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SK∞ 2nd Season
SK∞ 2nd Season
Mar 3, 9:03 AM
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Grand Blue Season 2
Grand Blue Season 2
Mar 3, 9:03 AM
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Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
Mar 3, 9:01 AM
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Shimanami Tasogare
Shimanami Tasogare
Jul 12, 2023 12:06 PM
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Rekka no Honoo
Rekka no Honoo
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Jan 29, 2021 9:43 AM
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Aoi-Maverick Jan 1, 3:10 PM
now how did I get here.. sorry human food..
DreamWindow Mar 15, 2024 2:30 PM
Well, I wasn't disputing the claim that men in general want to feel competent. Moreso why wouldn't the same go for women? To feel competent, capable, depended on. All are normal human desires. However, you can't tell me that "the want to feel competent" can't and doesn't more often than not escalate into agression when channeled and expressed incorrectly. Which then can manifest differently in men and women. But tldr: I don't really subscribe to the male/female nature debates since I've seen too many of them on tiktok and whatnot that are just malicious and dehumanizing.

I never said it can't apply to women. It can, sure. But I was merely disputing the notion that men's nature is purely aggression. Deescalation is something that a strong man would favour for example. While it's true that the more extreme cases of aggression are more common in men than in women, it's not to say that this is it's main motivation. Violence is more so used in lower status men who feel disenfranchised, which is unfortunate in of itself. And sure, fair enough. I don't use TikTok but that's the last place I'd want to go to discuss something like this lol.

Sure? But again, that's a pretty generic reason for anyone who chooses that aspect of their life as motivation. Idk if you think that's more true for men, agree to disagree.

Generic, maybe, but certainly realistic. I do believe it to be truer in men than of women. It's fine if you don't agree. It's not like I need to convince you otherwise, but that's how I see it.
DreamWindow Mar 12, 2024 6:23 PM
I mean, even shows that are just entertainment with a hint of science (like Brain Games on NatGeo) do explain in simple terms and conduct primary school level experiments to show there are certain differences between men and women when it comes to brain chemistry (on average), but this, I don't think this is a man/woman thing but a thing an average healthy human being desires.

I mean, sure, but this doesn't disprove anything I said. Men have a proclivity to feel competent and depended on. The OP was making the argument that male nature is aggression, which I said it isn't. It's a desire for competence. So we are in agreement, if only pedantically.

You're basically saying men are primitive ape like creatures that function on an action/reward system. That ain't a man, that's a pet. A trained circus animal even.

No, I'm not. Do you not believe that men use sex / marriage as a motivator for self improvement? Because it seems pretty clear that that is the case.
Fario-P Jun 21, 2023 12:32 PM
Thanks again for your comment on my threads in the past. Maybe you might be interested in a new one I just made, too!
149597871 Jan 10, 2022 6:26 AM
Seriously, every time I see your username I crave chocolate. And it's like 11 PM here. In fact, they don't even sell Nutella where I live. I know this comes off as something super random, but I just needed to vent some of the frustration.
IncelAmirul May 2, 2021 5:15 PM
it's nice to have online friends, but at the end of the day, they usually has little to no effect on your life unless you know them in the outside world. (irl i meant hahaha) my facebook only has 2 friends currently, loneliest bastard ever lmao.

my country's hospital status is in the same state, covid-19 has really destroyed most of our healthcare procedures and the waiting list is enormous with icu beds going at 90% above usage. yea the clinic infront of my house is a private clinic, and the bastard charges an extortion price on every patient he has hahaha. (i have known the doctor that runs the clinic since i was 7 years old)

now that is scary, at any rate i hope that you and your family members that was also suffering from this mystery sickness/disease will be in better health soon. lucky you that you hate nets to catch the bastards, my house is right next to a sewer but we have bunch of flies flying around if my mom opens the front or the back door of the house hahaha. (hate flies, since they are hard to kill lol)

welcome to the nhk is great for sure but my memory on it is vague, i watched this show back in 2015 so my mind is pretty hazy. the mc is pathetic and i love it, i do remember this hahaha. any genres is fine, i'm just looking for a main character that is pathetic in terms of physical strength or mentally strength, someone like shou from arriety is great, shinji from nge is good and of course nobita-kun from doraemon haha.

