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Ya Boy Kongming!
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May 29, 2022 1:17 AM
Nov 2019
I don't understand why every single song in the show is in English because lets be honest the singer's pronunciation of the English words is terrible. I mean they could just sing in Japanese not like the show is taking place in America or something. When I hear somebody mispronouncing words irrespective of how good of a singer they are it just distracts me, the opening and ending songs are fucking great but I really can't get into the songs in the anime itself. I am basically watching a music genre show for reasons other than the music tbh. I am not saying that Japanese people shouldn't sing in English but what I am saying is they could have just stuck with Japanese that way it would have sounded more natural and probably would have been easier too for the voice actors. Basically singing in English just seems unnatural and forced in this show.
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May 29, 2022 1:54 AM
Jan 2021
This got me as well, all the songs in the show except ending and opening are bad, I just skip them whenever someone tries to sing in the show because of how terrible it sounds
May 29, 2022 1:59 AM
Nov 2019
Faozan_ said:
This got me as well, all the songs in the show except ending and opening are bad, I just skip them whenever someone tries to sing in the show because of how terrible it sounds

that's exactly what I do and I am surprised that more people are not turned off by it.
May 29, 2022 2:03 AM

May 2018
You posted in the wrong place. This is general anime discussion. If you want to discuss this particular anime, go there:
May 29, 2022 2:18 AM

Jul 2021
I concur. The show is great, I still had to skip a good chunk of the latest episodes. There's no way I'm gonna deal with that I'm still alive today ever again nope sorry absolutely not thanks for trying not my cup of tea I'd rather listen to a loud jackhammer for extensive amounts of time. Even just mentioning the name is giving me nightmares and stuff.
May 29, 2022 2:25 AM
Nov 2019
Nemo_Niemand said:
You posted in the wrong place. This is general anime discussion. If you want to discuss this particular anime, go there:
I post rarely so get confused every single time my bad.
May 29, 2022 3:25 AM

Dec 2015
All? Did you really pay attention or only listened to eiko clips?
Even the main song of Eiko is half english half japanese which you can notice at episode 2 already..
The only full english songs so far was Mia's song, Eiko's tuning/chilling at episode 1 and Eiko's singing with Nanamin at street&Skycrapper(? if I remember correctly) and the azaela song is also in japanese which appeared so far in occasional referencing you can hear a short clip of their song at 3rd trailer which already revealed who is the main singer x) [0:38], all the rest of songs are in japanese here's clips if you've forgotten already:

And here for english clips/songs/parts:

namkeenchoot said:
I don't understand why every single song in the show is in English because lets be honest the singer's pronunciation of the English words is terrible. I mean they could just sing in Japanese not like the show is taking place in America or something.

Now ask yourself how many people at world speak in english and how many of them are real native speakers x), pronunciation isn't bad (except for Kabe) so I don't know where the complain comes from are you Bri'ish? + The majority of popular songs overworld are english or spanish so surprised that in other countries like Japan people tends to sing in english? That's not only for anime but for real life too, in Poland you can too find alot of polish singers who sings in english mainly, I wonder why.

When I hear somebody mispronouncing words irrespective of how good of a singer they are it just distracts me, the opening and ending songs are fucking great but I really can't get into the songs in the anime itself. I am basically watching a music genre show for reasons other than the music tbh. I am not saying that Japanese people shouldn't sing in English but what I am saying is they could have just stuck with Japanese that way it would have sounded more natural and probably would have been easier too for the voice actors. Basically singing in English just seems unnatural and forced in this show.

If you're so trigerred cause someone took a step forward to not only sing which is very hard and I do speak from experience (karaoke) but also sing in foreign language which is superior hard (also from experience of karaoke) and you can't appreciate that than maybe try by yourself to sing something in your native language not to mention the foreign ones x), if ya can't enjoy music how the present you than why on earth are you even watching this show, that's not the first time it happens, the japanese songs are mainly at Idol anime, so I guess you've forgotten but Carole and Tuesday was famous and guess what, there was alot of english songs etc.

