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Dec 5, 2012 4:27 PM

Nov 2007
He's safe, but he is doesn't care about Nagi anymore, or rather, he changed personality. So Nagi's "sister"'s mother is that monster?

And Nagi somehow ended up in desert (like one of the earlier ep.)... because of that clock. The one who accompanies her suggests her to go find him.

LOL @ the teacher. So they are going to the thief's team's place for the money?
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Dec 5, 2012 5:10 PM

May 2008
Something is wrong , probably because he got stabbed but would like if they would explain it . Especially since Hinagiku saw it but she didnt say anything . NEXT EPISODE PLEASE :D:D:D

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Dec 5, 2012 5:41 PM

Feb 2012
Yeah, obviously, there's something wrong.

I wonder if Hayate finally remembered the Black Camellia that was mentioned to him before...
Dec 5, 2012 5:57 PM
Nov 2009
curious about whats happened to him. he must be the same person because he remembers everyone and knows whats going on but he can speak and understand English now when he couldn't before.
Dec 5, 2012 6:33 PM
Aug 2011
my guess is he might have gone back to his prior state, before he met Nagi. Remember how he only cared about his own survival, like when he first met Nagi, he was going to take her money.
Dec 5, 2012 6:55 PM

Jul 2012
Hayate wasn't dead or at least in a death-like state? Well, his new personality seems pretty cool. Though it's odd how he treated Yukiji the same way he did when he was a butler. I think Hayate was simply possessed by Nagi's father. Considering how he cringed at the word butler and repeated it, his personality may have been a butler at some point. Thus, making me reach to the conclusion that Hayate, right now, is actually Shin. Since Shin was a butler before his death, it could have happened. Pretty decent episode I guess. At least now the beginning made sense. I thought they would have never go back to it again.

pyrotek8 said:
my guess is he might have gone back to his prior state, before he met Nagi. Remember how he only cared about his own survival, like when he first met Nagi, he was going to take her money.

Actually, I don't think so. Hayate was still a good person before he met Nagi. Yes, he cared about his own survival. However, even we can tell he won't be that cold to girls. Even Nishizawa described Hayate in a good way while talking about him with Nagi. Hayate's a good kid. I doubt he would be that harsh to a girl. Even if she said he was her butler, he would have probably went all like "Oh? I'm your butler? EH?! What happened to my parents?! Why am I in Vegas?EHH?!". Like that sort of thing.
Dec 5, 2012 9:11 PM
Mar 2012
alright episode, but it doesnt really matter at this point. too little too late
Dec 5, 2012 9:12 PM

Jul 2012
KhanhCPham said:
Sigh my previous comment was deleted because of the MAL hack attack. It is strange that Hayate suddenly knows english. There are some theories that shin now has possession of Hayate's body but I find it strange that he was cold to Nagi. Unless Shin was doing that protect Nagi or he is simply just a jerk. Isumi is so badass and she obviously has more power than that.

The thing is, has Shin ever met Nagi? It's possible that Shin left Yukariko before or during her pregnancy. Has it stated that Shin was there for Nagi since day one? I'm quite forgetful about this because Shin doesn't really play much of a role until the 3rd season. If he did leave Nagi before she was born, it's obvious that he won't know who she is.
Dec 5, 2012 9:22 PM
Mar 2012
ShinoAsada said:

The thing is, has Shin ever met Nagi? It's possible that Shin left Yukariko before or during her pregnancy. Has it stated that Shin was there for Nagi since day one? I'm quite forgetful about this because Shin doesn't really play much of a role until the 3rd season. If he did leave Nagi before she was born, it's obvious that he won't know who she is.

Probably not, based on episode 8 it looks like Nagi hasn't been born when Shin left Yukariko.
Dec 5, 2012 9:51 PM

Sep 2011
Okay... What the fuck is going on...

Dec 6, 2012 1:56 AM

Jun 2012
really weird episode so many questions answered

but whats with the badass hayate its better than the suck up version of hayate

i was kinda sad to see nagi cry

and last but not least i want that clock the best way to avoid bad luck it to go somewhere where there is no possible way you can get hurt like a soft room.
Dec 6, 2012 2:49 AM

Sep 2012
The story... It's so lame...
Dec 6, 2012 3:38 AM

Mar 2009
Good episode.

