Report Kahirama's Profile



Hello, I am Kahirama.

I'm just a random person who happened to fall in love with anime so it became a very important part of my life.

Outside of anime, I also read manga, visual novels, books and seldom light novels.

I also play Genshin Impact, on EU server, if anyone wants to talk about it or join the world, feel free to let me know.

For genres, I honestly enjoy almost everything, but psychological elements tend to leave a special place in my heart.

For my ratings, they are mostly a mixture of my enjoyment and some objective view, I try to be consistent, but I can't say I always am.

Watching this season

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Visual Novels I love

I decided to include some VNs I love, bc why not. If anyone wants to talk about them, I am up for discussions.


All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 187.9
Mean Score: 6.83
  • Total Entries1,213
  • Rewatched40
  • Episodes11,122
Anime History Last Anime Updates
BanG Dream! Ave Mujica
BanG Dream! Ave Mujica
Yesterday, 1:02 AM
Watching 11/13 · Scored -
Mar 11, 12:03 PM
Watching 10/13 · Scored -
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 2
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 2
Mar 11, 11:35 AM
Watching 9/12 · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 137.1
Mean Score: 7.00
  • Total Entries598
  • Reread1
  • Chapters20,126
  • Volumes1,295
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau
Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau
Mar 4, 1:38 PM
Reading 55/? · Scored -
Dark Mermaid
Dark Mermaid
Mar 4, 9:22 AM
Reading 33/? · Scored -
Zenbu Kowashite Jigoku de Aishite
Zenbu Kowashite Jigoku de Aishite
Mar 3, 1:55 PM
Reading 19/? · Scored -

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Yuzu_san May 13, 2022 3:44 AM
Thanks for accepting ^^ Have a good day ♡
Otorez May 8, 2022 7:18 PM
Azur Lane is similar on this point : you can play the game for 1h max per day, just doing your daily missions, starting research and classroom, then you can leave the game. I do that regularly, generally because I completed step 1-2-3 and must wait for step 4. I could play obviously but it would be a waste of resources if step 4 didn't start.

This season, putting aside the most popular & well-known shows like Rising of the Shield Hero, kaguya Sama or Spy x Family (who never heard about it at this stage lol), a few anime like Paripi Koumei are promising. Summertime Render is an interesting anime which looks like Re Zero, but in an atmosphere that reminds me Higurashi. Heroine Tarumono! Kiraware Heroine to Naisho no Oshigoto is definitely my hidden pearl so far. Rest is fine overall, but probably too niche (Ao Ashi especially since it is football) or common (said differently, a popular genre already like isekai) to be recommended.

I don't think I asked the question previously, but what kind of studies are you attending ? Also best of luck to you with these studies ! I myself was a pretty average student in terms of results because studies never appealed to me, but you gotta get your degrees here. I eventually succeeded despite the low results : went to the uh, second session of exams (for those who failed, I don't know how to call them) in Summer 3 times out of 5, so I can relate when it comes to fuck up studies lul
Otorez May 1, 2022 5:45 PM
No worries, as you can see, I also happened to forget replying lul

I never felt attracted by Genshin, mostly because my games library is already quite huge and I like to keep 2-3 main games, then playing short/medium ones as "side dish". Genshin would be too time consuming for me, if I decided to play seriously. Azur Lane is fine on this point, since it's a mobile game beforehand and adopts a rhythm than I content myself with (even though I often wish I was able to play it longer, but lack of resources prevent me from doing so).

If you ever need recommendations from this season, let me know ! I never recommend the top rated or most popular shows because... well everyone's already talking about them and they're not popular nor top rated for no reason. I'd rather recommend something less popular but definitely worth a shot. Probably the main advantage of watching everything, I guess
Otorez Apr 21, 2022 11:16 AM
I was very happy (and surprisingly happy) to see how well Yostar treated their players with Azur Lane and surely their other games too. I don't know if this is the same with the gacha you're playing, but they surely know how to offer a great game with an addictive system, generally based on the idea of getting items/characters that will disappear forever lol

I hope Arknights adaptation will be fine, considering Azur Lane was okay and Girls Frontline was kinda mediocre (weak points : gun sounds, total absence of any recoil and the plot itself that was hard to follow for non-players).

About Claymore, it is one of the anime I want to have a remake : the 2007 adaptation by Madhouse was good for its era, but now I sincerely wish for a modern version.

