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Jul 6, 2008 12:32 PM

Jan 2008
Oh man I wish I could work out how to get a screencap from an RMVB file in WMP Classic successfully, but alas for now we'll all just have to imagine the new Zeon bad guy waltzing around with a pink rose and glittering sparkles flowing from his eyes.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 31, 2008 11:30 PM

Aug 2008
Cello looks like a really weird guy. Is this supposed to be the new "threat"?
Apr 10, 2010 4:34 PM
Nov 2008
Not crazy about this show so far. The main villain so far is kind of absurd. I'm getting tired of his constant fantasies about Haman. Sadly, he's probably the best new character, since all the junkyard kids are pretty one dimensional so far...
Sep 15, 2010 12:01 PM

May 2008
Pretty enjoyable battle between Judau and Mashima~ I wanna see a bit more character deepness, because they just some kids who are acting stupidly~
Dec 7, 2010 2:07 PM

May 2010
Lolol, this was the greatest fight ever! *awkwardly grab's other mobile suit's face* "What are you doing?" "WHO CARES?!"

Really cute brother and sister interactons too. Hilarious and cute aren't two terms I'd typically use to describe a gundam show...
“Money can't buy dere”
May 2, 2011 6:59 PM
Jul 2010
"Oh I SEE! You want to fight with your fists! en garde, ZETA GUNDAM!"

This new rose guy is hilarious. Look at him:
Sep 6, 2011 8:56 AM

Mar 2010
Good lord this show is already mearing shit all over Zeta's face
May 17, 2012 4:43 AM

Mar 2009
Yes, it's definitely a far-fetch from Zeta.
But, I still found it rather enjoyable.

I think people try to hope it lives up to Zeta too much.
Accept it for what it is, and I think you can enjoy it more.

And, from what I've heard, it get more Zeta-like in the second half.

Urahara Out!!
May 17, 2012 5:15 AM

Apr 2012
I don't know about zeta-like (haven't watched it yet!) but it does get better in the 2nd half, it gets more serious.
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Jun 9, 2012 1:10 AM

Sep 2009
That was funny.
Just crap the enemy in the face.
Ought to work wonders.
Dec 7, 2012 7:42 AM

Jun 2012
I was really sad because of the constant "WTF moments" on this episode. But I think it's okay, since it's supposed to be a comedy show.

That was only one thing that I didn't understand: Why Bright didn't invite Judau to join them already? I'm preety sure AEUG were able to send her sister to a good school and keep him and his friends aboard.
Apr 26, 2013 4:19 AM

Oct 2009
Well that was er..i feel bad for the Zeta :(
May 21, 2013 4:44 PM

Nov 2011
This Judau kid is not worthy of replacing Kamille as the pilot of the Zeta.

I guess this Cello guy who looks like a more feminine version of Four is ZZ's idea of a charming villain. Surely girls won't fall over him like they did for Paptimus. He's just silly.

This series is not engaging in the slightest so far. Eugh. Char pl0x.

ANIME JA NAI! ANIME JA NAI! Fushigi na kimochi- Who came up with this, lol?
Aug 15, 2013 10:44 AM

Sep 2010
My ovaries exploded as soon as Marshymre came on screen. Although his personality is a bit weird I think he is my favorite character so far.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Feb 11, 2014 12:25 PM

Aug 2011
Cathedral said:
Eugh. Char pl0x.

While I do agree that everything needs more Char, I have to get used to the fact that he won't appear in all the Gundam series. :(

At least this one still has Brighto-san.

I did like the part where that one guy's like 'how come the rose is still alive?' and Cello says that it's varnished and punches him in the face.
Mar 12, 2014 8:51 AM

Sep 2013
I'm actually enjoying this start more than the start of Zeta. Or maybe my expectations just were so low after all the hate for ZZ...
Apr 9, 2014 4:36 PM

Sep 2011
i cant tell if i liked this episode or hated it.

parfaited said:

At least this one still has Brighto-san.
im hoping bright can carry the series for me, him char and sayla were the only characters i liked for the first series, now hes rocking it solo so hopefully he can pull it off

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Apr 11, 2014 11:31 PM

May 2008
Not that bad of an episode. The only thing I don't like is the thinking that just because one kid can and wants to pilot a Gundam makes him a Newtype. He can barely do it, which is kinda refreshing, and is the opposite of what the show has shown of Newtypes.

I liked it better in 0079 where they speculated about Newtypes, but didn't believe it until it was plainly obvious (or tried to).

That said, I liked Marshmell-- I mean, Cello. He's very amusing.
Jul 21, 2014 6:21 AM

Mar 2013
I'm honestly not liking it so far. The first episode was terrible, really terrible. New Axis dude is supposed to follow on the steps of great villains like Char, Haman or Scirocco¿ What a joke.

