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Oct 20, 2017 6:18 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Well this was a refreshing episode, quite different in mood compared to the previous one. However, the second half of this episode picked up business with the siege. It seems Kino's journey caught herself in this conflict too. Loved the usage of the soundtrack of this episode. It really brings out the episode to it fullest. Kino with the sniper rifle skills though...nice. |
Oct 20, 2017 9:00 AM
At first I felt bad for that other country since they pretty much lost a lot of their agriculture and some homes, but after learning that the only reason why they have that wall there is to extort people for money and other stuff, they deserved what happened lol Still, it was really nice to see a country that wasn't fucked up and instead was filled with a very nice and fruitful country of citizens who just love to travel and live in peace....I'd probably chose to live there as well tbh (Even though they could very easily rule the world and become tyrants lol, but that'll probably never happen) Great episode overall, and I loved seeing Kino show her sniping skills =o |
Oct 20, 2017 9:08 AM
Wow, that was... actually kinda messed up O-o Good episode though, this show never fails to make you think. |
Oct 20, 2017 9:22 AM
Since when does Kino stay in a country for more than 3 days? Also, Lerche, stop with the Kino blushing scenes, they're totally unneeded. Other than that, this was an improvement compared to the previous episodes. |
Oct 20, 2017 9:38 AM
That was a cool ass country. It makes me wonder how it came to be. |
Oct 20, 2017 9:43 AM
Good episode. I do like the moving country but I gotta agree that they are definitely bothersome, I'm happy that they are nice people and despite all the power they have, they don't choose to over exert their power and take control or whatever but they're lifestyle causes huge problems to the life in their way. Kinda felt bad for the country whose fields were destroyed, then again since they were a bunch of extortionists, It's not entirely a bad thing they're wall got destroyed. Kino's sniping was awesome. |
Oct 20, 2017 9:51 AM
That moving country was cool. It doesn't stay in one place and likes to move along in peace. The mural the kids painted looks pretty. Sometimes they run into trouble like that one country. I felt bad for them at first, but after finding out they extort money and goods from those passing through, I think they deserved it. Kino's sniping skills was amazing. |
Oct 20, 2017 9:58 AM
Mouloxas said: Since when does Kino stay in a country for more than 3 days? Also, Lerche, stop with the Kino blushing scenes, they're totally unneeded. Other than that, this was an improvement compared to the previous episodes. It is said 3 days is the best. Staying longer wouldn't be surprising considering the country is moving. |
Oct 20, 2017 10:05 AM
Wow if that country really existed I'd totally transfer there. They travel as a nation and get to see differens sceneries, never getting bored of the same old place. The damage to the environment is a big downside though, destroying w/e comes across your country could also start wars depending on whom you damage. At the very least they expanded upwards, so the size of the whole cilinder is not that huge. |
Oct 20, 2017 10:13 AM
Really liked this episode, the way they animated the country somewhat reminded me of the country in Land of Illness from the 2007 Kino episode. |
*Screaming autistically through the screen* |
Oct 20, 2017 10:14 AM
Apparently, this show's bread and butter is to introduce moral debates about travelers and the effect they have on the places they visit. Something I liked about this episode is that both countries aren't portrayed as exclusively good or evil. They are just trying to survive. Kino is smart enough to know that and mostly keeps to herself, unless circumstances force her to be more proactive. It's like she has a Prime Directive, like Star Trek. Also, that sniping scene wouldn't look out of place in a WWII movie. Anyway, this was a good episode and I'm looking forward to next week. |
Oct 20, 2017 10:48 AM
The series is still on the tracks after the whole point of the last episode about "Colosseum Avengers". Since it's a great mood and well down atmosphere between the country where nonetheless bothersome. Taking power to conquer as morals and self act of vicious embark of never-ending journey, The counterflowing values of Kino relentlessly still over the edge. |
Oct 20, 2017 10:52 AM
Oct 20, 2017 10:57 AM
Another good episode. The moving country was nice and interesting. The only problem is the fact that it destroys anything along its path. Awesome sniping skill from Kino. |
Oct 20, 2017 11:11 AM
Mouloxas said: Since when does Kino stay in a country for more than 3 days? Kino already traveled through the walled country (as explained at the end). Given the direction of the "moving country", she knew it would cross the other one in the time period she gave (more than 3 days), and she wanted to see what would happen then. |
