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Feb 5, 7:59 AM

Nov 2011
This murder case about people going up in flames got even stranger. The culprit's motvies and cause....well, it could also been linked to supernatural curses.

Takao had her hands full on this one, like this is one of those cases that looked like a freak of nature. Crazy.
Feb 5, 8:03 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Pretty weird and confusing case, after all. Anyway, Takao and the others did a good job with it.

R.I.P Mai's bike.

SerafosFeb 8, 11:55 PM
Feb 5, 8:43 AM

Feb 2019
I speak for everyone when I say we all stand with Haruka and all victims of domestic abuse. Murota was an abusive pos and had all of us thinking he was some nice old man. A story that I sadly know all too well IRL. Just because you get old don’t mean forget about the shit you did in the past. Karma comes back to get you.Rest in piss. It’s a shame no one listened to Haruka until it was too late.

She did everything she was supposed to and went thru all the appropriate channels, of course she was gonna lash out. Who wouldn’t? It’s unfortunate that others got roped into it, but I don’t blame her or see her as a villain at all. Just a victim of awful circumstances. Given Japan’s focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment in sentencing, I imagine with her backstory she’ll not get as much time as you’d think.

This show is really not afraid to tackle uncomfortable topics and motives. I love that, feels like watching an actual detective show and adds a layer of unpredictability you don’t usually see in anime.

Usually it’s Kotori coming to save Takao, but today it was her turn to repay the favor! She’s such a tsuntsun but no way she was letting her boo die in a fire lol. But man I feel bad for Kotori, first his car, now he’s responsible for Mai’s bike too?!! 😂 gonna miss this next week!
Marinate1016Feb 5, 12:35 PM
Feb 5, 9:14 AM

Apr 2010
And again the managed to screw up bike sounds the inline 4 sounded like a parallel twin.
Now Takanashi is without his car and Mai is without her bike i guess those two can travel together by train now.
Feb 5, 9:16 AM

Oct 2017
That ending fire scene was ridiculous. It was done for the sake of it but so poorly thoughout and defies common sense. The case itself closed with the most cliche culprit reveal too. It had interesting stuff but once again a letdown. Mai's pride and joy also got sacrificed in the process and Takao got some kind of lawsuit?

Episode 7 airs on 19th so no new episode next week.
MegamiRemFeb 10, 9:12 AM
Feb 5, 10:19 AM

Jul 2024
Poor Kotori. His car burned, and now he has to pay for Mai's bike too. Hopefully the insurance payout for both are substantial.
Feb 5, 10:20 AM
Sep 2015
I'm begin to look forward to this anime so I hope it doesn't fall into an indefinite hiatus. 2 weeks break is a not a good sign.
Feb 5, 10:24 AM

Jul 2016
The detectives politely waiting for Takao and Haruka to finish their dramatic scene while the fire intensified around them was unintenionally hilarious.

Ramming a motorcycle directly into a fire is pure insanity but to her credit, Takao did look pretty cool trying to rescue Kotori. RIP yet another vehicle tho
Feb 5, 10:26 AM

Apr 2014
The real casualties of this spontaneous human combustion case were Kotori's RX-8 and Mai's bike. sadge
Feb 5, 10:30 AM
Nov 2015
lol why'd they both have a heart to heart with her? Just shoulder carry her out!
Feb 5, 10:39 AM

Mar 2021
This case was quite unusual but thankfully Takao was able to solve it. Shame Mai's bike was sacrificed as it looked awesome.
Feb 5, 10:57 AM

Feb 2010
Living for Ameku just busting into the burning house with the motorcycle. Love it so much
Feb 5, 10:57 AM
Dec 2017
Ugh, this was an unusually bad episode

  1. They failed to explain why Murota's flesh caught fire after the pack of matches self combusted
  2. Kotori, who has been shown to be very physically fit and capable of throwing adult men, attempted to persuade the suicidal and nigh despondent woman to escape from the middle of the fire she started, rather than just picking her up and carrying her out
  3. Nobody mentioned the possibility of her attempted murder of her father was in self-defense. Maybe this is a cultural thing, but still, I feel like someone should've at least mentioned it
  4. After the motorcycle cleared the debris, the police ran in to help them out, which they could've done more easily and more safely earlier on in the fire, prior to the debris falling in the first place
  5. I'm not a motorcycle owner, nor have I ever driven one, but my understanding is that it's not just something the average person could do successfully without practice or training, yet both Kotori and Ameku did it successfully (Ameku is more understandable, since she would've just had to rev the engine as much as possible, but still)