Some people should just learn how to chill while watching anime/listening to music.
ZettaikenMay 29, 2022 3:37 AM
May 29, 2022 6:16 AM
Nov 2019
Zettaiken said:
All? Did you really pay attention or only listened to eiko clips?
Even the main song of Eiko is half english half japanese which you can notice at episode 2 already..
The only full english songs so far was Mia's song, Eiko's tuning/chilling at episode 1 and Eiko's singing with Nanamin at street&Skycrapper(? if I remember correctly) and the azaela song is also in japanese which appeared so far in occasional referencing you can hear a short clip of their song at 3rd trailer which already revealed who is the main singer x) [0:38], all the rest of songs are in japanese here's clips if you've forgotten already:

And here for english clips/songs/parts:

namkeenchoot said:
I don't understand why every single song in the show is in English because lets be honest the singer's pronunciation of the English words is terrible. I mean they could just sing in Japanese not like the show is taking place in America or something.

Now ask yourself how many people at world speak in english and how many of them are real native speakers x), pronunciation isn't bad (except for Kabe) so I don't know where the complain comes from are you Bri'ish? + The majority of popular songs overworld are english or spanish so surprised that in other countries like Japan people tends to sing in english? That's not only for anime but for real life too, in Poland you can too find alot of polish singers who sings in english mainly, I wonder why.

When I hear somebody mispronouncing words irrespective of how good of a singer they are it just distracts me, the opening and ending songs are fucking great but I really can't get into the songs in the anime itself. I am basically watching a music genre show for reasons other than the music tbh. I am not saying that Japanese people shouldn't sing in English but what I am saying is they could have just stuck with Japanese that way it would have sounded more natural and probably would have been easier too for the voice actors. Basically singing in English just seems unnatural and forced in this show.

If you're so trigerred cause someone took a step forward to not only sing which is very hard and I do speak from experience (karaoke) but also sing in foreign language which is superior hard (also from experience of karaoke) and you can't appreciate that than maybe try by yourself to sing something in your native language not to mention the foreign ones x), if ya can't enjoy music how the present you than why on earth are you even watching this show, that's not the first time it happens, the japanese songs are mainly at Idol anime, so I guess you've forgotten but Carole and Tuesday was famous and guess what, there was alot of english songs etc.

Some people should just learn how to chill while watching anime/listening to music.
Lmfao you call me triggered? Look at the size of your fucking response you idiot. All I said was singing in English was rather unnecessary and you sent me an entire fucking summer project ROFL. Also I belong to a country where English is not spoken natively so idk wtf you are on about. Look at the responses of other people in this thread because to me it looks like others also don't exactly like the songs in this show you dumb twat so for you to say something along the lines of "Why are you watching this if you don't like music" doesn't really make sense because most people I know who are watching this hate the music in it not to mention the music is objectively decent at best and what was it about Eiko being influenced by Western artists? Was she the only singer singing in English in this show? Because I swear every other character is singing in English. I never even said the singer was bad I literally said they didn't have to bother with it native is best sing the way you are comfortable singing.
namkeenchootMay 29, 2022 6:40 AM
May 29, 2022 6:31 AM

Oct 2018
Just to make people die from cringe.
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
May 29, 2022 7:20 AM

Aug 2020
The only thing I hate are people who feel like they need to put others down for something as insignificant as a non-perfect pronounciation of a language that isn't their own.
You are indirectly saying that no one should ever learn a foreign language because unless you can do it perfectly (which no one but a native speaker could first try), don't ever bother singing in any language that isn't your first one because it's "unnatural" and "forced".

