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ACCA 13-Territory Inspection Department
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Jan 17, 2017 6:22 AM

Nov 2011
Ah more info dump about the world that the series takes place in...

I think it's worth it though considering how important the social structure is with its complex society. Groshular is starting to intrigue me as a character, he just seems pretty interesting so far with his role in the show. Pretty chill episode.
Jan 17, 2017 8:31 AM

Dec 2010
pretty boring episode, even if it was world building. This so called coup d'etat
Jan 17, 2017 9:20 AM
Nov 2016
Well, this episode gave us more info but I think that this series needs to start up-ing the ante if it wants to become the political thriller it should be.

It is so clear that Mauve has the hots for Jean and Nino being revealed as the spy was kinda expected.

Also, I don't know why, but this series provides me with a Baccano! Type feel due to the similar soundtracks and the similar art style
Jan 17, 2017 9:23 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
It feels like Jean is standing above everyone else and they don't even know it. Something is up here.

Nino being Crow wasn't surprising with all the screentime he got in this episode.

Jean x Mauve?
Jan 17, 2017 9:25 AM

May 2010
oh well that was lame , nino really was crow. i thought that cant be true cause its too obvious..dissapointing.
KerozinnJan 17, 2017 9:29 AM
Jan 17, 2017 9:35 AM

Dec 2015
Jumoku district's food is huge xD I'd love to have some. As I thought, Nino was the one assigned to keep an eye for Jean. Good episode, can't complain.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Jan 17, 2017 9:38 AM

Jun 2016
Pretty Smooth... and clear ep. Exactly... totally pointed to the mature audience...

But man.. Definitely his friend are very suspicious now.. Such twist...!!

That Mushroom Headed Guy... Hahaha.. Too Bad living in pointless live just to get his rank demoted.. such waste..

The souvenirs are hella big.. where could i find as big as that.. xD
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Jan 17, 2017 9:44 AM

Feb 2015
Plot's getting more interesting now that Jean's friend is revealed to have been spying on him for decades.
I wonder if Jean truly doesn't suspect Nino or if its just an act...
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Jan 17, 2017 9:47 AM

Jun 2014
This episode had me falling asleep at some parts. Hopefully it gets more exciting soon. I'm interested in this coup though, and Nino being Crow was way too obvious, you could easily tell based on the silhouette when he was walking to the room with all the higher-ups.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jan 17, 2017 9:50 AM

Jul 2014
So they have Mario food that makes people big. Are we supposed to think that's a dream or is there magic in this world? Regardless I can't imagine any of it being relevant to the story.

So far we've gotten 1/2 an episode's worth of story in 2 episodes. Ugh.
Jan 17, 2017 10:19 AM

Jun 2015
What the hell is everybodys problem with Jean? They all seem to hate him for no reason whatsoever.
Jan 17, 2017 10:22 AM

Jul 2014
So are they or someone else trying to pin something on him? Why did he say he isn't rich, he's a landlord of the whole building right or just a unit?

Is he a undercover spy, that's why he keeps his job at the ACCA?
Jan 17, 2017 10:33 AM

Dec 2013
The good thing about this session that it has many seinen animes .
yes it's slow but really mature, and jazzy,it's rated low but that understandable,because it's far from the mainstream, We really need more of these animes, madhouse studio is just the best animes studio out there.
Jane doesn't seem to do anything with the coup détat so far, as everyone here I expected his friend Nino is the one watching him ,I think also that agent Rail will have big roll helping him later.
Love the huge juōku district foods I really want some ;)
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Jan 17, 2017 10:35 AM

Feb 2016
for today's episode, Tabaco simulator is still a bit interesting. Crow spying on him was predictable... as for the plot, i can't see where will this go from here...

TrashDax said:
What the hell is everybodys problem with Jean? They all seem to hate him for no reason whatsoever.

when a plot twist happens we might know... I guess... I don't know either why do they hate him that much, but there is gonna be something that they'll show us... I Hope
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Jan 17, 2017 10:42 AM

Dec 2014
Pretty interesting episode I guess. The episode does feel slow at times but it isn't bad. I hope all this build up pays off.

