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Feb 19, 2015 6:54 AM

Nov 2011
Mm, a good amount of screentime for Yano this episode.

A slow but meaningful episode with the references. And mm, that food just makes me drool this episode. This show really knows its cooking gimmicks. Oh and I'm finding the mascots of the show to get even more creative with all the animals. Adorable, especially that ED song this episode <3 lovely.
Feb 19, 2015 8:33 AM
Mar 2013
So, Marukawa was good at cooking when he was a young product coordinator. The young Sugie allowed to re-design the mother of Andes Chucky because she agreed with Marukawa's idea, who used to draw the in-between pictures of Chucky those days... I mean it is now Mrs Sugie.
And, the conversation in the cave... fantastic.
I have a feeling that I witnessed a very precious piece of the anime history and legend.
htsujiFeb 19, 2015 8:57 AM
Feb 19, 2015 8:34 AM

Oct 2012

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While glancing at the closing credits, I started to suspect that, for this episode,
they might have brought in some offshore animation studios that are still using
the pre-digital animation processes. Thinking about it, it would be an enormous
effort to use post-2000 digital production techniques to "fake" pre-2000 cell-based
animation. I doubt that there is any animation studio in all of Japan that still does
it the old way. Studio Suu is clearly in Vietnam, based on the names of their staff.

- - - - - - - - -

Looking very closely, that still image above shows that the lyrics for the "Andes
Chucky" song (山はりねずみアンデスチャッキー) were written by Mizushima himself!

Here is the full 91-second version:
Short 48-second version from 2014:
okanaganFeb 19, 2015 8:55 AM
Feb 19, 2015 8:39 AM

Oct 2012
htsuji said:
So, Marukawa was good at cooking when he was a young product coordinator.

Yeah. That was unexpected!

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okanaganFeb 20, 2015 2:08 AM
Feb 19, 2015 9:03 AM

Jan 2012
That look into the past was wonderful. The power of Andes Chucky! :D
Feb 19, 2015 9:19 AM

Jun 2012
The thing I admire the most about Shirobako is how much reverence the show gives to the old days yet doesn't relish in it.
Feb 19, 2015 9:25 AM
Mar 2014
Really nice episode.. and ED. God. Looks like Mizushima's putting the profits to good use. Is the episode director a parody of someone?
vegetablespiritFeb 19, 2015 9:30 AM
Feb 19, 2015 9:25 AM

Aug 2013
I'm so glad that I'm watching it.
Every episode passes like 1 minute.
Feb 19, 2015 9:27 AM
Jun 2012
The focus was on the past ways of doing things, and while that is interesting too, I don't think they did a good job of integrating it in the story. The shift of focus felt very artificial. I think it would have been better to have an episode like this content in an episode taking place between projects, which would have put it closer to the episode where they animated the horses too.
Feb 19, 2015 9:37 AM
Mar 2014
Helpme said:
The focus was on the past ways of doing things, and while that is interesting too, I don't think they did a good job of integrating it in the story. The shift of focus felt very artificial. I think it would have been better to have an episode like this content in an episode taking place between projects, which would have put it closer to the episode where they animated the horses too.

If you think it's out of place, you probably didn't understand the message behind it. Miyamori was completely lost at the beginning of the episode and about to break down. This is her first production desk job, and with all the effort she puts into it, is it really worth it? When she visits the old Musani and sees the worn, damaged walls and fading cels, she realizes that the stress and hard work are all part of the job. People want to do what they love, and her collecting the backgrounds shows she feels the same way. It's the only natural, logical resolution to the conflict I can think of.
vegetablespiritFeb 19, 2015 3:26 PM
Feb 19, 2015 9:49 AM

Mar 2014
Amazing episode, probably the best so far, I just love the storytelling in this show, they are just so free about it, it's really engaging.
And Miyamori reactions are just spot on, mine aren't usually far from hers, just like at the end of the Chucky segment, the visuals felt really nostalgic and the music was just great, the message itself was really simple but it was executed so well I couldn't help but get emotional as well.