I love the songs in that show, and so does everyone I know who also watches this show. But I guess that's because we aren't entitled English speakers who think everything has to be perfect or otherwise don't even bother. In a world dominated by English songs, especially with the intent to reach a global audience, of fucking course people are gonna sing in English, regardless of how well they can do it. I'm sorry your sensitive little ears can't handle our non-perfect English, but hey, you found the mute button, so good for you 🤷‍♀️
May 29, 2022 7:34 AM
Nov 2021
It fits with her backstory slightly better, in the future she hopes to go international at some festival in Begium (or something like that im just going from memory) and more people speak english compared to japanese. I personally think they were performed decently good but that might just be me. I haven't read the manga but i assume that the songs are supposed to be in english and while they can technically change that but it would be pretty weird to do considering that the industry is growing overseas were they speak english so maybe they will like understanding what is going on. (Probably not considering how much everybody hates dubs but they might not know that)
May 29, 2022 7:41 AM

Mar 2012
I've only watched 2 episodes so far but it's most likely because Eiko was influenced by an American singer who was visiting Japan. If you have noticed then English songs or songs with a mix of English-Japanese easily get popular, special among the western audience, Japanese people most likely think it's cool too so that might be yet another reason.

And I don't agree with others who say that it's fine for her to be singing in Engrish, her goal is to become a popular singer and given how her boss keeps on saying that she IS a good singer, she really needs to work on her English skills first.

Always the same… Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
May 29, 2022 7:53 AM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
It worked a lot better in Carole and Tuesday where they had actual English VAs do the songs.
May 29, 2022 7:54 AM

Mar 2015
japanese people probably think that engrish is so cooru sanavabitch
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
May 29, 2022 7:57 AM
Jul 2018
pasanoid said:
japanese people probably think that engrish is so cooru sanavabitch

that's my same thought. But I honestly don't think much of it either way
May 29, 2022 8:00 AM
Nov 2019
SleepySera said:
The only thing I hate are people who feel like they need to put others down for something as insignificant as a non-perfect pronounciation of a language that isn't their own.
You are indirectly saying that no one should ever learn a foreign language because unless you can do it perfectly (which no one but a native speaker could first try), don't ever bother singing in any language that isn't your first one because it's "unnatural" and "forced".

I love the songs in that show, and so does everyone I know who also watches this show. But I guess that's because we aren't entitled English speakers who think everything has to be perfect or otherwise don't even bother. In a world dominated by English songs, especially with the intent to reach a global audience, of fucking course people are gonna sing in English, regardless of how well they can do it. I'm sorry your sensitive little ears can't handle our non-perfect English, but hey, you found the mute button, so good for you 🤷‍♀️
Is a fucking show in which money is invested, made by a studio where professionals work, the place for you to fucking test your English skills you dumb bitch. You learn English first then practice singing in English and then slowly get better then you use your voice to earn a living, or do you go straight to singing as a professional? "Put others down" LMFAO why can I not criticize the singing/ choice of songs in a "music" genre anime where the main character is supposed to be "a very talented singer" but her singing fails to convince the audience of that. Also most people here are either with me or indifferent about the singing I don't really care about what you and your little friends think because most likely you are friends with like minded people and if they are like you then I already have a pretty low opinion of them.
May 29, 2022 8:02 AM
Mar 2022
Japanese not like the show is taking place in America or something. When I hear somebody mispronouncing words irrespective unduh video tiktok of how good of a singer they are it just distracts me, the opening and ending songs
May 29, 2022 8:02 AM
Nov 2019
ACasualViewer said:
It worked a lot better in Carole and Tuesday where they had actual English VAs do the songs.
Exactly and someone gave me an example of that show and told me how I would hate Carole and Tuesday because they sing in English. Such a terrible fucking comparison
May 29, 2022 8:05 AM
Nov 2019
Maou_heika said:
I've only watched 2 episodes so far but it's most likely because Eiko was influenced by an American singer who was visiting Japan. If you have noticed then English songs or songs with a mix of English-Japanese easily get popular, special among the western audience, Japanese people most likely think it's cool too so that might be yet another reason.