Anyways, I did not expect that Jean would be the major suspect for the coup.

Nino being Crow was definitely pretty obvious, though he has been watching Jean for quite a long time, 30 years. :o
Jan 17, 2017 10:44 AM

Oct 2014
You can't have a lot of talk if you can't make me care about what's happening and who's talking. This series is failing at it. Even Joker Game did it better.

I was almost falling asleep again, just like ep 1. I watched 110 episodes of LOGH, which was ALL DIALOGUES, but I can't stand this one here, sorry guys.

Beautiful art and the mood is well-done, but I can't like it.
Gonna watch just one more episode, then drop.
Jan 17, 2017 10:48 AM

Jan 2016
Jack_Corvus96 said:
for today's episode, Tabaco simulator is still a bit interesting. Crow spying on him was predictable... as for the plot, i can't see where will this go from here...

TrashDax said:
What the hell is everybodys problem with Jean? They all seem to hate him for no reason whatsoever.

when a plot twist happens we might know... I guess... I don't know either why do they hate him that much, but there is gonna be something that they'll show us... I Hope

ill take this, except the tobacco part is still a turn off for me (and it's not going away)

did he actually not make requests to transfer? or were they intercepted?!
Is he just a chill dude or getting suspected for a reason, gah

Jan 17, 2017 11:01 AM

Dec 2012
Z_Tetriminos said:
You can't have a lot of talk if you can't make me care about what's happening and who's talking. This series is failing at it. Even Joker Game did it better

Well, that's your opinion (obviously).
Personally, I'm enjoying this one a lot, while with Joker Game I found it boring and just dropped it.
Jan 17, 2017 11:01 AM
Aug 2014
I'm still really digging this anime ngl, world-building is my jam and I love slow burn animes. Crow being Nino was kind of expected but I feel as if that's something they wanted you to know early on in the episode.

I do like that everyone has this suspicion of Jean, it may turn out he is actually planning a Cou de tat but we're seeing a skewed perspective on it, or maybe he's being set up in a convoluted yet smart way. Their suspicions of Jean may come from the way he carries himself, or act, as we've seen he doesn't act very much like the other ACCA workers we have seen, and the fact he doesn't seem to have a deep fear(respect?) of the Council of 5.

All in all, as much as people may find this episode boring (hell, you'll find this anime boring if you don't like slow-burns) I enjoyed it.

Mauve most likely is going to inform him of something coup de tat related. We still don't know what that conversation was about with the man in the grey suit from the first episode. Hmm, suspicious.
Jan 17, 2017 11:02 AM

Jan 2014
1) To all the people saying Crow spying on him was predictable, it wasn't meant to be unpredictable in the first place. That wasn't the point/climax of the story. Like damn, do you all think you're Sherlock? Lol..

2) He was spying on him for 30 years? Wtf. They both look 30-ish at most! How old are they, exactly? Because 40 is kind of pushing it, and 50 is not even close.

3) I don't know, but there's something about this show that makes me think they keep giving out clues/hints to us. For example, the lighter. Also, the cigar he showed Crow at the restaurant. I feel like those were subtle cues/messages they were signaling to each other in case they were being watched, but I could be wrong. I theorize that Crow is actually on Jean's side and they both know it, it's all a part of the plan somehow.

Overall, I liked it. However, if my hunch was wrong I'll be kind of disappointed. If I'm wrong, I'm pretty sure Jean knows about his friend "spying" on him either way.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Jan 17, 2017 11:06 AM
Aug 2014
Zelev said:
1) To all the people saying Crow spying on him was predictable, it wasn't meant to be unpredictable in the first place. That wasn't the point/climax of the story. Like damn, do you all think you're Sherlock? Lol..

2) He was spying on him for 30 years? Wtf. They both look 30-ish at most! How old are they, exactly? Because 40 is kind of pushing it, and 50 is not even close.