Judau seems OKish but his friends are kind of... boring, at least now. I'm more interested about what's gonna happen to Kamille tbh.
Jan 15, 2015 7:41 PM

Jul 2009
Good episode!

But lol, when he Cello was about to hit by the saber, he jump like one of those early comedic animes :P

Yeah Cello is supposed to be more dangerous seeing as he is a supposed "Knight" by Haman.

I can see how the series seems tone down compared to Zeta. Still it can be pretty serious at times.

Glad Judau helped Argama and crew. I was surprise he didn't joined Argama since it would at least given him job as well able to fly Zeta during combat situations.

Oh well more episodes to come, so no rush for now. Can't wait for the next episode!!
Sep 25, 2015 11:20 AM

Sep 2008
This is silly anime even if opening says othervise about it's anime status.

Cello is a bit like Lordknightmon from Digimon Frontier. I would have though that he would pilot the pink MS that was in the background but he just took the normal one.
Dec 9, 2015 1:15 PM

Nov 2012
"I have a feeling about that kid." The turning point for humanity is always the day some random kid decides to steal a gundam Bright-san.

Judau vs Cello was comedic.Couldn't help but laugh at Cello called Judau a newtype (which he likely is) when he's currently just a novice.

Well this episode settles it,I'll throw away expectations of this to be like 0079 or Zeta (during this first half) and looks at more as a parody of Gundam since it'll be much more enjoyable that way.
Feb 1, 2016 4:58 PM

Nov 2012
VanishingKira said:
"I have a feeling about that kid." The turning point for humanity is always the day some random kid decides to steal a gundam Bright-san.

Judau vs Cello was comedic.Couldn't help but laugh at Cello called Judau a newtype (which he likely is) when he's currently just a novice.

Well this episode settles it,I'll throw away expectations of this to be like 0079 or Zeta (during this first half) and looks at more as a parody of Gundam since it'll be much more enjoyable that way.

I think show's not bad so far. It's obvious they're going for the more lighthearted way , but I already knew that like most other people before they watch ZZ the first thing you read about it in almost any review is that its a tale of two halves of the show. This marshmellow guy is as cheesy as they come .

That's probably a good perspective to take , I most likely won't get so much enjoyment out of it either if I go in expecting it to be like the previous two shows.

It sucks that Kamile is out of commission , I wonder if they'll ever find a way to return him to normal.
Mar 20, 2016 10:30 AM

Jan 2014
I see Aphrodite left the Sanctuary to become a MS pilot. His fight with Judau was hilariously bad, though I admit I couldn't help laughing at Marshmallow's complete overestimation of his opponent.

"I... I am still not ready" *furiously blushing*
Is it just me or did it totally sound like Cello thought Haman wanted to take his virginity? hahaha

Given Judau's intention to come back for the Zeta and Bright visibly counting on him to help them again in the future, he might have as well given him a manual or some shit, cause it's pretty clear by now this kid has absolutely no idea how to operate a MS.
SapewlothMay 4, 2016 7:00 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Apr 14, 2016 6:00 PM

Apr 2014
In my mind, every engineer on the Argama has the same face and is named Astonaige. Nazi Marshmallow is pretty cool, I guess. He reminds me of that one Neo Italy (or was it Neo France? I don't remember) dude from G Gundam.
May 11, 2016 4:34 AM

Dec 2015
Very enjoyable so far, would I dare to say "far more than the first Zeta episodes"? Yes, I dare.
Axis Zeon, like it seemed before, is not big enough to start a full-scale war even against a weakened Earth Federation since Haaman is willing to extend their reach over other spacenoïds. Who's in charge of the Defense right now? the forces were divided in so many camps who simply annihilated each others in Zeta. Does that mean that Bright is basically independent with no support from an organization? It's time for him to shine !

I just hope this incompetent and delusional/extravagant emissary of Haman will be disposed of very soon: he is too much of a gag character, he even has gag abilities (in-extremis back jump in the cockpit? o-o).
Bright 's experience and intuition helps him to see the NT in Judau even if it is clearly not visible. But I like that his lack of MS experience is shown (he is no military student nor a engineer's son who peaked in his father's files and read notes). He will probably join the Argama out of his desire to support his sister's life, making him the first to wish to pilot almost from the beginning.. Sadly, the other kids will come along (too much kiddy kids who have never lived any conflict in my opinion)


I wonder what will be the main thing in this series after the war politics drama of 0079 and the characters-centric drama of Zeta. This time, I am ready for the change!

December 3, 2016
@SakurasouBusters : You are not, those kids have no reason to be dead serious or anything like that in the beginning. They didn't went through the same experiences as the audience. (something most viewers tend to forgot)
Do you mean Mashymre? After a bad start, I came to like him after a while. ^^"
About the slum kids, one or two will rapidly become... despicable.