Oct 20, 2017 11:19 AM
Good episode. Every country has it issues,but that doesn't justify more unjust actions against it. |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Oct 20, 2017 11:28 AM
Well, it was an undeniable improvement from last week's episode, but I'm still unconvinced about this at this point. I really feel that they're characterising Kino in a completely different way to the original, and at this point I'm not particularly pleased about that. I'm still on board with this, but I'm hoping it improves in future episodes compared to how it's been so far (decent but inconsistent is how I'd describe this so far). |
Oct 20, 2017 11:56 AM
Djidji said: It is said 3 days is the best. Staying longer wouldn't be surprising considering the country is moving. Ruzgfpegk said: Kino already traveled through the walled country (as explained at the end) Given the direction of the moving country, she knew it would cross the other one in the time period she gave, which was more than 3 days, and she wanted to see what would happen then. You're wrong, what happened was that the "walled country" wanted her woodsman (the pistol) as compensation for allowing her to cross through the country, hence why she knew about the toll/extortion and was wondering what to do at the beginning of the episode. Since she couldn't accept that, she used the "moving country" to get past the "walled country" for free. I'm just surprised she broke her 3 day rule. For example, in the original Sakura episode, Hermes was shocked when she wanted to break her 3 day rule and stay in that country. I won't spoil more because the Sakura episode will be getting a remake... |
MouloxasOct 20, 2017 12:12 PM
Oct 20, 2017 12:22 PM
Story wise though , this episode is about civil ruled country versus military based country |
Oct 20, 2017 12:39 PM
Oct 20, 2017 1:55 PM
EXCUSE ME PARDON ME< COMING THROUGH, SORRY FOR YOUR FOOT, the episode :> Ahem jokes aside, I liked this one. |
Oct 20, 2017 2:01 PM
BESIDE those extortionists and so-called kind people that don't abuse power. Is this kind of country allowed? What is the moral of this episode? Is it as long as you are kind people, you are allowed to do such a thing to bad people? |
Signature removed. Check your inbox |
Oct 20, 2017 2:06 PM
that annoying country sure have ego problem |
Cross Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste) |
Oct 20, 2017 2:16 PM
Fascinating episode. It makes you think if this moving country has the right to do what it does to other countries. Kino obviously is someone who thinks differently and i was interested why Kino ended up helping the moving country here. It was for the reason of high taxes to pass through the country, it's so blunt and on-the-nose but it makes sense. Both countries do things right and wrong but it's the way of life basically by existing. |
Oct 20, 2017 2:32 PM
This episode was great. You think that the plot is going in one direction, but as the episode goes on, you realize that things don't appear like they do. If anyone is confused, Kino at first visited the Wall Country, but they demanded her Woodsman persuader (the pistol on her back) so she could pass through. She didn't want to give up her gun so she couldn't move on, since the wall was built so travelers would have to pay a toll. With her giving up, she went back to come up with a plan so she wouldn't have to pay. She then saw the moving country and decided to stay there. The reason she said she wanted to stay 5-10 days was because she wanted to know if the country was capable of going through the wall country one way or another. It wasn't guaranteed that the country would pass through in 3 days. This episode shows how both countries are at fault. While the Wall country is greedy, they still want to protect their people and the land. The Moving Country is peaceful, but they destroy nature and ruin lives for outsiders. No country is good or bad, but in this context, we are supposed to root for the Moving Country. Even Kino's morals are ambiguous as she did not judge both countries for their lifestyles. (Sorry for the wall of text) |
Oct 20, 2017 2:37 PM
All I have to say after watching this episode is this: IMA FIRIN' MAH LAZA BWAAAAAAAAHHHHH |
Don't believe the hype. |
Oct 20, 2017 2:39 PM