I hope this was an anomalously low quality episode, and that the remainder of the show continues at the high standard set by the previous episodes
Feb 5, 11:11 AM

Jun 2015
Poor Haruka though losing her father in such a way. WP being the main trick to the combustion though was pretty surprising. Still the revelation about Murota sure got dark pretty quickly. Though what she did was wrong part of me does sympathize with Haruka given what she and her mom went through. What a way to end this arc though. Looks like Takao's in hot water next ep.
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Feb 5, 11:11 AM

Jun 2016
On the one hand the case turned out to be complex, but on the other hand in the second half of the episode, there is no logic, either on the part of the protagonists or the cops, from dumb questions to dumb actions.
Feb 5, 11:25 AM

Aug 2020
ANOTHER very good ep

i was really not expecting the girl to be the culprit

bravo, i was almost scared for the dude...
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Feb 5, 11:27 AM

Feb 2012
Mai lends car-less Takanashi her bike, this can't end well...
Ashiya's arson on the RX-8 and magnet bomb were unrelated, the real culprit instead used white phosphorus. Murota showed signs of being poisoned by it before combusting.
Ameku found a rational and logical explanation for the two spontaneous combustion. The heat from the electric blanket and the oxygen therapy he was on (now known to be caused by the tomb mould) culminated in fire starting in the pocket where he keeps his matches. Since he shared those matches with Kuramoto and she had an electric heater, she was the first to spontaneously combust.
It was all a string of coincidences; mould made Ikari and Murota sick (putting him on oxygen). Kagaya blew up Ikari's coffin. Ashiya blew up Kotori's car. But Murota's poisoning and combustion were all this time Haruka's revenge for his abuse. Kuramoto's combustion was due to Murota sharing his matches.

By far the worst and most unbelievable part of this ep; Dr. Takao clearing a path using a fuel-laden bike. They talk long enough for a detective to run into the fire and listen to the conversation. Takanashi had plenty of time to just pull Haruka to safety.

Two of Takao's colleagues have lost their primary means of transportation...
Fortress_MaximusFeb 5, 2:49 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Feb 5, 12:15 PM

Nov 2011
I'm a bit skeptic about the resolution of the spontaneous combustion. Can human bodies burn to a crisp that easily from just a match? Kuramoto's entire body was burned in a few seconds, inside and outside, seemingly with no damage to the room. I find that hard to believe. That her clothes would catch fire, I can understand, but what was described is a wholly different level of burning.
Feb 5, 12:17 PM
May 2023
Why does this Show hate motorized vehicles so much?! RIP RX-8 and Mai's cool Bike... 😭😭

Also for a Show that Tries to be medically accurate, having Kotori (and Takao) stand in a burning building calmly talking to a suicidal Person, instead of evacuating her by force seems like a really bad choice of Actions.
In a Situation like that you have at best three breaths before you get serious Problems or pass out from smoke Inhalation and Toxic Fumes. The doctors must be aware of that.

That really broke my Suspension of disbelief.
Feb 5, 12:26 PM

Mar 2018
When the father died and showed the daughter, I was waiting for in the future they got sued for error in the treatment (like the oxygen mask helping the fire to spread) but in the end not only she sued ameku, but also was the murderer of her father for all this time. What a twist of events
Sport Club Corinthians Paulist is the biggest football team in the world.
51 is cachaça
Feb 5, 1:22 PM

Sep 2015
popa910 said:
Ugh, this was an unusually bad episode

  1. They failed to explain why Murota's flesh caught fire after the pack of matches self combusted
  2. Kotori, who has been shown to be very physically fit and capable of throwing adult men, attempted to persuade the suicidal and nigh despondent woman to escape from the middle of the fire she started, rather than just picking her up and carrying her out
  3. Nobody mentioned the possibility of her attempted murder of her father was in self-defense. Maybe this is a cultural thing, but still, I feel like someone should've at least mentioned it
  4. After the motorcycle cleared the debris, the police ran in to help them out, which they could've done more easily and more safely earlier on in the fire, prior to the debris falling in the first place
  5. I'm not a motorcycle owner, nor have I ever driven one, but my understanding is that it's not just something the average person could do successfully without practice or training, yet both Kotori and Ameku did it successfully (Ameku is more understandable, since she would've just had to rev the engine as much as possible, but still)