i hope you will find shows that are great for you in the future, it's always nice to find a show that you like alot. (or bad shows that are funny, is not a bad find either hahaha since there is still entertainment to be had) lol i'm always jealous of my old friends successes (i put them as old because they aren't my friend anymore hahaha), i'm not a good person because i have a short man syndrome (hate to admit it, but i do have napoleon syndrome somewhere inside my brain lol). marriage is out of the option, i need to get a work first. (any work will do unless it's drugs smuggling or a hitman job lmao) i love badass guys/girls, i want them to step on me lol. (cringe)

first time i have ever heard of him, i just googled him. he seems like an interesting guy in his lifetime, lots of controversies surrounding him and his opinions but he was famous and had an impact in the industry of human psychologies studies. i will read more about him soon on the phone, i'm using my phone to read manga atm.

oh i forgot naruto and bleach they were selling in malaysia too, before the publisher company (Tora Aman was the company's name) decided to stop publishing comics here back in 2012 i think. now we have tons of shoujo comics on sell (usually works from japanese translated into malaysian language from kodansha), i prefer horror comics if i want to buy something. (unless the shoujo one has a hot 2d girl, lol i'm a degenerate)

but first before i buy anything, i need to pack more weight since i'm still skinny as bones hahaha.
IncelAmirul Apr 30, 2021 5:15 PM
after thinking about it for some time, i'm regretting my decision to remove my online friends especially since i have no irl friends hahaha. (i'd just be lonely if i logged into mal or any other forums and see 0 friends lol i'm such an idiot for removing nearly 400+ friends last year) i hate to go visit a doctor too, the clinic near my place charges an expensive service and their medicine isn't even that effective. reading your story, you'd probably had eaten food that was infected by a fly. (vomitting and high fever, sounds like food poisoning symptoms) glad to read that you are feeling better and it wasn't the virus. (virus is bad, malaysia has just been hit by another wave of covid 19 cases due to people not following simple rules like wearing a mask and sanitizing themselves)

i will give sk8 a go when i'm in the mood for some good ol sports anime (might watch it in 2 weeks time), i'm currently searching for an anime with a weak mc that stays weak throughout the series. (tons of it, but usually the mc gets stronger over time and ended up being the strongest in the series) not having a great time searching for this, so i opted for side characters instead.

nagatoro is good, i read the manga and i like the main characters. (senpai is hilarious and a likeable character, but he's too tall for me to relate lol) nagatoro is pretty cool herself, we need more tanned anime characters. twitter gets angry over everything so not surprising, i only check twitter to read some good stuff nowadays, until i ran into a post that has short guy slandering and gets sad hahahaha.

i can't blame you nutella, back in 2015 i hated harem shows but now i love them. (i'm gradually turning into a degenerate loser that can't find love irl so he/me sticks with 2d characters instead lmao) most of my old irl friends are typically the type that smokes and says mean shit to other people (like me hahaha i was the blunt of their jokes most of the time) and now they are married or in a relationship that is going to turn into a marriage. (while me, i'm just lollygagging around at home lol) i think bad boys are still a popular option for a guy (full homo hahaha) or girl to pick, having a tough guy around are usually great for protection. i don't know why but i always wanted to date a girl that would treat me like a garbage lol. (i sound like a cuck here hahaha)

in romance anime, these type of misunderstandings are common and it can trigger people to hate on it for being so generic. (people are definitely justified to rate how they want) but i liked it, i watch romance anime for the drama (cringey lol), if i wanted a wholesome show i'd watch aria or any other cute girls doing cute things instead. i'd love to see more popular manga being on sell here in malaysia, i just have a bunch of doraemon/detective conan books in my home lol. (i love doraemon and conan, but i also wanted to buy other popular series) souhei was great, i love the type of male side characters who are shorter in height and more easygoing than the mc. (not to bash on haru because he is still my 2nd favourite haha)
IncelAmirul Apr 25, 2021 5:26 PM
yo nutella, i have been good. (the bare minimum at least, i need to keep eating my daily medications and i'll be fine) i'm thinking of removing all my friends again to be honest, online friends aren't it for me anymore lol. (they hardly effects my life anyway) but they are really nice people here on MAL that i'm glad i got to chat with, like you for example. i hope you too have been good health wise, btw i see that you are updating your anime list again. (sk12 was good for you i hope, that anime has very good ratings on here at 8.03)

i have grown to be a pessimitic person over the year, and to think i was such a social kid back in 8-12 years old is laughable. i like the mindset that nobody by default deserves to be bullied and by 2021 we as humanity should have been alot more mature and knowledgeable about what bullying can do to a person. (usually, past serial killers has a history of being bullied and abused etc..i don't condone the killings but maybe it could have been avoidable had people did not bully or abuse the said person who did the killings) i have a fantasy of being bullied by a female friend lately though lol, pardon my masochism.

