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Jun 1, 2009 3:27 PM

Nov 2007
That "awaken" Teito was just a moment. Frau saved Teito, who became normal. Ayanami killed Mikage...

Afterwards, Teito told Frau about Mikage.

lol @ "Oba-chan, Ore nimo Okayu~!"

Mikage~~~ (Teito's pet!!)
tsubasaloverJun 1, 2009 3:32 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 1, 2009 5:37 PM

Dec 2008
loved it.
So much.
So much that I made an icon out of a screenshot from it.

Watched Mikage die, cried.
Saw their memories together, cried again.
When Teito hugged animal!Mikage and when Mikage put his hand on Teito's shoulder, I think I drowned in my tears.

I've never loved an episode of anime as much as I loved this one.
I read the manga (have it too) and cried in the manga.

Honestly, I thought this episode would be bad. Really, I did.
Episode 8 was actually very disappointing to me. The animation in episode 8 was bad, and it was pretty cheesy.
And, when Mikage saw Teito again and hugged him, Teito didn't smile at all, which implied that he had no feelings D:<, which made me really mad.

But, this episode DEFINITLY makes up for it. I cried so much I think I ran out of tears. I can't stop watching it, it's too good.
The animation is surprisingly better, and Teito actually has FEELINGS in this episode. He cried so much it was contagious, and it's better than the manga to me because it's more detailed in the anime.

10/10 from me, and now I will go watch it again because it's that good.
you are my master.
Jun 1, 2009 6:12 PM

Oct 2007
I haven't watch it yet( not unto this friday) but hearing that MIkage dies , hurt my heart for some reason. I think i need to watch some kkm epi get that feeling of me. ):

@YuukiHime: I love sig , i'm sure he always be with Teito no matter what.
You know there a club for Mikage x Teito, you should join it :)
KuroTsuki14Jun 1, 2009 6:16 PM
@ MAL Claim an Anime Character v.2
Jun 2, 2009 10:54 AM

Nov 2007
Great episode. Yeah, it was sad to see Mikage depart, though now he's reincarnated into Burupya. =P However, I felt that Teito's last memories of Mikage was a little drawn out. Anyone else feel that way? (Sorry, I'm not the sappy type. =D) At least there was an average battle scene between Zehel and Ayanami. LOL @ Frau trying to remove the collar... and has now became the new "owner" (I guess that's how I can put it). =D

StLzFirstLadyJun 2, 2009 4:21 PM

Jun 2, 2009 7:30 PM

Nov 2008
More fighting and less hugging would have been good.

Teito isn't getting much help from his magic eyeball implant - I want to see him cause chaos and massive destruction, not faint every time he fights and have Frau always save him.

And poor Mikage - reincarnated into that pink rabbit thing. If he gets any "bunny love" out of Teito, he's going to be really sore... LOL
Jun 2, 2009 9:55 PM

Aug 2008
Borderline bad episode. Mikage gets reborn as a pink flying rabbit? Promise collar? We're getting into some weird shounen-ai fantastical reverse harem territory here.
Jun 2, 2009 10:15 PM

Nov 2007
To everyone who's wondering:

Burupya (the pink looking rabbit thing that Mikage was reincarnated into) is actually a small dragon.

Jun 2, 2009 10:39 PM

Feb 2009
awee I loved that episode, I cried when Mikage Died and when Teito was remembering him :(!! but he turned into a cute animal :3!
Jun 2, 2009 10:50 PM

Apr 2009
This episode lacked the emotional impact for me that Mikage's death had when I read the manga. And I'd really like to see Teito DO something in his fights besides stand there for a second, have his magical Eye do all of nothing, and then have to be saved. Come on Teito, I know you're stronger than that!
Jun 3, 2009 12:02 AM

Dec 2008
I cried so much :(.

Finally an episode I love! Everything was done beautifully, is it just me or did the animation for the fight seemed a bit better?

The first opening clip of Zehel looked really nice, it gave me chills!This episode really did a good job (FINALLY) at capturing how much Teito cares about Mikage in a non-shounen-ai way.

Episode helped me understand what began the contract between Teito and Frau. When I read the manga, I thought the collar just bite Frau for fun XD. Now I know that the biting CAUSED the contract - DOH. Oh btw to those who were so ever so bothered by the chains: That collar is gonna be there for a veeeeeeeery long time. In fact, I think that collar is still on Teito currently in the manga - correct me if I'm wrong manga readers ><

And Burupya? O.M.G. Don't even get me started on that little cutie-patootie!!~ To my great surprise, I think he's 1000x cuter in the anime. Anyone agree with me? I'm thinking it's cuz of his adorable voice XD

The whole flashback of Teito and Mikage was pretty nice I thought, atleast for something anime original I mean. That, or I was really emotionally caught up in the moment. I thought that it added a nice feel of the bond, especially when Castor and Labrador brought food to Teito.