Two possibilities:
1) That's Shin Hayek in Hayate's body now (and Hayate is probably in the clock/watch/sword thing). If this is true, Dolly knew it (and Nagi seemed to recognise the name).

2) Hayate's been sent through some kind of time bender before snapping back into his body, changed... with more experience before.
Dec 6, 2012 3:39 AM

Aug 2012
Pretty good episode. Looking forward to the next one. Loved Hayate's new personality. Far Better than the original self.
But Isn't getting stabbed by the Black Camelia supposed to give one all eternity? What's going on?
Dec 6, 2012 4:24 AM

Mar 2008
Guess everyone has a theory so I guess I'll throw one in.

The Hayate we saw was definitely 100% not him. He doesn't know english. When he lost track of Nagi and Maria after gathering possession of the BC watch, it was highlighted he can't speak english.

Also agree than Shin Hayek is in Hayate's body because well it'd be pretty lame if they just put a random spirit in there, and the last person seen in possession of the BC before Shin 'died' was Shin himself. We don't even know what he was doing in Vegas in the first place so it'll be interesting to see what he was up to.

Furthermore, I believe Hayate's soul is now in the watch. Hayate's face showing up on it when Nagi picked it up at the end is a segue to the flashback montage, but also foreshadowing for next episodes revelation that they need to stab hayate again with the BC in sword mode to bring Hayate back. If it was just posessing Hayate, Isumi could probably deal with it, but if his spirit is inside the watch it's more complicated since the BC seems to be pretty powerful, or at least is implied to be.

No idea who Dolly is. Not even gonna go there. More curious who birdman is. If anyone here has seen Macross Zero, it'd be incredibly amusing if the birdman was shin, or at least his body.
Dec 6, 2012 5:52 AM

Mar 2009
Raven-Vermillion said:
But Isn't getting stabbed by the Black Camelia supposed to give one all eternity? What's going on?

Maybe it *has* given Hayate all eternity. Inside the watch.
Like it (presumably) gave Shin Hayek all eternity. Until Hayate got stabbed.

co_flame said:
Furthermore, I believe Hayate's soul is now in the watch. Hayate's face showing up on it when Nagi picked it up at the end is a segue to the flashback montage, but also foreshadowing for next episodes revelation that they need to stab hayate again with the BC in sword mode to bring Hayate back.

I noticed that too and that was exactly my conclusion.
Dec 6, 2012 7:03 AM

Jan 2012
I think Hayek is in Hayate's body atm, and that Dolly is the witch (remember the story about a thief who met a witch?) is that same witch.
Dec 6, 2012 7:22 AM

Nov 2007
Im pretty damn sure Shin is inside Hayate. I mean we have a lot of clues pointing to this.

1. Hayate says "Im alive" when he got stabbed, but that was most likely Shin confirming his return
2. When the cops arrive Hayate starts to flee, sure he got in trouble with them earlier but that reaction is more along the lines of someone who has been avoiding the law for all his life like Shin.
3. Hayate doesn't know english, but magically now he does.

What I find more interesting is who the demon really is, the biggest thing is the ring she wears because...
Dec 6, 2012 2:31 PM

Feb 2012
My thoughts too... but I don't want to believe myself.
Dec 6, 2012 2:56 PM
Jul 2012
game8910 said:
Im pretty damn sure Shin is inside Hayate. I mean we have a lot of clues pointing to this.

1. Hayate says "Im alive" when he got stabbed, but that was most likely Shin confirming his return
2. When the cops arrive Hayate starts to flee, sure he got in trouble with them earlier but that reaction is more along the lines of someone who has been avoiding the law for all his life like Shin.
3. Hayate doesn't know english, but magically now he does.

What I find more interesting is who the demon really is, the biggest thing is the ring she wears because...

Just to point out the ring Dolly is wearing is....
JwsandaDec 6, 2012 3:52 PM
Dec 6, 2012 3:01 PM

Nov 2009
Best episode so far.

Seeing Nagi break down as she did finally made me care a little for her. I hope it brings about a change in her attitude towards Hayate as she finally admitted she needed him.