This season seems to have a minimal number of bad or mediocre shows, fortunately. We're just getting started, but I didn't have a bad feeling so far.
Otorez Apr 17, 2022 6:53 AM
Yeah lol, gacha games are way more addicting than I expected them to be. Didn't expect Azur Lane to actually catch my attention, yet I also login everyday to play it, managing my daily time alongside the game. Reminds me Travian, a web strategy game that was also very time consuming, each action taking real time. Though with AZ, it's still kinda chill as you can just spend 10 minutes of your day on the game (doing the dailies), then head out. Your resources being stored up, I like the idea of being able to just skip a day or two and then dedicate a full day of playtime.

I don't think I'll try another gacha, due to the time another game would consume. It's also cool that anime start to adapt gacha story : Azur Lane, Girls Frontline (pretty meh unfortunately) and Arknights (in preparation). Good way to advertise them !

I take note of your mangas, even though I don't think about starting some (hell, Claymore's still pending in my list for 2 years...).

Also taking note that you belong to the "non-droppers club", if I can say lol. For the best or worst, I don't stop watching a show we've started, even if it is bad (hello Gibiate, I see you from Hell). Akebi-chan last season was my hidden pearl I must admit, I didn't expect anything but ended up really loving it. If you ever decide to restart your watching, you should not be disappointed.
Otorez Apr 16, 2022 10:16 AM
Life's fine as well, going on a new year of study next September (currently in a transition period of I can say, nothing too crazy right now).

As usual, I'm watching most of the anime which air this season (currently 17 + Ousama Ranking from Fall 2021), popular or not. Those you mentioned are in my watching list, except for Black Rock Shooter, considering I didn't watch the previous episodes/season. Kaguya-same 3rd season starts heavy, episode 1 was already very good and they don't lose time : highly recommended ! Summertime Render I will watch the first episode later on, and Spy x Family looks promising.

I see you also started playing a Gacha game lol : mine isn't Genshin Impact but Azur Lane, which I started in November. I would say it can be time consuming, but probably not as much as Genshin, since you still have a daily limitation based on your resources (unless you pay, but that'd be dumb to literally pay to play a free to play game).

I do not read manga, or barely (my list didn't change for a while, just picking up new chapters when they're released) but still mainly play video games, putting anime as my second hobby. Though, I gotta admit I had these periods of letdown, probably because I watched too many shows at the same time. Had to tone down a bit the last couple of months.
Otorez Apr 13, 2022 5:32 PM
Hello there, long time no see I believe (our last discussion's from a year ago I think)

Hope everything's fine in your personal life, since last time. Did you start some anime from this season ? Or did you find somethat caught your interest so far ?
Kempiniukas_Esu Apr 3, 2021 11:18 AM


