, in GOHS, particularly the character designs, and the MC's personality, which is what moves it up to AOTY.
The unexpected plot developments, the overall energy, the excitability of the characters, the intense climaxes, the well-above-average execution, the top tier OST, the rare and highly appropriate style of the OP video, the animation.... All make it the strongest contender for AOTY. I mean, its competition is all stuff like Peter Grill, and f****** """Umayon"""....... which aren't even competing.
Basically, if it's better than Tower of God, that racing anime, and deca-dence, which it is, it's got a good chance of winning 'The Official 2020 Grand AOTY: International Competition' which is a *BIG* deal, in my head (maybe).
If you have any reasons why this is NOT a good anime, which you seem to do, do lay them out, I'll explain why you're objectively wrong for each and every one of them : )
it already dropped below ToG so there goes anime of year. I also like how you through out Peter Grill as if that's a high bar.