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3miL Today, 1:27 AM
You ever tried using Burning Abyss? Is it any good?

this is the monarch deck btw:

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

Character: Sylvio Sawatari
Deck Name: MN - Mega Evolution
Deck Type: Speed Duel
Archetype: Monarch
Skill: Pantheist Revelation
Skill Reliance: Low
Playstyle: Tribute Summon, Additional Summons, Effect Destruction, Effect Damage, Banishing, Return, Send
Deck Quantity: 22 / 39 max.
  • Normal Monsters: 0
  • Effect Monsters: 13
  • Spell Cards: 5
  • Trap Cards: 4

The Cards

Normal & Effect Monsters:

Spell & Trap Cards:

3miL Today, 1:25 AM
Sorry this was the video I meant to show you, idk why I did not include it in the last comment

and I just discovered a new vocaloid song, hooray!

Me using Monarchs:

Not that much noteworthy duels so I don't upload recently lol

Are Loaner decks the same thing in MD? As in it's free and is crafted by the game itself?

I'm surprised to see there's only a few cards in Dinomorphia, it probably means it really depends on how it's handled lol
3miL Feb 21, 2:40 PM
Pretty much mood based just like I am huh? lol

That one kind of looks like Steins;Gate, gives the vibes of it too. Read its summary and it seems like just like survive it blends VN and the actual gameplay. I want to finish survive soon but the enthusiasm and the attention to detail are in conflict. You see I'm trying to get a certain achievement and it requires me to sweep all available areas for the items needed but damn I just want to fast forward everything lol

I saw this yesterday and it's quite entertaining especially the pantyshots lol. I looked up if Raye is so popular she has lewds and the internet didn't disappoint lol

Isn't Chihayafuru also a trio with only 1 girl, Furuba is the same too and the demographic for this is female. I think this staple is just engraved too deep. Danny Phantom being an example and that's not even an anime (ATLA too)

It's Sylvio Sawatari from Arc-V. Although he only used Mobius, Mega Mobius and the vassal before he got OTK'd

I've had a Monarch deck but I haven't saved it yet. I guess I'll just add it here next time

Oh I've known about that, it was announced in TGS anime when it was being released for TCG. As for Trickstar and Marincess, they were used by the same character in Vrains so I'm really looking forward to that one

3miL Feb 12, 4:20 AM
tbh I entertained the idea that you left for good and was about to disable my comments lol. Was too busy with work and only had enough energy for gaming and shit recently tbh. surprised I even had the urge to make a furuba profile

It doesn't seem like you've been watching anything lately, you gaming a lot?

Yes, the plot is pretty amazing but just like most youtubers said, the gameplay part is kinda mid. As for profile design, unfortunately there is not enough artworks and whatnot so I had to use real clips from the game. The game has 4 routes and I am on the first (but I played it last). I have to be meticulous here so I get all the achievements left, or else I'll have to pick one of the four routes again to complete it :(

Yeah, Sky Striker is getting so popular it has it's own anime now. I am considering building a deck based on it

Flame Wingman is in Go Rush and I've seen a video where a Yugituber was asking people about their two cents on what the next anime would be, some of the memorable suggestions include

> female mc
> mc plays both master and rush duel
> reboot of duel monsters without the shenanigans (attacking the moon, fusing blue-eyes with mammoth graveyard)
> Go Rush / Sevens universe that takes place in the future, since Go Rush is the ancient aliens prequel of Sevens

And since Ritual Summoning is now on Rush Duels, I'd like to have a Ritual-focused season for Master Duel. Make the mc there female too lmao

Although if the MC is female, it would kind of make the dynamic off, like are the rival/bff archetype also gonna be female? and is the love interest going to be male or are they going to all be lesbians? (hot tho) lmao
3miL Dec 30, 2024 1:10 AM
It's alright lol, timezones and all

Looks exactly like what he makes lol. Didn't finish the vid, the voices were too annoying hahaha. What do you think about the eva summary?

This is my first time playing an actual VN (unless the bootleg Love Hina/Galaxy Sim Date RPG/Sim Girl) counts.