And uhh...did I mention that I LOVE anime version of Burupya? Cuz I do :D. I think my bf will be annoyed with me now, cuz I'll be asking him to make tons of Burupya gifs KAKA.

Things I didn't like:

What was that random flashback of Teito killing someone or something? Wtf is that?! Is that going to be something important? I hope not :S

The scene where Teito and Mikage hugs and seperates seems a bit off to me. Felt like something was missing...

I don't like how there were two lines that were cut out/changed, which is a bummer because I thought both were very important lines, something integral to the whole strong bond of friendship between Mikage and Teito. Here it is for the curious people who haven't read the manga yet:
I thought having Teito speak to the audience instead of Mikage really made that line lost it's significance
And Frau's line also lost it's meaning I think...

noteDhero said:
Borderline bad episode. Mikage gets reborn as a pink flying rabbit? Promise collar? We're getting into some weird shounen-ai fantastical reverse harem territory here.
Oh no you didn't :O. Burupya is a dragon btw. Later on in the story, they emphasize how big of a deal this is. Dragons are not easily tamed, but for Burupya's case, he is naturally attached to Teito. I think the fact that Burupya has no memory of his past life and still has this bond with Teito is quite something :P.

Come on noteDhero! I know you can do this, just hold on a little longer ><!! Please don't drop out :(
robbydesuJun 3, 2009 12:20 AM
Jun 3, 2009 12:03 AM

Jul 2008
so mikage is killed and is reborn as a... mouse? okay, and then it turns out that frau is one of the 7 ghost things and that his scythe used to belong to ayanami, i've said it before and i'll say it again, where is this going?
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Jun 3, 2009 12:05 AM
Feb 2008
Ok now the fact that Mikage was going to turn into a pink flying thing was already expected ,it was kinda sad but I'm glad that it finally happened (after 9 episodes)

Anyway I think this is going to be interesting from now on but I hope they won't screw the end and make Teito die or something stupid ^^
Jun 3, 2009 12:07 AM

Dec 2008
kage-bunshin said:
so mikage is killed and is reborn as a... mouse?

StLzFirstLady said:
To everyone who's wondering:

Burupya (the pink looking rabbit thing that Mikage was reincarnated into) is actually a small dragon.

robbydesu said:
Burupya is a dragon btw.

kage-bunshin said:
i've said it before and i'll say it again, where is this going?
Story-wise? I thought it was pretty clear this is about Teito's life......o__o..
Jun 3, 2009 1:41 AM

Jul 2008
This episode made me cry T_T
I really hate that Ayanami..07 ghost is getting interesting

but the reincarnated Mikage is cute! I really don't get the color pact something
I thought that was from Ayanami

Jun 3, 2009 2:15 AM

May 2008
omg Mikage looks so cute lol cant wait for the next episode

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jun 3, 2009 2:50 AM

Apr 2008
Mikage rebirth as a rabbit looking thing o_olll

Jun 3, 2009 4:01 AM

Jun 2008
The best episode so far in the series. I liked it. The fighting was good, the eye of Mikhail has finally made its presence known, very known. But my favourite bit is the interaction btw Teito and Mikage. Had always loved it and no, it is not shounen-ai. It is love in a very platonic way.

Last but not least, animated!burupya is far more cuter tha manga!burupya. Love it to bits!!!!!!
Jun 3, 2009 4:36 AM

Dec 2007
Wow, I can't believe an anime episode made me cry. ;_;

Everything was just so... beautiful ;_; I really loved the shounen-ai friendship scenes, like the hugging and the part where they held hands. D: And Burupya... aah, SO ADORABLE. I didn't really like the random scene where they showed Teito kill somebody. It was kinda... out of place.