Even amongst all the chaos Shirobako still manages to pull off an episode like this and I've nothing but respect for it, just wonderful.
Feb 19, 2015 10:09 AM

Oct 2012
A really amazing episode, they mixed both old and new animations style, even though it was slow this is the episode I liked the most.
Miyamori is a newbie at production desk job, interesting how she tries to overcome the stress, sometimes with help from her coworkers too. The visit to the old Musani was a really interesting one, they animated the past scenes with a more classic style, I'm not really sure if that's a work from P.A or they got external help.
Lancehot said:
I think Miyamori is progressing towards a complete mental breakdown by the end of this series. her hallucinations are occurring with increasing frequency & variety.

That's true, she's hallucinating way to much, even though the anime shows that as an usual thing.
I'm learning English so maybe I make mistakes :)
Feb 19, 2015 10:53 AM

Jul 2014
Wonderful episode. I really liked this one, and it's probably one of my favorites so far, if not the best.

I really like how they showed Miyamori struggle to 'keep it together.' I like how it's handled. The trip to the old studio was great, i liked how how seeing Chucky and how people would struggle during the cel period helped Miyamori get back up again. I also loved the scene where she looks at Aria's home background only to start crying a bit, damn that was beautiful.

Also, Yano is back. I kinda missed her. Nice to see her having a bit more screen time to make up for her disappearance so far.

Anyway, Great episode.
Feb 19, 2015 11:31 AM

Apr 2010
Think the two words that can best describe this episode is great episode.
It was really nice the see the older characters in their younger days working on a classic in the making.
And it was also nice to see some of the old ways of making anime even if it was just a little it was nice to look at.

Seems Yano knows how to deal with people.
The way she handled things was funny.
Feb 19, 2015 12:05 PM

Aug 2010
Nice ep. Aoi's faces when Yano told her about not sleeping were so lol XD

Dem Suppai faces XD

Interesting conversation between Yano and Hiraoka. And about Aoi especially :3 Really missed Yano. She's awesome ^^ And the way she knows her way in life is amazing :)

Damn Okura changed quite a lot XD But damn that background at the end was so beautiful :O
Feb 19, 2015 12:18 PM

Jul 2010
This really was heartwarming!

Totally didn't expect Marukawa to look like that when he was young. Showing Aoi the old studio with the two almost as if they were reliving the past! It really is amazing how each person stuck with this line of work because of the immense enjoyment they get from working there.

Marukawa is really quite the wonderful and amazing person.

Ema wanting to draw that expression.

Yano knows that even if a person is late, they don't want it to be more than a hour xD

Felt like that this episode was really focused on similarities and differences, and that the two aren't all that different after all. Sort of this "something" being the foundation of a given context. Yano and Hiraoko gets along pretty well yet the two diverges in a major view!

Great episode, still can't seem to remember that this airs in Thursdays...
FatefulLoveFeb 19, 2015 12:25 PM
Feb 19, 2015 12:34 PM

Jul 2013
Love having Yano back <3
Found the conversation b/n Hiraoka and Yano to be rather interesting.
Ema wanting to draw that expression.. looks real funny lol.

This episode went by rather quickly o_o
Feb 19, 2015 12:47 PM
Dec 2013
This episodewas so beautiful and emotional that I'm still crying omg.
Feb 19, 2015 12:51 PM

Feb 2014
Probably the best episode yet of Shirobako. It's great to have Yano back and her ways of dealing with situations prove to be very amusing, yet very effective as well.

Yano's interactions with Daisuke seems interesting, knowing about his habit of switching jobs so often. Looking at the PV for the next episode, Daisuke looks pretty frustrated, so who knows if Yano is causing him to snap or someone else has.

Miyamori's trip to Musashi Pictures was brilliant. Although used for storage, the old studio looks to be frozen in time looking at the condition of the insides of the building. Miyamori's hallucination gave us a good insight at what it was like for Marukawa (epic hair BTW) back in his youth, working all day & night producing anime. Like Miyamori, seeing her reaction after watching the Andes Chucky clip got me pretty emotional too. T_T

Ookura's background art looks stunning. I hope he can make more beautiful background art for Musashino in the future. =D

Lastly, the sour grape facial reactions were hilarious! XD
Feb 19, 2015 1:05 PM
Jul 2018
Yano is back to her business!

