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Jan 19, 2012 8:39 AM

Nov 2007
Been past 2 weeks.

New OP and ED!! (Love the new ED but not new OP)

So few people from the group is in the school. Some people are trying to make peaceful moments at school.

Somehow Shu's void power is different because his "pre-betrayal" friend was not unconscious when void was out (he was just curious about void). EGOIST concert is happening?

Spy hidden and waiting for a moment to fight. Wheelchair girl is pissed (sad at Gai's death) and cat eair girl trying to go on. Then the attack. Shu getting her void (leg thing), and Inori's void for fighting.

Concert happening as planned. The wheelchair girl is going to think about what he can do even without Gai.

Enemy publicly appeared as the new president for speech and announced that he's deleting all those with disease.
tsubasaloverJan 19, 2012 9:56 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jan 19, 2012 8:41 AM

Dec 2011
That was fast, just saw that it aired on 4ch and 2ch.
I'll be waiting for it. I'm very curious about the new OP and ED!
Jan 19, 2012 9:30 AM
Apr 2011
Jan 19, 2012 10:24 AM

May 2011
Well it's sure settled down a bit.

Well we knew Ayase would be bummin` for Gai. Tsumugi seems to be trying to not think about it. It was disappointing to see Tsumugi's reaction to Ayase's venting. I thought she would be a bit more tolerant of it.

The whole lets have a festival thing seemed rather silly. Just as silly as a group of wandering thugs willingness to crash the party.

Ayase getting legs for awhile was kind of cool.

Oh lookie here, Darth Sidious gave the execution order 66. err, I mean Koudou sealed off the school and Loop 7. Obviously, that prick is up to something.

Where's Haruka Ouma?!

seems like an OK episode overall.
Jan 19, 2012 10:24 AM

Aug 2008
Onii said:

u drop it now when are only 9 eps left lol ok xD

the op and end again not fan of it
i noticed from op a bit of spoilers or not o.0
decent episode
The spider is watching
Jan 19, 2012 10:48 AM

Aug 2010
New OP and ED ( I love them both, can't wait for the singles in March)
it's nice to see Gai in OP.

Kids stuck in school, because of last eps events.Fights breaking out throughout the school. Riots in the city.

Ayase is bullied by two guys. Tsugumi kicks their asses.

Shu and friends decide to have a cultural festival, to bring people together.

Daryl Yan is still alive ( so many times i thought this kid died) and at the school along with Ayase and Tsugumi.

No word on the other Undertakers members. :(
I want more Kenji!

Ayase blames herself for Gai death. Shu takes the blame instead.

A group of guys crash the cultural festival.

Shu gives Ayase legs. (Pulls out her void)

Shu and Ayase take down the party crashers.

Inori sings.

Ayase thanks Shu.

Government seals of the "second coming of lost Christmas" area. So some kids can't go home.

An ok ep, can't wait to see how the series/ season ends.

OST out 1/25/12.
Jan 19, 2012 10:49 AM

Jun 2008
So Gai, which was the most decent chara in the show dies and days later...


what comes next, a funeral with confetti? =_=

thank goodness only 9 eps left. They killed the show when they killed Gai.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Jan 19, 2012 10:53 AM

Jan 2012
Well this show is great 9/10 for me :D

Jan 19, 2012 11:01 AM
Apr 2011
Meh, kind of a boring ep...
Jan 19, 2012 11:05 AM
Mar 2011
Oh my god. O.O
This episode was better than I thought.
I watched the preview and first I was like: NOOOO. NO SCHOOL FESTIVAL.
But at least the festival wasn't the main point of this episode >.<

Loved the Tsugumi moments *w* Inori was cute, too. I think she'll change now little by little.

Daryl looks so cute with this damn glasses? WHAT THE FUCK *W*

Ohw and I adore opening and ending. The OP reminds me a little bit of "Snow White" or "Sleeping Beauty"

When I watched the last scenes..

I was like

"You can't do this. OH MY GOD" (remembered me a little bit of the DDR.... like "We don't wanna build a wall!" and then there was the wall...damn damn damn)


Jan 19, 2012 11:08 AM

Jul 2009
yay new op and ed. I like them better than the first ones already. Especially the OP. (Although there's too much Inori in it for my taste but I mean, she's one of the protagonists so duh :P)

Yes, yes, yes!!! Finally some Daryl. (+ megane which made him even more awesome)
This guy is love! ♥
The episode itself was decent. Some new abilities'n all. Though a cultural festival after such a big crisis and Gai's death seemed REEEEEEALLY stupid and insensitive to me but oh well, I didn't expect anything anyway.

How those two were posing in the end haha.