Ah, I'm going to watch this episode again.
Jun 3, 2009 5:20 AM

Jan 2008
Mikage died T__T~ at least he was reborn :'D and he's really cute :3
Jun 3, 2009 6:18 AM

Aug 2008
I may still hang on, robbydesu, but this episode really tested my patience. I don't know what to expect the show to do to get me to like it, but fixing the pace would be a great start. We're almost halfway through and I don't really know what this show is about: just Mikage or the 7 Ghosts. We've only had one appearance of the ghosts, and Mikage almost refuses to ask anyone at the church if they remember him.
Jun 3, 2009 6:26 AM

Feb 2009
I liked this episode, but Mikage's death didn't bother me at all.
They could've done it way more beautiful. I didn't even feel sorry for Teito.
Jun 3, 2009 6:40 AM

Dec 2008
noteDhero said:
I may still hang on, robbydesu, but this episode really tested my patience. I don't know what to expect the show to do to get me to like it, but fixing the pace would be a great start. We're almost halfway through and I don't really know what this show is about: just Mikage or the 7 Ghosts. We've only had one appearance of the ghosts, and Mikage almost refuses to ask anyone at the church if they remember him.
Yea the pace is terrible, believe it or not, right now we're only in the 7th chapter of the manga. 7th!! It's quite is almost halfway :(. If my predications of where the anime is ending is correct, the pace is going to be either the same or even slower >< yikes.

As for the story-line itself, I'm not even quite sure myself. So far, only 39 translated chapters are out and there's a lot of mystery behind Teito and 7 Ghosts, etc. But bit by bit we learn something about each character. In my opinion, I think the general storyline is about Teito's growth and him finding out about his past.

On an optimistic note, my complaints about the flashback of Teito randomly killing people turns out to be not anime original. Something similar to that scene appeared for the first time in chapter 39 :D it's very interesting. There's apparently a little more to Teito's past surrounding the army :P..
Jun 3, 2009 7:18 AM

Dec 2008
I bet gay people love this show.

Too many man-crushes for my taste. But now Mikage is dead, it's all good.
Next episode looks like it might be a good one.
Hope Teito can beat some people on his own the next few episodes.
Jun 3, 2009 7:23 AM

Dec 2008
Alsun said:
I bet gay people love this show.

Too many man-crushes for my taste.
Ugh, the ignorance! Why do I even bother =__=;;.
Jun 3, 2009 8:03 AM

May 2008
noteDhero said:
Borderline bad episode. Mikage gets reborn as a pink flying rabbit? Promise collar? We're getting into some weird shounen-ai fantastical reverse harem territory here.

You read my thoughts
Jun 3, 2009 9:04 AM

Aug 2008
Alsun said:
I bet gay people love this show.

Too many man-crushes for my taste. But now Mikage is dead, it's all good.
Next episode looks like it might be a good one.
Hope Teito can beat some people on his own the next few episodes.

Yeah...I'm gay, and, well, you see how I feel about it.
This is directed much more at girls than guys.
Jun 3, 2009 9:10 AM

Oct 2007
nice episode but Mikage as pet gay is not in my taste... ah whatever i can handle it if the show will be good enough to watch.
Jun 3, 2009 10:04 AM
Oct 2008

D'awwww! How cute <3 :'(
Jun 3, 2009 10:06 AM

Dec 2008
MissIngenious said:

D'awwww! How cute <3 :'(
I second that!! *tears up* <3
Jun 3, 2009 10:16 AM

Sep 2007
Best 07-Ghost ep I've watched in a while

the pace was actually ok for once and I did not have a "Did I just watch a bloody episode or a 10 minute teaser?" feeling that I usually get watching this

But next week it looks like it's going back to SUPER SLOW again xp
((maybe I should try putting this on stall for a few weeks and watch a whole bunch of them in a row several weeks later...might help fix that^ problem))

For some reason....I felt that they could've done a slightly better job revealing Burupya though...I dunno......Him crawling/running around in the open while in the middle of them explaining "him" kinda....took the drama/surprise out of the scene that I was kinda anticipating in the preview from the last ep....

And the Eye of Mikhail sequence...GAH! so possess him and all it rambles about is "REMOVE COLLAR!!"...some other one-line nonsense....then it goes 'zzzzz' again....
uh...right.....thanks for popping out to do that......

Speaking of that collar....what's with the tame-sounding name of "Promise collar" When it's a creepy-looking eyeball that can bite people?
I feel kinda like something seems to have been lost in translation or something?
IkanoJun 3, 2009 10:22 AM
Jun 3, 2009 10:19 AM
May 2008
I just realized how good of a series 07 Ghost actually is after watching the abomination that is Kurokami The Animation. As for this episode it was probably the best so far imo, or at least out of the past few episodes. A decent amount of information was added in this episode which was nice from the recently stagnant episodes (story wise).
Dead Account
Please Delete
Jun 3, 2009 10:27 AM

Apr 2007
I loved this episode. Best one so far! I guess this show is more shounen-ai than I thought. Doesn't bother me at all hohoho...