Nice to see the past of a studio!
Feb 19, 2015 1:25 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I demand an episode of Andes Chucky as a BD set exclusive.

Another solid episode from Shirobako. I wonder when things with Daisuke finally will come to a head. He has such a negative attitude towards the work. The contrast between him and Miyamori was quite deliberate. He simply doesn't love the work like some of the others do.
FarabeufFeb 19, 2015 1:41 PM
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Feb 19, 2015 1:34 PM

Apr 2013
Haha that face

A nice episode as always. Miyamori cries so easily :)
Feb 19, 2015 1:36 PM

Jun 2013
Getting to know the history of how older anime was made was great! And Yano's comeback and bringing people together is what I love to see from support characters like her :D
Feb 19, 2015 1:37 PM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Yano just returned and she's already taking charges. Managed to get Iketani to direct episode 5 quite easily!
Looks like she and Hiraoka were acquaintances before. Their preferences are complete opposite, yet they seem to be getting along just fine.

Miyamori's got a nice overview of the old studio this episode. The president picked the right spot for a change in the mood.

Ookura's illustrations at the end were beautiful; enough to make Miyamori emotional. Too bad, she refused his offer of crying in his shoulder. XD

Good episode. That "Andes Chucky" ending was great. Pretty catchy song!

Feb 19, 2015 1:50 PM

May 2013
Shipping Miyamori x Yano all of a sudden. Btw, I read a Ema x that shy girl NSFW doujin this week. Forever scarred.

LOL Ema xD

There you go, indirect confession from Yano to Miyamori <3333333 I'll take what I can get.

Damn, animation was a real pain back then.. well it still is haha.

Nice episode, lots of good feelings.
Feb 19, 2015 2:02 PM

Jul 2013
That was quite the feels watching that flashback. Shirobako always delivers! Can't wait for next week!
Feb 19, 2015 2:41 PM

Jul 2014
Possibly one of the best episodes. It was wonderful from start to finish. Looks like Yano-san is back for good and the sour faces were just endearing. Most of all, I appreciate how they went out of the way to include some insight on Musashino Pictures and the production on Andes Chucky. It would be impressive to find out they actually used cel animation for this weeks ED, but I wouldn't buy that given that digital animation is the go-to these days as the former is just dead (RIP).
Why do people have such bad taste? Anime isn't subjective anymore.
Feb 19, 2015 2:48 PM

Jan 2013
Nice look at the past.

Lancehot said:
I think Miyamori is progressing towards a complete mental breakdown by the end of this series. her hallucinations are occurring with increasing frequency & variety.

Even though you're right, I laughed x)
Feb 19, 2015 3:18 PM

Jan 2013
It was nice to see Yano back again and helping Miyamori out.
The visit to the old Musashino studio was nostalgic, as well as the ending song. Really beautiful.

Feb 19, 2015 3:47 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
HybridMBL said:
The thing I admire the most about Shirobako is how much reverence the show gives to the old days yet doesn't relish in it.

Agreed! And it's nice that they talked abut cel animation, especially since not all anime watchers know about it, especially those who may have not seen older anime. The ending looks like they used traditional animation for, but that sounds like a lot of effort. Could possibly be a really good imitation of what cel animation looks like, or it could really be cel animation which I would really praise the anime for showing. Andes Chucky looks like it would be one of those kid's show that I would've enjoyed back in the days. The song was catchy and the characters, especially Chucky, are adorable!

Yano too awesome. I love her professionalism and her chill personality. I mean after her talk with Hiraoka in the car, it's even more obvious how long she's been with animation production. Interesting that she knew Hiraoka, but not too entirely surprising since being in the industry means you'll know a lot of people and will see them again. Like how she was able to get the episode director. But seriously, love how she just went to Titanic, sat at an empty space and immediately started working. Amazing. I wish I could do a job where I am motivated lol.