The story is beginning become really cruel. Building a wall to confine a certain group of citizens? Probable annihilation of innocent people...? I've heard this before...O_O Well, I hope they will manage to deal with the serious topics they bring up appropriately...not like this episode for example. ô.o

But hey,I still enjoy watching this series quite a lot!
(I would never drop it simply because of Segai and a certain psycho blondie who looks even more handsome with glasses C; Okay, Im repeating myself :P)
KamitsukaseroJan 19, 2012 11:18 AM
[.center] [./center]
Jan 19, 2012 11:42 AM

Dec 2011
OP is alright, but I like the ED more.

One of the things I really disliked is that Ayase said that she could have protected Gai, like all other anime do. Really cliché. Other than that, I liked it.

Oh, more screentime for Gumi please.
Jan 19, 2012 11:50 AM

Apr 2010
I wonder what happened to Haruka in the OP ..
Jan 19, 2012 11:52 AM
Jul 2018
12 ep killed my hopes, ep13 brought them back.
Yay moar Daryl!! I liked him from the beginning. Ayase's void is awesome, it reminded me of Lenalee from D.gray-man :D That was indeed good idea.
Can't wait till next episode, looks like it got more serious
Jan 19, 2012 11:57 AM

Dec 2011
Lolitha said:
Ayase's void is awesome, it reminded me of Lenalee from D.gray-man :D

Now that you say that.. It kinda does, haha.
Jan 19, 2012 11:57 AM

Oct 2010
I did not have much time for this episode but I am going to say that Ayase's void like bionic implants from Bionic Woman TV show.

BTW Image Stitches have been done in the club:
among them Tsugumi with cat ears in maid uniform.
tsubasalover said:
Enemy publicly appeared as the new president for speech and announced that he's deleting all those with disease.
Yeah and I ANNOUNCE DEATH TO HIM! So who is with me and getting rid of this new piece of shit?
Yumekichi11Jan 20, 2012 11:49 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jan 19, 2012 12:06 PM

Jul 2011
I liked the graphics of both OP and ED, now I just have to get used to the new songs.
The festival was ok, but I guess things are going to get serious from now on.

(I'm not a Daryl fangirl but he looked really nice in this episode.)
Jan 19, 2012 12:18 PM

Jul 2009
Love the new OP. Shu looks very manly in it, lol. XD
4/5 and 8/10 for now.
Jan 19, 2012 12:20 PM

Aug 2009
Misuryu said:
OP is alright, but I like the ED more.

One of the things I really disliked is that Ayase said that she could have protected Gai, like all other anime do. Really cliché. Other than that, I liked it.

Oh, more screentime for Gumi please.

Everything about this anime is cliche what do you expect? Next episode the same guys that tried to molest Ayase is back but with more people.
Jan 19, 2012 12:28 PM

Apr 2011
Man,i really like this show,but most part of this episode was so...hilarious,i guess?

Look at ayase,at previous episodes she was all "like i cant stand on my own" n stuff and now?she goes suicidal.And to top it off she goes crying to shu and he "gives" her feet?I mean CMON this episode was such a fucking cliche that i started laughing at one point.Ok someone had to cry over Gai,i get it,but dont do it in the worst way possible.

About the TV announcement:
Nothing suprising(contradict to the last episode),noone expected that the war would be over anyway.

Rating:2 out of 5 because this episode at least made me laugh(even though they were trying to be serious).
RawElementsJan 19, 2012 12:31 PM
Jan 19, 2012 12:38 PM

Jan 2009
Lol Shu manned up
Jan 19, 2012 12:42 PM

Apr 2010
What the fuck, why a school festival in times of crisis like this?

The ending was pretty boss though.
Jan 19, 2012 12:45 PM

Apr 2011
AlliedG said:
Lol Shu manned up

Jan 19, 2012 1:35 PM

Sep 2011
Say what you want about this show or episode, but those moments in the following pics made the episode for me:

Jan 19, 2012 1:45 PM

Jun 2011
The best thing about Guilty Crown has always been the music
<3 the new as well

That was some good fight scenes =D

Next up, time for Shu to rebel with an army of Voids
Jan 19, 2012 1:46 PM

Aug 2011
Love the new Opening, new Ending is ok...

and.. I want Gai back... :(
Jan 19, 2012 2:04 PM

May 2011
i wasnt so keen on this ep but still was good
i laughed when i saw wheelchair girls void but still was pretty awsome
(forgot her name)

and the otaku looking guy controlling to robot fighter thing XD
OP and ED were awsome to!!
please make my breakfast every morning for me sweet cheeks! *bowling position"
Jan 19, 2012 2:21 PM

Nov 2008
I thought the episode was pretty good, considering how 12 was.