Scratchy99 said: This episode was great. You think that the plot is going in one direction, but as the episode goes on, you realize that things don't appear like they do. If anyone is confused, Kino at first visited the Wall Country, but they demanded her Woodsman persuader (the pistol on her back) so she could pass through. She didn't want to give up her gun so she couldn't move on, since the wall was built so travelers would have to pay a toll. With her giving up, she went back to come up with a plan so she wouldn't have to pay. She then saw the moving country and decided to stay there. The reason she said she wanted to stay 5-10 days was because she wanted to know if the country was capable of going through the wall country one way or another. It wasn't guaranteed that the country would pass through in 3 days. This episode shows how both countries are at fault. While the Wall country is greedy, they still want to protect their people and the land. The Moving Country is peaceful, but they destroy nature and ruin lives for outsiders. No country is good or bad, but in this context, we are supposed to root for the Moving Country. Even Kino's morals are ambiguous as she did not judge both countries for their lifestyles. (Sorry for the wall of text) Hey that breakdown is appreciated. Thanks for the explanation. |
Don't believe the hype. |
Oct 20, 2017 2:50 PM
I don't like how focused on action this remake seems to be. It's not like they're following the order of the Light novels, they're doing this on purpose. |
Oct 20, 2017 3:07 PM
Best episode of Kino in the City yet. The setting was really intruiging, even if it was a bit on the barebones side. At least it inspired plenty of imagination! I feel like this show could be better if there was more time spent on expanding story (or at least a theme for each episode) and less on the visuals. Albeit, the visuals are the best part of this show. |
Oct 20, 2017 3:25 PM
Ulquiorra said: What a horrible country. They don't care about anything except their journey, I hope that some day they will get what they deserve, death. Thank you it seems you’re the only one who shares the same opinion as me. This country is a plague to the earth and the guy just tried to brush it off by saying “all countries are a bother”. Fuck them. |
Oct 20, 2017 3:36 PM
I don't get this Kino. Seems like a sociopath. Is there any particular reason neither the country nor Kino could just go around the walled country? Yeah, it stretches for a while, but I doubt it covers the whole continent. Also, this show is "shot" in such a boring, straightforward way. Like... it's "pretty", I guess, but it does nothing with it. |
Oct 20, 2017 3:37 PM
Boring episode. It feels like this adaptation is doing a bad job of making Kino likeable. |
Oct 20, 2017 4:42 PM
GoingInside said: I don't get this Kino. Seems like a sociopath. Is there any particular reason neither the country nor Kino could just go around the walled country? Because the only way through that mountainous region is the plains where the wall stands. Motorrads can't fly, after all. But yeah, they're doing rather bad at making a likable Kino. Especially after last weeks genocide. They've also skipped from Volume 1 to Volume 7, for some reason. It feels like they're trying to make an action anime out of it. |
Oct 20, 2017 4:59 PM
T27 said: Ulquiorra said: What a horrible country. They don't care about anything except their journey, I hope that some day they will get what they deserve, death. Thank you it seems you’re the only one who shares the same opinion as me. This country is a plague to the earth and the guy just tried to brush it off by saying “all countries are a bother”. Fuck them. Nah, I hate that country too, and that other country extorting travellers is irrelevant to me aside from absolving Kino, because they didn't know that and wasn't the reason they stomped over. I hope a stronger country one day takes them down. |
Jaywalker. |
Oct 20, 2017 5:14 PM
T27 said: Ulquiorra said: What a horrible country. They don't care about anything except their journey, I hope that some day they will get what they deserve, death. Thank you it seems you’re the only one who shares the same opinion as me. This country is a plague to the earth and the guy just tried to brush it off by saying “all countries are a bother”. Fuck them. It felt like some rich people who came across poor country, doing what they want because they have the power to do so. It could also be a criticism of a "complete" freedom. SaitoInu said: But yeah, they're doing rather bad at making a likable Kino. Especially after last weeks genocide. They've also skipped from Volume 1 to Volume 7, for some reason. It feels like they're trying to make an action anime out of it. Well, the so called genocyde was also here with the 03's version, so it didn't change anything. They chose to adapt some of the fans' favorite stories. Anyway, it's not like they had to adapt the story by following the books order. |
DjidjiOct 20, 2017 5:18 PM
Oct 20, 2017 5:30 PM
Djidji said: Well, the so called genocyde was also here with the 03's version, so it didn't change anything. They chose to adapt some of the fans' favorite stories. Anyway, it's not like they had to adapt the story by following the books order. There was no genocide in the original anime. Kino told only the upper class to fight but also gave them a chance to opt out at the expense of their citizenship. She also made it a rule that you couldn't hurt the slaves. It was a completely voluntary fight to decide who would be king. And just because they're fan favorites doesn't mean it makes sense to only adapt them. |