Also, some funny scenes with Ema making Aoi and Midori try the pickled plums and telling them to do it again XD
Feb 19, 2015 4:03 PM
Nov 2010
That where Ema forced herself to eat the plums was so hilarious, I laughed so hard. Was so funny and cute when she got caught and turned red. xD

I really loved the look back into the past in cel-animation. It was the newest thing when I was watching my Cartoons. I found that cave scene also very nostalgic.

Miyamori brings so much energy to the show. =) I love watching her ups and downs.
Feb 19, 2015 4:30 PM

Jun 2014
I enjoyed everything about this episode. Ema's plum face, Yano-senpai, the old studio, Andes Chucky :D

The only thing that pissed me off is that b*stard Hiraoka. Dissing my girl Oi-chan. I wanna punch his face in >_<
Feb 19, 2015 5:18 PM
Nov 2013
This was such a great episode! I loved the Musashi Pictures flashback, Andes Chucky seems like a lot of fun and I did not expect Murakawa to look like that lol.

Yano's return has helped Musani immensely. Everything looks like it's getting back on track!
Feb 19, 2015 5:51 PM

Jun 2013
The face that Ema made when she ate the sour plum was funny enough, but I lost it when Ai came by and uttered a single "OOH"

It was eye-opening to see Yano and Hiraoka's conversation about Miyamori because I understand that not everyone likes the gung-ho visionaries like Miyamori. To us she seems admirable but to veterans she's just someone who hasn't been in the industry long enough to be jaded with all the bullshit production assistants have to go through.

Besides that, such an amazing episode that both showed us how animations were done in the past and how the visit to Mushashi Pictures developed Miyamori.

With only about 5 episodes, though, are we just not going to have any real development for Ri-chan, Mi-chan and Zuka-chan? =/
Feb 19, 2015 6:09 PM
Nov 2013
Just great as always. This is one of the most underrated shows I've seen in a while now. Dunno what would make someone give it a 7 and below. I might give it a 9 by the end of it.
Feb 19, 2015 6:11 PM

Dec 2014
If you have watched enough, you would know which anime has a soul in it, (Staring at Cross Ange, Kancolle, Heroine, World Break, Death Parade and iDOLM@ASTER) and appreciate the effort people behind them put into it even though the final product may not always be pretty. It's that little self-respect and thoughtfulness for your audience I always looking for even before story, art and sound in anime, or anything in general. Shirobako is not sophisticated or realistic in any means, it's sugar-coated and simple-minded but it always stay true to itself and has a distinct identity, it does what P.A. Works does best, and I always love the studio for that(except Glasslip and RDG).
Feb 19, 2015 7:30 PM

Jul 2011
HybridMBL said:
The thing I admire the most about Shirobako is how much reverence the show gives to the old days yet doesn't relish in it.

It's beautiful. This show is beautiful. And everything is tying together nicely.

The flashback was well-timed and very unexpected. Rather than lost in sentiment, they decided to show a short scene. That was great.

And that ED! Looks authentic to me (minor movements are off, etc), so I'll believe okanagan's word on this. Makes sense too. It felt like a bonus, so I was really pleased. ^^
Feb 19, 2015 7:42 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
Interesting seeing Aoi have some type of flashback scene as to how anime was made a few years back. It went from being painted, to hand drawn, and now digitally made.

The sour grapes lol
For a second I thought they were habañeros xD

Daisuke is pretty annoying. Why apply for a job if they don't like it in the first place. I'd rather see Zuka there than Daisuke.

Feb 19, 2015 7:53 PM

Oct 2014
Great episode as usual. It was nice to see how things have changed over time. The flashback felt familiar, yet different at the same time. It really shows how even though the technology has changed, the way that anime is produced has been pretty consistent.