And I don't agree with others who say that it's fine for her to be singing in Engrish, her goal is to become a popular singer and given how her boss keeps on saying that she IS a good singer, she really needs to work on her English skills first.
EXACTLY MY POINT. Where is this talented fucking once in a generation singer which she has been described to be? So far her singing sure as hell doesn't convince me I would have been able to judge her singing better if she was singing the songs properly.
May 29, 2022 8:07 AM

Jul 2021
SkyfallStar said:
Big, Fat, Voluptuous, Round Anime Tiddies
smol slim malfunctioning square real life vagina
May 29, 2022 8:24 AM

Jul 2021
Zettaiken said:
All? Did you really pay attention or only listened to eiko clips?
This wasn't even necessary, it clearly was a hyperbole.
Zettaiken said:
That's not only for anime but for real life too, in Poland you can too find alot of polish singers who sings in english mainly, I wonder why.
Just because it happens doesn't mean it's always a good idea.
Zettaiken said:
maybe try by yourself to sing something in your native language not to mention the foreign ones
Ah yes, the then you do it argument. Everyone is fully aware of the challenges of singing in a forein language, and people are still entitled to dislike it.
Zettaiken said:
Some people should just learn how to chill while watching anime/listening to music.
It's quite amusing when people fail to realize they should take their own advice xD

SleepySera said:
You are indirectly saying that no one should ever learn a foreign language because unless you can do it perfectly (which no one but a native speaker could first try), don't ever bother singing in any language that isn't your first one because it's "unnatural" and "forced".
Are you indirectly saying people shouldn't share their opinion because they might be indirectly attributed whatever ludicrous notion one can conjure up?
RentNoGirlfriendMay 29, 2022 8:31 AM
May 29, 2022 8:30 AM

Aug 2018
maybe because they know who their target audience is? My first thought upon seeing the show's trailer/cover art/title was to wonder: ok, where is the netflix logo hiding? Cuz this thing gives netflix vibes.
May 29, 2022 8:35 AM
Jul 2018
the songs sound weird when they sing them in English but apart from that, I don't think of it much apart from that. I think of it as they can sing in English but their accent is too thick for international English speakers.

I don't know why it is in English, but I know some bands or artists in Japan sing songs in full English. Like:
1. Minutes Till Midnight- two of his songs were used in the anime Drifters- 100% English but quite repeated lyrics.
2. Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas- the song Let Me Hear which is mostly in English was used in the anime Parasyte
3. One OK Rock- was pretty popular at some point.
4. Survive Said The Prophet- one of their songs which was 100% in English was RED which was used in the anime 'Banana Fish'.
5. Dean Fujioka- sang History Maker which was used in the anime 'Yuri On Ice'. also 100% English.

some other bands that take other languages such as German, Spanish, etc are:
1. Linked Horizon- some of their songs were created for the anime AOT. Some in German.
2. Vickeblanca- I know one of his songs is in Japanese and French. the song 'Ca Va?'. His other songs like Black Rover and Black Catcher- a mix of Japanese and English were used in the anime 'Black Clover'.
3. Yugo Kanno- has some songs used in JJBA (Jojo Bizzare Adventure)- are in English, Japanese and Italian.

some of the artists and bands do not have the right accents. Some do have it but at least, hey to me they are trying their best. I would say the Japanese Music Industry is very daring to try other languages despite it not being compatible with their language and accent. For that, Cheers to them.

I dunno about the music industry in Japan but we do know that lots of Japanese songs have some sort of another language, ie English, Spanish, French or German mixed with their Japanese. Maybe to appeal to those outside Japan- to go international or to gain more fans or enthusiasts.

So maybe this anime wanted to go full-blown English despite it not being their first language (and the heavy Japanese accent) to appeal to other audiences internationally.

Of course, this is not everyone's cup of tea. International fans would find the accent too heavy to carry the song in English and the Japanese fans would not understand English or neither side would like the genre.
Since they carried on, this means they are prepared to take criticisms. It would also not erase the fact that they would still have fans internationally and locally despite this.