3) I don't know, but there's something about this show that makes me think they keep giving out clues/hints to us. For example, the lighter. Also, the cigar he showed Crow at the restaurant. I feel like those were subtle cues/messages they were signaling to each other in case they were being watched, but I could be wrong. I theorize that Crow is actually on Jean's side and they both know it, it's all a part of the plan somehow.

Overall, I liked it. However, if my hunch was wrong I'll be kind of disappointed. If I'm wrong, I'm pretty sure Jean knows about his friend "spying" on him either way.

Thoroughly agreeing with you here. Point 2, the spying on him for 30 years, sounds like a bit of an exaggeration of Nino's part.

I do feel as if we're being dropped subtle clues and hints to what is going on here. Very miniscule things that probably come across as normal behaviour to us but different to the characters.
Jan 17, 2017 11:07 AM

Jul 2007
Whew, I fully expect more "boooooring" posts. I like that the show does not sacrifice coherence and proper pacing for sake of appeasing all the goldfishes.

The show continues to amaze me with deliberately methodical and even pacing and mature approach to storytelling.
The overall episode continues setting up plot threads for the ongoing political game the show hinted at in the first episode.

The starting segment essentially sets the tone and the theme of the episode up by bringing up the interesting idea that ACCA is less of a way to prevent bad things and more of a way to ensure the idea of "the country being peaceful". Essentially an organization that is far more important in as a way to keep up the citizen morale by creating the illusion of peace and safety, even if there is something bad going on behind the scenes. In a sense it segues nicely into the actual sequence of ongoing educational propaganda about ACCA after the OP too. The purpose of the ACCA that appears and the one that actually matters. A mask in a sense.

The episode is centered around the idea of dual purpose of things, of people. There's the appearance, and then there's what's behind it. Using that theme, the episode weaves sense of paranoia into everything it explores.

Its certainly interesting contradiction - ACCA is a symbol of peace, yet Jean's department exists for the reason of uncovering threats to that peace, which essentially creates a problem of sorts in terms of PR - how can you use ACCA as symbol of peace if one department exists specifically to bring to light things that threaten it?

The episode also establishes explanation on why cigarettes are luxury and as people already guessed it is due to high taxes placed upon it. That of course raises the question on WHY. Is there a deficit of tobacco overall in the country meaning government has to tax it as a luxury good to regulate? Or is the government just driving up their prices for whatever another ulterior motive to make it a luxury(like post-depression WW2 USA)? Yet again the theme of the meaning on the surface and deeper meaning.

There's also more details about Jean's character that deepens the mystery of what kind of ties he has. Getting cigarettes, a luxury good for free is weird in on itself, but then there's the way he so easily found out a huge amount of information about the stalker cop too and that he does seem to know know the right people for right things yet claims to have no connection. On the surface Jean looks like a privileged rich higher up government officer, but whats beyond that is a complete mystery. He claims he is not rich and just completely normal dude, but he is certainly efficient in dealing with threats targeting him. Likewise if we take from previous episode indication that it was Grossular who set off the stalker cop onto Jean it was most likely done to see how Jean handles such a threat before the whole meeting.

Likewise his sister looks nice and cute, but the interactions with the reporter that she and Jean knows hint at far more pragmatic side behind that pokerface.
Even the coup issue that Mauve brought up at the start of episode/end of previous one on the surface is made to be nothing but a rumor, but yet again there's something troubling deeper here as the executives admit in their talks.

The overall meeting between executives is also filled with theme of masks. There's ambiguity in what the goals are and whether they all play the same game. Are all five executives on the same side? Or is Grossular playing against the rest? Or is the rest of them playing against him?
The episode sufficiently and methodically builds up the mood of paranoia and ambiguity for everything that is going on so by the time the meeting happens and Grossular brings up the coup d'etat even the viewer is not exactly sure whether Jean is actually involved in something(due to mysteriousness of his character and Mauve's comment about Jean having smiled a the idea of her having to stop her audits) or whether Grossular is playing against Jean for whatever reason(most likely due to Jean possibly having stepped on his toes with his investigation last episode?). To enhance the feeling of paranoia and ambiguity from the moment of introduction of Crow, the show makes sure to have an additional background person dressed in black in both scenes of Jean and his Sister