I hope this was an anomalously low quality episode, and that the remainder of the show continues at the high standard set by the previous episodes

Murota has been consuming phosphorus in his diet, he was also connected to oxygen, making his body very flammable.
Feb 5, 1:27 PM

Mar 2012
Coincidences, that's how they explain the big mistery that dragged for three episodes.
Nah, is just a coincidence that the other woman caught fire.
It was just a coincidence that they got bacterias on the tomb.
Just a coincidence that at the same fucking time this woman was planning a murder, another guy was trying to murder a semi-related character using a similar modus operandi.
And also a coincidence that the glasses guy knew what she was planning to do even before she accomplished anything, and thus starting a chain of events in order to cover for her without any kind of communication whatsoever.

Finally, they just couldn't get themselves to actually explain the woman death, in the case of the abusive geezer is obvious that it was not the matches, but the amplified effect of the oxygen that made the fire. What did it in her case?

Same problem as with the blue blood arc, a lot of "and then..." instead of a linear explanation, I don't know why I'm still here.
You know what, dropped, I came for anime girl House but clearly there won't be such a thing here so no reason to continue.
Waifus only represent ideals
Feb 5, 1:30 PM

Mar 2012
Reply to popa910
Ugh, this was an unusually bad episode

  1. They failed to explain why Murota's flesh caught fire after the pack of matches self combusted
  2. Kotori, who has been shown to be very physically fit and capable of throwing adult men, attempted to persuade the suicidal and nigh despondent woman to escape from the middle of the fire she started, rather than just picking her up and carrying her out
  3. Nobody mentioned the possibility of her attempted murder of her father was in self-defense. Maybe this is a cultural thing, but still, I feel like someone should've at least mentioned it
  4. After the motorcycle cleared the debris, the police ran in to help them out, which they could've done more easily and more safely earlier on in the fire, prior to the debris falling in the first place
  5. I'm not a motorcycle owner, nor have I ever driven one, but my understanding is that it's not just something the average person could do successfully without practice or training, yet both Kotori and Ameku did it successfully (Ameku is more understandable, since she would've just had to rev the engine as much as possible, but still)

I hope this was an anomalously low quality episode, and that the remainder of the show continues at the high standard set by the previous episodes
@popa910 Murota is actually explained, he was connected to oxygen.
Now, if you change Murota for the other woman researcher you have a solid case, since she left no trace at all except a bit of ash in the floor but there was nothing in her room to cause that.

But I bet the author expected people to have forgotten that at that point, so just bruished it off.
Waifus only represent ideals
Feb 5, 2:08 PM

Jul 2022
That twist about family abuse was unexpected: after all, Murota was no saint. I feel sorry for Haruka, not only for the abuse she and her mother suffered, but also for the unfortunate coincidences that thwarted her attempts at revenge.

The way fire behaves in this anime is certainly surprising. In some cases, such as Murota, where there is an oxygen tank, it acts normally. But in other cases, like Kuramoto's, it behaves strangely. Takao and the others stepped on gasoline before the warehouse caught fire, and nothing happened to them. Even Takanashi was lucky that the motorcycle did not fall on him after Takao's maneuver.

Although it lacked logic, it was entertaining.
Feb 5, 2:25 PM
Dec 2017
Reply to CorbanEsp
@popa910 Murota is actually explained, he was connected to oxygen.
Now, if you change Murota for the other woman researcher you have a solid case, since she left no trace at all except a bit of ash in the floor but there was nothing in her room to cause that.

But I bet the author expected people to have forgotten that at that point, so just bruished it off.
@CorbanEsp Good point about that ash thing. I was wondering that at first; I was confused how they could expect to be able to explain that away in a scientifically rigorous way.