Their idea of having the songs in English turns into a double-edged sword for them. where else for those who don't like the idea at all would call it a blunt sword.
May 29, 2022 8:43 AM
Jul 2018
epidemia78 said:
maybe because they know who their target audience is? My first thought upon seeing the show's trailer/cover art/title was to wonder: ok, where is the netflix logo hiding? Cuz this thing gives netflix vibes.

that's true. if they were blindly doing this, it wouldn't work out. they wouldn't benefit and they won't even carry it on. It seems they know who their target audience would be/ are.

If they put it on Netflix or Amazon Prime, I am gonna only watch the episodes I thought were good tho. Lmao.
May 29, 2022 8:45 AM
Mar 2022
huh, their pronunciation is somewhat decent compared to most anime tho?
May 29, 2022 8:47 AM
Nov 2019
epidemia78 said:
maybe because they know who their target audience is? My first thought upon seeing the show's trailer/cover art/title was to wonder: ok, where is the netflix logo hiding? Cuz this thing gives netflix vibes.
hm idk it's sort of a niche show tbh the type I would think would be only popular among long time anime viewers and Japanese people. You know the West loves the Big name stuff for the most part.
May 29, 2022 8:48 AM
Nov 2019
TsunderesTheBest said:
huh, their pronunciation is somewhat decent compared to most anime tho?
well yes much better infact but good enough to make me believe they are excellent singers idk
May 29, 2022 8:55 AM

Apr 2021
The "Engrish" in this series is nowhere near as bad as you all are making it out to be. It's one of the better ones.

If you wanna hear some awful Engrish singing, just listen to Excalibur's song from Soul Eater.
May 29, 2022 9:04 AM

Jul 2021
You guys don't listen to songs with English lyrics made by non-native speakers?
English lyrics is pretty popular in Europe, when targeting an international audience, as that's a language that most people learned, besides their mother tongue.
Cucumber ice cream is the best!
May 29, 2022 9:07 AM
Apr 2018
Does it really matter 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
May 29, 2022 9:07 AM
Nov 2019
One thing that the people commenting need to understand is I am not undermining the efforts of the voice actress or making fun of it. When I watch an episode of an anime which claims to be about music I expect to take home with me a few songs which I can vibe to in my spare time. Now how many of you would BOP to Eiko's singing? Or any other characters singing for that matter? The singing in this show is comparable to the singing in many other shows *WHICH ARE NOT EVEN ABOUT MUSIC*. To convince me that Eiko is a superstar in making words simply are not enough her singing should also be conveying that to me but when I notice myself fast forwarding every single time she is singing then that doesn't really help the cause. I brought up the English argument because I genuinely believe if the VA was singing in Japanese completely then I would have had 1 new song in my weeb playlist. Alas we don't always get what we want and that is fine but if it was a senseless and impulsive decision to make her sing in Engrish then it is a damn shame.
May 29, 2022 9:39 AM

Dec 2015
namkeenchoot said:
Lmfao you call me triggered? Look at the size of your fucking response you idiot. All I said was singing in English was rather unnecessary and you sent me an entire fucking summer project ROFL. Also I belong to a country where English is not spoken natively so idk wtf you are on about. Look at the responses of other people in this thread because to me it looks like others also don't exactly like the songs in this show you dumb twat so for you to say something along the lines of "Why are you watching this if you don't like music" doesn't really make sense because most people I know who are watching this hate the music in it not to mention the music is objectively decent at best and what was it about Eiko being influenced by Western artists? Was she the only singer singing in English in this show? Because I swear every other character is singing in English. I never even said the singer was bad I literally said they didn't have to bother with it native is best sing the way you are comfortable singing.

And I've said that why complain when it isn't bad... You were complaining about pronunciation which isn't even bad x). Never said that someone is supposed to like it or not, which is not the point of the stuff I've said, only that complaining for non sense over such basic stuff which is almost common and repeated already for xth time. "Don't like the music" The major song which most of people complain about was inside 2 trailers so it was known it will appear but whatever. Gonna skip and ignore your insults cause if I would like to response it would be 3x longer summer project of polish slurs and this thread would be instantly locked.