As the episode progresses with Crow introduction and mystery, even Jean's reporter friend himself becomes untrustworthy and ambiguously suspicious. The phone business, the convenient disappearance of surveilance once Jean told him about it, etc. Everything makes him a suspect even before the eventual reveal of him being Crow. Of course Crow believes he has never been noticed by Jean, yet there's certain ambiguity to even that. The viewer is left wondering whether Jean is unsuspecting and truly innocent or if he is playing Crow.

By the end of this episode, with the convenience of Mauve's appearance and situation they met, there's essentially 0 people that can be trusted to truly be who they say they are.

Overall this continues to easily be THE best show of the season with Rakugo S2 coming close second.
AhenshihaelJan 17, 2017 11:33 AM
Jan 17, 2017 11:08 AM

Feb 2015
I'm enjoying this pace but if the anime needs it, it would go faster. I like the characters and how they are being introduced little by little, like inmersing us into the world.
Jan 17, 2017 11:10 AM

Apr 2014
Gah what a snoozefest. One more episode before I drop this but still, it's such a shame because I really like the character designs.
Jan 17, 2017 11:18 AM

Jan 2012
I liked this episode more than the first one, the previous was just boring, this is also slow-paced, but it has something that makes it interesting to watch.
However, I hope for a major plot twist - I have a few ideas how the storyline may go and I will be really, really disappointed if this show doesn't suprise me at any moment :/
Also enjoying character development.
Jan 17, 2017 11:18 AM

Jan 2014
Fai said:
Whew, I fully expect more "boooooring" posts. I like that the show does not sacrifice coherence and proper pacing for sake of appeasing all the goldfishes.

The show continues to amaze me with deliberately methodical and even pacing and mature approach to storytelling.
The overall episode continues setting up plot threads for the ongoing political game the show hinted at in the first episode.

The starting segment essentially sets the tone and the theme of the episode up by bringing up the interesting idea that ACCA is less of a way to prevent bad things and more of a way to ensure the idea of "the country being peaceful". Essentially an organization that is far more important in as a way to keep up the citizen morale by creating the illusion of peace and safety, even if there is something bad going on behind the scenes. In a sense it segues nicely into the actual sequence of ongoing educational propaganda about ACCA after the OP too. The purpose of the ACCA that appears and the one that actually matters. A mask in a sense.

The episode is centered around the idea of dual purpose of things, of people. There's the appearance, and then there's what's behind it. Using that theme, the episode weaves sense of paranoia into everything it explores.

Its certainly interesting contradiction - ACCA is a symbol of peace, yet Jean's department exists for the reason of uncovering threats to that peace, which essentially creates a problem of sorts in terms of PR - how can you use ACCA as symbol of peace if one department exists specifically to bring to light things that threaten it?

The episode also establishes explanation on why cigarettes are luxury and as people already guessed it is due to high taxes placed upon it. That of course raises the question on WHY. Is there a deficit of tobacco overall in the country meaning government has to tax it as a luxury good to regulate? Or is the government just driving up their prices for whatever another ulterior motive to make it a luxury(like post-depression WW2 USA)? Yet again the theme of the meaning on the surface and deeper meaning.

There's also more details about Jean's character that deepens the mystery of what kind of ties he has. Getting cigarettes, a luxury good for free is weird in on itself, but then there's the way he so easily found out a huge amount of information about the stalker cop too and that he does seem to know know the right people for right things yet claims to have no connection. On the surface Jean looks like a privileged rich higher up government officer, but whats beyond that is a complete mystery. He claims he is not rich and just completely normal dude, but he is certainly efficient in dealing with threats targeting him.

Likewise his sister looks nice and cute, but the interactions with the reporter that she and Jean knows hint at far more pragmatic side behind that pokerface.

Likewise, the coup issue that Mauve brought up at the start of episode/end of previous one on the surface is made to be nothing but a rumor, but yet again there's something troubling deeper here as the executives admit in their talks.

