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Jun 10, 2023 8:58 AM

Nov 2011
It's amusing how much in-game footage we got out of this episode. The standard MMORPG tropes applied but with much more humor and I was entertained.

I love how Akane is determined though, like a true devoted gamer. She has that gamer mentality even when logged outside of the virtual world. And also, glad to see she recovered from her cold. 
Jun 10, 2023 8:58 AM

May 2020
I hate to break it to you, but you’re wrong friend-chan. Dude is a nice guy, nicest ever.. so it doesn’t really matter much to him if he’s doing errands for a girl he’s dating or for a girl he isn’t. So don’t assume anything for him, rather take a look at your friend, it’s blatantly obvious she has already fallen head over heels in love with a being who is every gamer’s wet dream.

Now though since Akane has recovered from that life-threatening cold, she’s back to playing games, where just like her another maiden in love made her guild debut. Though Akane may not know who she was, the glasses girl was aware. She has started seeing Akane in a new light, but that doesn’t change the fact she still has no chance… even after those heart-to-heart talks. Leaving the issue with her aside, we just witnessed something completely shocking… I mean Akane has started realizing her feelings??? 

Though the reasons may be unknown how and why she developed such feelings for the dude, but guess she’s trying to talk… and that’s good, right? It Only took 11 episodes after all :)
Jun 10, 2023 9:02 AM
Aug 2022
Momoka-san was Surprised seeing how handsome Aita-kun is.
This Episode mostly have RPG Game Scenes.
Aita-kun Cool his style is on another level
Jun 10, 2023 10:12 AM

Apr 2016
"I dont know anything about Yamada-kun's personality, but what i know, is that he's hot looking, and my womans intuition tells me that's good enough". Go Akane, go go.

Bruh ... truly a modern shoujo work when you think about it, the main male love interest gets minimal focus or development, but he's hot, that's all that matters, while the rest of the series is just about slay qween bonding moments with female characters who the mangaka always wanted as irl friends ... but never had.

Well, at least they somehow remembered that this also is supposed to involve some online games, and gaming ... i guess.
Jun 10, 2023 10:30 AM

Dec 2022
finally the dense akane is starting to understand also i ddint expect yamada to understand quickly because he has no romance experience
Jun 10, 2023 10:42 AM

Dec 2020
It is really nice how madhouse make this anime really wholesome with the rpg elements and the animation also.
Momo sees eita and thinks i need to play fos lol that was a nice conversation between them in the cafe.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Jun 10, 2023 10:43 AM

Jun 2015
That fever really did a number on Akane. Nice to see Tsubaki join the game and guild. That must be despairing seeing a monster recover all the damage that you managed to deal that quickly. Given that it was slime based the right strat would had been to use magic as the main offence and the paladins as tanks. The notes that Akane made really showed how serious she was about the game. Im wondering whether Akane's getting serious with confronting her feelings by asking for Eita's opinion.
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Jun 10, 2023 10:44 AM

Feb 2021
0:26 Mistranslation. She said 37度 (sanjuunana-do) - 37 degrees.
Edit: Oh wait it's in fahrenheit. Damn freedom units.

I smell progress. And maybe Momo can hook up with Eita? Or I suppose her gag of not finding her man will remain
EmbientJun 11, 2023 4:30 AM
Jun 10, 2023 11:06 AM

Oct 2017
Akane getting serious about Yamada? Go for it girl. Eita did great saving them there.
Jun 10, 2023 11:15 AM

Feb 2019
Ok so Akane fully knows she likes Yamada at this point. That little “I just wanted to hear your voice” was so cute

Eita the real mvp of the episode tho. Always nice to have a friend who will stick up for you on those situations. Creepy losers like that wonder why they get no girls 🤦🏽‍♂️ Momoka and eita ship loading?? That would be a good development for her. She might even join the guild and start playing lol.

I hope Yamada’s classmate/admirer gets a ship too. She’s a really sweet girl just too quiet for her own good
Jun 10, 2023 11:19 AM

Feb 2019
Swagernator said:
"I dont know anything about Yamada-kun's personality, but what i know, is that he's hot looking, and my womans intuition tells me that's good enough". Go Akane, go go.

