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Jun 15, 2009 5:14 PM

Jul 2008
Now this episode isn't too bad, Teito is still sad that Mikage is gone. He got asked to sit for an exam, to his credit he is better in studying than Frau^^ Frau handed Teito a weapon and he's not good at using it yet at the start so he's training with a puppet. At the end, we get to meet another character who looks like Mikage^^
ShanaFlameJun 15, 2009 6:07 PM
Jun 15, 2009 7:16 PM

Nov 2008
In reality, this series isn't very good, nor does it seem to be going anywhere, but it's like Teito's little pink rat with wings - it's too silly to really get mad at.

And it helped this episode that we had Teito getting schooled by the hentai doll. (LOL) The Eye of Michael must be getting really tired of Teito's wussiness by now.

So this is a series where you just sit back, turn off the critical side of your brain, and just go with the flow. Now if this series only had some babes in addition to all of the bishiis it would be near perfect brain candy.
Jun 15, 2009 10:33 PM

Oct 2007
dbaranyi said:
In reality, this series isn't very good, nor does it seem to be going anywhere, but it's like Teito's little pink rat with wings - it's too silly to really get mad at.

And it helped this episode that we had Teito getting schooled by the hentai doll. (LOL) The Eye of Michael must be getting really tired of Teito's wussiness by now.

So this is a series where you just sit back, turn off the critical side of your brain, and just go with the flow. Now if this series only had some babes in addition to all of the bishiis it would be near perfect brain candy.

Its Burupya ( the pink dragon ) and its not silly.I think it very cute. But I guss you being boy saw it all. I understand.

There are girls in it like the Nuns and Razette. I think the show find with out add more girls. I mean if there mores girls the story it will change story a little. Yes, it be nice have 1 or 2 to new girls in it. But I like the story what its is. It not all about to much girls or to much boys. It all about the story. For me if there to much girls and ecchi in it, I will stay away from it. Because there no plot in it

The reason there not much girls and many bishies because its easy taget more girls to watch it. Which why alot of guy are dropping it,because they stuff they don't like. I find it very sad. They should ignored stuff that they hates. Its very good show ,The manga move lttle fast, Mikage doesn't show up much. But just got to vol 3.

Btw - Sorry for my poor grammar/spelling.

Not much to say about this epi , unto watch the sub.
I feel like huging Teito :( he still hurt after his friend death.
To bad that Hakuren got about 5 mn screentime on this epi :( , But I so happy after seeing him *_* I fall in love with him.
Is it me or Burupya is in love with Frau's hair? @_@ find it cute.
KuroTsuki14Jun 15, 2009 10:36 PM
@ MAL Claim an Anime Character v.2
Jun 15, 2009 10:49 PM

Jul 2008
nothing much to say only HAKUREN!!! <3 XD
n btw though i thought teito should get over with mikage's death already, the scenes when Lab was talkin to him is quite sad..your bestest friend died isn't that easy..yea poor teito =/
oh n the 'frau' doll haha XD
Jun 16, 2009 9:05 AM

Nov 2007
It was an okay episode. Though it was entertaining to see Castor use Frau's image to help train Teito. However, I thought that they would go into detail on Teito's training... ehh. Maybe next episode. It was interesting to see that Hakuren was introduced... Is this a sign of the series moving a little faster?

LOL @ Burupya trying to get Teito's attention. (I would post a cap, but the raw qualities were so bad. Maybe later =P)

Jun 16, 2009 12:30 PM

Jun 2009
I love Fraus Face in this Episode when Teito Answered everything correctly for what he needed 2 Years LOL
Jun 16, 2009 10:07 PM

Aug 2008
Why God? Why does Jun Fukuyama have to pollute every show?
Jun 16, 2009 11:34 PM

Apr 2008
Kinda sick of all this love story crap. It just barely beats out Naruto and Sasuke's love affair. -__-
Jun 17, 2009 2:59 AM

Nov 2008
noteDhero said:
Why God? Why does Jun Fukuyama have to pollute every show?

A- He's got a good agent?