And the oxygen doesn't explain why the bare skin on his chest caught fire, though. Even if it was leaking out of the oxygen mask, I believe it would've ignited in a flash, more akin to an explosion, rather than the sustained and growing burn that the show depicted
Feb 5, 2:38 PM
Apr 2024
I like how they causally talking in the fire and not in any hurry to get out the burning warehouse

I know it must be someone close to the professor so family abuse was my guess, and I was right.
Feb 5, 2:44 PM
Dec 2017
Reply to AhmedJafar1
popa910 said:
Ugh, this was an unusually bad episode

  1. They failed to explain why Murota's flesh caught fire after the pack of matches self combusted
  2. Kotori, who has been shown to be very physically fit and capable of throwing adult men, attempted to persuade the suicidal and nigh despondent woman to escape from the middle of the fire she started, rather than just picking her up and carrying her out
  3. Nobody mentioned the possibility of her attempted murder of her father was in self-defense. Maybe this is a cultural thing, but still, I feel like someone should've at least mentioned it
  4. After the motorcycle cleared the debris, the police ran in to help them out, which they could've done more easily and more safely earlier on in the fire, prior to the debris falling in the first place
  5. I'm not a motorcycle owner, nor have I ever driven one, but my understanding is that it's not just something the average person could do successfully without practice or training, yet both Kotori and Ameku did it successfully (Ameku is more understandable, since she would've just had to rev the engine as much as possible, but still)

I hope this was an anomalously low quality episode, and that the remainder of the show continues at the high standard set by the previous episodes

Murota has been consuming phosphorus in his diet, he was also connected to oxygen, making his body very flammable.
@AhmedJafar1 I was wondering if the consumption of white phosphorus was intended to be the explanation, but I don't buy it. According to this Q&A forum (I have no idea if it can be trusted, but it seems reasonable), it claims a match head has 2-3mg of red phosphorus:

For the sake of argument, let's say that white phosphorus produces ten times the amount of flame. Let's also assume that 100% of the white phosphorus accumulated in his skin (I have no idea whether or not this is realistic, but I doubt it is, especially considering his internal symptoms like impaired consciousness and bloody poop). Lastly, the show claimed that 50 mg is a lethal dose; let's take that as an implication that he consumed 50 mg.

In this ideal scenario ("ideal" for explaining the fire, definitely not ideal for Murota), he's got roughly 50mg of white phosphorus in his skin, spread roughly uniformly around his body. Let's say that his chest, where the flames initially started burning on his skin, constitutes roughly 25% of his body's surface area; in other words, roughly 25% of his skin, and therefore 25% of the white phosphorus.

So, this means his chest has roughly 0.25 * 50mg = 12.5mg of white phosphorus. Taking the lower end of the estimated amount of RED phosphorus in modern matches, 2 mg, this means that his skin had about the equivalent of 6 matches of WHITE phosphorus; if we take the above assumption that it produces 10 times as much flame, that equates to roughly 60 matches. However, it's still dispersed throughout his skin, meaning that the initial fire would've had to penetrate his skin, which has a fair amount of water and other less flammable materials, and then it would've had to continue to fight to grow across his skin

A collection of 60 burning matches is certainly not something I'd want near my skin, but it doesn't seem remotely enough to ignite a human body.

And even with the oxygen, I believe it would've ignited in more of an explosion than a sustained burn, and this is only if it was leaking and pooling on his chest, which I doubt would've happened
Feb 5, 4:44 PM
Jul 2024
ROFLMAO. I said White Phosphorous to myself & 5 minutes later that is what caused the fires. Score!
Well, that aside, the conclusion was a bit too complex, too many accidents & only one or two real crimes.
Feb 5, 4:47 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to popa910
@AhmedJafar1 I was wondering if the consumption of white phosphorus was intended to be the explanation, but I don't buy it. According to this Q&A forum (I have no idea if it can be trusted, but it seems reasonable), it claims a match head has 2-3mg of red phosphorus:

For the sake of argument, let's say that white phosphorus produces ten times the amount of flame. Let's also assume that 100% of the white phosphorus accumulated in his skin (I have no idea whether or not this is realistic, but I doubt it is, especially considering his internal symptoms like impaired consciousness and bloody poop). Lastly, the show claimed that 50 mg is a lethal dose; let's take that as an implication that he consumed 50 mg.