+ Look at the point which is also said above me
капает Kurwa or not?"
JaniSIr said:
You guys don't listen to songs with English lyrics made by non-native speakers?
English lyrics is pretty popular in Europe, when targeting an international audience, as that's a language that most people learned, besides their mother tongue.

RentNoGirlfriend said:

Just because it happens doesn't mean it's always a good idea

Which also doesn't mean it is a bad idea either x).

Ah yes, the then you do it argument. Everyone is fully aware of the challenges of singing in a forein language, and people are still entitled to dislike it

I like giving this argument cause it is common here for people to complain without even trying such stuff and they bark the most x) I am aware that alot of people knows the difficulty of this but I suppose there might be a much more larger group of people who just barks and who never actually tried it for once in front of an audience of strangers x)

It's quite amusing when people fail to realize they should take their own advice xD

Well I mostly watch anime while drinking beer so I have nothing to complain about as I like the songs and I just have fun writing those comments so Idk what ya mean, afterall all of this is for me to procrastinate with my college and private life stuff x).
ZettaikenMay 29, 2022 9:42 AM
May 29, 2022 10:02 AM

May 2021
after the last episode I started to get kinda annoyed by that as well, especially when she sang at first without the soundtrack it was terrible.
There are some good songs though that Eiko did before, but yeah some are just bad.
I would've preferred if the VA was jap/eng bilingual or the songs she sang were Japanese. (most of the verses at least)

"Never one... without the other"

May 29, 2022 10:16 AM
Nov 2019
-Zhongli said:
after the last episode I started to get kinda annoyed by that as well, especially when she sang at first without the soundtrack it was terrible.
There are some good songs though that Eiko did before, but yeah some are just bad.
I would've preferred if the VA was jap/eng bilingual or the songs she sang were Japanese. (most of the verses at least)
yep that is when I started thinking about it before that I was indifferent about it.
May 29, 2022 11:33 AM

Jul 2021
Zettaiken said:
Which also doesn't mean it is a bad idea either x)
Uhm, okay? I mean I'm not the one who validated my claim with that argument, you did. If you accept it's not always a good idea then why did you bring it up to begin with?
Zettaiken said:
I like giving this argument cause it is common here for people to complain without even trying such stuff and they bark the most x)
Yea, I wholeheartedly disagree with that. And I think you too disagree with that in any other instance it would apply. If you disliked the taste of, say, a certain fruit, then according to that line of reasoning you wouldn't allow yourself to complain about it before trying to grow at least an orchard of that fruit. I'm pretty sure you -like most people in the world- dislike fruits you never grew a single plant of, but even if you don't you still have to acknowledge it's an unreasonable expectation to push onto others.
Zettaiken said:
Well I mostly watch anime while drinking beer so I have nothing to complain about as I like the songs and I just have fun writing those comments so Idk what ya mean, afterall all of this is for me to procrastinate with my college and private life stuff x).
If that's the case then I apologize for saying you should have taken your own advice.
May 29, 2022 11:48 AM

Dec 2015
RentNoGirlfriend said:
Uhm, okay? I mean I'm not the one who validated my claim with that argument, you did. If you accept it's not always a good idea then why did you bring it up to begin with?

Cause it is my main view, if something can be done in a good way or bad way by the same method why wouldn't you want to try it, if it turns bad than just try again and take notes of the mistakes and later improve by avoiding those mistakes.
For me personally those songs are not bad, except for rapping which is actually in Japanesee but here is my personal view on it as I don't like foreign raps and I enjoy only polish ones where I can "feel" (read hear and understand) the rhymes.

Yea, I wholeheartedly disagree with that. And I think you too disagree with that in any other instance it would apply. If you disliked the taste of, say, a certain fruit, then according to that line of reasoning you wouldn't allow yourself to complain about it before trying to grow at least an orchard of that fruit. I'm pretty sure you -like most people in the world- dislike fruits you never grew a single plant of, but even if you don't you still have to acknowledge it's an unreasonable expectation to push onto others.