B- He's good at playing irritating characters?
Jun 17, 2009 3:09 AM

Jun 2008
lol, just loved the Frau Doll.x'D and how Teito got so irritated.
Burupya is one of the cutest things... ever.>.<
Could just huggle it.. over and over.

Warm teh eggies~ Niipa~
Jun 17, 2009 3:45 AM

Apr 2008
lols ... Bishop exams xD ... must remember so many things

Jun 17, 2009 3:46 AM

May 2008
lol another show that has Lelouch voice lmao Jun got another one

pretty funny episode though i didnt expect Hakuren to look like that ohh well

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jun 17, 2009 4:39 AM

Sep 2008
Hakuren-SAMA :D I love him.. not more than Teito-Chan... but he is still great..
He kind of reminds me of Tamaki with the "ooh I am so great and beautiful" attitude :P

Burupya is soo cute.. *kyaa

Jun 17, 2009 6:41 AM

Dec 2007

Yay, Hakuren. But... to be honest, even though I like yaoi, I'm getting pretty sick of this whole thing between Mikage and Teito :/ The constant "I LOVED HIM", "HE WAS MY LIGHT", "HE WAS MY ONLY REASON FOR LIVING" etc lines are pretty annoying.
Jun 17, 2009 6:46 AM

Dec 2008
Very pleased with how they gradually build up Teito's determination. Of course he's got to mourn a bit more to make sense of the determination :P

I couldn't stop giggling at the Frau doll's voice XD His random squeals and whatnot was so not what I expected hahahaha~ Although I still think the manga version of the scene was more humourous

The Bascule looks much cooler in the anime! I'm loving it :D

Burupya <3!!~

The pace was pretty decent, not too slow or fast...just..normal.

The only thing that bothered me was my over-excitement/over-anticipation with Hakuren. Throughout the whole episode I was thinking "where's the scene, where's the scene?!" But it's understandable that of course they show like a minute or so with it =_= cuz Studio Deen seem to be in love with cliffhangers *roll eyes*

I can't say if I like Jun Fukuyama's performance with Hakuren at the moment. His voice doesn't seem to fit the character. I can't remember, but was Hakuren this self-absorbed in the first meeting in the manga? I..better go freshen up my memory Xd...

dbaranyi said:
So this is a series where you just sit back, turn off the critical side of your brain, and just go with the flow.
Finally! Omg thank all the gods, people are starting to understand how to watch an anime with just enjoyment in mind :D

Dilly29 said:
nothing much to say only HAKUREN!!! <3 XD
n btw though i thought teito should get over with mikage's death already, the scenes when Lab was talkin to him is quite sad..your bestest friend died isn't that easy..yea poor teito =/
oh n the 'frau' doll haha XD
Yea I thought so too, but I guess it still fits since we need something to start up his determination. This guys, is the moment we see Teito start changing :)

noteDhero said:
Why God? Why does Jun Fukuyama have to pollute every show?
:O!!....</3. You break my heart noteDhero :(. I love Jun Fukuyama. Actually I knew for a long time that he's going to do the voice of Hakuren but I was still surprised with his appearance. He didn't sound "familiar" to me. Which is a good thing because sometimes it's distracting to hear a seiyuu's voice and be thinking of another character from another series XD.

Grimmm said:
Kinda sick of all this love story crap. It just barely beats out Naruto and Sasuke's love affair. -__-
What love story? Poo :P
robbydesuJun 17, 2009 6:49 AM
Jun 17, 2009 7:21 AM

Jun 2008
it's an ok episode i guess. the frau doll and burupya are just pure cuteness!! (i hope they will go into teito's more frau dolls!!)
Jun 17, 2009 8:34 AM

Dec 2008
How not interesting of an episode.
Jun 17, 2009 9:08 AM

Aug 2008
robbydesu said:
:O!!....</3. You break my heart noteDhero :(. I love Jun Fukuyama. Actually I knew for a long time that he's going to do the voice of Hakuren but I was still surprised with his appearance. He didn't sound "familiar" to me. Which is a good thing because sometimes it's distracting to hear a seiyuu's voice and be thinking of another character from another series XD.