In this ideal scenario ("ideal" for explaining the fire, definitely not ideal for Murota), he's got roughly 50mg of white phosphorus in his skin, spread roughly uniformly around his body. Let's say that his chest, where the flames initially started burning on his skin, constitutes roughly 25% of his body's surface area; in other words, roughly 25% of his skin, and therefore 25% of the white phosphorus.

So, this means his chest has roughly 0.25 * 50mg = 12.5mg of white phosphorus. Taking the lower end of the estimated amount of RED phosphorus in modern matches, 2 mg, this means that his skin had about the equivalent of 6 matches of WHITE phosphorus; if we take the above assumption that it produces 10 times as much flame, that equates to roughly 60 matches. However, it's still dispersed throughout his skin, meaning that the initial fire would've had to penetrate his skin, which has a fair amount of water and other less flammable materials, and then it would've had to continue to fight to grow across his skin

A collection of 60 burning matches is certainly not something I'd want near my skin, but it doesn't seem remotely enough to ignite a human body.

And even with the oxygen, I believe it would've ignited in more of an explosion than a sustained burn, and this is only if it was leaking and pooling on his chest, which I doubt would've happened
@popa910 I'm somewhat puzzled they left out the fact that humans & most other living things are mostly WATER. Which is why historical cases of alleged SPHC are so controversial in the first place.
Feb 5, 5:20 PM

Sep 2020
All in all, I don't think this was a good case. The human combustion premise and the series of deaths that happended in the first two episode were intruguing but the final resolution in today's third and final episode wasn't to my liking.
Feb 5, 5:59 PM

Dec 2014
Wait did I miss something or is the order of events in this a bit odd?

In Takao's explanation she mentions the first researcher's death and then the coffin burning as the catalyst to Haruka going through with what she did, but earlier it's established that Masashi did the whole coffin thing to create an alibi for Haruka so what gives?

I suppose you can explain this all away by saying Haruka's been feeding her father white phosphorus for a long while to somehow turn him into a human candle, and Masashi noticed that one day which made him go through his crazy alibi plan.

Either way this case felt a little out there and not all that satisfying in my opinion.
Feb 5, 6:06 PM
Jul 2024
Well, not even the cases in CSI escalated that quickly.

Feb 5, 7:38 PM
Dec 2022
next week no new episode but Sakura Ayane visiting hospital special episode based on this ? Feb 12th 2025
Feb 5, 7:39 PM

Jun 2012
yes, we can’t forget that

Feb 5, 7:45 PM
Dec 2022
Reply to MUIGaryuu
When the father died and showed the daughter, I was waiting for in the future they got sued for error in the treatment (like the oxygen mask helping the fire to spread) but in the end not only she sued ameku, but also was the murderer of her father for all this time. What a twist of events
@MUIGaryuu its very obvious since last week episode
the real culprit is either haruka or masashi

both are the closest one to murota
Feb 5, 8:05 PM
Feb 2024
So it was the heater and matches that caused Aoi's death! I called it weeks ago!

Also they absolutely should have perished in that fire
Feb 5, 8:05 PM

Oct 2015
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Feb 5, 8:09 PM

Feb 2015
"Let's all just stand around in this burning building" lmao

Kotori should have actually just grabbed her and run. I doubt she would have resisted in that state anyway.

Mari_Marx said:
yes, we can’t forget that

Surely insurance will take care of that, right? Surely.

popa910 said:
Ameku is more understandable, since she would've just had to rev the engine as much as possible, but still

I don't think this is even true; almost all motorcycles are both manual and rear-wheel drive, so wouldn't "just revving the engine as much as possible" more than likely cause a wheelie and possibly flip the bike given how light Takao is? She would have to gain speed while shifting through the gears quickly especially given how close they probably parked.