self insert characters with insane power level and relatable characters who are weak and depicted like a normal human, both are great depending on the mood of the viewer. isekai and harem has more self inserts than any genres, the author/creator wants people to relate with the mc so they can enjoy the series more. (typically this backfires considering the fact that harem series has low ratings here on mal haha) girls love bad boys that treat them roughly, i can't judge since i also love bad girls who hate and treat men harshly lol. harem MC has a special tyoe of charm on them, they are usually very charismatic and are designed to be handsome looking. (i can't deny the fact that i also have been admiring their beauty lol, the cringe) they also have good seiyuus for the most part, adding on the charm factor.

i finished it last month ago and i still think fondly of the series, it has a very likeable cast and haru despite his aggresive attitude was a really nice guy deep down in his heart. he might have punched the heroine and his friends a couple of times in the series (accidentally for the girl but not for his friends hahaha) but he really cares about her and his friends. he grows up to be alot matured by the end, too bad we have no S2 even if it did ended well. the pet chicken was bizarre and lovable xD, they spent the last episode of the series looking for it lol. my favourite character is the shorter guy, (not really short he is 164 cm) sohei i think his name was ?
GenshinRosaria Mar 27, 2021 2:18 PM
Hey I've been a fan of a lot of your forum posts over the months. I was akko on my previous account and I'm back again. I really like your pfp it's genius!

Sharing this song with my friends.


IncelAmirul Mar 23, 2021 4:11 PM
i'm not doing too good either with my body, i have been suffering from tiredness lately. i think you should seek help from a doctor if your shoulders pain are continuing and the pain becomes unbearable. guide videos in youtube are a waste of time i agree lol, unless they are talking to you face to face, guides are useless. (but it's good for video games related problems lol or cooking tips) yeah it's the law now in malaysia, you pay the fine/compound amount or you get put into a jail 6 months for not paying your compound in 14 days time.

bullying is bad but people will still do it. the weaker one gets beaten up by the stronger one, it's the way of the world and it's in humans nature to be superior to the weaker ones. depressing it is, it's the basic fact that we have to accept by living in a cruel world.

anime characters are designed to be beautiful and perfect (most of the time) but there are characters who aren't beautiful or perfect looking. these type maybe are created to be more relatable for a different type of viewers. but they don't sell alot so they get left out hahahaha.

i'm watching my little monster and i think it's a great anime. the story and characters are good, the main duo has a hilarious chemistry with each other and the side cast are impressive too. it's a good experience to watch.
IncelAmirul Mar 17, 2021 3:24 PM
glad to hear that you (sorry to hear about your shoulders being sore, a good rest will be enough for soreness i think) and your family are doing fine and well on this godforsaken pandemic (lol). my country has just increased our fine to crime against the pandemic (like not wearing mask, not keeping distance from others, travelling to other states and spreading fake news) from 1k MYR to 10k MYR. (huge increase if you ask me, considering the normal monthly salaries are only 1200 MYR) fake news spreading is 100k fine though, just to scare off people hahaha.

it's interesting to know about your family's situation, i'm in the same situation. (my mom doesn't get along well with our family in the countryside, so we hardly go back to our village nowadays) dad is not living with mom and me anymore, i think they are divorced already because mom doesn't really like dad that much. (due to his drinking habits and going to clubs lol) i can't imagine myself having a big brother/big sister or a kid brother/sister, i'm fine with living alone with mom right now. (the neighbours probably think i have an oedipus complex lol)

that's the main reason why i love watching anime with short guys as the main character (accel world/tasogare otome amnesia/witch craft works/kannagi/onegai teacher/shingu stellar wars), it gives me unreal motivation hahaha. but cartoon is just a cartoon, real life doesn't work that easily. i need to get a job soon lol.

makoto from free, i love that guy he's like a big bro for the other main characters (but nagisa is still my top favourite, he is so cute lol). i wish we have more female anime characters with freckles or pimples on their face, it would spice things up lol. (i sound like a guy with a fetish for a female with pimples or freckles on her face right now haha)
IncelAmirul Mar 15, 2021 7:41 PM
hey nutella, fast reply from you. i hope you haven't been busy in this time period and you + your family are in good health.