I suppose you've made a mistake here or maybe my own logic is wrong/different as your example I would compare it to try cooking it on your own way instead of planting something, cause it's different to bake your own pizza with prepared/bought ingedients (like in karaoke, singing with already written lyrics and prepared beats/instrumental stuff -> realised I've made mistake previously as when I mentioned try singing on your own I wasn't mentioning there to trying make your own song but at least trying sing karaoke of any song should've mentioned that) than planting all the vegetables and fruits, farming the wheat and making it later into flour to later prepare ingredients for your future pizza (which would be also comparable to writing your own song and creating a bpm, instrumental, chords, anything which includes there as I am not that much knowledgable in stuff behind making your own song which in both cases of cooking/singing have a higher chance of failure but in this case I guess you could categorise it as a "high risk high reward").

Believe me or not I did it for 1-2 plants but for fruits/vegetables stuff I have a specific reason to it which I share to people whom I trust so sorry not gonna reveal that here.

That is why when I really complain on something (cause always people can have negative view/opinion on something which is quite different but very often related/similar) I say that about stuff I already know in at least basic level, for example which I don't write often or almost never I complain on difficulties of putting 4th finger on violin strings which is hard and I hate that.

If that's the case then I apologize for saying you should have taken your own advice.

Thanks but no need for apologizes. That's the feedback/results of text communication as you can't see my body language and hear my tone/pitch of my voice etc in real life you would already notice that I am completely chill while talking on these stuff no matter if it's positive/negative/neutral view on x topic.
ZettaikenMay 29, 2022 11:54 AM
May 29, 2022 1:11 PM

May 2018
TarikOnPC said:
SkyfallStar said:
Big, Fat, Voluptuous, Round Anime Tiddies
smol slim malfunctioning square real life vagina

Small Delicious Flat Anime Chests.
May 29, 2022 2:36 PM

Jul 2019
I myself don't see the problem. I fucking love these song. They just slap. A lot of different anime songs and openings do use english words and it isn't bad. I don't find the songs bad because "Oh No EnGrIsH" Art is art and the songs slap.

Hell both Mob Psycho openings slap even though they are also mostly english.
Jun 6, 2022 10:44 AM
Community Mod
Crazy Cat Lady

Apr 2019
The thread has been movet to the correct subforum
Jun 6, 2022 4:17 PM

Mar 2021
Because Eiko's goal is to become a super star and to achieve that title she must reach as big of an audience as possible. Which means singing in English and Japanese is the way to go. It's just like in real life. A lot of J-POP, J-ROCK, etc artists and bands have English words in them in order for the song to reach a bigger audience. You know because English is a universal language.

That's my guess. If this was their reason then that's a HUGE plus in my books. Definitely helps me get more immersed while watching the show. Even though it's just a teeny tiny detail.

I hope this answer satisfies you! 😁

Jun 7, 2022 3:11 AM
Nov 2018
The engrish in this is awful. I think it gets worse as the show goes on, like the singers are getting tires of singing the same song over and over again.
I usually don't mind engrish songs (I like parasyte op) but the songs in this show jsut grind my gears for some reason
Jun 8, 2022 2:06 PM
Jan 2016
Ash_La said:
The engrish in this is awful. I think it gets worse as the show goes on, like the singers are getting tires of singing the same song over and over again.
I usually don't mind engrish songs (I like parasyte op) but the songs in this show jsut grind my gears for some reason

Still better than modern American "music"
Jun 8, 2022 3:00 PM

Apr 2015
Is the pronunciation really that bad? You can hear the accent, but I feel like most words are said correctly.

And only one song is entirely in English because it is an English song. I consider it to be like she sang songs like Shape of You or Bad Romance (or whatever is/was popular in the modern world), so it is logical to be in English.

However, your question might have been more directed as to why did they choose to go with an English song. Here I think they just thought it was cool and are probably following the manga. No idea how noticeable it is to the Japanese.