Considering the car he drives, I wouldn't be surprised if Kotori already knew how to ride, but Takao is another story, especially since it seems like she has people drive her everywhere.
SawronZXZFeb 5, 8:44 PM
Censorship is vandalism.
Feb 5, 8:13 PM

Jul 2024
I have to admit, I found myself drifting off during this case over the last few episodes. I'm glad that it wasn't as overly straight forward and quick to wrap up as the "Cursed Video" case, but too much seemed unrelated and rushed through to keep me fully gripped. It's still a good show, but it's not living up to its first two eps.
Feb 5, 8:57 PM

Jun 2019
All and all I found this episode itself and the progress leading up to this point in the past few episodes comprising this arc quite unsatisfying, mainly because the list of culprits or potential culprits was just kind of unimaginatively going down the line of everyone in the small group of new characters we had been introduced to (Ashiya Yuuta, the professors, Murota's assistant and daughter, basically). The only other relevant characters are our main and recurring supporting characters in the doctors and police, which, we obviously knew it wasn't them because that would have been even more over the top with no motive or build-up and it isn't that out there of a show. I don't need twist reveals or to be surprised, but from the collaring of Yuuta and continuing down the list of our small group of new characters who were all involved in some way or another, without expanding out to raise the idea of the potential of other causes by other parties or more in-depth with the health aspect just felt like going through the motions and that the case had a decent amount of superficial details, but little substance to it.

I'm not going to go down the line and meticulously detail every last minor gripe or point of a source of frustration because I'd be here all day and I don't feel like typing all that up at the moment as this will already run long as is:

But essentially, two primary issues - one specific to this episode and this small arc, and the other not specific to this episode or arc but which was featured in it multiple times and is specific to one of our main characters:

1.) This is a mystery series and while mystery is one of my favorite genres, I'm actually not one of those active watchers who likes to be able to pick out all the tiny bread crumb clues and hints in advance before the big reveal. I don't consider it requisite for the mystery to be plausibly solvable by the viewer. I'd rather just passively watch, see where the show takes me, and be surprised or not depending on what unfolds. So I wasn't trying to pre-emptively blame or "finger" any from the new character group, but if I were, Haruka would have seemed the least suspect. Why? Because she was presented as kind, docile, and close to her father in the few scenes we saw her. But the issue for me was that the entire way this was framed seems outright dishonest and deceitful for the sake of creating an artificial "gotcha" twist.

If not, why was Haruka, in scenes where it was not portrayed as performative for the sake of maintaining appearances and a front/cover in front of other characters, depicted the way she was? Why was she portrayed as shocked and horrified, mouth agape and covering her mouth in shock, when her father's body burst into flames in the hospital area for inbound emergency patients at the end of last episode? Why, in what I find even more damning, was she having a violent nightmare about her father's death and waking up in the hospital screaming, crying, sweating, rattled, and terrified?

Now, one could argue that even with the past history of abuse, even with her hating and feeling anger or rage toward him, and even with her having sought to murder him, she could still feel taken aback in the moment after seeing it actually play out in front of her and feel some level of fear, regret, shock, despair, etc. While that's logical and could theoretically be the case, I'm simply not buying it as it seems exceedingly obvious the framing was just designed to be deceitful and mislead. I don't really appreciate that type of storytelling, it always feels like a cheap trick to me, and it starts to actually feel a little insulting and disrespectful to the audience when a series does it; even worse when it's a repeated recurrence. Let's hope it does not became a staple or the show's go-to trick.

So unless a more convincing reason can be conjured up as to why Haruka would have that behavior and those facial expressions, fully for the benefit of the audience to see and not the other characters in her vicinity, then it's really a huge hole and blemish to me. The few series where it's been the case false information was fed to the audience like characters behaving a certain way, saying something, or having a certain facial expression which didn't actually correspond to the reality of events, there was an actual substantive reason behind it.

2.) Previously I compared - and still would today - this series to another modern investigate mystery series involving the frailty of the human body and scientific knowledge. That series is Beautiful Bones - Sakurako's Investigation, a slightly more obscure and undersung series from 2015. Well, there is a lot to like and a lot praiseworthy about that show, but one of the negatives and most annoying aspects of it was some of the behavior from one of its two main characters - Shotarou. Unfortunately that is again the case with this series. And I'm not talking about Takao, who many will probably find to be arguably a Mary Sue, arrogant, a jerk, bossy, childish, etc. She may be all those things, but she doesn't bother me at all in the way I could easily see her grating on others.

No, I'm talking about Kotori. For the most part he's a fine plain white toast straight man character to bounce off the colorful and eccentric, larger than life personality of Takao. Surely a bit dull like all characters in that role, but whatever, that's expected. The issue is his complete and total lack of situational awareness. It goes beyond making the character feel dumb, ignorant, or having poor reflexes or reaction time in the moment, but makes him appear positively lobotomized. A bombing is carried out at the funeral or wake of that other professor from a timed explosive device. Can't blame or fault him there from being taken completely unaware as it wasn't a logical or reasonable thing to expect and he may have (probably didn't) never experienced such a thing in his entire life leading up to that point.