Jun 3, 2009 10:33 AM

Sep 2007
You can never have enough yakisoba! 'Kay so, what's the actual story about? Can we delve into it a little more quickly? =/
Jun 3, 2009 10:52 AM

Dec 2008
Iriya said:
You can never have enough yakisoba! 'Kay so, what's the actual story about? Can we delve into it a little more quickly? =/
LOL yea, I thought that additional flashback was adorably hilarious XD Yakisoba yakisoba yakisoba!! <3

And I don't think the pace is going to get any quicker :(...but please don't drop it ><!
Jun 3, 2009 11:06 AM

Dec 2007
Hah, I watched it again. Still made me cry. ;_;

The whole thing about yakisoba was funny though. And adorable <3

Oh, does anyone catch the phrase that Frau keeps saying? Something like: "Kisama ni kami no *something*". I don't really get the last word. Could it be goukagou, koukagou or something else? o_o
Jun 3, 2009 11:10 AM

Dec 2008
Sporkness said:
Hah, I watched it again. Still made me cry. ;_;

The whole thing about yakisoba was funny though. And adorable <3

Oh, does anyone catch the phrase that Frau keeps saying? Something like: "Kisama ni kami no *something*". I don't really get the last word. Could it be goukagou, koukagou or something else? o_o
Sounds like "Goukagou" to me...but I dunno if that's a word XD sorry~ Btw, love your name and avatar, so cute!
Jun 3, 2009 11:13 AM

Dec 2007
robbydesu said:
Sporkness said:
Hah, I watched it again. Still made me cry. ;_;

The whole thing about yakisoba was funny though. And adorable <3

Oh, does anyone catch the phrase that Frau keeps saying? Something like: "Kisama ni kami no *something*". I don't really get the last word. Could it be goukagou, koukagou or something else? o_o
Sounds like "Goukagou" to me...but I dunno if that's a word XD sorry~ Btw, love your name and avatar, so cute!

Thank you <3

Yeah, it seems like goukagou to me as well, but I can't find it in dictionaries. =_=
Jun 3, 2009 11:14 AM

Dec 2008
Sporkness said:
robbydesu said:
Sporkness said:
Hah, I watched it again. Still made me cry. ;_;

The whole thing about yakisoba was funny though. And adorable <3

Oh, does anyone catch the phrase that Frau keeps saying? Something like: "Kisama ni kami no *something*". I don't really get the last word. Could it be goukagou, koukagou or something else? o_o
Sounds like "Goukagou" to me...but I dunno if that's a word XD sorry~ Btw, love your name and avatar, so cute!

Thank you <3

Yeah, it seems like goukagou to me as well, but I can't find it in dictionaries. =_=
Me too XD I looked it up and I was like o___o...doesn't...exist? It's probably a verb that's not in it's original form...?
Jun 3, 2009 11:15 AM

Dec 2007
robbydesu said:
Me too XD I looked it up and I was like o___o...doesn't...exist? It's probably a verb that's not in it's original form...?

I had my Japanese lesson today, I should have asked my teacher. orz

Well, I can ask him on Monday. Or I could add him to my MSN list and ask right away... nah.
Jun 3, 2009 11:16 AM

Dec 2008
OMFG YOU GOT THE GIF :O.....c-can I steal it?
Jun 3, 2009 12:47 PM

May 2009
I'm dropping this series
It's too boring and weird
so ya :\

Jun 3, 2009 2:36 PM

Oct 2007
Alsun said:
I bet gay people love this show.

Too many man-crushes for my taste. But now Mikage is dead, it's all good.
Next episode looks like it might be a good one.
Hope Teito can beat some people on his own the next few episodes.

Kind of mean to say that about Mikage. He may be dead ( not really he be reborn), so there no longer human Mikage x Teito in the show... But i'm sure 90% they still going to be lttle of man-crushes /bromance in the air. Since I be hearing about Frau x teito on the internet.