It's very time consuming and there's a lot of dialogue that I felt was unnecessary but after a while I got used to it. I do like the franchise so getting immersed wasn't that hard

My initial response was "It'll happen very soon" but it turns out Part 9 wasn't the end. I was on Part 5 when I saw your message and apparently a Part 12 exists, let's not even talk about every other route I wanna explore to see the other achievements

lmao. Not much to say except, that be how it is with YGO. MD is purely PVP correct? damn

I can understand, I feel the same for the DL ones, especially the ones that add a new character
3miL Dec 24, 2024 8:25 AM

I hope this year has been very kind to you
and that it made you experience and learn a lot of things in life
and many more in the coming years.

As time passes by, people come and go
and we experience some unpleasant things
and we feel like it's not worth the effort moving forward

But I hope that too passes for you, no matter how long it takes
All the best in your goals and endeavors in life

3miL Dec 20, 2024 3:52 AM
South Park is a little too old for me. We had a couple VHS of it from my aunt who used to like it. I saw one episode where Jesus fought Satan on a boxing ring but that was it

Ah yeah, Games do that. Sometimes even youtubers narrate stuff in so short you don't need to watch the entire anime. This one is out there too

I finished it some time a few days ago. I'm still playing it every few days. I only use the protags and try to make their decks fitting for pvp tho

Yeah, now I've reached so far in c2s that I need a lot more to make things go even faster, and I ain't doing that. I just downloaded Digimon Survive yesterday. I hope this is as fun as I expected

Lmao how does this event work? Damn I think I should've started MD instead of Survive instead so we could've played. Or maybe after I get good
3miL Dec 4, 2024 1:27 AM
I forgot where I stopped but like most people the jokes hit too close to home and was too edgy for my taste, I like that part where the 40 year old female newscaster turned out to be the murderer tho

Apparently Doctor Who is still airing to this day, and I've heard stuff about the new one being a girl or something

Are you actually gonna skip the filler tho? Credits for OP tho, I heard it's got the least amount of filler for shounen of its generation still ain't watching it tho

Damn, really have to start MD soon. I'm actually almost "done" playing Duel Links, I only have 2 characters left which are not maxed out in levels, and though I know that the game goes on if I want, I kinda want to stop at that for a while and save some progress on steam but it's giving me some issues. I also bought this thing in Cell to Singularity called the Infinity pass which works for 1 month and gets me pass most cost of daily and hourly upgrades, making my progress WAY faster than I ever expected it to be, I ended up being closer to the end (unless they have more updates) than I could've ever hoped for

Do you play MD on Steam or is it just on your phone?
3miL Nov 18, 2024 3:48 AM
That's true, and seeing how Sera Gamble didn't last long, the pressure must've been big. She should've attempted to close curtains as early as possible

That is true, and they (including Family Guy) are still airing correct? Damn. Speaking of long-running shows, do you know about Doctor Who?

Yeah, and considering most anniversary stuff always revolve around DM or GX, it definitely says a lot

Yeah mate, sry. I believe we started chatting as of January 2022 (something about magical girls...) so of course I may have forgotten some of them

You could watch it following a filler guide, so you can keep up with the recent airing episodes. Apparently they will also make a Boruto for Bleach, because why not?

I did that in the middle of the 2010s, I owned a few pirated dvds and had to watch them in advance to know which episodes are broken to either download them or watch them online

Ah I guess I can understand that, my brother once tumbled trying to catch the shuttle cock from when we were playing Badminton
3miL Oct 27, 2024 8:33 AM
Yes, there's these things called Supernatural's "Eras". The creator stepped down and allowed a succession of different showrunners after the fifth season

Gravity Falls is the opposite example. It ended when it peaked in S2. Spongebob apparently was supposed to end on the 3rd season.