I used to like him too, but then I heard him in a long list of shows that I despise, and he was using the same voice. You should have seen my face when Hakuren spoke...I definitely died inside and let a scream escape my mouth. He's using the Lelouch, Kakeru, Leopard, Maximillian hybrid's just so lazy, and I hate him now.
Jun 17, 2009 11:28 AM

Jan 2009
Not much to say really, but I think the show might be getting somewhere at last.. : )
Also, as previously mentioned.. a bunch of times.. he should get over Mikage already, that part's been pretty dragged out by now >.>

And another thing, Teito got to keep his mourning robes, yay! : D which are, in my opinion, a lot better than the old crappy clothes he had ^^
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jun 17, 2009 11:34 AM

Sep 2008
Next time before watching an anime like 07 Ghost, I'll check it is Josei ratio. I was not expecting to be disturbed by the ratio of beautiful boys *and I am not* but I was pretty disturbed by how feminine they act. Seriously, they are like racing to be the best queen of this anime.

I also wanted fighting scene to be a little bit more serious... it was like a slapstick comedy.

Actually, I was pretty bored till last few minutes when Eye of Mikhail popped out and foretold "There is some kinky stuff going to happen!". I was bored again right after that scene because that fairy came out of no-where... XD
Jun 17, 2009 12:08 PM

Jul 2008
so a new rival appears! and the part with the doll that looked like frau attacking the nuns, "isn't that frau? no its just a pervert; whats the difference?", not verbatem, but still lmao
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Jun 17, 2009 12:11 PM

May 2008
They always manage to make Teito cry in every ep ;~;

And FINALLY. Hakuren <33333 I was waiting for him to show up. And..he doesn't really sound like Lelouch. He sounds more like Lawrence from S&W, even if they are somewhat similar. His Lelouch voice is much deeper.

And oh god..that Frau mannequin scared the HELL out of me ;___; I was so disturbed.

Jun 17, 2009 12:32 PM

May 2009
Pretty good episode, a bit silly with the Kor-training though. I liked the character in the end, Harkuren is it? I haven't read the manga so..
Jun 17, 2009 12:34 PM

Jul 2008
XD the puppet was kool
looks like we got a new character =D
Jun 17, 2009 12:55 PM

Jan 2009
such a funny episode, I like it

but one thing I don't like is hakuren's voice, it doesn't suit him at all
I mean I love Jun Fukuyama, but I expected Hakuren's voice would be softer
it sounded weird when he spoke, I don't know why

however still love it, 07-ghost is getting intersting now

MikityApr 18, 2010 2:06 AM
Jun 17, 2009 1:42 PM

Feb 2009
I lolled at the freaky doll. XD I couldn't stop laughing. The sounds and movements it made were hilarious.
Jun 17, 2009 3:26 PM

Dec 2008
noteDhero said:
I used to like him too, but then I heard him in a long list of shows that I despise, and he was using the same voice. You should have seen my face when Hakuren spoke...I definitely died inside and let a scream escape my mouth. He's using the Lelouch, Kakeru, Leopard, Maximillian hybrid's just so lazy, and I hate him now.
Okay now I'm beginning to see why I felt different about his voice. I'm only familiar with the Watanuki voice XD. I have never heard of his >Lelouch, Kakeru, Leopard, Maximillian hybrid voice< before hahaha. Yes I know I like him because of Watanuki >_>...but he's got a couple of other roles in a few anime I've watched. And all of those characters had that "gentle" Watanuki like voice. So I expected Jun to use that voice for Hakuren because I personally think that fits better....oh well...we'll see how it goes~!

Oosran said:
And another thing, Teito got to keep his mourning robes, yay! : D which are, in my opinion, a lot better than the old crappy clothes he had ^^
Just wait a bit longer, he's gonna get out of the mourning clothes and wear the examinee clothing...which is basically the white version of the mourning clothes XD (It's what Hakuren wears)

stAtic91 said:
Pretty good episode, a bit silly with the Kor-training though. I liked the character in the end, Harkuren is it? I haven't read the manga so..
Hehe Hakuren. Don't worry, it took me forever to get his name right. When I was reading the manga, I kept on pronouncing his name as "Haruken" (I blame Dennou Coil!!)..XD!