June 27, 2020
@St0rmblade Obviously, they're angry because it didn't fit their expectations. WHen you read those people, ZZ is "not what Gundam is about". The funny thing is that many of those same people celebrate Zeta, a series I found to be "not what Gundam (79) was about", primarily focusing/losing time on the soap and robot action bits and losing "politics".
Also, I think that this critic isn't that reasonable because: Judau has nothing to do with the events that came before. This sudden entry in comedic territories would feel awkward for the veterans we just left at the end of Zeta's finale (imagine Kamille in Judau's situation, or Char), but it doesn't have to for Judau (or Mashymre, a soldier that has seemingly little doings in wars)
Rei_IIIJun 27, 2020 1:23 PM
Jul 20, 2016 4:11 PM
Nov 2015
I love that moment when Cello's subordinate comments about Cello's rose holding up really well. That is classic Gundam humor, like guards talking about cheese sandwiches and the like, and I love that shit.

So far this is a fun show and I've got no real problems with it. It might take a while for the uber plot to kick in but at least they're not featuring an unlikable mc until that happens like Kamille was early on in Zeta.
Dec 2, 2016 9:56 PM

Jun 2013
Maybe im crazy, but im finding this pretty enjoyable so far
And i like pretty much all of the new cast (besides the terribly generic villian)
Mar 5, 2017 1:36 PM

May 2012
Quite solid development and action! Liking it quite a lot so far! Let's see what's next.
Feb 9, 2018 1:45 PM

May 2015
They need to start equipping Gundam with LoJack XD
Aug 27, 2018 8:32 PM

Jun 2014
So, Judau still can't figure out how to close the Zeta's hatch? Lol.

Cello is certainly an interesting opponent, and appears to be rather full of himself. The Argama crew have taken a liking to Judau, which is no surprise.

Apr 2, 2019 11:13 AM

Nov 2016
Cello = Akio from Utena. At least this comparison came immediately to mind.

Enjoyable series so far.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 2, 2019 8:44 PM
Feb 2018
So far I'm enjoying this! I can see why alot of people don't enjoy this show, due to the more comedic nature of it. I don't mind it so far! The plot isn't really going anywhere yet, but solid episode in my opinion. I doubt Judau will be the next Amuro or Kamille though.
Oct 9, 2019 10:05 AM

Apr 2014
so far gotta say im liking the new characters they are pretty likable

so far its good and a nice change compared to zeta
"one step at a time"
Jun 26, 2020 5:32 AM

Aug 2017
So now we have a bishounen Axis guy with a rose? Awesome. That scene with Haman giving him the rose was just incredible xD Am I watching some bishoujo anime? That rose is probably artificial hahaha. I wonder if Mashymre's subordinates cringe at his obsession with that rose.

Shinta and Qum are finally not entirely useless and are working at the kitchen.

What's the matter with gravity when Judau got outside? One dynamite was pretty damn powerful to throw an entire MS off the ship. Some really amazing physics we got there.

I laughed when Mashymre started giving a speech about his rose during a battle with Judau xD His name is also ridiculous btw.

"He took a fighting stance immediately upon landing. He's used to combat" - I'm dying from this top-level battle analysis

Bright and Astonaige should've told that kid what to do during the battle!

I also noticed that the animation in some scenes is lacking, like it's almost 8 FPS or something. Like when Mashymre almost fell out of his mobile suit and climbed back.

Honestly it was the most hilarious episode of Gundam I've ever seen, why are people hating on the beginning of ZZ? Sure it's just the first 2 episodes but still. The ED is also good.

10/5 I haven't laughed so much for a long time.


Yeah I agree, it just seems like Gundam means different things for different people, and they want these things to be emphasized (politics, characters, shiny mobile suits, you name it). I think ZZ is pretty self-aware of its tone shift, because different characters are reacting to the circumstances differently - Judau and friends are just goofing around, and Bright, Torres and Astonaige are rightfully annoyed that they're forced to endure all that.
St0rmbladeJun 27, 2020 1:33 PM
Mar 7, 2021 1:43 PM

Aug 2017
Judau is better than Kamille during early episodes so far. New antagonist looks like a joke but he can improve later.
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Sep 2, 2023 3:06 AM

Jul 2017
i'm liking it a lot, it's definitely lighter than zeta, but that's not a bad thing
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Jan 12, 1:18 AM
Apr 2024
mashymre cello is HOTTTT also hes so real for having a big fat crush on haman. like yeah i get it bro you're so real for that. come on and serve cunt with that rose of yours if i ever got something from haman i would cherish it too.
also i love how judau is the worst pilot ever while simultaneously being good at it
"omg you're doing terrible big bro!! nevermind you just did something good pop off big bro!!!"
i love leina so much also judaus friends are absolutely goofy

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