Yugioh was like that too, afaik. Gx was just made due to popularity, and then 5Ds was supposed to be the last hence the post apocalyptic setting, and the crossover film. But yeah, it certainly went on. Like a few more times

Bleach if I am not mistaken has the worst reputation for fillers. Before its return in 2022, a youtuber by the name of Super Eyepatch Wolf (not to be confused with SSSniperwolf lol) made a video talking about its downfall. At the time it was very heartbreaking to see such a beloved work fall flat like that. And 2012, the year Bleach ended also happened to be the same year I became active on anime social networks, like MAL. So it was hard to accept

But in a similarly poetic fashion, Bleach returned, and on my birthday at that! lol

Yes it is, that wii thing where you play virtual badminton using the console as a stand-in for a racket has to be one of the most hilariously ironic technological developments. You end up using your limbs anyway so why don't you play outside? lol. But VR, damn. We'll all be vegetables once we get addicted to that. We're already zombies with smartphones alone, sheesh lol
3miL Oct 23, 2024 3:48 PM
Each season is a mixture of plot relevant stuff and some mid fillers so I can't blame you.

Unfortunately, due to my completionist tendencies I end up watching them anyway. I've finished 10 out of 15 seasons and I'm not surprised that it turns out that the 5th season WAS intended to be the ending. I haven't seen those links but since I like SPN more as a story than the actors I'm not going to watch their other stuff simply because they're there (I do this for seiyuu tho hahahaha)

That's nice. Have you heard of this?

When Metaverse and stuff was invented it felt weird and creepy, but this... Well, this is a bit more interesting. Now we can actually duel with Holograms, by making ourselves one hahaha
3miL Oct 1, 2024 2:14 PM
Ah lol, Sorry about that. "Water XYZ" is what they call the Shark cards and related stuff to it, mainly being Level 3-4s, so I get why it can be confusing. Creators really didn't think this through haha. Speaking of things that weren't thought through, I recently watched old youtube clips of "Supernatural" and I realized the story got dragged on and it lost the majesty it had when it started. Have you heard of this show?

They recently added Go Rush world to Duel Links. I'm hyped as the anime is STILL airing and I have hopes for a lot of stuff to be added later since Go Rush has more episodes and produces more material and lore expanding the Sevens Universe. Rush Duels are a lot more interesting there now. It's pretty common in PVP, they have their own set of toxic players there now. But it's not something that happens right away, Max monsters still require parts and if they get shuffled then you're fucked

LMAO I didn't notice that myself. It's all AI so I play with them as I please

I saw some of the pics, they were neither disgusting nor hilarious but the stupidity of it all did make me laugh
3miL Sep 15, 2024 4:48 AM
Yeah, always thought that was weird and repetitive. And having a Mayakashi skill kind of makes it easier to use

Sadly I haven't really tried it yet, kinda getting bored out with DL and C2S recently tbh. Wow that's cute, I think I need some break to regain the mood and then try MD

This one duel was kind of hilarious. I got to summon Thor like 3 times

This one was twice for Yggdrago

Also tried out Arcana Force

Damn, sorry haha. I didn't take a look at the meme in time and now it's taken down. I did read the announcement giving him a special mention, which was kind of hilarious lol
3miL Aug 24, 2024 10:47 PM
I have never fought against those tbh. I've had a Mayakashi deck before but it's supported by spells. I've heard that gems are hard to come by in MD. How does it work?

So what happens to these arts? Do you have these as mats on the game or something?

They technically are lol. Egypt stuff will probably be forever ubiquitous to YGO for obvious reasons

I don't really care unless what was skipped is a key card. For example, the Melodious Link Monster is a good help but I don't think it's that helpful. Unless you're going to be toxic lol
3miL Aug 13, 2024 11:39 PM
After fiddling with it myself I've seen what was missing and I learned what the problem is and managed to progress significantly lol. Although the next requirements requires a lot of patience as it IS an idle game after all

Interesting, well I'll see when I get to it. Already stopped playing the old Warcraft but I still find myself playing RA just to pass the time for Cell to Singularity to evolve

I've made another one with Triamids but the deck is mostly Triamids, the Fossil cards are only there because of the skill. It's less versatile but it does have its advantages. I've used decks featuring that, it's either that or Archfiend Skull Dragon which usually gets used

Not yet lol. Frankly I'm slowly losing interest. The only thing that will get me to start MD I guess is a curiosity to try out archetypes or cards I don't have in DL, but we'll see

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