i'm not too close with my dad, but i do hope he will get better. (he was an athetic guy when he was younger, not so much now in his late 50s) sorry to hear that your grandma is relaying on cigaretes to release her stress, cigars is bad but it's like a medicine for other people. (nicotine addiction) you are so right on that nutella, a good therapist will help but the person himself/herself has to be the one that makes the biggest decision to help themselves.

yeah blood taking procedure is scary, so i can understand your feeling hahahaha. (i just had one last week, diabetes checkup and thankfully i'm fine)

just the four of you ? a close knit family then! it must be nice to have family members that you can rely on. sorry if i sound arrogant in my last comment, i don't mind you meddling with my life's problem. (sometimes, it's nice to have a friend that you can wrote or talked with about your life)

i haven't picked a favourite song yet, but i really liked all the ones that i have seen so far. (the variety is killing me hahaha, i never knew listening to 2d characters making musics is going to be this good) that ramuda guy is pretty cute (pink hair on a guy looks really good), it's pretty rare to have a male character around that height. (150-159 cm) i like tall guys too (this applies in both 2d/3d), but i relate more with the shorter ones.

cranberries, beatles, red hot chili peppers damn lol...nostalgia trip with the old bands.

''the guy mocks her small breasts'' so rude lol, i know it's a joke and a cartoon but bodyshaming is really wrong. (this also applies in both 2d/3d) i just checked out haru's seiyuu, he shared the same one with anos from demon lord's academy. (one of my favourite male character, this guy is so overpowered) honeyworks sounds familiar, they made blue spring ride's op song. (one of my favourite shoujo anime) just checked out their wiki page, they made alot of good songs in popular anime like gintama. and i agree, the girls look cute and the guys look badass/hot. (i feel so insecure with anime male characters, they look so good lol) i relate more with the normal looking male characters, like shou from arrietty. (he looks like a typical plain guy from a ghibli movie, made sense since he came from a ghibli movie hahaha)
IncelAmirul Mar 14, 2021 4:13 PM
that sounds really useful (medical knowledge), knowing about where the organs are inside the human's body. your tutor did the right thing hahaha, he made it easier to remember which organ are which by comparing them with fruits. (easy to remember a fruit name, compared to an organ's name)

my dad is done already, he's too old now to go into rehab (he's lazy actually) and drinking alcohol is like his lifestyle so he ain't stopping drinking it. (i tasted the beverage that my dad drank once and i didn't like it at all lol, taste too strong for me)

i gotta man up for sure (fear of syringes is really lame for a grown up male hahaha), and get vaccined if i have the opportunity to get one. maybe next year or next three years.

i like that mindset (sorry for making the assumption in my last comment that you guys were living a happy life, it must have been rough to have a large family in a pandemic), small matter conflicts get put under the rug so you can deal with the bigger ones. no need to be sorry nutella, i'm already used to my mom being rude to me haha, i secretly enjoys her sarcastic comments towards me, it motivates me to be stronger.

i have been checking out hypnosis mic for the last couple of days, it's really interesting to know about a bunch of bands with animated characters singing. (i know it's seiyuus doing the job, but still fun to see 2d characters singing hahaha) you really know a bunch of stuff about music don't you nutella haha, i'm clueless with music besides the usual kpop stuff and rock stuff like bonjovi lol. most of seiyuus /voice actors in anime/games are really great, i'm very jealous at their coolness lol. i think i'm the opposite of you nutella regarding female seiyuus with high squeaky voices, i love them lol. (not surprising coming from me, a weirdo/creepy guy with no irl friends lol) but i can see why you don't like it, it can hurt your ears when they scream hahahaha.

i'm planning to watch tonari no kaibutsu-kun after i'm done with persona 3 fes. i'm so hyped for this since it's a romance anime, but at the same time i'm going to get jealous at watching 2d characters having a dandy relationship with each other lol. i always love getting recommendations from others, more stuff for me to put at my plan to watch list haha. (and more chance of me meeting a new waifu character, so cringey lol)
IncelAmirul Mar 5, 2021 3:24 PM
i see, but the knowledge and experience you'd get on studying physiotherapy must be nice to have. yeah you are right nutella, i keep putting myself down and that's why i have no friends irl. nobody wants to be friends with a guy who has no self confidence, and acts like a coward lol. (i screamed when i saw cockroaches, that's super unmanly hahahaha) my mom never went into a university herself, but she's fairly successful in life unlike me. she has a very strong will-spirit that i wish i had inherited from her dna but i only got her height instead hahahaha. (my dad's an alcoholic fool, but atleast he is working hard to get money back after wasting it on beverages)