I'm I wrong ?
@ MAL Claim an Anime Character v.2
Jun 3, 2009 3:08 PM

Dec 2008
KuroTsuki14 said:
I'm I wrong ?
There is no bromance in this series -_-
Jun 3, 2009 3:13 PM
Jun 3, 2009 3:35 PM

Sep 2007
Of course there will be bromances. Society will make them out to be whatever they want them to be, whether or not they're not actually there.
Jun 3, 2009 3:52 PM

Oct 2007
robbydesu said:
KuroTsuki14 said:
I'm I wrong ?
There is no bromance in this series -_-

Not real bromance , but like 10% of it. Other then that if there no bromance why fans keep saying bromance.
I think I need to look what bromance again , just founded the meanng of it about 2 month ago. What know about bromance is that 2 guy are close but not as lover. And non-sexual relationship.

You may be right there , but there was lttle of it epi 1 to 8/9 , no longer an more of it. Since hs dead and reborn.
noteDhero said:
There was...then Mikage died.

Your right there , there was little bromance between Mikage and Teito. But I don't think there not going be an bromance soon , since mikage is reborn.
But there may be fangirl what slash character.
KuroTsuki14Jun 3, 2009 4:04 PM
@ MAL Claim an Anime Character v.2
Jun 3, 2009 4:04 PM

Dec 2008
KuroTsuki14 said:
robbydesu said:
KuroTsuki14 said:
I'm I wrong ?
There is no bromance in this series -_-

Not real bromance , but like 10% of it. Other then that if there no bromance why fans keep saying bromance.
I think I need to look what bromance again , just founded the meanng of it about 2 month ago. What know about bromance is that 2 guy are close but not as lover. And non-sexual relationship.

noteDhero said:
There was...then Mikage died.

Your right there , there was little bromance between Mikage and Teito. But I don't think there not going be an bromance soon , since mikage is reborn.
But there may be fangirl what slash character.
I'm sorry, I just saw that as extreme grief for the death of a best friend, and only friend. The only person who accepted Teito for who he is.

Iriya said:
Of course there will be bromances. Society will make them out to be whatever they want them to be, whether or not they're not actually there.
True that. Atleast you're aware of the fact that it's not there and that Studio Deen is doing a bad job at portraying friendship. But there is a handful of people who truly believed it's all about "bromance" or shounen-ai. Some people already dropped out for that reason. And I find that a little sad :(.
Jun 3, 2009 4:17 PM

Oct 2007
robbydesu said:
KuroTsuki14 said:
robbydesu said:
KuroTsuki14 said:
I'm I wrong ?
There is no bromance in this series -_-

Not real bromance , but like 10% of it. Other then that if there no bromance why fans keep saying bromance.
I think I need to look what bromance again , just founded the meanng of it about 2 month ago. What know about bromance is that 2 guy are close but not as lover. And non-sexual relationship.

noteDhero said:
There was...then Mikage died.

Your right there , there was little bromance between Mikage and Teito. But I don't think there not going be an bromance soon , since mikage is reborn.
But there may be fangirl what slash character.
I'm sorry, I just saw that as extreme grief for the death of a best friend, and only friend. The only person who accepted Teito for who he is.

Iriya said:
Of course there will be bromances. Society will make them out to be whatever they want them to be, whether or not they're not actually there.
True that. Atleast you're aware of the fact that it's not there and that Studio Deen is doing a bad job at portraying friendship. But there is a handful of people who truly believed it's all about "bromance" or shounen-ai. Some people already dropped out for that reason. And I find that a little sad :(.

Oh are so right there that about Studio Deen is doing a bad job at portraying friendship(making think of bromance between those 2). Or just that I never see an anime out there that doing 2 boy as best friend in anime not manga, beside Ryokunohara Meikyuu ( which was the 90s anime).

True I just saw 2 more people dropped on this fourum , Its very sad.
Girl: drop b/c to slow and boring
Boy: drop b/c to slow, boring and broamce.
@ MAL Claim an Anime Character v.2
Jun 3, 2009 4:25 PM

Dec 2008
KuroTsuki14 said:
Oh are so right there that about Studio Deen is doing a bad job at portraying friendship(making think of bromance between those 2). Or just that I never see an anime out there that doing 2 boy as best friend in anime not manga, beside Ryokunohara Meikyuu ( which was the 90s anime).

True I just saw 2 more people dropped on this fourum , Its very sad.
Girl: drop b/c to slow and boring
Boy: drop b/c to slow, boring and broamce.
Yeaa....not just in this episode, a lot of other people dropped out in previous episodes :(..
Jun 3, 2009 4:41 PM

Feb 2009
For the first time in a while, there is an episode that is following the manga plotline! The pace picked up (finally!) and there were some fairly decent action scenes.
I'm glad that this episode was much better than last few :)
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