Not gonna care too much for the whole theory on the stabbing but I applauded Hayate for quitting being a butler when he did...if anything it might give Nagi a much needed wake up call.
Dec 7, 2012 4:53 PM

Jul 2012
KhanhCPham said:
Just a thought occur to me. The whole eternity thing must mean to take a life in order to live for eternity. In episode 7 where ruka told a fairy tale about a nymph helped her lover gain eternal life by stealing another life. I assume Shin's life was taken into the Black Camilla for Dolly to use for later but something went wrong and somehow went until the Vegas vault. I am betting Dolly is not Yukariko so Dolly stole Shin's ring when she was taking his life.

Well isn't it obvious? Yukariko is DEAD! Unless some strange power from another manga (Dragonballs) or something revived her, Dolly CAN'T be Yukariko. Dolly was probably a woman that Shin met in America. He proposed to her with the ring and something probably ended up like you said...
Dec 7, 2012 11:31 PM

May 2011
How Hayate claimed he was alive was a little too... unenthusiastic. The real Hayate must be somewhere else.
Dec 8, 2012 9:27 AM

Oct 2009
oh what's going on ^^; !

ssf4ae (pc) : misterCybou
sc2 : CybE // 665
Dec 8, 2012 6:32 PM

Jan 2012
You know you've gone crazy start screaming at a cactus xP

Dec 11, 2012 11:36 PM
May 2012
Great, it's only 2 episodes left?! Come on!
Dec 12, 2012 2:25 PM

Jan 2012
lets see if nagi can keep those promises. nishishishishishi~
My Guitar Covers:

Dec 15, 2012 4:54 PM

Dec 2009
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Forum Guidelinesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
Dec 28, 2012 10:24 AM

May 2012
And we're back where we started in the desert. I do wonder why Hayate's personality totally changed after he got stabbed, there seems to be a connection somehow. As well why did Nagi remembered the name "Dolly" and why does this person wear the ring of her mother? Might she be Nagi's mother? No I really wonder it's getting really good and the plot is getting really good! But yea lol now we know why Nagi had so much bad luck in the early beginning, stupid clock! Lets see if Hayate and the teacher can get to that hotel and get their money back :p
Jan 8, 2013 10:53 AM

Jan 2011
So the stab was just used as a cliffhanger after all... lame...
I kind of like this new Hayate, but that's probably just because Manglobe isn't doing a good job of making the "real" Hayate likable and funny like in the original series.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Jan 27, 2013 4:10 PM
Dec 2010
Ok so now Hayate is immortal and was given extremely annoyed by everything second personality probably of his predecessor butler, Nagis dad, while tree women had Nagis dads or moms ring - they are one big family aren't they ? ...
Does manga really differs so much from older anime version or is this anime going third way into fantasy genre?
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greenmartyJan 27, 2013 4:17 PM
( Currently interested in OP MC genre. Recommendations are welcomed, preferable those yet not on my list )
Apr 26, 2013 8:53 PM

Jun 2012
I enjoyed Hayate's (probably temporary) desertion of Nagi. Tsundere's have this kind of shit coming to them.
Jan 30, 2015 6:30 AM

Sep 2010
I personally think Nagi kinda deserves Hayate leaving her :/
She's often such an unthankful asshole to him. Especially in the previous episodes, even tho she knew he was cursed she was still so harsh to him.
Jan 16, 2016 2:36 PM

Jul 2010
MiMikuChan said:
I personally think Nagi kinda deserves Hayate leaving her :/
She's often such an unthankful asshole to him. Especially in the previous episodes, even tho she knew he was cursed she was still so harsh to him.

This. Can't believe some people actually like Nagi, not too many thankfully.
Aug 26, 2016 10:55 PM

Jan 2014
I liked it when Hayate was cold to Nagi...... she needed it....she's bossy and annoying (I don't hate her.....that's how I would feel if I was in his shoes) Just how he said that he quit was like something you kinda wanted to happen for a long time idk
Aug 30, 2016 10:17 AM

Jul 2012

Denial - not just a river in Egypt.
Jun 26, 2023 10:53 AM
Nov 2010
So, she's Ruri's mom. I wonder who is the masked guy with her. Is it their dad? Hmm.
That was a good quick fight between Ruri and Isumi.
So, getting stabbed by it can make that person immortal. I wonder why Hayate's personality changed all of a sudden.
They spoke good English!

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