Oct 20, 2017 5:34 PM
GoingInside said: But yeah, they're doing rather bad at making a likable Kino. Especially after last weeks genocide. They've also skipped from Volume 1 to Volume 7, for some reason. It feels like they're trying to make an action anime out of it. This is a similar concern I have with this reboot of Kino, having seen the 2000s Kino anime. At it's core, Kino's Journey is a series where Kino travels to different countries and experiences the bizarre and moral flaws that each offer up. She doesn't often whip out her weapons unless absolutely necessary, often in cases where her life is at risk or a situation proves serious enough where she has to break her oath of non-intervention as a traveler. In the original series for the Coliseum episodes, seeing the cruelty and corruption of the kingdom's ruler and upper class were what led her to directly interfere in the country's affairs and the series devoted two episodes to explore the deep moral issues of the mentioned country. The remake's depiction doesn't explore these issues in great detail, which leads Kino to appear somewhat sociopathic with how she resolves things since the plot for it is compressed. Thus far, it seems like this remake is cherry-picking the more action or weapon-focused stories of the series to pander to fans instead of focusing on what the heart of the series is: philosophical focus on the joys and flaws of humanity through Kino's observations of the various countries she visits. |
Oct 20, 2017 5:48 PM
Oct 20, 2017 5:59 PM
Hmm....this series become really interesting. Each countries has their unique elemenets. I think: - First country is based on American Wild West (Cowboy Era) - Second country is based on Ancient Roman Empire - Third country is based on Modern Japan |
Oct 20, 2017 6:04 PM
I should've liked this episode more than I did. Something emotionally is missing from this adaption. Maybe there isn't enough mystery or build-up. There are good ideas, but I'm not feeling them. Kino's aloofness may also be an issue. It's off-putting. |
Oct 20, 2017 6:07 PM
Regardless of what I say or think, I'm truly grateful that there's still interest in Kino's Journey. That being said, five to ten days stay? Kino's rule is 3 days, what the heck. Also, Kino being cute, I'm so conflicted. Anyways. this is starting to be more in line with what I expect out of Kino's Journey. Slightly surreal with a good mix of different technologies and walks of life. It's fascinating really, a country with an excess of energy, where they enjoy the benefits of luxuries and constant travel. It's run on sustainability, but it still leaves literal marks on the world, making it so that even with such advanced technologies, they're still unable to completely live in a closed loop system. I've seen proposals for sustainable cradle-to-cradle designs that try to take into account entire systems of general living, but there's always a cost, whether if it's in the form of time, money, or other resources. Here, the cost is the ruin that the country leaves in their path of progressing forward. Again, just the idea of moving forward causes harm to everything around them. So, what happens when the advancement of one country endangers the safety of another country? Co-existence is something that's ideally strived for in reality, but in fiction, you can take liberties by having these highly metaphorical stories start to explore concepts in isolated and in extrapolation. The moving country isn't necessarily hostile, but that almost makes things worse. They said that they're "at peace" with the harm they do upon the world, but it seems more like self-justification to give themselves peace of mind as far as stomaching the amount of destruction they cause. The opposing general and the guide were kind of blatant in spelling most of that out towards the end, but I appreciate how the episode played out, letting you think about the situation before it was explained. I also liked that Kino didn't really react to the situation beyond observing. Sure, Kino defending the painting on the side of the country, but as far as whims go, I wouldn't really consider that meddling with other country's' affairs. Plus, what Kino really wanted was to get through that wall anyways due to the high toll and extortion, so it could be said that Kino's sniping could have been a bit of payback for causing trouble to travelers. So, it creates another interesting thought: who was wrong, the country that refused to budge or the country who wouldn't stop? Or, perhaps, is there a wrong side at all? Both countries lived the way they wished to live, and both caused their own forms of harm. Both could call each other out for each other's supposed wrongness, but at the end, both will continue living on. Could the moving country had found some sort of alternative outlet to their power generation, eliminating the need to constantly move? Could the country with the wall simply not be jerks and not extort travelers? Sure, but then we wouldn't have this