But then as the same case is still actively ongoing, a few days later, he's walking out to the hospital parking lot with Mai and hears the exact same sequence of beeps and just stands there, "Huh"? with no sense of self-preservation of even stepping back. Then, knowing the centrality of fire and spontaneous combustion to this case and just having the entire story of the extremely unsafe and combustible phosphorus matches being detailed to him by Takao minutes ago which he full well knows are still present in the room because that's the entire point of why they're there and everything going on he just stands there dumbfounded with the same puzzlement and blank stare, asking "Huh?" as Haruka slowly walks toward the open pool of poured out gasoline on the floor clutching the matches and just does zilch or again, even steps further away. Of course it takes Takao screaming aloud for there to even be any acknowledgment of what is happening in that very moment, which should instead be extremely blaringly obvious to Kotori and everyone else there.

Then he stands around similarly dumbfounded and useless as he and Haruka are surrounded by a raging fire, smoke, and burning debris, not attempting anything of one iota of practical use physically or verbally, as he just seems content to make the most limp halfhearted effort to cajole Haruka into leaving that I think I've ever seen and then seconds later seems equally content to already resign himself to smoke inhalation toxicity and loss of consciousness, close his eyes, and lay down and die before Takao's intervention. Like a fish on land or a deer in the car headlights.

At least outside of the hospital, he is as dim in an ongoing emergency situation as Sakurako's Shotarou was whiny and self-righteous. And while it doesn't seem like a real big deal or anything of consequence in the grand scheme of things, characters this aggressively mindless just irritate me.

It's still one of my favorite series of the season for the uncommon medical topic and setting, and Takao's unapologetically herself attitude. But it's frustrating stuff like that which nudges it toward second place.
WatchTillTandavaFeb 6, 1:47 AM
Feb 5, 9:29 PM

Nov 2018
I was kind've enjoying the show up until this episode, but the giant holes in the plot and the ridiculous heart-to-heart in a burning building really lowered my opinion a lot.
Feb 5, 11:10 PM
Jul 2024
phantomfandom said:
I'm begin to look forward to this anime so I hope it doesn't fall into an indefinite hiatus. 2 weeks break is a not a good sign.

@phantomfandom Where and how do you find out about breaks like these? I never know and keep expecting shows sometimes week after week, unaware that they went on a break and with no idea when they will be back
Feb 6, 12:16 AM

Aug 2019
usually my suspension of disbelief is good but I just can't when it came to that last scene, it is just a bit goofy for people in a burning building to just sit and chat for minutes; I understand they are trying to help Haruka but after the first few attempts I would assume someone would grab her and run or ultimately just leave her if even that doesn't work

I enjoyed the episode besides that little hiccup and I'm excited for the next arc
Feb 6, 4:15 AM

Mar 2008
Oh darn i was thinking before it was hyperketonemia from in the old man's case diabetes and I thought the girl it was maybe just from not eating or just external ignition of her clothes. I thought fowl play would have been not medical enough so i didnt think of it. That would have fit all the symptoms as they appeared but I couldnt identify what thise blotches were supposed to be.

Now I am wondering if all white head matches are white phosphorus or if some are just painted for decoration. I have some white ones.

That's awful having such an abusive father. We dont actually know if he really did kill contribute to the mother's death that was established as Haruka's assumption.

popa910 said:
They failed to explain why Murota's flesh caught fire after the pack of matches self combusted

The oxygen tank. It would have not only gone into his lungs but around his body.

popa910 said:
Kotori, who has been shown to be very physically fit and capable of throwing adult men, attempted to persuade the suicidal and nigh despondent woman to escape from the middle of the fire she started, rather than just picking her up and carrying her out

Would there even be a point if she just kills herself in prison later? He was convincing her to live but yeah he could have grabbed her and did that outside before police take her but in a fire with her resisting it is a little harder to say, The lift firemen use to carry people is unconscious or willing people, it's harder to carry someone resisting though not impossible. Maybe he didnt try too hard since they were just near the entrance so it didnt feel dire and once the debris fell he had no where to go so just was waiting for a way out.

popa910 said:
Nobody mentioned the possibility of her attempted murder of her father was in self-defense. Maybe this is a cultural thing, but still, I feel like someone should've at least mentioned it

She was not in immediate danger since there wasn't a display of him doing anything to her other than a flashback of him younger, she chose to move back with her father seeking revenge which wouldn't ever fly as self defense in Japan. Self defense is only if in the moment you use enough force to prevent an attack but not exceed necessary force. It is a not really a cultural thing it's the law pretty much everywhere.