The overall meeting between executives is also filled with theme of masks. There's ambiguity in what the goals are and whether they all play the same game. Are all five executives on the same side? Or is Grossular playing against the rest? Or is the rest of them playing against him?
The episode sufficiently and methodically builds up the mood of paranoia and ambiguity for everything that is going on so by the time the meeting happens and Grossular brings up the coup d'etat even the viewer is not exactly sure whether Jean is actually involved in something(due to mysteriousness of his character and Mauve's comment about Jean having smiled a the idea of her having to stop her audits) or whether Grossular is playing against Jean for whatever reason(most likely due to Jean possibly having stepped on his toes with his investigation last episode?).

To enhance the feeling of paranoia and ambiguity from the moment of introduction of Crow, the show makes sure to have an additional background person dressed in black in both scenes of Jean and his Sister

Likewise with what is said in the episode even Jean's reporter friend himself becomes untrustworthy and ambiguously suspicious. The phone business, the convenient disappearance of surveilance once Jean told him about it, etc. Everything makes him a suspect even before the eventual reveal of him being Crow.

By the end of this episode, with the convenience of Mauve's appearance and situation they met, there's essentially 0 people that can be trusted to truly be who they say they are.

Overall this continues to easily be THE best show of the season with Rakugo S2 coming close second.

So true! Nice analysis. And yeah at the beginning of the episode the first thing I said to myself was "sounds like propaganda." xD

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Jan 17, 2017 11:23 AM

Jun 2015
Nice to learn more about ACCA. Figured Niino is the spy. But I was surprised when he's been watching Jean for 30 years. That is so long. The food is so big in Jumoku District.
Jan 17, 2017 11:24 AM
Aug 2014
Fai said:
Mauve's comment about Jean having smiled a the idea of her having to stop her audits

When I read this point, I decided to look back at the episode, and to the scene where that is said. Right after we see that, we get a brief look at Mauve from Jean's perspective, from his eyeballs. There's a split second before she makes comment about the smile.

Maybe I'm catching onto a useless detail, but I thought I'd draw this to light.
Jan 17, 2017 11:43 AM

Oct 2007
Fai said:
Overall this continues to easily be THE best show of the season with Rakugo S2 coming close second.

Agreed, and thank you for the great post in general.
Jan 17, 2017 11:45 AM

Feb 2016
I'm really loving this. nice episode
Jan 17, 2017 11:48 AM

Sep 2016
this dude talks and sounds too much like mikazuki

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jan 17, 2017 12:11 PM

Jan 2016
Better pacing and better generally than the first episode, in my opinion.
Is this a Gourmet anime now?
I wasn't really bored by this episode at all, if anything it just made me hungry, haha.
Jan 17, 2017 12:16 PM
Mar 2016
Geeeez, I wonder what those 5 District Cheif asshole have against Jean, that they suspect him of plotting a coup,? So, if Nino is spying on Jean, does he know it as well?
Jan 17, 2017 12:33 PM

Oct 2015
Could somebody please please tell me who directed the opening?
Jan 17, 2017 12:42 PM

Jun 2013
another slow world building episode
Jan 17, 2017 1:19 PM

Oct 2012
YabviMash said:
Zelev said:
1) To all the people saying Crow spying on him was predictable, it wasn't meant to be unpredictable in the first place. That wasn't the point/climax of the story. Like damn, do you all think you're Sherlock? Lol..

2) He was spying on him for 30 years? Wtf. They both look 30-ish at most! How old are they, exactly? Because 40 is kind of pushing it, and 50 is not even close.

3) I don't know, but there's something about this show that makes me think they keep giving out clues/hints to us. For example, the lighter. Also, the cigar he showed Crow at the restaurant. I feel like those were subtle cues/messages they were signaling to each other in case they were being watched, but I could be wrong. I theorize that Crow is actually on Jean's side and they both know it, it's all a part of the plan somehow.