Although, I am curious of the song that was playing during the "fight" scene. Must have.
Jan 19, 2012 2:23 PM

Jul 2011
Daryl must have learned from Ninja Hare in order not to have been seen by Shu, Inori nor Ayase.
And OK episode, overall. Liked the new OP...
PD: It is me, or those songs I have heard them somewhere else????
Jan 19, 2012 3:03 PM

May 2011
I loved the BGM when Ayase and Shu were fighting. Tsugumi with cat ears looks ALOT like Hazuki from Moon Phase. Ayase's void is so awesome!!
Jan 19, 2012 3:05 PM
Sep 2011
Really like the new OP and ED especially the latter one. Hare has a point, Shu was more bearable to watch this week so this is a step in the right direction, right?

I have to agree with the riot makers, though, it seems a bit inappropriate to hold a festival at these times. Ayase continues rubbing me the wrong way. She is just so impolite and has serious issues about her disability.
EudaimoniaJan 19, 2012 3:25 PM
Jan 19, 2012 3:06 PM

Aug 2009
I thought this show would go downhill because my fav character Gai died, but THIS SHOW STILL IS THE BEST!

This was a filler right?
Sometimes I like fillers because they just calm me down and take away the stress (stress=Gai's death)

But anyway, LOVED the new OP + ED!
Jan 19, 2012 3:08 PM
Jan 2012
Loved this ep! The new OP & ED were awesome, and I like the OP scene better than the first one I think, but all the songs are pretty good haha.

Tsugimi's awesome, with her cat ears, and animal cafe outfit... love how Ayase's void are a pair of legs...

Haha when Ayase and Shu took down that mecha and suddenly notice gawking student body, I cracked up laughing...

EVIL NEW PRESIDENT NEEDS TO GO AWAY. Why put up walls around Loop 7...

Wonder what Haruka's doing though...

I wonder, since Gai & Mana are in the OP, if they'll make another reappearance... XDD
Jan 19, 2012 3:25 PM

Mar 2011
This was an okay ep, I loved seeing more of Tsugumi, she's too cute. I liked it when Shu gave Ayase legs, that was nice of him. Actually I'd like to see more of Daryl, idk I find him interesting. The OP and ED was good, I liked the old ED better though.

I didn't like the fact that they planned a festival even though the rest of the city was destroyed and lives were lost etc etc, it was way too soon.

This episode wasn't very interesting as far as plot goes, but since when did Guilty Crown ever have a continuous plot anyway.
As it turns out, living was a punishment...
Jan 19, 2012 3:28 PM

Aug 2010
For some reason I feel invigorated to keep watching this show.
Jan 19, 2012 3:30 PM

Apr 2011
Onii said:
Good riddance! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Anyways, I really enjoyed this episode, new op I really like; looks like Inori is going to kiss shu at the end of it :P??? That's what it looks like. :'D 5/5 Anywho can't wait until next week. :3
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Jan 19, 2012 3:32 PM

Sep 2011
The new OP and ED are great without doubt this anime has a great OST.

The episode was good,was relaxing and funny even that i feel they were moving on waaaaay to fast but still its GC soooo.

Tsugimi is sooo cute and funny she looked pretty nice with those cat ears.

Ayase win points with me this episode i really starting to like her more and i love her void (legs...of course) even that the stand she did with Shu when they destroy the robot was pretty lame....

Soooo Evil Doctor is now Evil president....well at least it will get interesting.

tft38 said:
I wonder, since Gai & Mana are in the OP, if they'll make another reappearance... XDD

Oooo they be back they can not kill someone as Gai forever.....i hope O.O
Jan 19, 2012 3:51 PM
Aug 2011
I would of liked to have seen a little more reaction from Shu as of the revelations made last episode. Also from Inori, she seemed to be pretty close to Gai too. Despite that, this was pretty good, I liked the epic pose between Shu and Ayase. The music still stands to be one of the best parts of this series.
Jan 19, 2012 3:55 PM

Feb 2008
Well, after watching this episode I can predict how the plot will running.

Tsugumi missile kick, that was hilarous haha.
Well she such a sweet girl.

There were such a nice moment with Ayase x Shu

very unlikely that Shu and the rest will just stand still when they sealed away people for 10 years beside there is no way they can survive 10 years with that food supply they got right now.

So they will stand up again and fight!

What a big lier the new president are, there is still survives in loop 7.

So what is going to happend next?

Everyone will panic for sure when they hear that.