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AI_HuryKane_BTXD Feb 26, 2021 11:59 AM
Yup agreed also on that hahaha , your "cool" for being a lady , wish there were no "bla bla people" and more that "act as they say" and don't "say but do actually nothing about it" ... They are just wasting their time ... Like if they were talking to the wind/wall hahaha but the truth is that it's just a lame way to argue with someone. 😎
AI_HuryKane_BTXD Feb 26, 2021 10:52 AM
Agreed xD For me is only if he had the body of an adult and he went and do what he did to those "children" that could be viewed as wrong ...
It would be fine if they were adults just because there is no rule that forbids a kid like Rudy to do what he did to an "adult" , the only difference is that the adult will act according to what he/she thinks about what Rudy did and take action on the consequences on what ever he/she will decide to do ...
Unfortunately kids don't have this capacity to know yet how these actions will been seen by others , especially by "adults" ...
Its kinda complicated but its nice to see that from my 3 lines you wrote so much more hahaha , did this conversation trigger you ? Hahaha 😎
AI_HuryKane_BTXD Feb 26, 2021 9:51 AM
Pfff hahaha its just that they like to prove the fact that for them what he does are actions of a pedophile etc ...
For me he is just a kid so I really can't see him in that negative way other do . 😎
AI_HuryKane_BTXD Feb 26, 2021 6:34 AM
This is what I wrote in that "age thread" lol
HaryKane_TXD said:
Both ages seems more than right . For me personally :
Body 7~9 = 8 years old , mentally/logic 14~17 = 15.5 , thoughts 19~22 = 20.5
Lets not forget that Genius boys do exist and they are much older mentally than the rest of us as they learn 5~10 = 7.5 years faster and in advance respect the 98%~99% of others boys of their same age .
This said just by reviewing what I wrote he is above the 15 year old "adults" age of that world so yeah HE CAN BE CONSIDERED AS AN ADULT AND PUNISHED FOR HIS CRIMES ... not that it will ever happen right ? Lol
Although I'm still wondering witch age does count in that world as people in our are considering him as an adult with what the author gave us at the beginning ... For me he is just a norty lil kid of the age of ~8 with a voice in his head of an adult hahaha just like those that year whispers even if there's no one there 😎
What you think about it ? I read already what you wrote in the thread XD
AI_HuryKane_BTXD Feb 18, 2021 6:22 AM
Yes it is like that but mostly because people i know aren't really willing to talk about things they like , witch is rare to find and anyway it's only for those that are good listeners xD
Yes that's why you look extrovert , but yeah staying with others can be tiring also for me even if for me it's because I analyse what's going on and I'm checking their personalities witch it is tiring af if done with multiple persons at the same time . 😅
Yes waking up in dreams is like that , but it's not that easy to figure out as when we wake up not always we are fully awake so its easy to confuse it even if it's still a dream 😂 , lol a hot-dog ... that's hard to tell , I never woke up being a thing xD No worries at least we got a free new topic thanx to your misinterpreting my word , witch is good when ever you want to write about things you like 😎
AI_HuryKane_BTXD Feb 12, 2021 8:27 AM
They are , and its actually cool you find them amazing ! Hahaha you don't find sense on why you are lazy ? Hahaha well thinking to much is one of the causes 😂
For videos I ment documentaries , YouTube and anime etc 😅 but yeah I used to love playing video games , especially mmo rpg or any based on story telling , I've played also strategy and warfare games , even medieval and space or sci-fi xD
I've been playing rpg games for over 10 years since I like them so much hahaha
Then I got bored by their repetitively , although stories were always great on those that had one !
Anyway there is time to learn and play any videogame as I played with people of any age also 60+ hahaha
Wow daydream , uhm I don't do that a lot , especially because if I do I tend to do it for weeks till my story reaches a limit were I can't continue hahaha
It is fun thought to think about fantasy stories , it gets me exited just by thinking of them 😄
Hahaha its hard for now to see you like those ladies that have many cats xD
Starting from 1 is enough to see if you can have many , my Grandma had many cats and dogs , I was very little when my parents took me to visit her so I don't remember much 😅
That's nice , its actually not easy to continue a dream after waking up xD
What happens to me is that sometimes instead of waking up in the real life , instead I wake up in the dream lol consider I ended up checking even the time hahaha and in the dream was 7am wile when I really woke up it was instead 10am , I found it so weird that I had to check every clock to be sure that the clock I checked wasn't signing the wrong hour hahaha because I really thought it was 7am ! hahaha
Your english writing over there is quite like of extrovert one xD I'm in your friend list hahaha but yes I get what you mean , being introverted to those that aren't alike us I guess is a good thing to do as it seems that not many appreciate to have discussions like this one and apparently they are not able to have proper conversations in general hahaha .
Its strange for you xD normal for me hahaha , I agree that its enjoyable yes !
I like how you are able to change topics just by reading a word 😎
AI_HuryKane_BTXD Feb 11, 2021 4:51 AM
I'll make it simple , dreams are the reflecrion/mirror of everything you are , what you like , don't like , accepted and didn't accept ... It's a world of opposites until you take control and select what's that you want to dream about 😎
Hahaha its weird to use the world lazy when dreaming ahahha , you are sleeping , it is theoretically impossible to be lazy when you are not awake xD
But yeah I get it , anyway it takes time to make changes so take your time on getting results if you really want them !
Uhm I'm an exception , I actually don't like shopping xD I've quit with it a very long time ago ... Even books , I like more videos so reading books is a thing I do only with unique ones .
Uhm ok I get it you exit a lot that's why you are able to materialise shops in your dreams , hehe removing your limit to how much money you have is a thing our mind does when you want to buy something you can't purchase as a unit or as many you want because it's really too expensive ...Oh yeah also missing to visit shops increase the chance to dream about them .
Hahaha well collector type , I see , at least you have a dream to chase , good thing that it can be done as it is present in the real world xD
Rofl Claymore , if you will really like it you might actually end up dreaming about it I saw the anime and I wish it never ended , its an amazing story , something like I see in my dreams actually xD
I'm a fantasy type so there is actually nothing for me out there ... Your reality dream is fine and in line with who you are , there is nothing wrong with it and if you don't think it like that , there is a issue with what you truly want as your personality for now wants to be like you are and not like others want you to be 😎
Ehm materialistic person are interested in things more then animals ...
So its actually good to want to have a pet , cats are for busy/lazy persons but they still need their own personal space or you will have hard times also just by keeping 1 , imagine multiple hahaha
You are a thinker and the topic naturally changed is flow to a similar one , from fantastic to realistic witch so totally fine 😇
See if you can do this also in your dreams , as the flow of them can change and you would hardly notice it did change , unless you are looking carefully to what is happening around you , dreams tend to change like the flow of oceanic currents 😄
How it is to write about this with someone that actually understands and knows what you are thinking about ? 😎
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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