Kyragos said:
I'm a bit skeptic about the resolution of the spontaneous combustion. Can human bodies burn to a crisp that easily from just a match? Kuramoto's entire body was burned in a few seconds, inside and outside, seemingly with no damage to the room. I find that hard to believe. That her clothes would catch fire, I can understand, but what was described is a wholly different level of burning.

CorbanEsp said:
Now, if you change Murota for the other woman researcher you have a solid case, since she left no trace at all except a bit of ash in the floor but there was nothing in her room to cause that.

Kuramoto had a space heater blowing on her which would have fanned the flame. It depends on the clothes worn cellulose fabrics like cotton especially if thin can burn quickly while silk and wool self extinguish and you definitely dont want to wear synthetics because they melt into your skin when exposed to fire causing worse burns though most are harder to ignite but still can ignite. What can happen is the clothes catch fire, then fat in the body melts seeping into the clothing so you wind up with an inside out candle that burns at a low flame and keeps a fire contained. Only hard to believe part is why she didnt just put it out easily enough only explanation is if she took in too much smoke at once and passed out.

Tardivex said:
In Takao's explanation she mentions the first researcher's death and then the coffin burning as the catalyst to Haruka going through with what she did, but earlier it's established that Masashi did the whole coffin thing to create an alibi for Haruka so what gives?

Order of events starts with Haruka trying to kill her dad swapping the matches first and Masashi figured it out what she was trying to do and since he felt guilty doing nothing in the past he tried to cover for her just in case police figured out the fire was caused by white phosphorus matches. Though in reality they likely wouldn't be so thorough for something that was seemingly an accident even if they figured out it was white matches so it maybe wasn't actually necessary.
traedFeb 6, 4:19 AM
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Feb 6, 4:26 AM
Feb 2011
The direction of this episode was so stupid. Takao was the only one who took action while the others were just watching.
How were two policemen and one karateka unable to react or prevent anything? Takanashi (karateka and doctor!) was like "What is this? What is that?" during the entire episode, then "Yep, I'd rather die than do anything".
Absurd forced situations and silly characters.
Feb 6, 4:50 AM
Jan 2009
Not sure if the original material forced the writing to be this way, but the way they casually chat in a gasoline-filled room and then surprise the culprit walks in and drops a lighter and then they casually have a chat while standing while the whole place is burning, just really takes away from the immersion, probably a direction choice for drama over realism. Also, crazy to think that researchers would not know to take precautions when exploring enclosed spaces which are known to have bad air (pathogens/dangerous gasses), as well as the professor not being aware of the white phos matches as a potential fire hazard and potential reason for the burning.
At the end of the day it's just a detective story that happens to have some medical elements to it. There were breadcrumbs through the whole arc like the heater and the random bit about the matches being from Murota, and the fires starting from chest area.
Feb 6, 4:56 AM
May 2021
Summary of the climax of this episode/arc:
Feb 6, 6:09 AM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
Reply to EdhyRa
Summary of the climax of this episode/arc:
@EdhyRa Hahaha! I was thinking the same thing while watching.
Feb 6, 8:10 AM
Dec 2022
Reply to BlackRaven11
phantomfandom said:
I'm begin to look forward to this anime so I hope it doesn't fall into an indefinite hiatus. 2 weeks break is a not a good sign.

@phantomfandom Where and how do you find out about breaks like these? I never know and keep expecting shows sometimes week after week, unaware that they went on a break and with no idea when they will be back
@BlackRaven11 this youtube announcement

next episode is Feb 19th while looks like next week will be special episode where Sakura Ayane visiting hospital and learning about some disease and treatment
Feb 6, 2:04 PM
May 2023

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