society85 said:
but one thing I don't like is hakuren's voice, it doesn't suit him at all
I mean I love Jun Fukuyama, but I expected Hakuren's voice would be softer
it sounded weird when he spoke, I don't know why
My thoughts exactly!! I was like huuuuh o__o?! I hope his voice tones down later on to a more "Watanuki" like voice :P
Jun 17, 2009 4:34 PM

Jun 2009
This episode was okay, but Teito seems to get all," mikage " again. he called the pink bunny mikage.. o_O which was a bit. awkward. This is making me think it's turning into a yaoi anime.><
Jun 17, 2009 4:41 PM

Sep 2008
kerobear said:
This episode was okay, but Teito seems to get all," mikage " again. he called the pink bunny mikage.. o_O which was a bit. awkward. This is making me think it's turning into a yaoi anime.><

More like "Good morning after supper", amirite?
Jun 17, 2009 6:52 PM

Jul 2008
dbaranyi said:
Now if this series only had some babes in addition to all of the bishiis it would be near perfect brain candy.

It's a shoujo lol
Jun 17, 2009 7:13 PM

Nov 2008
maxime1007 said:
dbaranyi said:
Now if this series only had some babes in addition to all of the bishiis it would be near perfect brain candy.

It's a shoujo lol

There are plenty of shoujo series with babes, usually in supporting roles, such as the manga-ka (when she cleans up) in "Shiawase-sou no Okojo-san", but sometimes in important roles, such as Kokoro in "Aishiteruze Baby". (And the grown-up Chocola in "Sugar Sugar Rune".)

You girls are too busy "drooling" over the bishiis in those shows to notice what us guys notice... LOL
Jun 17, 2009 7:16 PM

Aug 2008
What the hell am I supposed to drool over? Clamp-tastic guys are not my taste. T.T
Jun 17, 2009 8:31 PM

Nov 2008
How does is this anime NOT genre'd as shonen-ai? XD

It's such a silly anime, but still too cute to give up ^///^
Jun 17, 2009 8:52 PM

Dec 2008
Xephia said:
How does is this anime NOT genre'd as shonen-ai? XD

It's such a silly anime, but still too cute to give up ^///^
Because there is no romantic love between guys...?
Jun 17, 2009 9:12 PM

Jun 2008
Okay. I actually enjoyed this episode. It's starting to bring the combination of depth and comedy that I love so much about the manga. A couple things:

Hakuren <33333 I clapped. I really did. Hakuren is probably my second or third favorite. The voice was not what I was expecting; it was a lot stronger and less sarcastic/cynical than I hoped it would be. However, I do think it fits. So egotistical ^^

The Frau-Doll had me cracking up. All of those stupid little noises were freaking funny. And even the doll is a pervert, come on, how perfect.

Burupya is just as cute as ever.

And finally: Lab needs more love. I can't wait 'till he... does his thing ;D And damnit, I want the anime to show Lab again when he's wearing that weird feathered jacket thing. I need another look at that, hah.

Good ep, though. I want more Hakuren though. He only got like, what, a whole minute? They didn't even introduce him!

Rule of Anime #18 - Law of Hemoglobin Capacity
The human body contains over 12 gallons of blood, sometimes more, under high pressure.
Jun 17, 2009 9:25 PM

Dec 2008
midnightsymphony said:
I want more Hakuren though. He only got like, what, a whole minute? They didn't even introduce him!
I know eh, I was like whaaaat that's it? But don't worry, I think we're gonna get a good chunk of him next episode *squeals in excitement* :P
Jun 18, 2009 3:17 AM

Dec 2008
dbaranyi said:
maxime1007 said:
dbaranyi said:
Now if this series only had some babes in addition to all of the bishiis it would be near perfect brain candy.

It's a shoujo lol

There are plenty of shoujo series with babes, usually in supporting roles, such as the manga-ka (when she cleans up) in "Shiawase-sou no Okojo-san", but sometimes in important roles, such as Kokoro in "Aishiteruze Baby". (And the grown-up Chocola in "Sugar Sugar Rune".)