allegorical tale of Kinos visiting strange places, meeting countries that reflect real life sentiments and seeing them exaggerated for the purposes of arm chair analyses and popcorn entertainment. Oh, and also, this is the first bloodless episode, or at least one without blood shown on screen. Pleasant, slightly surreal, and generally without any bad blood. Besides the torn up wall and land anyways. This is finally starting to feel like a proper Kino's Journey adaptation. I'm happy. aikaflip said: I should've liked this episode more than I did. Something emotionally is missing from this adaption. Maybe there isn't enough mystery or build-up. There are good ideas, but I'm not feeling them. Kino's aloofness may also be an issue. It's off-putting. Admittedly, the episode was portrayed really straightforward, and it explained itself by the end really blatantly in the manner of "and that's the lesson for today!" It's kind of an average story, truth be told, but I really do like it more than the first two episodes. The focus of the show should be on the world, the different country's functions, the ways people live in them, and if happened to be absurd enough to get a reaction out of Kino. This episode gave all that, so I'd say it works out. |
ShockedOct 20, 2017 6:12 PM
Oct 20, 2017 6:26 PM
I thought that this was going to be a nice-turned-to-be-fucked-up-country but luckily it wasn't. I was feeling bad when they just crushed the agriculture and stuff but damn thank you Hermes for making me feel better. Also it was rare seeing Kino staying longer than her basic 3 days |
Oct 20, 2017 6:45 PM
i seriously admire this author for having such creative ideas for different countries and how this world operates. This is a great anime to recommend to kids and to watch with your parents. It's educational, and makes you question your morality and challenge your judgement with every episode. Take this episode, for example, the Bothersome Country that is constantly traveling can, like its name states, be a pain in the ass for other countries. It has its own ways of operating and living, but other country has their ways of operating too. It's very selfish and cruel of them to just destroy the wall that other country built to protect themselves and earn their profit from. But on the other hand, that other country didn't even try to negotiate; they straight-up attacked the Bothersome Country, and that's fault on their parts. Both of them are at faults and are selfish, trying to protect their own way of living, and didn't but any thoughts into how their actions may cause troubles for the other country. Great episode. I'll be definitely expecting more and better from this series. I'm so glad I didn't skip this series cuz it sounds boring (a traveler's story? ugh not my type), cuz this series may turn out to be one of my favorite animes of all time. |
Oct 20, 2017 6:48 PM
Shocked said: aikaflip said: I should've liked this episode more than I did. Something emotionally is missing from this adaption. Maybe there isn't enough mystery or build-up. There are good ideas, but I'm not feeling them. Kino's aloofness may also be an issue. It's off-putting. Admittedly, the episode was portrayed really straightforward, and it explained itself by the end really blatantly in the manner of "and that's the lesson for today!" It's kind of an average story, truth be told, but I really do like it more than the first two episodes. The focus of the show should be on the world, the different country's functions, the ways people live in them, and if happened to be absurd enough to get a reaction out of Kino. This episode gave all that, so I'd say it works out. I mostly agree. A drawback of stories with a heavy emphasis on world building is that the characterization is often undermined as a result. The more leisurely pacing of the original helped mitigate this issue, and foster an intimacy with the characters that I'm not quite feeling with this adaptation. With this version, I just find myself passively watching Kino do cool stuff rather than wondering about anyone's lives, or asking any questions. Though, this disconnect could change depending on how the next episodes play out. |
Oct 20, 2017 7:02 PM
aikaflip said: Shocked said: aikaflip said: I should've liked this episode more than I did. Something emotionally is missing from this adaption. Maybe there isn't enough mystery or build-up. There are good ideas, but I'm not feeling them. Kino's aloofness may also be an issue. It's off-putting. Admittedly, the episode was portrayed really straightforward, and it explained itself by the end really blatantly in the manner of "and that's the lesson for today!" It's kind of an average story, truth be told, but I really do like it more than the first two episodes. The focus of the show should be on the world, the different country's functions, the ways people live in them, and if happened to be absurd enough to get a reaction out of Kino. This episode gave all that, so I'd say it works out. I mostly