Overall, I liked it. However, if my hunch was wrong I'll be kind of disappointed. If I'm wrong, I'm pretty sure Jean knows about his friend "spying" on him either way.

Thoroughly agreeing with you here. Point 2, the spying on him for 30 years, sounds like a bit of an exaggeration of Nino's part.

I do feel as if we're being dropped subtle clues and hints to what is going on here. Very miniscule things that probably come across as normal behaviour to us but different to the characters.
Not sure if the 30 years thing is an exaggeration or not but I'll take it as such for now because otherwise I'd be racking my brain trying to figure out how old they are and why he said that :/

Point 3 is definitely interesting, it does make sense considering some of the stuff they've done and I'd be really amazed if the anime could pull that off. Though I think we all agree that whether or not point 3 is true or not, Jean is already aware of Crow.

@Fai That was an awesome analysis. You caught on to so many things that escaped me, thank you!
gust11Jan 17, 2017 1:29 PM
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki Houtarou
Jan 17, 2017 1:34 PM

Dec 2008
If Nino's been watching Jean for 30 years, then how fucking old are they?!

I sincerely hope that Nino's been watching Jean and acting as his guardian angel and not anything malicious. However, there's something about Jean that tells me that he's already in the know about what's going on around him and in the shadows.

Jean's playing Chess, while everyone else is playing Checkers, and he's already 10 steps ahead in the game.
Jan 17, 2017 1:48 PM

May 2015
This show still feels pretty slow. Not that I have a problem with it, but I do hope they will pick it up just a little bit.

Jan 17, 2017 1:51 PM

Apr 2014
magical-penguin said:
Could somebody please please tell me who directed the opening?

Shinto Natsume. The same person who's directing this show.
Jan 17, 2017 1:53 PM

Sep 2014
More terrible exposition in the beginning but the rest was decent enough. The pacing seemed a bit off - too many jump cuts. I still liked it though. And the soundtrack is amazing, holy hell.

Reverberate said:
This show still feels pretty slow. Not that I have a problem with it, but I do hope they will pick it up just a little bit.

Funny, I thought it felt kind of rushed.
Jan 17, 2017 1:59 PM

Dec 2016
Jean got to Rail first, not bad. Now Rail will probably try and suck up to him so he can get close to his sister.

I think Epic Meal Time would love to visit Bass Wood one day.

I like the suspense, I don't know who's friend of foe.
Jan 17, 2017 2:15 PM

May 2014
I wanted to like this, but it's so damn boring!

The lack of creativity in presenting information is frustrating...there are so many anime that rely on speech and conversations as a driving force and they aren't nearly as bland as ACCA.

The annoying thing is that aesthetically, the series is anything but bland (the irony is sad)- the opening is my favorite of the season, the character designs, animation and color palette are awesome but just feel completely wasted on this anime.

Even if it does turn out to be a slow burn more than one cour, that's no excuse for a crap start.
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Jan 17, 2017 2:28 PM

Jul 2011
Fai said:

You. I like you.

Also regarding the 30 years part, I honestly took that as Nino has been spying on Jean since birth or toddlerhood. They've been friends since high school 15 years ago - and the age for high school is around 15-18. In that regard, Jean's been under watch since the beginning of his life? Nino may have only approached him in high school, deciding that it would be easier to watch him in the future as an adult (excuse of being friends). Though we don't really know the true nature of Jean, so maybe he's aware of Nino's role and has been feeding him information all these years as well. :O
Jan 17, 2017 2:43 PM

Dec 2015
Better than episode 1. Liked the guy from the other department how he thought Jean's sister was cute. And the sister doesn't seem to have a boyfriend and the other friend of Jean and his sister seems to have kids already.

There might be something happening with the sister and that guy from the other department.

And he might become Jeans ally later while Nino will be an enemy. I expected it to be Nino before they called him when they talked about an undercover agent.

The only thing I'm not sure about: Is Grossular planning something and trying to get the attention to Jean to distract others from his own plans? Or is Jean really planning something and the anime isn't showing this to the viewers (to give some interesting twists and reveals later).