But most of the songs are your usual japanese with some english added, that's like most modern japanese songs.

Also aren't in some english songs purposely mispronounced words, just to fit the melody better? Not like I can give example, I don't pay it that much attention.

If you don't like it it's valid, tho I feel one of the reason why it stood out is because the song was repeated quite often. Her new song is mostly japanese so hopefully you can enjoy her last performances.
Jun 8, 2022 3:09 PM

Jan 2009
It's funny because I think they went with English as a way to make the show more sellable worldwide, since not everyone listens to Japanese songs, and it totally backfired. I could be wrong though.
Jun 8, 2022 7:34 PM
Apr 2019
Zettaiken said:
All? Did you really pay attention or only listened to eiko clips?
Even the main song of Eiko is half english half japanese which you can notice at episode 2 already..
The only full english songs so far was Mia's song, Eiko's tuning/chilling at episode 1 and Eiko's singing with Nanamin at street&Skycrapper(? if I remember correctly) and the azaela song is also in japanese which appeared so far in occasional referencing you can hear a short clip of their song at 3rd trailer which already revealed who is the main singer x) [0:38], all the rest of songs are in japanese here's clips if you've forgotten already:

And here for english clips/songs/parts:

namkeenchoot said:
I don't understand why every single song in the show is in English because lets be honest the singer's pronunciation of the English words is terrible. I mean they could just sing in Japanese not like the show is taking place in America or something.

Now ask yourself how many people at world speak in english and how many of them are real native speakers x), pronunciation isn't bad (except for Kabe) so I don't know where the complain comes from are you Bri'ish? + The majority of popular songs overworld are english or spanish so surprised that in other countries like Japan people tends to sing in english? That's not only for anime but for real life too, in Poland you can too find alot of polish singers who sings in english mainly, I wonder why.

When I hear somebody mispronouncing words irrespective of how good of a singer they are it just distracts me, the opening and ending songs are fucking great but I really can't get into the songs in the anime itself. I am basically watching a music genre show for reasons other than the music tbh. I am not saying that Japanese people shouldn't sing in English but what I am saying is they could have just stuck with Japanese that way it would have sounded more natural and probably would have been easier too for the voice actors. Basically singing in English just seems unnatural and forced in this show.

If you're so trigerred cause someone took a step forward to not only sing which is very hard and I do speak from experience (karaoke) but also sing in foreign language which is superior hard (also from experience of karaoke) and you can't appreciate that than maybe try by yourself to sing something in your native language not to mention the foreign ones x), if ya can't enjoy music how the present you than why on earth are you even watching this show, that's not the first time it happens, the japanese songs are mainly at Idol anime, so I guess you've forgotten but Carole and Tuesday was famous and guess what, there was alot of english songs etc.

Some people should just learn how to chill while watching anime/listening to music.

pfftt you should learn how to chill when facing different opinion 🤭🤭
Jun 8, 2022 7:41 PM
Apr 2019
pasanoid said:
japanese people probably think that engrish is so cooru sanavabitch

lmao close the thread, we found the answer already
Jun 9, 2022 12:35 AM
Nov 2018
ibm30rpg said:
Ash_La said:
The engrish in this is awful. I think it gets worse as the show goes on, like the singers are getting tires of singing the same song over and over again.
I usually don't mind engrish songs (I like parasyte op) but the songs in this show jsut grind my gears for some reason

Still better than modern American "music"
Sure bro, whatever you say Mr. Music Guru
Jun 9, 2022 3:33 PM

Apr 2018
I'm genuinely confused. Have the people on this thread literally never listened to J-pop English in their entire lives?
Jun 9, 2022 6:36 PM
Jun 2022
Parataxicalis said:
I'm genuinely confused. Have the people on this thread literally never listened to J-pop English in their entire lives?

What, like Utada Hikaru?
Jun 9, 2022 8:43 PM
Jan 2020
Cringing at the singing of this anime is a serious sign of touching grass deficiency that almost 90% of this forum has.
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