agree. A drawback of stories with a heavy emphasis on world building is that the characterization is often undermined as a result. The more leisurely pacing of the original helped mitigate this issue, and foster an intimacy with the characters that I'm not quite feeling with this adaptation. With this version, I just find myself passively watching Kino do cool stuff rather than wondering about anyone's lives, or asking any questions. Though, this disconnect could change depending on how the next episodes play out. That's really the greatest paradox. This is Kino's Journey, and the show should be about the people and places Kino finds, as opposed to the titular main character. It's cool seeing Kino do cool stuff, but my favorite episodes are ones where Kino's neutrality is challenged and is forced to break out of that observer standpoint, rather than where Kino jumps headfirst into being a near-invincible marksman. I find that the series works better with stronger settings for Kino to react to, rather than having Kino be the driver of the story (pun intended). As a main character, Kino actually doesn't have much character, so by having an episode revolve around Kino is basically gunshots and a side of aloof snark. It's...okay I guess...but it's still not much to work with. |
Oct 20, 2017 7:07 PM
I can't help but wonder if this whole series is supposed to be a dream of some sort. -All the countries are weird as fuck -None of them have actual official names -Almost nobody in any country mentions other countries Shocked said: aikaflip said: Shocked said: aikaflip said: I should've liked this episode more than I did. Something emotionally is missing from this adaption. Maybe there isn't enough mystery or build-up. There are good ideas, but I'm not feeling them. Kino's aloofness may also be an issue. It's off-putting. Admittedly, the episode was portrayed really straightforward, and it explained itself by the end really blatantly in the manner of "and that's the lesson for today!" It's kind of an average story, truth be told, but I really do like it more than the first two episodes. The focus of the show should be on the world, the different country's functions, the ways people live in them, and if happened to be absurd enough to get a reaction out of Kino. This episode gave all that, so I'd say it works out. I mostly agree. A drawback of stories with a heavy emphasis on world building is that the characterization is often undermined as a result. The more leisurely pacing of the original helped mitigate this issue, and foster an intimacy with the characters that I'm not quite feeling with this adaptation. With this version, I just find myself passively watching Kino do cool stuff rather than wondering about anyone's lives, or asking any questions. Though, this disconnect could change depending on how the next episodes play out. That's really the greatest paradox. This is Kino's Journey, and the show should be about the people and places Kino finds, as opposed to the titular main character. It's cool seeing Kino do cool stuff, but my favorite episodes are ones where Kino's neutrality is challenged and is forced to break out of that observer standpoint, rather than where Kino jumps headfirst into being a near-invincible marksman. I find that the series works better with stronger settings for Kino to react to, rather than having Kino be the driver of the story (pun intended). As a main character, Kino actually doesn't have much character, so by having an episode revolve around Kino is basically gunshots and a side of aloof snark. It's...okay I guess...but it's still not much to work with. I don't understand the anime community's obsession with wanting major characterization for every anime. Kino's Journey isn't a character drama. It's obvious that the focus is the setting and little stories. It's never about being "emotionally attached". Hell, Romeo and Juliet, one of the most popular plays of all time, has 2 protagonists with 0 personality. aikaflip said: I should've liked this episode more than I did. Something emotionally is missing from this adaption. Maybe there isn't enough mystery or build-up. There are good ideas, but I'm not feeling them. Kino's aloofness may also be an issue. It's off-putting. I think it's because this season lacks the bleakness and bizarreness season 1 was known for. Probably mainly due to the repulsively happy asethetics, as opposed to the cold, picture-book like aesthetics of season 1. I mean, so far, there hasn't been any episode from this season that comes close to being as...poetic, like the episode with the canoe country and the crazy singer. Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button. |
ShockedOct 20, 2017 7:42 PM
Oct 20, 2017 7:17 PM