At the moment it really seems more like Jean is planning something. Grossular wouldn't have used Jeans friend as spy if he was planning something himself. (Nino would probably figure it out too fast if Jean didn't plan something.) And there is this conversation where they talked about Jean not liking it in the department ... but still he isn't leaving.

I guess he is using his position to help others (instead of reporting stuff he notices while inspecting he helps covering up). And the woman (general director Mauve or whatever she was called) ... she might help. She also was on inspections and he seems to be friendly with her. (Or he just might start bribing her with cake ha ha.)

Pacing at the beginning seemed slow/boring but after like 10 minutes I started to like it and thought it got interesting. Hopefully the next episode will keep it up.
Jan 17, 2017 2:43 PM

May 2009
More interesting than first episode. I'm guessing that Jean is somehow related to monarch of Dowa. Nino was obviously his supervisor since childhood. Animation was kinda wonky in few moments due to whole episode being outsourced by Madhouse-owned Korean studio DR MOVIE.
Jan 17, 2017 2:46 PM

Sep 2013
The plot is starting to unfold. Really good episode, following the last one's cliffhanger and build up.
Jan 17, 2017 2:51 PM

Dec 2014
Holy, this is getting pretty interesting!
I really like this anime so far.
Jan 17, 2017 3:09 PM

Apr 2007
i'm really liking this series!
though it was obvious that crow was Niino, it wasn't that disappointing for me.
i'm starting to get curious about why they keep on suspecting Jean though. i wonder if something happened in his past or something that makes them think like that.
Jan 17, 2017 3:17 PM

May 2016
So, about the age thing. Jean himself confirmed that they met in High School (15 y.o.) and it has been about 15 years since that time.

Nino might have meant that he had been watching over Jean his whole life (30 years). That is the only explanation I can think of. Maybe there was a mistranslation in the subs.

Interestingly, it has been brought up twice that Jean dislikes his job but does not quit and we still do not know the reason.

I also wonder whether Jean actually submitted transfer requests or somebody corrupted the documents.

Zelev said:
3) I don't know, but there's something about this show that makes me think they keep giving out clues/hints to us. For example, the lighter. Also, the cigar he showed Crow at the restaurant. I feel like those were subtle cues/messages they were signaling to each other in case they were being watched, but I could be wrong. I theorize that Crow is actually on Jean's side and they both know it, it's all a part of the plan somehow.

About the lighter. If you meant the moment when Jean held it up in his hand greeting Nino, I think he just showed that he finally seized it (thanks to Nino's investigation).
About the new brand cigarette. For me, it was just a simple gesture. Though I have a wild theory about some shady things in the Jumoku District:
- The breakfast thing, the luxurious room and a new brand cigarette could be a means to endear Jean towards the District. Even the Branch Director tells Jean to ask him (directly) if he has any problems.
- The main systems conveniently went down the day Jean arrived and remained so for a while which could be a delaying tactics in order to cover up the traces of any misconduct.

I find the relationship between Jean and Nino intriguing. Why does Jean turn to
a so-called simple journalist to investigate the lighter case or the surveillance matter? :)
Jan 17, 2017 3:23 PM
Jul 2018
Only the atmosphere where the officers sit around the table and dabate is interesting. So far, it fails to make me care for what's happening.

This feels more like Bungou Stray Dogs but without supernatural more than everyone else comparing this to JGA.
removed-userJan 18, 2017 2:55 PM
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Feb 15, 4:47 PM

Poll: » ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka Episode 4 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Jan 31, 2017

76 by MidnightStar5 »»
Dec 28, 2024 9:57 PM

Poll: » ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka Episode 1 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

Stark700 - Jan 10, 2017

201 by MidnightStar5 »»
Dec 28, 2024 8:13 PM

Poll: » ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka Episode 11 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Mar 21, 2017

54 by Sun_Chan »»
Sep 14, 2024 4:11 PM

Poll: » ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka Episode 10 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Mar 14, 2017

52 by Sun_Chan »»
Sep 14, 2024 3:42 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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