Gai & Mana is probably not dead, they probably will show up in almost in the end.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jan 19, 2012 4:03 PM

Jul 2011
The new OP isn't much better than the first one.
Jan 19, 2012 4:09 PM

Jan 2011
I thought it was alright! to be fair this was kinda like the filler start up for the new season but i had to agree with yashio a festival in the middle of the crisis?! but it wasn't so bad i even think CG had festival episode too lol.

best parts of the episode was from the OP shu is gonna Man up finally, and Ayase getting a Void she can use! it maybe goofy but this way we get to see More of her instead of faceshots of her controlling the endlave :3
Jan 19, 2012 4:15 PM
Dec 2011
Meh, I'm kinda disappointed. The old OP is better than the new one, and the new ED is okay...
The episode was slightly boring, although Ayase's void is pretty cool, and I liked the scene with Darnyl and Tsugumi.
Jan 19, 2012 4:31 PM

Feb 2009
Not bad. I like the new OP better than the old one tbh. At least it shows Shu manning up, I look forward to that. Can they please make better use of Inori? Come the hell on.

Still am not an Ayase fan.
Jan 19, 2012 4:34 PM

Nov 2011
So last episode felt weird to me something was off and I was slightly worried what was going to happen this episode well my worries are gone. So Shu's powers are slightly different meaning that other people can fight with the voids with him which I do not feel positive or negative about. What I am happy about is the guy that came on the TV saying that there was nobody within the section that could be saved and basically said that they where going to eradicate them meaning Shu will have to create a new Funeral Parlour to fight back which I think is a good way to continue the story since as I said last episode made me worry.
Jan 19, 2012 5:11 PM

Sep 2011
dany_elle1908 said:
Onii said:

u drop it now when are only 9 eps left lol ok xD

the op and end again not fan of it
i noticed from op a bit of spoilers or not o.0
decent episode

You should know by now that everyone drops this show, EVERY WEEK
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Jan 19, 2012 5:30 PM

Jul 2010

This is the reason i still watch this. DAT OP. Supercell OMG I fking love you.


My heart ow ow ow my heart
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Jan 19, 2012 5:47 PM
Jan 2010
Meh, ok episode. I actually like the new OP and ED.
I enjoyed the whole VOID-thing 'til Ayase and Shu did that pose thing at the end I was like = =
Ryo-sama and Supercell deserved a better show to do their music for.
Again, I don't hate the show - but it could be much better.
Jan 19, 2012 5:48 PM
Jan 2012
Didn't expect anything good in this week's episode after seeing the preview, but, well, it was strangely better than some earlier episodes.

New OP is nice and more melodic than the original, but I'd have preferred a calmer ED, like the older "Departures".

Some nice character development, for Ayase and Inori at least, even if the later still feels rather plain. Ayase's void was kind of obvious, but nice nonetheless. Seeing Ayase and Shu cooperate was sweet, thought I wonder how they're going to get away just like that with all those witnesses.

As for Haruka, it won't take long before we know what happened to her I guess, we see her in the OP wearing some kind of suit...

There's also this one:

Thought I ain't sure it's her or Kuhouin.
Jan 19, 2012 5:50 PM

Sep 2011
Ooooook. I can safely say that this anime's random directions is PISSING ME OFF MAJORLY. Also, this episode's production quality seems to be clearly lower then before.

I think it is MUCH better this way, and should have been like it in the beginning!!! The season one made this series look completely like bullshit!!! I mean, they just pretended to be students so easily!? and Daryl snuck in too acoording to cliché.

This is a Ayase centered episode, which I am happy about, it's good also! Inori STILL hasn't made me give a single shit about her, and Ayase healed her heart, I don't think I will ever like her in this series from this point now......

J am still WTF'd by the sudden and short terrorist attack and the reaction from students when they are in a SCHOOL FESTIVAL!? That is just BS...... and Ayase's void seems to give her super legs. Shu's power seems to have shifted to give people THEIR power... Huh, this is very interesting but we STILL don't have any expalantion on how the hell this works. And people don't faint anymore, I guess he's not a guilty crown anymore

Overall, I am VERY pleased. This show might just get better in the next 9(not placing my hopes high) episodes and Ayase x Shu FTW. Shu can have sex with Inori if he wants but DAMMIT PICK AYASE......

Tsugumi is getting more camera time, the encounter of her and Daryl seems to hint Daryl will soon shift to their side AND he will have a relationship with Tsugumi... I sure hope not, that would just be way too lame.

I hope this show gets better, mixed feelings with a hint of positive in my mind
"Justice Never Dies!" - Kenji Endou, 20th century Boys
Jan 19, 2012 6:08 PM

Oct 2011
This show is funny
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