Bruh ... truly a modern shoujo work when you think about it, the main male love interest gets minimal focus or development, but he's hot, that's all that matters, while the rest of the series is just about slay qween bonding moments with female characters who the mangaka always wanted as irl friends ... but never had.

Well, at least they somehow remembered that this also is supposed to involve some online games, and gaming ... i guess.

You kinda cooking lmao. Shit is so shallow but then again it’s just wish fulfilment so whatever
Jun 10, 2023 11:32 AM

Apr 2016
Marinate1016 said:
You kinda cooking lmao. Shit is so shallow but then again it’s just wish fulfilment so whatever

Whatever, is a word that can describe a generation, my bad for having better standards for shoujo.
Jun 10, 2023 11:36 AM
Mar 2015
Both Tsubaki and akane are getting advice about Yamada from Eita Tsubaki is afraid to make a move while Akane has been burned and is hesitant to try love again
Jun 10, 2023 12:22 PM

Jun 2015
It was alright, just not enough Yamada in it for my liking
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Jun 10, 2023 12:38 PM

Apr 2010
Tsubaki and Akane got a long better than expected the question is how will the react to each other in real life.
Eita to the rescue with those annoying guys.
And Momo having come to a conclusion, we might have another new FOS player coming in.
Jun 10, 2023 12:42 PM

Feb 2019
Eita-kun to the rescue! lol
I wonder if Momo and Eita will end up dating...or if Momo will forever be joining group dates and whatnots lol
Jun 10, 2023 12:44 PM
Jul 2022
I loved this episode
Jun 10, 2023 12:52 PM

Mar 2016
Akane really didn't' paid attention first to who was attending her at the cafe? Girl needs glasses.
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Jun 10, 2023 2:03 PM
Oct 2016
Akane is such a sweet person, Tsubaki joining the guild and receiving the warmest welcome from Akane. I'm glad that she is recovering from being sick last episode. Akane is well enough to game again, joining the new member Tsubaki and of course Rurihime. It was hilarious seeing Akane and Tsubaki struggle with that beginner boss while Rurihime sat under the tree refusing to help because their attack would be a one shot. Button mashing to the extreme with the two spamming their skills yet still doing no real damage to this boss. I laughed as the boss got annoyed at their inability to challenge it, eventually running off as its timer ran out. Tsubaki found the boss's gimic near the end but they're not able to finish it at their levels. It was nice seeing her and Akane bound so quickly. Because even while Akane doesn't know of Tsubaki feelings for Yamada, from Tsubaki perspective this must be hard to see the person Yamada is in love with be such a genuine good person. Talking to Rurihime helped but its probably for the best if Tsubaki can move on from her feelings. Especially since later in the episode we see how close Akane and Yamada are, talking on the phone for a long time catching up. Akane going to the cafe with Momo, it was funny seeing Momo get disappointed at Akane asking why she got dumped. Akane is smart to wonder if she had some flaw that could prevent a relationship with Yamada from being a good one. Momo is right though in saying that Akane has no real flaw like that. Eita did great saving them from those sleazy guys. He's kinda weird but helpful.
Jun 10, 2023 2:44 PM

Aug 2022
Another great episode.

I could totally see eita and momo becoming a couple.
Jun 10, 2023 3:58 PM

Dec 2018
Akane is finally better after three weeks in our time and that means it’s back to gaming with the boys, but it’s not just the boys this time because Akane is finally meeting Tsubaki in the game, and I’m ngl I really loved their first encounter and seeing them tackle that early game boss, it really reminded me of being carried when playing Destiny or Destiny 2 but Rurihime was letting them figure it out instead of blowing the boss away which was pretty wholesome lol.