in malaysia, vaccines are focused on the frontliners and politics members first. and then the elderly starting in april until june. the main body/future of the country (people aged 18 to 45) will get theirs after june's batch is done. same i'm not thinking about getting the vaccine soon, i hate getting syringed lol. (so unmanly coming from a grown up male)

nice, your bro is still at a young age. it sounds like you have a nice happy family that works together. i'm not good with physical works either (thanks to my low weight hahaha), but being a man i have to do this type of stuff or else my mom will say i'm a waste of space lol.

banana fish's first ed hits different when you finished the anime series, ash has suffered so much throughout his lifetime. this guy deserves to rest, but i hate that guy who stabbed ash. he was one of shorter wong's followers, but he kept on blaming ash for shorter's death. (when actually, it was all dino's fault for being an asshole lol) i might check out banana's fish manga in the future, the anime was great enough to encourage me to pick it up.

i just watched it, and damn i just realised that the views is 15m. in 6 months to get 15m views is pretty insane. (i think i'm about to simp for them lol) this is exactly what i'm looking for if i want to watch music songs, 2d characters singing in k-pop style. thanks for telling me about them nutella, you just added another entertainment option for me to watch hahaha. eroges does have h-scenes (in awkward form), i remember reading one few years ago and my mom saw what i'm reading and she said ''son do you want to get married ? get a job first!'' lol. playing otome games will definitely turns me into a full blown homosexual lover, i already have the hots for anime guy characters hahahaha. thanks for the offer, but i'm not in the mood for otome games yet. time related since i need to finish the lets play i'm watching on youtube first, psychadelicsnake's persona 3 lol.

added the bl manga into my plan to read list, going to check this one out later on this month for sure. your description on it (last comment) makes me interested.
IncelAmirul Mar 3, 2021 1:04 PM
physiotherapy hmm, you must have invested alot of time and effort in studying this course. i feel ashamed of myself lol reading this part of your comment, i never went to an university so i'm pretty much a low iq person who has no right to talk about intelligent stuff with others. online studying are frequent now (to avoid physical contact with other people), thanks to covid. i should probably try out the vaccine later on this year but i heard the side effects and i'm scared of it lol.

oh same here, in malaysia school has just opened up again. how old is your bro ? house chores, i love them lol. (cause it requires no high intelligence, it's one of the things i'm good at haha) it must be nice living alone in your house for most of the time, the quiet peaceful time lol. i live alone with my mom but she always blasts out loud music on the radio hahahaha.

gintama yeah that is a great series, i watched it back in 2015. i remember loving the characters alot, gintoki in particular. (generic fav character choice here hahaha) the comedies more often than not, hit the spot for me. serious arcs are ok too, typical shounen stuff but great animation and fights.

banana fish was great! the characters on it is super memorable. i still remember guys like shorter wong (a gangster with a kind heart), sing (the short gangster guy lol i love him), ash (ofc the main protagonist i can't forget him), eiji (he was cute), max lobo (he was like a dad figure to ash) and ibe (he was like an uncle to eiji and ash lol). they are all memorable in their own ways. the ending made me sad, too bad ash had to die.

sk8 i have already been recommended by you on this one, it looks interesting and has a positive reception on mal. beastars i need to watch s1 first, but it also looks damn good. (furry anime ftw lol) jujutsu kaisen is obviously a famous option to watch now, it's rivalling aot s4 on popularity. just googled those two music projects and they look great. (so many ikemen characters hahaha damn i'm so gay for them lol) epic rap battle but anime form, sounds good to me. i just googled that ponytail girl, she seems like a sadist man hating onee-san lol my favourite type. otome game i have never tried any of them out but they sounds so interesting to me. (it's like an eroge i suppose, but designed for female fans maybe)

there are so many new anime getting adaptations, it's hurting my brain to keep up with the news lol. that bl is a manga ? i wonder what is the name, your description on it was really good (seems very emotional and hard hitting). i don't know about reading depressing manga though, i have my fair share of depression to deal with in real life style hahahahaha.

CSI is another classic tv series that i have never watched before, i feel left out on the fun lol. i need to invest more time on tv series shows maybe.
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