Also, I wonder what those sour grapes taste like. They can't be THAT bad can they?
Feb 19, 2015 8:21 PM

Apr 2008
I think those are Umeboshi... (Japanese pickled plums) Rii-chan mentions how she'd rather eat an ume-bento. The flavor of umeboshi is so strong that usually it's eaten with rice. Cheap bento or homemade when you run out of groceries can sometimes just consist of umeboshi and rice (have done this myself when I lived in Japan)
Feb 19, 2015 9:08 PM

Apr 2013
You can cry on my shoulder too Aoi. :D

Feb 19, 2015 9:56 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
MegaShadowFist said:
Also, I wonder what those sour grapes taste like. They can't be THAT bad can they?

Coming from someone who LOVES sour stuff, pickled plum (umeboshi) is incredibly sour. I think most people won't eat that by itself lol. I eat one and my mouth just keeps salivating...tmi I guess but there's no way I can describe how sour it is. Click here for extra info XD
Feb 19, 2015 10:07 PM

Aug 2013
This episode was fantastic. Just about every second of it had something enjoyable in it.

Yano-san comes back. With a fucking vengeance. She comes in, takes control, gets shit done, get Tarou to shut his mouth just by being in the same room. Absolutely reks Hiroaka and shits on Studio Titanic's laziness. And on top of that manages to bring the hermit episode director in like a boss.

Yano best damn girl.

Tsubaki's line to Tarou: "you never say anything useful, do you?" I don't think truer words have ever been spoken in anime history. I will never forget that moment.

The second half with the old studio and the flashbacks was actually pretty feelsy. Did a good job of emphasizing on all that emotion. Same thing with the finished background by Ookura. Especially after seeing him 40 years ago in the old studio.

Fucking 5 more episodes left to make Zuka-chan relevant to the story. I will absolutely throw a fucking fit if they don't give her any importance as a main character.
Feb 19, 2015 10:14 PM

Jun 2013
A good show is one that can make me tear up with simple things. Shirobako is one such show. The scene at the old Musashino Pictures office was great, as was Aoi's conversation with Ookura at the end. Seeing Yano back in action was wonderful as well.

Also, Ema is still making me hnnnggghhh
Feb 20, 2015 1:35 AM

Jul 2013
Fantastic episode!!

From those sour faces to the flashback and then the Chucky ending song. Everything was just perfect.. I even teared up with Miyamori, you just can't help but feel with that girl.

Sugie-san was rather hip on his youth and there was his future wife too. Maybe someday Miyamori can have her own animation studio like president Murakawa too!
Feb 20, 2015 1:58 AM

Oct 2012

In case the above image fails to display properly, or for much higher resolution, please click on the link below:
Feb 20, 2015 2:01 AM

Apr 2008
lol yano being the lil. big boss of musani =P

aoi-chan cute as ever XD

that ending BG <3
Feb 20, 2015 2:36 AM

Jun 2013
I know I keep saying this but this is the best episode yet! Blast to the past, that was beautiful.

Yano has great work ethics. Those were some great sour faces haha and beautifully drawn backgrounds.

If Tarou and Hiraoka had a child it would be an asshole retard useless douchebag

I hope there is no Hiraoka x Yano
Feb 20, 2015 3:48 AM

Oct 2011
Another week of "All is quiet on the Zuka front"... :(
Feb 20, 2015 3:49 AM
Mar 2013
"Once upon a time, there was an exhausted young production coordinator working for a certain anime studio. One day, the president took him to an old warehouse that used to be fulled with animators and the other coworkers there. Slowly walking around there, he found something and wondered what it was. The president said to him,
'Well, those days they were indispensable to make animes, which were physical devises to store and carry movies with optical equipments. Haven't you heard of DVD-R, BD-R or such? Maybe their coloring matter to record the digital video signal is decomposed already and possibly we cannot play these disks anymore... But you know, they are still there and never disappear.'
And then, she found an old director loafing near the building and yelled, "Hey Tato! What are you doing here? You should learn to work already!' He made a sulked look on his face and answered back, 'Gimme a break, Miyamori!' --- It was someday in around 2055, at Musashino city, Tokyo."
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