And wowzers, Akane really talked Yamada’s head off about the game and ended the call like that lol, if I didn’t know any better I’d think they were already dating. And that final bit at the cafe was fun, Momo being surprised at all these handsome lads Akane is meeting through a game is hilarious lol, definitely not accurate to real life but it makes for a funny gag. And now Akane is seeking help from Eita, who also happened to give advice to her rival earlier in the episode so this oughta be interesting lol.
Jun 10, 2023 5:02 PM

May 2018
I also can't stand bullet sponge bosses
Jun 10, 2023 5:06 PM
Apr 2018
"I just wanted to hear your voice" 
Jun 10, 2023 6:20 PM

Jan 2021
Akane is still sick but Momo comes to the rescue, and she thinks that Akane has a boyfriend lol.

Akane cooks rice and goes in the game to meet the new guild member. They both try to defeat a slime monster but fail. Akane is having a long phone call with Yamada, she wanted to hear his voice. Yamada wants to talk with Momo but then some guys show up and start bothering them. Eita comes to the rescue and gets rid of them. Akane is beginning to have feelings for Yamada, we can all conclude that.
Jun 10, 2023 7:21 PM
May 2017
this episode went so slow for me until the end

Jun 10, 2023 7:41 PM
Oct 2019
Was an enjoyable episode. Nothing too special but integral story development. Can't wait for the next episode. Wonder where we will get to by the end of the season and if it will be set up for another or if it will be a nice one season and done. We'll see I guess but exited to see either way.
Jun 10, 2023 8:14 PM

Jun 2019
She clearly said she has a 39 C fever, why is it 100 in the subtitle?
Jun 10, 2023 8:47 PM
Apr 2023
Looks like there's more chara dev to come soon.
Good that there's 2 episodes left.
Jun 10, 2023 9:14 PM
Sep 2021
The usual guild activities are going on in the game and in real world we are learning more about the characters real world situation, their personality and character development etc..
Jun 10, 2023 10:00 PM

Apr 2022
woah i thought this was the second last episode, glad to know it has 13 instead. 

the music during the cafe scene was very cool and that '500 million years ago' scene as well, madhouse keeps killing it.

akane bout to make things interesting.
Jun 10, 2023 11:44 PM
Oct 2019
Akane calling Yamada just so she can hear his voice.

Akane and Tsubaki smashing the skill button are so hilarious.

Momo be like: i should playing FOS this whole time LMAO

MomoxEita incoming?
Jun 11, 2023 12:48 AM

Nov 2012
I'm disappointed in Momo's reaction to Eita. I've been waiting for 3-4 episodes for them to meet. I thought she'd go head over heals and try to get his number. 
Jun 11, 2023 1:13 AM
John Titor

Jul 2017
The balance between the fun moments inside FOS and the romance build-up is back.

We're waiting for that double date with Yamada and Eita x Akane and Momo... wait, and there's still Tsubaki in play, and she even became friends with Akane. The plot thickens.
Mi música chiptune (auténtica, no fakebit) / My chiptune music (real, no fakebit)
Battle of the Bits
Jun 11, 2023 2:58 AM
Jan 2021
Just generally loved it, we always get a bit of background info from everyone, but the main storyline is notbinterrupted!
Jun 11, 2023 3:02 AM
Oct 2021
I just noticed how good looking Eita is
Jun 11, 2023 5:33 AM

Aug 2017
Tsubaki is pretty hot without her glasses. She has that kuudere appeal too
Jun 11, 2023 6:36 AM
Jul 2021
Lamest ep so far... it's sooo slooow, if it continues like this, I'll srsly drop it.
Jun 11, 2023 10:24 AM

Dec 2018
this has become so soul crushingly fricking boring i feel like i would have a better time smashing a brick against my head for half an hour. 
Jun 11, 2023 11:39 AM

Dec 2020
I'm starting to get annoyed with how they structure the cliffhangers for their episodes. It's really unsatisfying and I end up feeling like there wasn't enough progression in this episode.