That was way better than the last one. Kino also felt more lively again as well imo. Just felt like that she had a little bit more believable reactions like in EP 1, tho she is still reserved now... until she grabs her weapon again: ggultra2764 said: GoingInside said: But yeah, they're doing rather bad at making a likable Kino. Especially after last weeks genocide. They've also skipped from Volume 1 to Volume 7, for some reason. It feels like they're trying to make an action anime out of it. This is a similar concern I have with this reboot of Kino, having seen the 2000s Kino anime. At it's core, Kino's Journey is a series where Kino travels to different countries and experiences the bizarre and moral flaws that each offer up. She doesn't often whip out her weapons unless absolutely necessary, often in cases where her life is at risk or a situation proves serious enough where she has to break her oath of non-intervention as a traveler. In the original series for the Coliseum episodes, seeing the cruelty and corruption of the kingdom's ruler and upper class were what led her to directly interfere in the country's affairs and the series devoted two episodes to explore the deep moral issues of the mentioned country. The remake's depiction doesn't explore these issues in great detail, which leads Kino to appear somewhat sociopathic with how she resolves things since the plot for it is compressed. Thus far, it seems like this remake is cherry-picking the more action or weapon-focused stories of the series to pander to fans instead of focusing on what the heart of the series is: philosophical focus on the joys and flaws of humanity through Kino's observations of the various countries she visits. Well, this. I think, they just wanted to make a "cool action scene" and didn't know what they actually said about Kino with it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ --- That was an interesting episode with that ruthless country. "We'll pass. No, we'll no destroying TOO many houses... who needs fields anyway!?" XD At least, I like the idea very much. "Everybody causes some degree of bother to others, just by existing" doesn't mean: "let's stamp down everything in our ways." XD The three day rules: she was too comfortable, I guess? |
Oct 20, 2017 7:20 PM
SaitoInu said: Djidji said: Well, the so called genocyde was also here with the 03's version, so it didn't change anything. They chose to adapt some of the fans' favorite stories. Anyway, it's not like they had to adapt the story by following the books order. There was no genocide in the original anime. Kino told only the upper class to fight but also gave them a chance to opt out at the expense of their citizenship. She also made it a rule that you couldn't hurt the slaves. It was a completely voluntary fight to decide who would be king. And just because they're fan favorites doesn't mean it makes sense to only adapt them. Maybe I should point out the bloodthirsty citizens act this way (you know, the ones shouting "Kill him" on the last match), while they could have not. The presence of slaves sugar-coated the rule Kino made but it's still a genocyde of the top-citizens if I reuse your wording. It just appeared that everyone is a top-citizen here. Or maybe you wanted to close your eyes on how the citizens were? It's not like they picked the 12 top favorites, some were not on the poll. Anyway, you could pick any chapters it wouldn't make a difference (as long as you know the characters). So far, the first episodes shares a link from one to another. OTrizy said: I was feeling bad when they just crushed the agriculture and stuff but damn thank you Hermes for making me feel better. Also it was rare seeing Kino staying longer than her basic 3 days You meant it's ok to prejudice someone as long as you know he got some bad sides? ^^ She stayed one more day this time. :o ( @Shocked ) Shocked said: Again, just the idea of moving forward causes harm to everything around them. Exactly, but they also said their way of living force them to (almost) constantly move [forward] as well. I liked the idea to linked all that to the concept of freedom. |
Oct 20, 2017 7:25 PM
I like it, mainly because it is something that I am predisposed to enjoy, but it hurts me the radical change that suffered, there are no cities, this is only kino, it is not a journey is just a road, she is not a spectator, she acts, participates and, without much fear, little explanation and without any argument breaks his rule of 3 days, because his pistol is more important than his trip, apparently ... Likewise this does not affect him, is cold, insensitive ... it seems more an ex-military than a girl in search of something ... It hurts. |
Oct 20, 2017 7:31 PM
Djidji said: Shocked said: Again, just the idea of moving forward causes harm to everything around them. Exactly, but they also said their way of living force them to (almost) constantly move [forward] as well. I liked the idea to linked all that to the concept of freedom. I also think that you can't live without hurting your environment in one or another way. It just happens by normal human interactions and fulfilling your needs. But it's different, if you are doing it on purpose - more or less. |
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