You girls are too busy "drooling" over the bishiis in those shows to notice what us guys notice... LOL

Jun 18, 2009 3:48 AM

May 2008
nothing much to say only HAKUREN!!! <3 XD
n btw though i thought teito should get over with mikage's death already, the scenes when Lab was talkin to him is quite sad..your bestest friend died isn't that easy..yea poor teito =/
oh n the 'frau' doll haha XD
Jun 18, 2009 5:58 AM

Aug 2007
lmfao @ pseudo-Frau doll. Castor is a genius.

btw i don't really like his voice though, i expect it to be gentler. :/

Jun 18, 2009 7:56 AM

Feb 2009
Hakuren was in the episode for a minute...and about three seconds. :(
And yeah, I thought his voice would have sounded gentle as well.
Jun 18, 2009 11:13 AM

Sep 2007
Jun Fukuyama doing Hakuren's voice made my day! X3
I thought it fit....for the 3-4 lines he said >.>
Need moar!

.....other than was like a "relaxing" ep to watch yet again......maybe too relaxing...
but oh well.........
Jun 18, 2009 1:36 PM

Aug 2008
The Mikage became a mascot rose-colored, and a character still appears with tendencies for another side of the strength!!!
Well... was a good episode!
Jun 18, 2009 2:39 PM

May 2009
This episode could really be the turning point for this anime. Up until now there was zero direction and just had Teito and Mikage just running around saying how much they love eachother. Finally he has a goal and the man love has cooled down so I approve of this one.
-=Dear gravity don't let me go, hold me like the winter holds the cold=-
Jun 18, 2009 4:25 PM
May 2008
This series is growing very tiring with its nonexistent/slow story progression and to top it off the constant "woe is me" self pity. Take this episode for example the most progression that came from it was Mikage decision to become a bishop. 6/10
Dead Account
Please Delete
Jun 18, 2009 4:49 PM

Sep 2007
noteDhero said:
robbydesu said:
:O!!....</3. You break my heart noteDhero :(. I love Jun Fukuyama. Actually I knew for a long time that he's going to do the voice of Hakuren but I was still surprised with his appearance. He didn't sound "familiar" to me. Which is a good thing because sometimes it's distracting to hear a seiyuu's voice and be thinking of another character from another series XD.

I used to like him too, but then I heard him in a long list of shows that I despise, and he was using the same voice. You should have seen my face when Hakuren spoke...I definitely died inside and let a scream escape my mouth. He's using the Lelouch, Kakeru, Leopard, Maximillian hybrid's just so lazy, and I hate him now.

Truth. I used to like him too...until I heard the same voice in almost all the other shows. Kinda like how I used to like Rie Kugimiya until she never changed her voice (and the Nagis, Shanas, Yuuhis, and Louises outweigh the Als or Miharus).

Anyway, I don't know what to make of this show. I really don't.
Jun 18, 2009 5:35 PM

Apr 2009
Ah, Hakuren. You are what will keep me watching this series. I did crack a smile or two in this episode, which was more than I can say for last week. I definitely hope this is a turning point like some people have suggested. I'd like to start looking forward to seeing this show again.
Jun 19, 2009 12:56 AM

Apr 2009
i like that Hakuren kid. cuuuuuutie. :) I really really like this show, despite its "slow pace".

Looking forward for the next episode. :3
Jun 20, 2009 1:55 AM

Apr 2009
Hmmm. I'm afraid we're back on track, destination "Nothing Happens".

Narcissistic characters ALWAYS annoy me, we''l see if this Lelouch guy can do better.
Jun 20, 2009 8:04 PM

Apr 2009
Pretty funny episode, everything with Frau was awesome. I wonder if Teito has so much of that bible recognized becuase of Mikhail. Jun Fukuyama is in everything so it's good that he's so awesome. The story seemed like it was moving so I wasn't going to bail but now with Fukuyama I'm definitely sticking with the show.
Jun 20, 2009 8:07 PM

Dec 2008
Teufel said:
Pretty funny episode, everything with Frau was awesome. I wonder if Teito has so much of that bible recognized becuase of Mikhail.
Assuming that the anime isn't going to explain it, since they've been cutting a lot of it out...

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