I notice that people wanna ship Eita with Momo, but for comedic effect I kinda hope they'll find out he's already got a boyfriend lmao
Jun 11, 2023 1:33 PM

Jan 2022
Only 3 episodes left ahhhh I'm happy we were able to get this scene animated! The button mashing is so relatable and funny. Bruh of course Eita would give good advice without realizing the girl likes Yamada too. Akane saying she wanted to hear Yamada's voice was cute. I know it'll never happen since I read the manga, but Momo and Eita would be a cute couple. Ugh another cliffhanger, this is getting annoying. It doesn't help that the little "50 million years later" took so long, they could've made the fight scene shorter as well. I need this is pick up the pace! It's dragging on and nothing really happened in the episode
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Jun 11, 2023 1:33 PM

Jan 2022
BweBwaBee said:
I'm starting to get annoyed with how they structure the cliffhangers for their episodes. It's really unsatisfying and I end up feeling like there wasn't enough progression in this episode.

I notice that people wanna ship Eita with Momo, but for comedic effect I kinda hope they'll find out he's already got a boyfriend lmao
Where did you read Eita has a boyfriend? I don't remember reading that in the manga
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Jun 11, 2023 3:41 PM
心を燃やせ ❤️‍🔥

Feb 2023
Swagernator said:
"I dont know anything about Yamada-kun's personality, but what i know, is that he's hot looking, and my womans intuition tells me that's good enough". Go Akane, go go.

Bruh ... truly a modern shoujo work when you think about it, the main male love interest gets minimal focus or development, but he's hot, that's all that matters, while the rest of the series is just about slay qween bonding moments with female characters who the mangaka always wanted as irl friends ... but never had.

Wasn't it Momo that made the hot comment though, not Akane?
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Jun 11, 2023 8:03 PM

Jul 2017
Akane is still sick, and Momo is more than a best friend: a goddess, and she sure is surprised that Akane is dating Yamada...or rather, being friends. Of course, Momo wouldn't suspect her, but wishes her all the best anyways. Since Akane is holing at home, playing FOS is the next best thing, and she meets, being knowledgeable about her class. Still though, Akane aims to be the Senpai for Tsubaki, but defeating a natural-healing rando spawning Brutal Demetal boss with 4 HP bars while Rurihime just rests there while the 2 Paladins grind, it's just unbalanced lols that the monster just clocked out on its own. Akane logs out of the game, while Tsubaki chats with Eita over her interest in Yamada, that it pushed her to accept FOS has a way of his life. Akane is feeling butterflies in her stomach just for talking to Yamada alone, and she's ready to reveal to Momo.

Meeting Momo at a luxury cafe, while the latter is having consecutive group dates, Akane is ready to move on, but she needs to fix her problems first. But trouble ensues when a group of super touchy-feely guys come to the same café as her, and Eita has to come to the rescue, being in his usual state, and Momo didn't think that Akane would've progressed even farther than her with the good and handsome guys like Yamada and Eita.

What's the message for Eita from Akane? Surely it has to be something about Yamada...
Jun 11, 2023 10:59 PM
Nov 2022
Finally an interaction between Momo and Eita, that's all I care about 🚬
Jun 11, 2023 11:20 PM

Apr 2016
BweBwaBee said:
I notice that people wanna ship Eita with Momo, but for comedic effect I kinda hope they'll find out he's already got a boyfriend lmao

I agree, jokes about gays are the best.
Jun 12, 2023 4:25 AM

Jul 2019
Akane with braids! <3

Damn, those guys at the café were annoying.
Jun 12, 2023 5:02 AM

Oct 2008
it would be absolutely fun if Momoko and Eita hook-up! lolz!

Jun 12, 2023 5:31 AM
Jul 2021
Not much happened but overall a great episode.
Jun 12, 2023 3:29 PM
Feb 2015
Really glad Akane and Tsubaki hit it off well in FoS, it was cute seeing them interact with each other in the game and with the comedic button mashing too ahahahh
And despite all this, Tsubaki still knows Akanecchi is the Akane that she saw with Yamada but she is getting the appeal of Akane as well getting to know her better.
Kind of reminds me of people I get scared to talk to but end up enjoying talking with them when I get to know them better ahah
Jun 13, 2023 3:53 PM
Mar 2021
The romance is growing so slowly...
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